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Page 19

by Marita A. Hansen

  “I was talking about spending time with Camila.” Jagger pushed up from the couch. “I’ll see you later.” He walked out of the studio.

  Brando followed him, wanting to go check on Ivy. Jagger veered left, heading in the opposite direction from the house—where Mira had gone.

  “That’s not the way to your girlfriend, Jagger?” Brando called out.

  Jagger kept on walking. “I want to go for a swim first; it’s hot.”

  “You have no trunks.”

  Jagger glanced over his shoulder, giving him a small smile. “I don’t need them for skinny-dipping.”

  “You can’t do that in our pool.”

  Jagger turned around. “Why not?” he said, walking backwards. “You run around naked.”

  “I was mad at the time, and I’ve never done that before.”

  “I do it all the time.”

  Jagger disappeared around the studio. Brando followed him, seeing Mira paddling in the large pool. Jagger pulled off his shirt, capturing Mira’s attention.

  “Jagger!” Brando snapped. “Not with her in there.”

  “I’ll keep my briefs on.” Jagger shunted down his pants and kicked them off, his black underwear resembling Speedos.

  Mira smiled, openly staring at Jagger’s body. He had a slim, muscular physique like the male fashion models in Madonna’s videos.

  “She’s too young for you, Jagger, so don’t touch her,” Brando said.

  Mira’s eyes snapped to Brando. “I’m not too young for him. And I don’t want you here, you’re horrible. Go away or I’ll tell my father what you did.”

  “If you do that, young lady, I’ll tell him how you offered to make me come hard.”

  Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “I most certainly would, and then your father and I will probably try to kill each other over it. So, go ahead and tell him, I could do with slitting someone’s throat.”

  She blanched. Jagger jumped into the water, drawing her attention away from Brando.

  Jagger resurfaced a few feet away from Mira. “Ignore him, I won’t do anything inappropriate, I have a girlfriend.”

  She frowned, then a smile swept it away. “Yeah, me.”

  “I don’t think so, love.”

  “We’ll see.”

  She dived under the water, Jagger’s eyes following her. Brando sighed, realizing he had to babysit her. He sat down on the grass, watching as Mira swam around Jagger, circling him like a shark. Jagger let out a yelp.

  Brando pushed to his feet. “What’d she do?”

  “The little minx pinched my culo,” Jagger said, trying to avoid her. He yelped again, then snapped, “Stop it, Mira!”

  She swam off, emerging down the other end of the pool, giving Jagger a huge grin.

  Jagger pointed at her. “Stop pinching me; your nails are like talons.”

  “I’ll kiss your boo-boo better, then.” She sank under the water and swam for him.

  Jagger quickly swam to the other end of the pool. He did a flip turn under the water and continued swimming, looking like he was doing laps to avoid Mira. As he passed Mira, she grabbed one of his ankles and yanked him to her.

  Jagger pulled free. “Stop touching me,” he snapped, looking annoyed.

  “Don’t be a spoilsport; I just want to play with you.”

  “Mira, leave him alone,” Brando cut in. “He’s clearly not interested in you.”

  Mira’s angry glare snapped to him. “I told you to go away.”

  “Don’t speak to me like that or I’ll teach you another lesson.”

  “If you touch me again I’ll scream.”

  “Oh, so you complain when you get touched, but when you do it to Jagger you think it’s fine.”

  “I’m not doing anything rude like you did to me.”

  “You’re doing something he doesn’t want, and by the way, he’s my full brother, which makes him your uncle too.”

  “I’m not related to you or him, so Jagger and I can do whatever we like.”

  Jagger took a step back and held up his hands. “Hold on a minute, I didn’t agree to do anything with you, I just came here to swim.” He turned to go.

  Mira lunged at him, going under the water again. He let out another yelp and spun around. Mira emerged in front of him, spluttering out water as she laughed.

  “Stop pinching me, it’s not funny,” Jagger growled.

  “It is when you pull that funny face,” she replied. “You look so adorable.”

  “I’m not adorable.”

  “You are too, but I like your smile better.” She reached for his armpits, looking like she was going to tickle him.

