Born Sinner

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Born Sinner Page 8

by Glenna Maynard

  The officers leave the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts…my emotions.

  Moments later they return. “Just one more question Opal,” the other policemen says. I never can remember his name. Officer Lawrence, I believe. “What’s your involvement with Trigger Jennings and the Born Sinners Motorcycle Club?”

  “He’s mine,” is all the answer I provide.

  “What’s that mean Opal?” Officer Wayne presses.

  “Exactly how it sounds. Can I take my notebooks and go?”

  “You can go, but the notebooks stay for now. As I told you before, don’t leave town Opal. The Reverend’s cause of death isn’t official yet.”

  Knowing I shouldn’t doesn’t stop me from saying the next words that fly out of my mouth. “You know, I wish I’d killed him. He deserved to die. I would’ve loved to make him pay for what he did to me, but he robbed me of that. If I wanted to truly kill him, I would have done it a long time ago, and I sure as fuck wouldn’t ask someone else to do it for me.”

  The bewildered expressions on their face almost makes wasting the past three hours worth it.

  In the lobby, Trigger and Rhonda Jean are waiting for me.

  My best friend is the first to hug me. “Are you okay Opal?”

  “I’m fine Rhonda Jean. Go on home. You know your momma will flip her lid if word gets around you were involved in any of this.”

  “If you need me call me, Okay?”

  I nod with only one thing on my mind. Getting out of here and back home with Trig, so we can put the Rev and his death behind us and move on with our lives.

  I want to close that chapter of my life and move forward.

  Outside of the station, some of my father’s most devoted followers are waiting. As soon as my feet hit the sidewalk, they are throwing things at me, calling me a whore and a murderer. There’s that southern hospitality, that’s so renowned. I snort.

  Trigger is yelling back at them as we fight our way to his motorcycle. A deputy has to come out and stand between the lunatics and Trig’s bike so we can get the hell out of here.

  “Don’t think it’d be smart to stay at the house tonight. Need to head over to the clubhouse anyway,” Trig says gruffly over his shoulder.

  I don’t care where we go as long as it’s someplace away from here, and I’m with him. Trig is all I need to get by, him and maybe a shower. Another beer might not hurt either.


  Pulling up to the clubhouse a party is in full swing. It’s the weekend and everyone needs to unwind after the shit show today turned into. After parking, I take Opal inside to give her a little taste of walking on the wild side with my club. The stereo system is thumping. Women are dancing, shaking their asses showing off their tits.

  If Opal is offended she isn’t showing it. In fact, my girl goes straight for the damn bar and has the prospect grab her a beer. There’s my girl already fitting in. Before, I wasn’t too sure I wanted Opal drinking, but if she’s gonna be with me she might as well. There will be more days than not that she’s gonna want a nice cold beer or something stronger.

  Wilcox waves me over to his table in the back corner. He prefers solitude, with his back to the wall. Where no one can sneak up on him and he can see the whole room from his seat.

  “Opal, I’m gonna be right over there. Drink your beer and have a good time. Never forget that you’re mine and I’m watching you,” I warn. Not that I think she needs the reminder, but nevertheless, others might.

  “Seriously, Trigger. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” She smirks and takes a long drink. Her lips wrapped around the head of the bottle has my cock jealous as fuck, but there will be time for that later.

  After grabbing a beer of my own, I leave my woman to it. As I pass by some of the old ladies, Big Momma stops me. “Don’t worry Trigger, we’ll give her a proper welcome.”

  Fuck, I shake my head. They’ll have her corrupted as soon as I take a damn seat.

  “Rough day brother,” Wilcox says as I take the seat next to him.

  “You have no idea man.”

  He chuckles heartily lighting up a joint. “You look like you could use this.” He passes it to me after taking a toke himself.

  His eyes follow Big Momma across the room as she saunters toward Opal. “Woman drives me batty, but I wouldn’t have done a damn thing differently. Her daddy hated me, thought I wasn’t good enough for his precious Linda. He was right, I wasn’t. But her smile made me want to try to be. That cocksucker pulled a gun on me the first time I came to pick her up for a date. I was young and dumb. Pulled out my switchblade and asked why he brought his gun to a knife fight. The hateful bastard laughed and offered me a beer. He still hated me, even cussed me on our wedding day. Told me if she ever came to him in need or want of something that he’d cut off my balls and tack them to his mantle.”

