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Desire Unleashed [Desire, Oklahoma 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Leah Brooke

  Irritated with herself, she forced a smile. “I just want you to get along with Clay and Rio. We spend a lot of time with them.”

  Hoyt’s lips twitched. “It’s funny how you avoid whatever’s bothering you the most. You’re nervous about introducing me to your sister, aren’t you?”

  With shaking hands, she reached for the door handle of the back door, her face burning. “Yeah. Maybe. Stupid, I know. Hell, just forget it.”

  Chuckling, bent to touch his lips to her ear. “That’s so sweet. You really are a marshmallow inside.”

  “Kiss my ass.”

  “Later, baby.”

  A giggle escaped. “Jerk.”

  As soon as they walked through the doorway, Clay and Rio looked up from where they sat at the table. Both men grinned, studying her features as they greeted them.

  Jesse turned from one of the cabinets. “Hey! I wondered if you were coming in today.”

  Placing the bottles she held onto the countertop, Jesse turned to stare at Hoyt, her eyes narrowing. After several long seconds, she grinned, slapping her hands together. “I remember you! You had a red sports car that you’d rebuilt. Oh, my God. I can’t believe it. I only met you once, but I remember you and that gorgeous car. Please tell me you still have it.”

  “It’s on its way.” Obviously pleased that she remembered him, Hoyt smiled back at her. “You were such a little thing, and so quiet. Unlike your sister.”

  “Hey!” Nat nudged him, while Clay and Rio got to their feet.

  Extending his hand, Clay smiled and shook his head. “So you’re the one we should thank for Jesse wanting a red sports car.”

  Hoyt grinned back. “Sorry. She’s got good taste.”

  “See?” Looking up at Clay, Jesse nudged a smiling Rio aside and approached Hoyt. “You’ve filled out. You used to be skinny.”

  Hoyt lifted hand to his mouth to cover a smile. “I could say the same about you.” Glancing up at Clay and Rio, he shook his head. “But I have a feeling I’d get my ass handed to me for saying it.”

  Rio laughed. “It’s good to have you back. I was beginning to think we’d never see you again. Want some coffee?”

  “Love some. It’s damned cold out.” He helped Nat remove her coat, hanging it up on one of the hooks on the wall before removing his own. With a hand at her waist, he led her farther into the room, his thumb moving over her lower back as if in encouragement.

  When the bell in the front signaled the arrival of another customer, Nat breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the excuse to escape. “Behave yourselves.” She gave all three of them a cocky grin to hide the emotions raging inside her. “Some of us have work to do. You three just sit there and enjoy your coffee.”

  Turning away from their soft laughter, she went with Jesse to the store in the front room, taking several deep breaths to calm herself. Excited and nervous about the twist her life had taken, she moved restlessly around the store, her gaze drawn toward the back room where the men talked.

  While Jesse went to greet the customer, Nat went behind the counter and began straightening things that didn’t need to be straightened, unable to stop glancing toward the back room. Leaning against the counter, she tried to make out the men’s conversation, but their low tones kept her from hearing them clearly.

  When Jesse approached, Nat sighed and kept her voice low. “They’re going to interrogate him, aren’t they?”

  From the other side of the counter, Jesse smiled and patted her hand. “I doubt it. They like Hoyt and they’ve missed him. Evidently they used to hang around with him at the club when he left the house to give you and Jake time together.”

  After greeting yet another customer, Jesse turned back to Nat, keeping an observant eye on the two women as they browsed. “They’re going to tell him that they’re available if he ever wants to talk. Both Clay and Rio know that sharing you is going to be difficult for both Jake and Hoyt, and for different reasons.”

  Smiling, she shot a glance toward the back room. “They understand some of the problems that come up, and are eager to share their newfound knowledge with anyone who will listen.”

  Nat sighed, and attempted to straighten a display of samples on the counter, knocking them over instead.

  With a curse, she started to straighten them again, her hands shaking so hard that she knocked even more over.

