Desolation: Motorcycle Club Romance (Sons of Desolation MC Romance Series Book 1)

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Desolation: Motorcycle Club Romance (Sons of Desolation MC Romance Series Book 1) Page 2

by C. C. Davenport

  Scumbag had a rap sheet a mile long so no one was surprised to see him go out in a blaze of glory. The officers took all of our statements and they all jived. Although Eli had crushed Scumbag’s nose and took a slice down his face, the police said since there was no one to press charges Eli was free to go. Ahhh, life in a small town where rules are made to be broken or new ones weaved. But I was okay with this since it took Eli off the hook.

  We were free to go, but my car was back at the restaurant, which was now a crime scene. Eli came over to me and said, “A friend is picking us up to get our bikes. Want to ride along?”

  I smiled and said, “That would be great. Oh, by the way, I’m Natalie. Natalie Baxter.”

  “Nice to meet you Natalie…I’m Eli Hamilton and this is Judge.” Judge nodded and I nodded back.

  Before I knew it, I was sitting beside Eli in the backseat of a black SUV while Judge and another biker friend named Frito gave us a ride to the restaurant. Judge and Frito talked up front while Eli and I sat in awkward silence in the back. I wanted to say something but my tongue was held hostage by my brain. Then Eli leaned over and said, “Let’s take a look at your face again.”

  I turned so he could look at my bruised jaw. Once more, he took my chin gently in his hand and studied my wound.

  “It’s going to look angry for a few days, and then it should die down. I’ve had a few of those smacks myself,” he said with a grin.

  “Yeah, me too.” I couldn’t believe that came out of my mouth! It’s as if my brain didn’t want to cooperate. Eli looked at me with concern.

  “Is someone hurting you,” he asked.

  “Oh, it’s nothing…I, I don’t know why I said that.”

  Eli looked like he didn’t believe me and I wouldn’t have either. We continued to chitchat, mainly about what had just occurred that evening. In the distance, the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon. Crap, I thought. Dad will wonder what the hell happened to me. All I could do was hope he was still passed out.

  Eli walked me to my car and said, “I’d like to make sure you’re doing okay. How about I pick you up tomorrow around 5 and we go for a ride.”

  “I’ve never ridden a motorcycle before,” I said, feeling somewhat dumb for even admitting it.

  “No problem darlin, just wrap your arms around my waist and hang on.”

  He leaned over and brushed his lips on my cheek. I’ve heard of women swooning and never knew what it meant until now.

  “Oh, I better give you my address.” Damn, I didn’t want to sound so eager, but too late.

  He didn’t seem to mind though. I wrote down my address and gave him the note.

  “Take some aspirin and go to bed. Then we’ll have some fun tomorrow,” he said.

  I watched him walk away towards his motorcycle still feeling like I was in a dream. Of course, the dream would shatter and bitter reality would shortly explode as soon as I walked into my house.


  The rain had stopped and the sun was in full bloom by the time I pulled in front of our ramshackle house. The warm exotic feeling I embraced only a short time ago was now gone and only dread filled that space. I walked to the front door and before I could reach for the knob, the door swung open. The beast stood in the doorway, his eyes like red-hot flames. He grabbed my arm, pulled me inside, and slammed the door shut.

  “Where have you been whore?” He yelled. I could tell he was sober. Not a good thing for me. I backed up several steps and said, “Dad, I was at the police station. Something happened at the truck stop.”

  “What happened to your face?” He asked, not out of concern but likely wanting to know who else was using me as a punching bag.

  “Some idiot trucker bashed me across the face.”

  “Did you deserve it?”

  “No Dad. He was trying to put the moves on me and I brushed him off. He got mad.”

  “So what happened at the police station? Did you press charges?”

  “No, he’s dead.” His eyes widened.

  “What do you mean he’s dead?”

  “Some men came to my aid and well; it just got out of hand. The police showed up and he ended up dead.” I really didn’t want to get into it with him so I was hoping that would suffice. It did.

  “Well, fix me some eggs and bacon. I’ve got a job over in Beckley.” My dad was a free agent, which meant he didn’t work much but when he did, it was as a mechanic. Actually he was pretty good, but his alcoholism and temper kept him from working for ‘the man’ so he only worked when jobs popped up.

  Good, I thought, he’ll leave and I can get some rest. I scrambled the eggs, cooked five slices of bacon, made a pot of coffee and served it all with a smile. He grunted, ate and walked out the door.

  After he left I finally looked at the damage to my face in the bathroom mirror. It actually wasn’t as bad as some my own father had administered on me in less obvious places. I took my pain pills and lay down. A shower would have to come later. Thankfully, I was asleep in just a few minutes.


  I awoke with a start. Evening was fast approaching. I had slept the entire day although I hadn’t intended to. I stripped out of the clothes I slept in and slipped into the shower. The warm water beating on my back and head felt good. I stood there, letting the water run rivers down my body. I took the soap and lathered up running it over my legs and arms. That’s when Eli’s face popped into my mind. I remembered how I felt when I was around him and that warm glow filled the empty space in my soul.