  Jagger stepped back, then lunged at her. Mira squealed as he picked her up. He tossed her into the air. Mira came down with a giant splash. She resurfaced, spluttering and wiping water from her eyes.

  Jagger smiled wide, his eyes now sparkling. “Karma’s a—”

  She splashed him, cutting the last word off. He shook the water out of his hair and wiped his face, then splashed Mira back. She sent another splash his way. He shot to the side and lunged at her, making her shriek. He picked her up, looking like he wanted to throw her into the water again. Before he could, Mira grabbed his face and kissed him.

  Someone shouted behind Brando. He looked over his shoulder, spotting a furious Camila heading their way.

  “What are you doing?!” she yelled.

  Jagger pushed Mira away from him, his expression panicked. “She kissed me.”

  “You were holding her!” Camila shouted, stopping by the poolside.

  “It wasn’t his fault,” Brando cut in. “The girl was annoying him, so he tried to dunk her, but she kissed him before he could.”

  Camila focused on Brando. “You’re lying to cover his back.”

  “He’s not lying!” Jagger spat, now looking angry. “You know I hate cheats.”

  Camila looked back at him. “Then get out of the pool.”

  Jagger made for the side. He let out a loud yelp and spun around, Mira no doubt pinching his ass yet again.

  Mira grabbed his arm. “Don’t go; I want to play with you.”

  “Gets your hands off my boyfriend, you little puttana!” Camila yelled.

  “At least I’m not a withered old woman!” Mira retorted. “Go find someone your own age, nonna.”

  Brando spluttered out a laugh as Camila’s face turned red. A male voice called for Mira. Brando glanced over his shoulder, spotting her father coming around the corner. The man looked very similar to Ricardo, the two sharing the same father. The only differences were his blue eyes and introverted personality, Valentino preferring to keep to himself.

  Brando pushed up off the grass and headed past Valentino, knowing he didn’t need to chaperone Mira anymore. He stopped partway across the lawn, realizing he might need to protect Jagger if Mira’s father misread the situation. But instead, the only one going mad was Camila.

  Jagger climbed out of the pool, telling Camila to calm down. Ignoring him, she continued to scream obscenities at Mira. Valentino asked Camila what was happening. Camila pointed at his daughter, yelling that Mira had insulted her and made inappropriate passes at Jagger.

  Valentino told Mira to apologize.

  Mira glared at him. “You can’t tell me what to do, you don’t even remember me!” She swam to the other side of the pool and got out. Leaving her towel behind, she sprinted for the house.

  Valentino ran a leather-clad hand through his wavy brown hair, clearly upset. Not only had his amnesia not improved, but his burns were still causing him pain. Brando had noticed the household nurse constantly visiting Valentino’s room at all hours of the day. He’d confronted her, thinking the two were having an affair, since Lisa was engaged to a Spinelli man, the union arranged by her father. Lisa had set him straight, stating that Valentino was having an allergic reaction to his burn treatments. Not only that, he was having traumatic flashbacks from the car bomb attack on him.

turned to Camila and Jagger, apologizing for his daughter, then headed around the pool, following after Mira. Brando’s eyes moved to Jagger, who was now focused on Camila, talking to her softly. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a hug. Camila jumped back, snapping that he was wet.

  Brando turned around, knowing that Mira was going to cause Jagger more trouble, the girl not understanding boundaries.

  As Brando rounded the corner, Miko’s fat ass emerged from the twins’ studio. Brando followed the soldier, wondering what the prick was up to. He glanced through the studio doorway as he passed by, seeing Dominic heading for his room.

  Brando continued to follow the soldier. “Miko,” he called out.

  Miko turned around, jolting at the sight of him.

  “I need a word with you,” Brando said.

  “About what, boss?”

  Brando indicated with his finger for Miko to come closer. Miko remained still for a second, then closed the distance between them.

  “Do you know I followed you to the gypsy village?” Brando asked.

  Miko nodded, trying to avoid eye contact. “The puttana I see told me.”

