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The Chase: Volume 1

Page 2

by Jessica Wood

  “So I’m looking for some fun…” I began as I moved in and out of her, allowing her wetness to cover the entire length of my fingers. “…and I heard blondes have more fun.” I licked my lips, knowing exactly where my mouth would be in due time.

  “We do,” she whimpered out as she began to squirm under my hand. She ran her nails across my back as she urged me to go deeper inside her. Instead of giving her what I knew she desperately wanted, I pulled my hand from under her mini-skirt.

  “That’s what I like to hear, baby.” I moved my glistening fingers to her parted lips. “Now, I can’t stay because I have a meeting in fifteen minutes, but why don’t you give me a preview of how those juicy lips of yours move.”

  Without any further encouragement, she began to seductively lick and suck her juices off my fingers as she held my gaze.

  “You’re pretty fucking good at this, aren’t you,” I groaned and my dick hardened as her wet, silky lips moved up and down my fingers.

  “Mmm,” she moaned in response.

  “Baby, as much as I’d like to stay, I do really have a prior engagement that I need to get to.” I pulled my fingers from her lips and saw the instant disappointment wash over her face. “But why don’t you give me your number, and I’ll call you sometime and you can show me how those lips fill on my cock.”

  A minute later, I was heading out of the bar with a new potential notch for my belt. I whipped out my phone to call a cab as I walked through the front door of the bar. At that same moment, a female figure came through the door from the other side and walked past me. I hadn’t seen her face, but I caught a glimpse of her long chestnut curls and smelled the intoxicating scent of her light floral perfume as she walked past.

  I wasn’t sure why, but I turned around to take a closer look at her. She was walking away from me and the only thing I could see was an infinity sign tattoo along the inside of her wrist. Something about the way her hips swayed confidently back and forth as she walked mesmerized me and I stood there staring after her, overwhelmed by a feeling I’d never felt before.

  “Dean?” A voice broke through my trance. “Dean!”

  I looked up to see Josh standing against the outside of the bar entrance smoking a cigarette. There was a confused expression on his face as he frowned at me.


  “Dude, I called your name like four times. You were just standing there in the middle of the doorway looking back in. Did you see something?”

  “No. It was nothing.” I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts. “Shit. What the fuck was in those Old Fashions?”

  “What? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Probably just a little hammered. Heading home?”

  “Yup, after this cigarette. You? You’re not staying with that blonde?”

  Blonde? It took me a minute to register who he was talking about.

  “Oh, no. Fuck no! Like I said, she was just the appetizer. I have the main course waiting for me.” I looked at my watch. 9:45 p.m. “And I’m already fifteen minutes late.”

  “The redhead with the Kim Kardashian ass?” His eyes lit up in envy.

  “Bingo. And let me tell you, I’m ravenous after that blonde appetizer and am ready for one fucking juicy meal.”

  Just then, the cab pulled up in front of the bar.

  “I want every single filthy detail tomorrow morning!” Josh yelled after me as I got into the cab.

  “You can count on it!” I laughed.

  But as I sat inside the cab as it took me to the Mission District, my thoughts were elsewhere. I wasn’t sure why, but all I could think about was that mystery woman with the infinity tattoo I had just seen.


  “So tell me everything?”

  I looked up to see Josh standing at the doorway of my office with a coffee mug in hand.

  I glance at my watch. 8:05 a.m.

  “Aren’t we a fucking eager beaver this morning. I’ve been in the office for less than fifteen minutes, and you’re at my door. My computer hasn’t even booted up completely.”

  Josh laughed sheepishly. “Actually, I stopped by earlier and you weren’t in yet. Your secretary said she’d call me the minute you were in.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “She probably thought you stopped by for a case.”

  “Yeah.” He chuckled as he shuffled his feet. “She thought I needed to see you about the Parker case, and well…I made no effort to correct her.”

  I snickered. “Fucking lawyers.”

  “So how did last night go?” He eagerly waited for me to answer.

  “Dude, you seriously need to get laid. You’re more eager than a thirty-year old virgin.”

  He laughed. “Enough about me. Tell me what happened, or I’ll be as miserable as a thirty-year old virgin.”

  I smiled and leaned back against my chair. “Okay, what do you wanna know?”


  I laughed. “I have several documents to draft today for the Parker case, and I’ve already received a demanding email from Mr. Parker at 6 o’clock this morning demanding to see a polished draft by noon. So, sorry to burst your thirty-year virgin bubble, but I don’t have time to give you a play by play. You have ten minutes. Ask me three questions and I’ll answer them. Then get the fuck out of my office so I can get to work.”

  Josh chuckled. “Fair enough. And this is why you’re going to make partner here. No other associate here at William & Sutter LLP is as bold and straight-forward as you.”

  “Stop trying to kiss my ass, and ask your Goddamn questions already. Your ten minutes started thirty-seconds ago.”

  “Okay. Okay.” He paused and thought about it for a minute. “Question one: Was she as wild as you remembered?”

  Just then, a beep sounded from my computer. I had just received a new email. Out of habit, I quickly pulled up my inbox to see who had emailed.

