Born Sinner

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Born Sinner Page 9

by Glenna Maynard

  At some point, they get quiet and it’s over once she has smoothed some lotion over my lady bits.

  The door opens and closes while I’m attempting not to faint. I’m not sure whether I feel lightheaded from the pain or mortification. Closing my eyes, I count to ten. Deep breath. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I repeat the motion, until I feel able to sit up. The room is too quiet.

  Sitting up slowly, I realize I’m alone other than the old lady standing near the door. Her white hair hangs down her back, nearly reaching the backs of her knees. A wreath of flowers halos her head. She’s dressed in a royal purple, velvet dress that flows over her shoes.

  “Hello child. I’m the Priestess, but you can call me Sparrow.”

  “Um, hello. Opal. I mean I’m Opal.” Pulling the towel around me, I get off the table.

  “I know. Welcome to the family.”

  She goes on to explain that Wilcox and Big Momma are part of her coven, telling me that they are Pagan. I don’t know much about the Pagan life, but if her marrying me and Trigger makes the club happy, then I’ll do whatever her ceremony calls for. Now I understand why Trig coming to the Rev’s church was quite a big deal.

  She clothes me in a white, sheer dress, reminding me of the attire a Greek Goddess might wear. She adorns my head with a wreath of flowers as well.

  Next, she says a blessing. “Mother of the North, I call on thee, to provide Opal with the protection of your warriors, the old and the new. Mother of the East, I call on thee to shower Opal with the rain of your love. Mother of the South, I call on thee to warm Opal with your light. Mother of the West, I call on thee to bless Opal’s womb with your gift of fertility. Blessed be.”

  “Blessed be.” I find myself compelled, repeating her words without being called to do so, and she smiles approving, before grabbing my hand.

  Her warm finger brush over my palm as she whispers something I can’t understand. Producing a dagger, she slices it across the soft skin of my hand, squeezing the drops of my blood into a black goblet.

  I bet the Rev is rolling in his grave. He’d say I just damned my soul.

  Placing the goblet on the mantle, she brushes her fingers over my cut, saying another chant. The jabbing of her fingernail in my tender skin brings tears to my eyes, but once she releases me, the bleeding has stopped, and it no longer hurts.


  Waiting under the silver of the moon, the clock just struck midnight. I’m waiting as naked as the day I was born, other than a thin sheet that drapes over my shoulders, under the oldest oak on the property. Tonight, Opal and I become one. Before God and the Goddess. Before my club. I watch as the Priestess escorts my bride down the backstairs that are lit up by candlelight.

  I’ve never seen anything more beautiful, more moving. My breath catches in my throat as I see my world walking towards me. Opal, appears as an angel dressed in white. The Priestess carries her goblet that contains the marital blood wine. Opal and I will drink from the cup; it’s meant to bring us good health and fertility.

  Damn if I can’t wait for her to have my child. I can’t wait to get her alone and under me once more. I fight the urge to adjust my dick, forgetting I’m naked as a jaybird, hoping no one can see I’m getting hard.

  My brothers, their women, and friends of the club stand along the path, showing their support. Sucks Angus and River are on the road, but I know they are with me in spirit.

  I hope Opal’s mother being here as Porter’s guest doesn’t ruin this night for her. I can see her hanging back in the crowd, attempting to blend in. As shitty as a mother as she was, I couldn’t deny her attendance. One day, Opal may be glad she was here, even if she doesn’t realize that she is here right now.

  Robyn asked to speak with me after the Priestess gave me her blessing. She said she wasn’t asking for me to understand or for forgiveness. She wasn’t fit to be a mother and did the best she could at the time under the circumstances. Out of respect for Opal, I allowed her to be here. Opal deserves to have someone be here for her, even if it is the mother who abandoned her.

  Aaron wanted to attend the ceremony as well to show his support, but his son has a stomach bug; we spoke by phone. He wants Opal in his and his boy’s lives. Wants her to be an Aunt and a sister. He’s never had much family and said he will do anything for Opal, including killing me, if I ever hurt her. I gotta respect that.