  “Look me in the eyes like a man, not a sniveling weasel,” Brando snapped.

  Looking like he was going to shit himself, Miko did as he was told.

  “Do you know why I followed you?” Brando continued.

  “You think I’m working for someone else because of my new car, but I’m not. I wouldn’t betray your famiglia. I’ve been with them for seventeen years now, plus I knew you when you were just a boy. I’d never betray you.”

  “And if you want to know me as an old man, you better tell me how you got the money to pay for your car, because I’m sick of following you around.”

  “Like I told Ricardo, it was from gambling wins.”

  “Which I don’t believe.” Before Miko could blink, Brando was behind him, holding a knife to his throat. Miko let out a startled shout, but didn’t move, knowing he was a hair’s breadth away from death. “So, tell me the truth, Miko,” Brando added, “well, only if you don’t want a blood necklace.”


  “Watch what you say next, because if it’s ‘I am telling the truth, boss’, you’re dead. I know you didn’t earn it from gambling against the gypsies, because those thieves rig the cards, plus I’ve checked all of the other gambling establishments on the island, asking about you,” he lied.


  Brando pushed the knife in just enough to sting, wanting to scare Miko further.

  “It was Dominic!” Miko blurted out.

  “What was Dominic?”

  “He gave me the money. He’s been giving me extra cash for years to get rid of his problems. Today he gave me two grand to dispose of a woman he smuggled into his studio. He didn’t know she was Vinnie’s stalker, just thought she was a potential fuck until he found Vinnie running naked from her.”

  “You’re fucking with me.”

  “Go check with Dominic if you don’t believe me, he’ll confirm it. He also promised to have a word with you after I told him you followed me to the village.”

  “How many people has Dominic paid you to dispose of?”

  “Just the one, but he’s been paying me to slip men and women in and out of the property ever since he got the studio. It’s mostly how I paid for my car. My friend and I call it pimp money, since Dominic brings them back for sex. Ask Gianni, he’ll confirm it. I give him a slice of the money.”

  “Dominic would have to have paid you a shitload to cover the cost of that car.”

  “I said it paid for some of it. I saved a lot as well as borrowed from my madre for the remainder. Vinnie also gave me money for some jobs.”

  “What did you do for Vinnie?”

  “Mainly investigating who could be his stalker. Unlike Dominic, all his jobs were legit.”

  “You shouldn’t be taking extra money for legit jobs; you already get paid for that.”

  “Vinnie made me do work outside of my normal hours. It’s only fair I get rewarded for it, and the majority of the work was done for Dominic. So, please remove the knife from my throat, boss, and discuss it with him.”

  Brando lowered the knife. “No, I have a better idea.”

  Miko spun around, his expression scared. “You can’t kill me!”

  “I’m not going to kill you, you imbecille, although I’m not sure what Ricardo will do when he finds out what’s been happening.”

  Miko’s face dropped. “This isn’t my fault; I was following Dominic’s orders. He’s my superior.”

  “While Ricardo is your Don. If anyone steps out of line, like Dominic has, it’s your duty to report it to him.” Brando indicated to the office entrance. “Now, let’s go tell Ricardo what Dominic’s been up to.”


  Vinnie followed Dominic into the lounge for the family meeting. Their mother and siblings were spread out across it, some sitting, others standing. Vinnie leaned against the wall with Dominic, knowing the meeting was about the attack on Ivy’s sister. His eyes moved to Ricardo as his oldest brother, and the Don of the family, entered the room. Dressed in black pants and a white button-down shirt, Ricardo looked like one mean motherfucker—which he was. His violet eyes were filled with fury while he was clenching his hands, giving the impression he was aching to hit someone. Ricardo had Intermittent Explosive Disorder, which was growing worse. His medication was no longer stopping his outbursts, something that was concerning everyone.

  Ricardo stopped in the center of the room, his impressive stature and commanding personality demanding everyone’s attention. “As you know, one of the Vipers attacked her leader today on the orders of the Black Russian,” he said, his deep voice resonating throughout the room. “Because of this, I don’t feel it’s wise to allow the Vipers to stay living with us. With the exception of Ivy and Menna, I will be telling them to find new accommodation.”