  Frowning, Jesse came behind the counter and reached out a hand to prevent a small tin of balm from falling to the floor. “Damn, you’re jittery. Calm down. Clay and Rio just want Hoyt to know that they’re on his side, just like they’re on Jake’s. They want to help.”

  Patting Nat’s hand, Jesse grinned. “Just like you can come to me for advice—like how important it is to spend time alone with each of them, and how not to let their jealousy get to you and cause fights.”

  In the process of straightening the small plastic bottles she’d knocked over, Nat attempted to glare at her sister, shaking her head in amusement instead. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  Laughing, Jesse patted her arm. “Immensely. I’ve spent my entire life listening to advice from my big sister. It’s kinda nice to be able to turn the tables, and I plan to savor every minute of it.”

  Unable to hold back a smile, Nat leaned back against the counter, rolling her shoulders to ease the tension there. “You always were a smartass.”

  Jesse giggled. “I learned from the best.” After ringing up and bagging a purchase, Jesse thanked the woman, waiting until she left before turning back to her. Glancing at the remaining customers, she kept her voice low. “Since I moved here, I’ve gotten quite a bit of advice from you concerning my love life. You convinced me to go for the brass ring. You made me believe that, not only could I love again, but that I could love and actually be happy loving two men.”

  Glancing toward the back room, Jesse smiled, her eyes going soft and dreamy. “Now I can’t imagine my life without either one of them.”

  Turning back, she reached out and touched Nat’s arm. “The way I see it, you’re already halfway there. You love both of them. They both love you. You have this chance—this one chance to have a life with both of them. Jake and Hoyt have to know if this can work, and so do you. Honey, I want you to be as happy as I am. I want you to go for the brass ring. I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life thinking what if.”

  Touched by her sister’s concern, Nat nodded. “We’re all determined to make this work. Christ, I love both of them, but I’ve been keeping how I feel about Hoyt hidden for so long, it’s hard to relax.” With a sigh, Nat glanced toward the back again. “I was happy. I am happy. It took years to build what Jake and I have together. We’re not only lovers, but best friends.”

  Remembering how things were in the beginning, Nat swallowed the lump in her throat. “When Jake and I first got married, he was so sweet. So patient. He treated me as if I was the most precious thing in the world to him during my pregnancy. When I had Joe, he was so happy. So proud. So worried. He fussed over both of us and treated me like a queen.”

  She glanced around the store to see that the other woman had gone. Blinking back tears, she forced a smile. “I was already halfway in love with him when I married him. How could I not fall madly in love with a man like that?”

  He’d been her strength when she needed it, and given her the confidence to become the woman she was today.

  He was everything to her.

  Jesse glanced around as another woman came through the door, keeping her voice low as she leaned toward Nat. “But you couldn’t stop thinking about Hoyt, could you? I’ll bet you even felt guilty for not marrying him and going with him.”

  Thinking about Jake’s patience through that time, Nat nodded. “Poor Jake. He didn’t mention it, but he knew. He waited, and was always there for me. He never pressured me, and when we finally had sex, it was because I’d initiated it.” Laughing humorlessly, she shook her head. “It’s hard to imagine that a man like Jake would wait, but he did.” />
  Straightening, she blew out a breath. “I was a coward, Jesse, not something I’m very proud of, but if I’d gone with Hoyt, I’d never have had all these years with Jake, so I can’t say that I regret it. Still…”

  Jesse’s eyes shone with understanding. “You’ve got a second chance with Hoyt. You have a chance to have it all.”

  Nat nodded. “I know, and I want it to work, but I feel like I have to walk on eggshells all the time. It’s not like when you met Clay and Rio. Jake and I have a history, and Hoyt and I have a history, but those histories don’t overlap. Now, everything has to come together in some fucking way that doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s driving me crazy. You know I’m not good with beating around the bush, but I feel like I have to weigh every word. Every look.”

  She snapped her mouth closed as the woman approached and set her purchases on the counter.

  Waiting for Jesse to finish ringing up the sale, Nat glanced toward the back again, Hoyt’s deep chuckle sending a shiver of delight up and down her spine. She waited until the woman left the store before leaning toward her sister. “Jake’s even more intense now. You should have seen him this morning.”