  Anxiously, I watch as Opal is received by my brothers. One by one they step forward, wishing her well, welcoming her with a chaste kiss to her hand or cheek. If they touch or kiss any other part of her, I’ll cut their balls and fingers off.

  My bride is practically glowing as she makes her way to me. I receive her hand in mine with nothing but love for her.

  Always her.

  Only her.

  The Priestess smiles upon us, reciting her blessing she wishes to bestow upon us. Calling on the Goddess to bless us in mind, body, and spirit.

  The Priestess steps forward, clutching her dagger. With a swipe to her palm she adds her own blood to the goblet.

  Once she has called on the Goddess, Opal and I are given the marital wine. It’s a homebrew made by the Priestess herself. Not as strong as the moonshine we get from the Black Rebel Riders’, but potent enough to knock my sweet bride on her ass. Her nose scrunches as she takes a drink. I smile on the inside as a few soft chuckles erupt from my brothers.

  I finish off the cup and hand it back to the Priestess. Her giving Opal and me her blood is a high honor. It’s a rare gift, she doesn’t give to all. Opal must have impressed her greatly.

  A cool breeze sweeps through the field we are united in as I take Opal in my arms, sealing our bond with a kiss. Her nipples press against me through the thin fabric clothing her.

  The Priestess slips the robed garments from our shoulders, exposing us to the elements. Opal shivers against me, but doesn’t waiver as the Priestess pushes us forward facing the crowd.

  Looking to Opal and me she says, “Tonight, Trigger and Opal, you become one body.” She raises her arms above her head as she comes to stand in front of us, facing the crowd. “Trigger and Opal have both taken the blood pledge; Trigger promises to honor this woman, as she has done the same for him and all of you. Tonight, as Trigger gains a new wife, you gain a new sister.”

  Removing the silver band from my pinky finger, I slip it onto Opal’s wedding finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.” Opal won’t be giving me a ring; I already have my band that bears the club’s cross.

  A lonely wolf howls in the distance, his song echoing through the woods around us.

  “The Goddess has given her blessing. They are born again. Blessed be,” she calls into the night.

  She walks over to the small fire and holds the metal pole with our cross emblem at the end over the fire. “You ready baby?” I ask, as the Priestess turns in our direction.

  Opal nods, but her legs are trembling.

  “Always safe with me,” I remind her, just as the hot poker is pressed into her hip.

  Tears prick at her eyes, but I quickly kiss them away, replacing the pain with the pleasure of my fingers caressing her body.

  The Priestess says one of her tongue twisting chants and rubs a salve over the burn.

  Cheers erupt and congratulations are offered all around. Modestly, Opal covers her body with the fallen garment. Pulling her into me once more, I kiss her again. Her mouth melts into mine as my hardening cock presses against her body, seeking out her silky heat.

  “Need you Opal,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Need you too Trig,” she whispers back.

  Before I can do a damn thing about it, Grim steps in asking her for a dance.

  Damn him. My dick deflates like a damn balloon. As he stalks off with my bride over his shoulder, I take the pants Big momma is holding out to me.

  “Put that damn thing away. You can play with it later.” She snickers.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I tell her going in search of a beer, after getting my jeans zipped.
/>   Opal

  “You sure are a pretty little thing,” Grim tells me, holding me close. For an older man, he’s got this scary, I’ll cut out your heart, but will fuck you hard vibe going on. He’s oddly sexy and intriguing. His tattoos caught my attention right before he hoisted me over his shoulder like a rag doll.

  We sway to the music, his strong arms holding me up. That wine has my head spinning. Grim spins me out of his hold, and I land in the arms of another friend of the club. The letters on his patch read, Flick.

  “Hello Flick, rhymes with dick,” I say, then bust out laughing.

  He chuckles before kissing my cheek. “Welcome to the family wild child.” I dance with him for a minute longer, before going in search of my husband.

  Inside at the bar, I expect to find him, but am only met with the sight of my mother. Determined not to let her presence ruin my happiness, I reach behind the bar, grabbing the first drink I can.