  He pauses as I pass the joint back in his direction. “Motherfucker would’ve too.” He blows out a puff of smoke. “Linda was worth it.”

  Glancing across the room at Opal, seeing her head tossed back as she laughs, I know she’s worth whatever price comes at having her.

  “Opal worth it to you?”

  “Hell yeah, she’s worth it.”

  “Good. Good.” He rubs his beard. “Then you’ll be happy to know Bob dropped off that wedding license you wanted. Already called the Priestess. She’ll be here soon.”

  The Priestess is a friend of the club; she’d been doing our weddings for a good twenty years or so. Something else the Rev never took kindly to himself. Another thing that divided him from Wilcox.

  Wilcox and Big Momma are Pagan. Something that we don’t talk about openly. All it takes is one idiot knowing they practice, and the whole town will be on fire with rumors that we’re out here sacrificing cats in the cornfields. The Priestess has her own club; only women ride in her coven. Neither her club nor ours has any relation to the Pagans MC though.

  “You’ll be needing this too.” He reaches me a box, his dark eyes smiling with pride.

  When a Born Sinner takes a bride, the wife receives a silver knotted wedding band. The knot not only represents my bond to Opal, but the club’s pledge to her as well. I shove it in one of the inner pockets of my cut.

  “Think she’s up for the ceremony?” Wilcox asks.

  “Little late to worry now, but she’ll be fine.” I smile, but at the same time I hate the thought of what I’m subjecting Opal to, in front of my brothers, considering how she was raised.

  Before I can think any more on the subject, the clubhouse door swings open. In walks Grim goddamned Jones. He was the shit my night terrors as a kid were made of. That motherfucker was one scary bastard in his prime. Heard stories that if he was called in to handle something, you might as well start digging plots, cause you sure as shit would be burying some fuckers.

  The noise dies as he makes his way across the room after leaving his woman at the bar next to Opal.

  “Look who decided to show his ugly mug,” Wilcox jokes.

  “Someone has to show these pricks and whores what a real man looks like,” Grim says, gruff and hard. Never can tell when he’s being serious or kidding. Red teardrops are tattooed down the side of his face marking the lives he has taken. Rumor has it they trickle down to his chest.

  Wilcox chuckles and kicks out a chair. “Sit your ugly, hairy ass down, and congratulate Trigger on his upcoming nuptials.”

  Grim smiles wide and damn if his smile isn’t creepy as fuck. Looks like a damned serial killer sitting down to Sunday dinner. His old lady isn’t one to fuck with either, stirs up trouble no matter where she goes. I only hope she behaves with Opal. Tonight, is her night, the night she truly becomes mine in heart, body, and soul. I don’t want her mind, just be on it. Her mind is her own, but the rest of her will always belong to me.

  Taking a seat Grim says, “My ass might be ugly, but it’s never fuckin’ been hairy.”

  Shaking my head, I laugh.

  “Now tell me, boys get o
ff to Jersey okay?” Him and Wilcox get down to business, and I take it as my cue to check in on Opal. Hard telling what these bitches are filling her head with.


  As I take a swig of beer, I feel eyes on me. Big Momma is making her way toward me followed by two other women. I should feel intimidated but I don’t. I can only smile while welcoming their company.

  “Opal, pleasure to see you again. Never seen Trig looks so happy and I know it’s due to you. Tonight, we welcome you into our family and our club. We will give you as good as you give us. These women behind me are gonna be your sisters. Sometimes we get along and sometimes we don’t, but we keep our issues out of club business. Our men need to know we can handle our shit. So, you never shit in the pond you swim in.”

  I nod. “I’m just happy to be here.”

  “I’m Crimson.” A redhaired woman steps forward. Her dark red hair is cut short in a pixie style. Her green eyes are small, but her smile shines bright as she sticks a hand out to mine.

  “Opal.” I take her offered hand.

  “My old man is that skinny thing over there. Goes by the name Zero.”