  Before she knew she would do it, Nat blurted out what had happened in the kitchen.

  Jesse’s eyes went wide. “Holy hell! No wonder you were late coming in. I figured the three of you were working things out, but I didn’t expect anything like that.”

  Nat grimaced. “Neither did I. Jake keep saying that he spoiled me, and is reverting back to the way he was when he first started—well, you know.”

  “You’re blushing!” Jesse laughed delightedly. “I can’t believe this. Now that Hoyt’s back, even Jake’s making you blush. Oh, to be a fly on the wall at your house…”

  “Shut up.” Looking toward the back, Nat sighed. “I was nervous about Hoyt seeing my stretch marks. I mean, I don’t look like I did when I was younger. He actually kissed each one and told me that they were his marks on me. Idiot.”

  She still couldn’t believe that he’d done such a thing. The memory of his obvious pleasure still warmed her.

  Jesse laughed, patting her hand, straightening and moving away to greet another customer. “He seems like a good man, but I hardly know him. I can’t wait to get to know him better, but if you love him, he must be really something. You’re a tough nut to crack.”

  Rubbing the back of her neck where it tingled, Nat turned, her breath catching at the sight of Hoyt striding toward her, Clay and Rio right behind him.

  Six feet, four inches of masculinity smiled, his eyes filled with concern. “Hey, baby. You okay?”

  Nat nodded, pausing when she noticed that the woman at the counter smiled flirtatiously at Hoyt. Curious to see how he would respond, and pissed off at the surge of jealousy that knotted her stomach, she glanced at him, once again struck by his strong presence.

  Although not as handsome as Jake, Hoyt had a masculinity about him that drew attention.

  Smiling politely at the other woman, Hoyt wrapped a hand around Nat’s arm. “I have to run to the bank. I need to open an account here, so I might be gone for a little while. I told Clay and Rio I’d bring back lunch.” Leaning closer, he touched his lips to her cheekbone. “You okay, baby?”

  Nodding, she smiled up at him. “Of course.” Glancing at Clay, who watched her thoughtfully from the other side of the counter, Nat lowered her head, keeping her voice at a whisper. “Was it too bad?”

  With a soft laugh, Hoyt lifted her chin and ran a hand over her back. “Good grief, woman. What did you think they were going to do to me?” Bending to touch his lips to her temple, he ran his hand down her arm in a gesture that she assumed had meant to calm, but instead sent a surge of awareness up her arm and to her nipples. “You’re going to have to trust that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” With a smile, he tapped her nose. “And you.”

  Leaning back against the counter across from them, and heavily against Clay, Jesse smiled at Hoyt. “Why don’t you take Nat with you? While you’re opening your account, she can make the deposit.”

  Nat frowned and gestured toward the big window where a number of people walked by. “There’s a lot of foot traffic. Where’s Brenna? I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

  Hoyt glanced at Nat. “Brenna? I don’t think I’ve heard that name before. Is that someone who works here?”

  Nodding, Nat straightened as another woman walked in, her eyes going wide at the sight of Clay, Rio, and Hoyt. Amused at the other woman’s reaction, Nat smiled. “Yes, she married King Taylor and Royce Harley several months ago, and wanted something to do while they were busy at the club. She’s so full of energy. We hired her on the spot. She’s been a Godsend, especially with Kelly out so much.”

  Hoyt chuckled and grinned at Clay. “Jake told me about the new baby. It’s hard to believe Blade’s a father now. Jake didn’t tell me that Royce and King got married, though. I’d like to meet the woman brave enough to take on those two.”

  Nat muttered under her breath. “Nobody says anything about me being brave, and I have to deal with you and Jake.”

  Kissing her hair, Hoyt patted her ass. “You’re very brave, baby.” His solicitous tone wasn’t lost on her.

  Irritated that the other woman, a regular customer, continued to ogle Hoyt, Nat snorted. “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” Nat watched the other woman out of the corner of her eye, cursing her own jealousy as she shifted her gaze to Jesse. “Is Brenna coming in?”