  Finding a moonshine jar and twisting off the top, I take a hearty swig. “Whew,” I call out, wiping my lips with the back of my hand. That shit right there will make you grow wings. My mother attempts to approach me, but I don’t want to talk to her.

  I climb up on the bar to avoid her. Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry starts playing, and I just want to dance. I am feeling a bit crazy. Moonshine sloshes over the rim of the jar as I shimmy and shake my hips.

  Robyn shakes her head and walks away, which was exactly what I wanted.

  Star and Crimson join me on the bar.

  “Opal, I think you’re just what we needed around here.” Star bumps her hip against mine and my makeshift toga slips from shoulder, puddling around my feet. I nearly topple, ass over my head when I try to put it back on.

  Crimson shouts, “Fuck it!” Throwing it across the room, where it lands at my husband’s feet.

  I blow him a kiss as a few brothers’ whistle.

  Steam is coming from Trigger’s ears as he dashes across the room in three heavy strides.

  “You’ve had it now sister,” Star whispers, inching down from the bar top.

  “Goddamn it Opal.” He jerks the jar from my hand and smashes it on the bar next to my feet, slicing his hand open.

  Not giving shit all about his bleeding hand, he stands in front of me with his arms held wide open. I squat down trying to avoid the glass shards and let him carry me out the backdoor and into the cool night air. “Goddamn,” he growls into my hair.

  “Why are you so mad at me Trig?” I question peering into his dark, heated eyes.

  “It’s one thing my club seen you naked for the ceremony, but another for you to be shaking your shit, teasing the cocks of every man around. You belong to me Opal.”

  He continues walking, silent, brooding, nostrils flared as he breathes heavily.

  Something about the danger screaming behind his eyes has me so turned on. My fingers skim between my legs as he stands me upright on the porch of a small cabin. Trigger all but kicks the door in. He reaches inside the entryway and flips on a light. The yellow glow spills onto the porch, showing him exactly what I’m doing.

  I can’t seem to stop myself. Parting my lips, I rub against my clit.

  “You horny, baby?” He asks me, even though I don’t think it’s really a question.

  “Need you Trig,” I purr, still feeling the liquid courage that flows through my veins.

  Grabbing my hand and snatching it away from my pussy, he licks my fingers, and I become a puddle of goo at his feet, dropping to my knees.

  My hands go to his zipper.

  “You want my cock Opal?” He undoes the button, and I lick my lips, dying to make him happy.

  I grin up at him, fluttering my lashes like a common day harlot.

  “Told you I’d never treat you like a whore Opal, but you’re making it damn hard on me right now baby.”

  My fingers grip his length; his cock is growing in my hand. “I’m no whore Trig, but tonight I’ll be happy to play your whore.” Capping my mouth over the head, I lick the salty pearl beaded at the tip and he groans. His hands fist into my hair, tugging the roots from my scalp as his fingers dig into me.

  Sucking him further into my mouth, his hips begin to thrust. He is controlling the pace as he fucks my mouth. The corners of my mouth stretch and ache as my fingers fondle my clit.

  Suddenly, without warning, he pulls away from my mouth.

  “Get up,” he tells me, his voice raspy with the need he’s denying us both. He walks into the cabin without another glance in my direction.

  “What’s your problem Trig?” I demand stomping in behind him and slamming the door.

  He continues to ignore me as my naked body shivers, more from his attitude than the temperature of the room. I watch him as he stalks around the room, going through cabinets and drawers in search of something.

  With my arms folded across my breasts, I tap my foot growing impatient.

  Finally, he finds what he wants, shoving it in his back pocket before I can see what it is.

  Strolling to where I stand by the door, he stares at me with a heated gaze that lingers on the tops of my tits.

  “Gonna show you what it really means to be mine Opal.”

  Grabbing at my arms he pulls a cord from his back pocket and secures my wrists, binding them together.

  “Your hand is still bleeding; you need to let me take care of you.”

  “Nothing to worry about.” He grunts, tightening the cord.