  It was Mr. Parker. Fuck.

  I’d only had a few email exchanges with him in the last few days, but I had a feeling he was going to be a handful to work with.

  I quickly skimmed his email to see if there was any fire-drills I had to put out.

  To: Dean Chase

  From: B. Parker

  Re: Parker, Inc. - Acquisition & Escrow Draft Contracts

  Mr. Chase:

  One change to my email from this morning. Since Trent and I are schedule to meet with your firm at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, I want to see the draft contracts by 10 a.m. today instead of noon. I trust that this will not be a problem on your end.

  B. Parker

  Acting Vice President

  Parker, Inc.

  “Jerk-off.” I glared at the computer screen.

  “What? Did you hear my first question?”

  For a second there, I had forgotten that Josh was in my office. What was it about this B. Parker that annoyed me so much?

  “Who fucking signs their name ‘B. Parker.’ What a pretentious prick!”

  “Oh, our client? Yeah, that’s actually because—”

  “—whatever. I don’t fucking care. This fucking client of ours has moved up the deadline for these draft contracts twice already in the last two hours, and now it’s due at 10 a.m. Who fucking does that?”

  “Um, not to sound like I don’t care, but is my ten minutes still running right now.”

  I couldn’t help but to laugh. “Yes, you fucker. Of course it’s running. And to answer your first question, no, she wasn’t as wild as I’d remembered. She was wilder.”

  “What’d she do?”

  “Is that your second question?” I joked.

  “Come on, man. Just answer the fucking question.”

  I laughed again. “Fine. I have a nickname for this firecracker. Red Delicious. Her apple bottom ass is as sweet as a red delicious in the Fall. While I was banging her doggy style, I honestly couldn’t stop staring at how her ass cheeks bounced up and down against me. And she kept begging me to smack her.”

  “Did you?”

  “Fuck yeah! Of course! You don’t say no to that kind of shit.”

  “How did she react when you did?” His eyes were wide with interests. I had a feeling he was imagining himself fucking this redhead he’d never met before.

  “Red Delicious is a screamer. You’d think I was hurting her by the way she was crying out when I was fucking her brains out.”

  “Did you hurt her?” Josh’s question caught me by surprise.

  “Are you and your wife into that kind of shit?”

  “I wish.” I saw the disappointment in his eyes, and at that moment, I felt sorry for this fool.

  Then another beep came from my inbox. It was another email from the client. Fuck, what now?

  To: Dean Chase

  From: B. Parker

  Re: Parker, Inc. - Acquisition & Escrow Draft Contracts

  Mr. Chase:

  I have yet to receive a response to my last email. Please confirm that you will circulate the draft contracts by 10 a.m. today, so I can plan accordingly.

  B. Parker

  Acting Vice President

  Parker, Inc.

  “Seriously! It’s been five minutes!” I screamed at my computer. “You self-important entitled motherfucker!”

  “What now?” Josh asked tentatively.

  “Who do you think? Okay, dude. I really gotta get to work.”

  “Okay, just one more question!”

  “Make it quick.”

  “What was the craziest thing you guys did last night?”

  “She put on a ball gag around her mouth and commanded me to whip on her ass and pussy until she came.”

  “Holy fuck! That sounds intense!” Then Josh looked at me with a confused expression. “Uh, what exactly is a ball gag?”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “Oh, dear God. You seriously need to get out of whatever fucking sad rock you’ve been hiding under. Go Google it, man—and not here on the office computers. The firm tracks that shit. Now get the fuck out. I have less than two hours to do two day’s worth of work.”

  After Josh left my office, I immediately sent Mr. B. Parker a curt response.

  To: B. Parker

  From: Dean Chase

  Re: Parker, Inc. - Acquisition & Escrow Draft Contracts

  B. Parker:

  In response to your emails from both eight minutes ago and three minutes ago, this is to confirm that I will make every effort to circulate the three draft contracts by 10 a.m.

  Apologies for not responding as quickly as you had hoped. I must have accidentally ate a rotten egg in my omelet this morning because I was in the bathroom taking a shit. I can tell you place a great importance on timeliness and efficiency. I do as well. So going forward, I will make sure to bring my firm smartphone into the bathroom with me so that I may respond to you in a timely fashion.

  Thank you in advance for understanding.


  D. Chase, Esq.


  William & Sutter LLP.

  “That will shut you up, B. Fucking Parker.” I knew I probably had gone too far, especially with such a huge client for the firm. But from experience, sometimes you had to push back when dealing with unreasonable clients like these. Otherwise, they would continue to demand unreasonable expectations.

  To my surprise, less than a minute later, my computer beeped again. It was another email from B. Parker. Fuck, this guy just doesn’t want to quit, does he?

  To: Dean Chase

  From: B. Parker

  Re: Parker, Inc. - Acquisition & Escrow Draft Contracts

  Mr. Chase:

  Thank you for your effort to become more dedicated to the needs of your clients. While I do not condone the use of electronic devices while sitting over a public toilet “taking a shit,” as you have so nicely put it, I do appreciate receiving responses to my emails in a timely matter. As you are aware at this point, I thought that timeliness was somewhat lacking this morning.