  Shaking her head, Jesse waited until the other woman walked to the far side of the store before turning to smile at Nat. “No. I told her not to come in today. I figured you’d want to talk and wouldn’t want an audience. When the guys leave after lunch, we can sit down and talk about them.”

  Rio’s grin made him look impossibly young and devilishly handsome. Wrapping an arm around Jesse’s waist, he yanked her to his side and looked down at her lovingly. “You women are all very brave when you’re together, but tonight, I’m going to have you alone.”

  Poking him in the stomach, Jesse lifted her face, clearly expecting to be kissed. “You don’t scare me, tough guy.”

  Rio obliged her, his eyes flaring as he bent and touched his lips to hers. “Brat. Just because you have me wrapped around your finger doesn’t mean I won’t paddle your ass.”

  Jesse sighed. “Promises. Promises.”

  Rio turned back and raised a brow at that. “Hmm. It appears you’re overdue.” He glanced at Nat, but immediately looked back, focusing his attention on his blushing wife. “We’ll be here. Go do whatever you have to do. Clay and I will stick around.”

  Hoyt chuckled. “Do you know how to sell this stuff?”

  Nat snorted, unable to hold back a smile. “You must be kidding. Sales go through the roof when these two are here.” She gestured toward the two women wandering through the store, who keep sneaking glances toward all three men. “They can sell anything. Rio turns on the charm, and when he raves about how much he likes a particular scent, they buy everything in that scent.”

  Hoyt laughed softly. “Okay, now I’m going to have to come in and see f I can do that. I can’t have Rio outdoing me.”

  “You do that.” Nat struggled for nonchalance, but Hoyt’s possessive, casual embrace felt so natural and yet so new.

  A hand at the small of her back.

  A slide of his hand over her hair.

  Fingers tightening on her waist.

  Little things—small touches that may have appeared insignificant, but that brought back memories of another time.

  Even that felt different.

  No longer a young man, Hoyt held her with the maturity of a man comfortable in his own skin.

  So much like Jake’s touch, and yet so different.

  How could she love two different men so completely?

  Drawing in a shaky breath, she ignored Hoyt’s sharp look, and met Jesse’s. “If Clay and Rio are going to stay here with you, I’ll go make the deposit. We’ll pick up lunch an
d get back as soon as possible.”

  Leaning back against the counter, Jesse grinned at Hoyt. “Take your time.”

  After giving Nat a searching look, Hoyt smiled back and took Jesse’s hand in his. “Thank you.”

  Frowning, Jesse straightened. “For what?”

  Hoyt released Jesse’s hand and took Nat’s in his. “For welcoming me. For trusting me to make your sister happy. Both mean a great deal to me.”

  “You’re welcome. You can make it up to me by giving me a ride in the Mustang.”

  Hoyt’s lips twitched. “Deal.”

  Grinning again, Jesse winked at Nat. “She’s going to be a trial, though.”

  Hoyt threw back his head and laughed, but Nat sensed a tension in him that hadn’t been there before. “She probably will be, but I think Jake and I can handle her.”

  Jesse poked Rio again. “That’s what they all say.”

  Studying Hoyt, Nat found herself consumed by guilt for yet another reason. She reached up to cup his jaw, her heart lurching when he turned his face to kiss her palm. “I guess I haven’t exactly made you feel welcome, have I?”

  It was as if a shutter came down, removing all emotion from his eyes. “Oh, I don’t know. At times, you can be very welcoming. Besides, I didn’t expect you to act any other way.” He winked at her before turning to Jesse again, his eyes considerably warmer. “I’ve never had a little sister before. I hope you’ll bear with me while I get the hang of it.”

  Jesse giggled, earning indulgent smiles from both Clay and Rio. “Careful. Nat got younger than me about ten years ago. She’s only my older sister when she wants to tell me what to do or give me advice.”

  Stiffening, Nat pushed at him. “Wait a minute! What do you mean—you didn’t expect me to act any other way?”


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