  Opal is secured to the iron headboard. Face up, ass down, unable to move. Grabbing a good chunk of her ass I squeeze, hard. “I own this ass Opal. You don’t shake it for anyone, but me.”

  She doesn’t say anything, but her hips move slightly.

  “I said this ass belongs to me Opal.” I squeeze her cheek again, leaving a bloody handprint. My dick jumps at the sight.

  “Yes, Trig,” she agrees.

  “Did it turn you on, having all them eyes on you?” I rub my thumb over her clit and she’s wet.

  “No,” she whispers shaking her head.

  “Don’t lie to me Opal.” I smack her ass and she moans. “You like that baby? You want it rough?” I grit, as I spank her cheeks again.

  “Yeah, baby, I like it rough. Do it again,” she begs as I curve my hand over her pink skin, rubbing the blood in where I spanked her a moment ago.

  “No, don’t think I will. Want you begging for my cock Opal. Want you screaming my name so everyone can hear.” Parting her pussy lips with my fingers, I start licking her juicy cunt from clit to ass.

  She wiggles and tugs against the headboard, but she won’t get free until I set her free.

  “Did you have this pussy waxed for me, or someone else Opal?”

  “You Trig. Don’t stop…feels so good.”

  Swirling my tongue in and out of her slit, I eat her pussy like it’s a dying man’s last meal. Her sweet nectar drips from my chin. Goddamn she tastes so good, it ought to be forbidden. A man can get addicted to this. Better than any drug, I love the taste of Opal coating my tongue.

  When my tongue hits her sensitive button her pussy drenches my fingers. She likes that, she likes it a lot. Her pussy walls clench, squeezing my fingers as I pump them in and out of her tight hole, while I eat her ass.

  “Gonna play with your ass Opal. Get ready to be fucked hard,” I promise yanking on her hair.

  Getting off the bed, I remove my jeans, setting my cock free.

  Back on the bed, I tease her little button again, this time with my thick finger, applying the slightest bit of pressure. “Relax, gonna make you feel so good.”

  With my free hand, I reach around her middle, pinching one of her nipples, before running my tongue along her seam.

  “Oh God Trig, just do it already. Fuck me. Fuck me now!” She demands, her voice thick with need.

  Ignoring her plea, I continue to play, licking that sweet little button and pushing a finger in.

  She stills beneath me as I press further in, stretching her
tight hole.

  “Oh fuck,” she groans.

  “Easy now,” I soothe her, caressing her thick bottom. “Breathe in and out, I got you.”

  After a moment, she begins to relax again, and I add a second finger not going as deep, giving her body time to adjust. Her hips begin to move, and I allow her to have control. My cock is weeping at the thought of being in her. Kissing her back, I tell her, “This is it baby, gonna fuck that ass now, gonna fuck it hard and deep. Gonna cum all in it and all over it.”

  Easing my fingers out I replace them with the head of my dick pressing against her buttonhole. This time she receives me greedily, loving the burn as I push deeper in. With one arm under her stomach, I support her, letting her get used to the fullness of my cock deep in her ass.

  When she begins to arch that back again, she takes me fully in. Goddamn, I’m a lucky bastard. We move together as I pump in and out, increasing the pace with every thrust. With my weight pressing down on her, she gives as good as she gets, resisting the pull to the mattress.

  My hair falls into my eyes as I bite down on her shoulder.

  Indecipherable jargon rushes from her lips as I feel her orgasm getting closer.

  “I’m so close Trig, play with my clit.”

  As I play with her clit, her pussy grinds against my hand. The telltale tremors of her orgasm rippling through her as I fill her ass with my cum. Just like I fantasized, I pull out and smear my cum all across her thick ass, that’s pink with my handprints, streaked with my blood from the cut on my hand. I feel like a wild animal marking his territory.

  Releasing her hands from the cords that bind them, I massage her skin, wanting to take care of her. Exhausted, I cradle her in my arms and maneuver us from the bed and into the bathroom, so we can shower and get some sleep.

  Her eyes flutter, threatening to close completely as the water sprays over us. Opal lays her head back on my shoulder, needing my support.


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