  “This is wrong,” Alessandro said, pushing up off the couch. He was wearing gym shorts and a ripped muscle shirt, the latter not hiding much, his nipple rings and tattoos visible through the white material. “Most of us would be dead if it weren’t for the Vipers. You should be offering them help, not throwing them out.”

  Ricardo sneered at Alessandro. “You’re only saying that because you want to keep on fucking them.”

  Alessandro’s jaw clenched, his violet glare matching Ricardo’s. “No, this is on principle. You’re punishing all of them for one person’s actions, plus the attack wasn’t even aimed at us.”

  “That attack showed just how easy it is for the Black Russian to manipulate a Viper into doing what he wants. He threatened the lives of Cyn’s famiglia so she would kill her own leader. What happens if he decides to take out one of us? He’d do the same thing, turning another Viper into a loaded weapon.”

  “We’re not at war with the Black Russian, if anything we’re on good terms with him.”

  “I don’t think he’ll take too kindly to us harboring his enemies.”

  “It doesn’t matter, the Vipers saved this famiglia; we owe them. More than half of us in this room would be dead and buried if it weren’t for them. You shouldn’t cast them out because you’re fearful of angering the Black Russian, you should be negotiating a deal with him so he doesn’t decide to add us to his hit list.”

  “I can’t talk to that man; I lose my temper every time he opens his vile mouth. Salvatore is the one who negotiates with him and he hardly talks to anyone now.” Sadness passed over Ricardo’s face, Salvatore’s absence from the meeting no doubt affecting him.

  “He would for the Vipers,” Alessandro said. “He’s taking care of Menna. Get him to phone the Black Russian, it’s worth a try.”

  “The Black Russian won’t negotiate something this serious over the phone, Salvatore would have to visit him and he’s not of sound mind to face a man like that right now. He told me every time he visits the Black Palace he feels like his mind is raped with the horrors he’s forced to wi
tness. You don’t understand anything about the Black Russian, Alessandro. He’s a butcher and torturer of souls, so don’t presume things are so easily fixed by talking to him.”

  “What about the attack you were planning on him? Is that still happening?”

  “No. Cyn has compromised it,” Ricardo rubbed his forehead, “which is another reason why the Vipers can’t remain here. The Black Russian knows about our involvement in the operation. I just have to find a way to reassure him we’re not aiding the Vipers anymore or he’ll come after us.”

  Brando stepped forward. “I can go to Moscow and do that.”

  Ricardo lowered his hand, his expression now hopeful. “I suppose, he does seem to like you.”

  “Then it’s decided. I will arrange everything with him.”

  “But what about the Vipers?” Alessandro asked.

  “They will still have to leave,” Ricardo replied. “If they are gone it’ll show the Black Russian that we’re his friends, not his enemies.”

  “More like his lapdogs. The Vipers are the victims, yet you’re siding with the villain.”

  “To protect our famiglia.” Ricardo pointed to their mother. “What happens if he decides to take out Mamma next or one of our brothers?” He shifted his hand to Anna. “Or a sister. Are you willing to risk that?”

  Anna pushed to her feet. “I understand where you’re coming from, but you shouldn’t be able to pick and choose which Vipers stay and go, and I’m saying that because I want Kennedy to stay.”

  “Only because she babysits your kids.”

  “That’s not the reason; I can get the servants to do that. I want her to stay because she’s the most loving and caring woman I’ve ever met.”

  “We are talking about the same Kennedy?” Ricardo said, looking dubious. “The smart-mouthed woman who keeps trying to take a ride on Bella’s lap.”

  “She isn’t always like that. After her leader was attacked, she came to me and said that she would die to protect my famiglia. She broke down and cried her heart out, telling me about how her drug-addicted mother sold her into slavery for some cocaine.” Anna wiped a tear away. “She said that she used to dream of a mother like me when she was a small child, someone who treated her with love and respect, and that for the first time in her life she feels like she’s found home. And now you’re going to rip that away from her.”


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