  My eyes follow the direction where her thumb points. The skinniest guy I’ve ever seen is leaning against the wall on the other side of the bar smoking a cigarette. Blonde hair curls around the edge of his ear. Tattoos cover his neck, though I can’t tell what they are of from this far away.

  “Gets his name from his weight. You’d never think someone so small rides a bike the size of his,” Big Momma tells me. I don’t know a lot about motorcycles, so, I just laugh while pretending I understand.

  Another woman with a deep tan and dark hair that tumbles down her back in beautiful waves introduces herself as Star, the old lady to a man by the name of JB, short for Jack Rabbit. She smirks and says, “I give you one guess as to how he got his name.”

  My cheeks burn with heat as I look at him, unable to help myself from imagining the large man, fucking this Star chick from behind like a mad rabbit.

  Her finger pokes in my chest. “Don’t be eye fucking him, but girl it’s better than you can imagine.”

  “I’ll take your word for it. So, any words of wisdom to offer your new sister,” I tease. As the words leave my mouth a dark-haired woman, with streaks of grey peppered through her strands takes up the stool next to me.

  “Well slap my fat ass and call me Sally. How you doing Foxie?” Big Momma greets her with an amused smile.

  “Can’t complain. Who’s this?” Her eyes land on me. “You even legal baby. You don’t look a day over twelve,” she observes with a snort.

  “Hush now, don’t scare off Trigger’s bride,” Big Momma says a with a flick of her wrist producing a lighter and a joint.

  “You wanna do the honor” She asks holding her hand out to me open palmed, offering me the lighter and the joint.

  “Um, er…I don’t.”

  “We got so much to teach you baby girl,” the woman Big Momma calls Foxie, says to me, hugging my shoulder.

  I wonder if Alice would have felt like I do, had she ended up in bikerland instead of wonderland. I’m a bit bewildered but enchanted, much like she was in wonderland.

  Crimson accepts the joint, lighting it up easily. “Stick with us kid,” she says breathily after taking a hit.

  “Don’t be scared,” Star encourages. “Trust me, you’ll wish you had once The Priestess gets ahold of you.”

  “Who is tha—?” I attempt to question, but Foxie cuts me off, shoving the papery roll between my open lips.

  “Suck in,” Big Momma instructs. My lungs burn as the urge to cough bubbles in my throat.

  “Hold it. Let it go down,” Crimson pipes in. I do as she says, nearly vomiting as I remember the time Rev made me eat a cigarette.

  “Now exhale,” Foxie encourages.

  Choking out the breath I was holding, I feel light headed, a bit woozy as my chest burns.

  Trigger walks up just in time to scowl at me. “See ya’ll didn’t waste any time welcoming her to your sisterhood.”

  “Don’t be a sourpuss. Girl is getting married tonight, she deserves to catch a buzz to calm her nerves,” Big Momma says handing him the joint. “Here, seems you need this more. Now go on get gone, we’re gonna take Opal upstairs and get her ready.”

  “Just make sure she’s functioning enough to say I do,” he responds before taking a hit.

  The women laugh, one of them teasing him, “Don’t worry you’ll still get laid.”

  He steps between them, blocking their laughing faces from view. “Don’t be doing anything you aren’t comfortable with to fit in.” His expression is soft, but his tone is serious.

  “I won’t,” I rasp reaching for my beer.

  His lips whisper a brief kiss against my forehead. “You ready to marry me tonight Opal?”

  “I’m ready now,” I answer, his facial hair scraping my jaw as he nuzzles into me. “Love you Trigger.”

  “Love you Opal, my world.” His mouth finds mine, making me forget that anyone else is in the room with us. My beer is forgotten too, as my arms cradle his neck.

  He pushes further between my legs, and I wrap them around him, wanting to feel his body against mine.

  His hand cups my sex as he growls into my mouth, “Want you right here and now.”

  “Then take what you want,” I demand biting his bottom lip and sucking it into my mouth eagerly. My hands snake down his back, grabbing his ass.

  “Gonna have to get the hose,” Big Momma calls out interrupting the moment and reminding me where I am.