  I hadn’t given much thought to love. Sure, I had a few boyfriends in high school but most of them went running after meeting the Beast. Can’t say that I blame them. I knew if I ever wanted to meet someone who would stick around, I’d have to leave home first. Easier said than done when you can’t make much of a living. I squirreled away as much as I could though. All I needed was $1000 to make a deposit and first month’s rent, and the rest I would use to take classes at the community college. I had $700 now, which took me almost a year to save back. Dad took the rest. I never told him about the money I was saving back. If he knew what I was doing…well, I don’t want to think about that.

  I toweled off and my mind crept back to Eli. I was trying not to get my hopes up about him. I knew discouragement all too well, in fact we were best buds. Every time I got my hopes up about a man or a better job, they were dashed. Either by my father or other circumstances. This was the life I knew and likely would always know.

  But try as I might, Eli’s face kept finding its way to the front of my mind. I finally gave in. I lay on my bed, naked, still dewy wet from the shower. How I wanted someone to come into my life, sweep me off my feet, and take me away from this misery. Would it be Eli? Or am I only kidding myself. Who knew, but for now, I was going to enjoy whatever my imagination could come up with for the two of us. I must have drifted off to sleep because I awoke abruptly when I heard my father crash through the front door. I looked at my clock, which read 1:10 am. I hurriedly put on my pajamas and a robe and walked out of my bedroom.

  In the living room was his best friend Jimmy who had brought him home drunk. He laid him down on the couch were he promptly started snoring.

  “Sorry if we woke you Nat,” Jimmy said. Jimmy was the same age as my dad and had known him since second grade. I liked Jimmy. Too bad he wasn’t my dad.

  “That’s okay Jimmy. So did he get the job done?”

  “Sure did. Here’s his money. I thought I better keep it till I got here otherwise he’d lose it for sure.”

  “Good thinking Jimmy.” He handed me two one hundred dollar bills.

  “Well, goodnight Nat.”

  “Night Jimmy,” I said as I closed the door behind him. I looked at the money in my hand. It was one hundred dollars short of my goal. I could take it and run, but deep down I knew I couldn’t. It was his money, he earned it. I hated the situation I was in but not enough to steal from him. Lord knows he owed me. I put the money on the kitchen table and went back to
bed dreaming of my upcoming date with Eli.


  I awoke late that day to the sounds of chirping birds. The sun shone bright through my window, heightening my hopes that this day would be a good one. I knew better than to get my hopes up, but for now I was going to enjoy the sounds of spring. Dad was still passed out and probably would be the rest of the day. I spent most of the day cleaning and tidying up the house. Not that I intended to invite Eli into my home, but I felt good despite the slight throb on the side of my head and decided the house could use a good dusting, mopping and sweeping. Then I would spruce myself up.

  Since we were going riding, I decided to pull my hair back into a ponytail. I put on minimal makeup but played up my eyelashes with mascara and my lips with lipstick. I wore jeans and a pink blouse that I left open a few notches so the tops of my breasts were noticeable. I didn’t want to look like a tramp, but I also didn’t want to look like the preacher’s daughter either.

  I looked at my clock and it read 4:50. The excitement in my chest began to grow. I quickly put on my shoes and walked out into the living room. Unfortunately, my father was just waking up. He looked at me with his squinty eyes and said, “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m going out Dad. I’ve got a date.”

  “Who the fuck would want to go on a date with you?”

  “I’m going out, I’ll see you later,” I said ignoring his question and heading for the front door.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he growled.

  At that moment, I heard the rolling thunder that would eventually become my saving grace. The Beast staggered up, attempting to stop me, but he was no match. I made it to the door and slipped past his grasp. Eli was just pulling up as I jumped from the porch. My father stood in the doorway with a scowl etched on his face. When I walked up to Eli, he was watching my father.

  “Hi Sweets…is there a problem,” nodding towards my father.

  “Nope, no problem,” I said. He handed me a helmet and I put it over my head and jumped on the back of the bike. I put my arms around his waist and as I did so, I knew this is where I was supposed to be. I looked at my father as we drove off. I knew I would have hell to pay when I got back, but for now I was putting him out of my mind.


  I felt like I was flying as I sat on the back of Eli’s Harley. It was decked out with a blue and yellow flame painted on the gas tank and all the chrome areas sparkled from the sun’s rays. We drove out of town, down country roads that were less traveled. I hung on tight, winding my arms underneath his leather jacket. His abs were tight under his t-shirt and that giddy feeling came roaring back, only this time I was feeling hot and wet. Arousal filled my body. I wanted to brush my lips across the back of his neck but I dared not to. Feeling our bodies touching, his nice tight ass gently rocking against me was building me to a climax. I couldn’t believe that I could orgasm right here and now, but it had been a long time since my last sexual encounter and Eli was stirring sensual feelings that I had long forgotten about.

  Before I knew it, he was slowing down. A filling station was ahead. He turned his head and shouted above the rumble of the bike, “Let’s take a rest and get a drink, okay?”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said.

  He parked the bike next to a picnic table and told me to wait while he got us both a fountain drink. As we sat across each other on the picnic table Eli said, “So tell me about you. All I know is you’re a waitress.”