  Also, I am torn between feeling sorry for you and your ill-fated illness and feeling sorry for the egg, which had rotted and wasted away before it could have been appreciated in some manner. I say that to say: I sympathize with both of your misfortunes equally. But hey, look on the bright side, at least you survived.

  I look forward to reviewing these contracts shortly.

  B. Parker

  Acting Vice President

  Parker, Inc.

  I stared at his email in shock. First, I hadn’t expected any sort of response. I thought with my email, I’d get the last word. Second, I hadn’t expected a response like this.

  “How do you even fucking respond to this condescending email?” I asked out loud.

  You don’t. I answered my own question.

  Instead of replying back, I spent the next two hours frantically putting together the contracts. I wasn’t sure how I had managed, but at exactly 10:03 a.m., they were sent off to B. Parker.

  I let out a sigh of relief and sat back against my chair as the weight of the stress from the last two hours lifted from my shoulders. “Fuck, I seriously can use a double shot of whiskey and a blow job right about now.”

  Just as I was about to get up to get a cup of coffee from the break room, my computer beeped again.

  “You’ve got to be shitting me!” I didn’t have to look to know who the email was from. When I pulled up my inbox, I was right. It was B. Motherfucking Parker”

  To: Dean Chase

  From: B. Parker

  Re: Parker, Inc. - Acquisition & Escrow Draft Contracts

  Mr. Chase:

  I am in receipt of the draft contracts you’ve just circulated. I will review these now in preparation for our meeting tomorrow morning.

  Also, it has not escaped my attention that the timeliness issue continues to subpar. I hope you did not have another incident with the rotten egg. May he rest in peace.

  I look forward to meeting you at 9:00 a.m. Be careful with those eggs.

  B. Parker

  Acting Vice President

  Parker, Inc.


  It wasn’t until half past eight that I left the office. I was still in a foul mood from the morning emails with the client.

  I decided to stop by the grocery store on my way home to pick up some necessities: beer and my weekly supply of condom—Trojan Magnums to be specific.

  As I thought about the long day I had, and how irritating this B. Parker was. As an associate, a.k.a. work slave, at a major international law firm, I’d dealt with my fair share of difficult and unreasonable clients. At a billeable rate of $400 an hour, I can understand why they’d be so demanding when just my one day’s work alone would cost them close to $5,000. A client should expect pure excellence if their case will cost them upwards of a million.

  But there was something different with Mr. Parker. He wasn’t just demanding and unreasonable, and expected pure excellence. Something about his responses really pissed me off, leaving me off-kilter all day.

  “Who the fuck does this Parker guy think he is?”

  As I walked aimlessly down the grocery store, my mind still on the client, I found myself in the middle of the produce section. As I searched the stands for some limes, a figure caught my attention from the corner of my eyes.

  She was standing about ten feet from me, picking out some produce. She had her back turned to me, but from what I could see, she was right up my alley. The red backless strappy top, form-fitting top, tight skinny jeans, and those fuck-me five-inch stilettos with the red soles--Everything on her body seemed to hug her curves in all the right areas, and my eyes drank every inch of her in.

  She looked like she was in a position of power, which I found hot. My cock twitched in agreement and in anticipation for what was sure to be a memorable conquest.

  Just then my gaze landed on a tattoo on her inner wrist. It was an infinity sign.

  Why did that seem familiar? Have I fucked her before?

  I watched her move away from me toward another fruit section. I wasn’t
sure what came over me, but I felt a compulsion to follow her—as if my feet had a mind of their own.

  Then she turned toward my direction and walked over to the peach stand, and it was then that I saw her for the first time.

  For a second, I felt as if my breath was knocked out of me, and I had to remind myself to breathe. She was fucking gorgeous—no, stunning. I knew that I’d never met her or fucked her before, because if I had, I definitely wouldn’t have forgotten.

  I swallowed hard as I watched her bite her lips. That was my weakness-my kryptonite. This wasn’t the fake lip-bitting some girls did when they flirted with me to get my attention—I hated those lip-bites. No, this was the real deal. This girl had no idea that she was doing it. I immediately wondered how those lips would taste in my mouth, and how they’d feel sliding up and down my cock. I felt myself hardened at just the thought.

  I walked toward her and stood across the stand of peaches from her. She finally looked up at me when I was no more than five feet from her.

  “Hi.” She gave me a quick smile before grabbing a few of the peaches for her basket.

  “I’m sure yours taste a lot juicier than those peaches.” I flashed her a smile and leaned toward her.

  “Excuse me?” She looked back at me, but this time, she didn’t smile.

  I snickered. “You heard me.” I reached for a peach and took a slow, deliberate bite from it. “And these are quite juicy.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well they sure do look juicy. Let me get out of your way so you can have some alone time with that peach.” She turned to walk away.

  “Wait!” I called after her. “Stay.”

  What the fuck did I just say? This was not how I normally operated. I never begged!


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