  Trigger chuckles and adjust his crotch, seeing his hand on his dick, just does things to me.

  His eyes are on me as I lick my lips, wanting to taste him in my mouth, feel the thickness of his gorgeous cock in my mouth, as I explore his length with my tongue. “You’re killing me baby.”

  “I’m just getting started with you,” I flirt with my soon to be husband.

  “I’ll see you soon, meet you under the moon.”

  “Under the moon?” I ask, but he’s already turned to the prospect behind the bar getting a shot of something.

  Star is tugging on my hand. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  Upstairs in a bathroom, I’m stripped down to my panties and shoved into the shower while Star and Crimson debate over how I should shave my pubic hair. Are they for real? I can hear them.

  I mean there’s nothing crazy about two chicks you just met discussing how my husband would want my pussy to look is there? I mean, it’s not just me…is it?

  I think they might be crazy.

  “Wash up really good then come into the bedroom. Big Momma has some lotion and her wax kit waiting,” one of them says before closing the door after them.

  “Um, what?” I whisper to myself as I scrub my fingers through my hair, trying to work out the tangles from being on Trig’s bike. I love Trigger and want to be with him, but I’m not so sure about these crazies that are referring to themselves as my sisters and deciding on the sexiest look for my vagina.

  Taking my time to wash my body, I’m hoping they will get bored and go away. So many thoughts are running through my head. I don’t even know what I am wearing to get married in.

  This is so crazy, all of it. However, I decide to just go with it and let life happen. You only live once.

  Getting out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my body and put my hair up in another. I stand in front of the mirror looking myself over. I don’t appear that young. Foxie’s words still ring in my head though. What if Trigger decides he wants someone with more experience? No, I shake my head, that man loves me. He basically killed the Rev for me. I won’t entertain the thought, especially when he’s done nothing to give me a reason to doubt him.

  “I am enough,” I tell my reflection with confidence.

  A knock sounds against the door. “Come on. The Priestess is here,” someone yells at me.

  I bet the Rev is turning in his grave now, the bastard. I smirk and open
the door. Time to marry the love of my life and embrace the crazy people who come along with the territory.

  In the bedroom, a massage looking table is setup at the foot of the bed.

  “I still say a heart,” Crimson argues with Star.

  “Hush girls, she’s getting a strip,” Big Momma tells them. I can only guess they are still discussing the appearance of my intimate area. “I don’t know why men like us torturing ourselves, but whatever,” she mumbles under her breath. “Get up here and lay on your back,” she orders me.

  I do as she says trying not to be nervous. I’ve lived a sheltered life, but I’ve seen porn before. I know what’s next. I hope it doesn’t hurt too bad.

  “Bite down on this,” Star tells me, shoving a leather strap at me.

  “You won’t need it,” Crimson says confident in her words as someone shaves me!

  I keep telling myself Trig is worth it as I swallow my pride.

  My eyes flit about the room taking in the décor, trying to ignore the warmth on my skin as Big Momma pours wax on my pubic hair. I’m trying to ignore that they are seeing my goods. The room is nothing special. A large painting of a wolf howling at the moon hangs on the wall over the fireplace mantle, where candles sit waiting to be lit. I wonder if this room belongs to Big Momma. Judging by the size of it, this was once the master bedroom. Purple wallpaper is peeling from the high corners of the crown molding. The four-poster bed is covered in black bedding.

  “Relax!” Big Momma huffs smacking my thigh. She presses a strip of paper to my skin. “On three,” she warns, but pulls on two…

  “Son of a flesh-eating goat herder,” I cry out as the pain stings my sensitive skin.

  “Told you,” Star boasts grinning at me.

  “What fuck kinda talk is that Opal?” You can say fuck sweetheart, you’re marrying a biker for fuck sake,” Foxie curses me. I had forgotten the woman was here as she rolls her eyes. “You sure you want to keep this one?” She laughs talking to Wilcox’s old lady.

  “She has potential.” They continue talking as though I’m not here all spread out in front them on display. One of them combs the hair on my head and blow dries it, as I continue to lay here like their personal doll. I feel like I’ve now entered Oz and am getting prepped to see the damn wizard.


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