  “Well, there isn’t much more to tell. I live with my Dad and I’m saving up to go to classes at the community college.”

  “Oh yeah…what kind of courses do you want to take.”

  “I was always good with math so I’d like to take advanced accounting.” Wow, that didn’t sound very sexy, but it was the truth.

  “I can tell you’re smart and the waitress job is only a temporary thing,” Eli said with a smile.

  “That’s kind of you. I don’t know how smart I am working at a place like that.”

  “Sometimes you got to do what you got to do,” he said.

  For a moment, I thought darkness clouded his eyes, but before I could give it much thought he beamed that brilliant smile and twinkling eyes.

  “You mentioned your dad, what about your Mom?”

  “She’s gone,” I said.

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Oh no, she’s not dead. At least I don’t think she is. She left when I was 12.”

  “You don’t know where she is?”

  “No, just…left.” I didn’t want to get into the whole mother leaving me behind story and he could tell.

  “So, tell me about yourself Eli.”

  “Not much to tell really. As you can tell I’m part of a Motorcycle Club,” he said while motioning to his jacket that he had lain onto the picnic table.

  “Oh, you’re part of a gang?” I said not understanding the lingo.

  “Well, we call it a club, not a gang.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “No don’t be. I don’t mind, but some of my club members might. I want to take you to the club tonight if you don’t care.”

  “I’d love to,” I said, not sure what I was getting into.

  We traveled to the club, which was a building sitting on a piece of property with another establishment. As we got off the bike, Eli pointed to the store and said, “The club owns the hardware shop there and the club is located over here.”

  We were in Beckley, the town my father had come to the other day to perform his mechanic‘s work. I’d been to this town before but never to this area of the city. I could hear music emanating from the club and as Eli opened the door, smoke spilled out. I coughed and Eli laughed.

  “You’ll get use to it.”

  Smoke filled the club but I could make out figures through the swirls and dimmed lighting. When my eyes adjusted, I could see a bar and tables strewn throughout. Many of the tables were taken with both men and women. Many of the men were bigger than both Eli and Judge, with barrel chests, huge arms, and colorful tattoos of snakes and skulls and cross bones. The women ranged in age, but most of them wore skimpy outfits that made me feel like a lump in a brown sack.

  I recognized Frito behind the bar. “Hey, there’s our girl. What can I get you to drink?”

  “Oh, I don’t know…I really don’t drink much.” My dad drinks enough for the both of us I thought.

  “How about a beer to start out with then?”

  “That’ll work. Thanks Frito.”

  “Give me one too Frito,” Eli said.

  Frito cracked open two bottles of beer and handed them to Eli. “Let’s grab a table,” he said motioning to an empty one in the corner.

  As we walked to the table, I could feel eyes on me, mainly from the women. They looked me up and down and one in particular gave me an icy stare. We sat down and continued our conversation from earlier. Me telling him about my dreams to get out on my own and him telling me how his grandfather started the motorcycle club 40 years ago. The club was called the Sons of Desolation, as I had noted on their leather jackets, and Eli said it sounded worse than it was.

  “Back then they had the Hell’s Angels so if you wanted your club to not look sissified you had to have a cool name. Sons of Desolation was born and now has chapters in three states.”

  He said it with such pride; I knew this club meant a lot to him. Not just the club, but the members as well. He introduced me to some of what he called the patched in members like Bruce, Cig and Dry Heave. The last one I didn’t want to know how he came about that moniker. All were friendly and welcomed me to the club…the men that is.

  After about an hour, I excused myself to go to the restroom. Eli pointed down a long hall, and as I made my way down, I could hear the clink clank of high heels following right behind me. Before I could enter one of the three stalls inside the restroom, I heard someone say, “What the hell do you think you’re doing here bitch?”

  I turned to s
ee the girl with the icy stare from before. She was tall and thin, wearing a short black skirt with a red top. The V-neck split down past her breasts almost to her belly button. She had blond hair and brown eyes that bore holes into me. She was not a happy camper.

  “I’m sorry,” I said automatically.

  “You will be sorry if you don’t get the fuck out of here.”

  “I was invited to this club by Eli. If you have a problem you better take it up with him.”

  By this time, two more girls had entered the restroom. They were decked out in similar attire as the Blond Bombshell and taking in every word and gesture.

  “There’s no way Eli would be interested in a fat fuck like you. Save yourself a world of hurt and leave with your dignity still in tact,” Blond Bombshell said while flipping a strand of her long locks behind her shoulder. I had seen the restroom door open and close during her last sentence, and now I heard the voice to go along with it.

  “You wouldn’t know dignity if it sat in your lap and called you momma.”

  The girls parted and in walked a tall drink of water. The woman had straight long black hair, and her tanned complexion made her a dark beauty. She was probably in her 40’s and she walked and talked as if she owned the place.

  “Stay out of this Lila.”

  “Why should I Callie? You don’t own Eli. In fact, he’s made it clear he’s not interested in you. Scaring off new girls isn’t going to net you the big fish.”


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