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Hit & Run Bride (Hit & Run Bride Contemporary Romance Series)

Page 13

by Malone, Nana

  He stared at her. “Fired? That is such bullshit. You’ve been killing yourself on that project.”

  Yeah, she had. “My boss got pissed that I called Addison Torres. She declined to sponsor us, and he claims it’s because I broke rank and made us look like amateurs.”

  One second she was standing in front of him, shifting from foot to foot, the next, he surrounded her with his warmth. His strong arms cocooned her, protecting her from everything unpleasant. She felt safe. It was how she always felt in his arms.

  For several long moments, she let herself be held. As much as she tried to fight the tears, a few still escaped. She hated to cry. Especially where anyone could see her. It made her feel weak.

  With Liam, it didn’t matter. He just held her and stroked her hair, crooning in her ear. “Becca, I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve to get fired.”

  She sniffled. Oh great, that was attractive. She was one step away from ugly crying, and no one wanted to see that. “If I’m being honest with myself, it wasn’t the best fit. It was just the first thing I got out of New York, so I grabbed it. If I had paid better attention, I would have seen that I’m very much a square peg, and well, they’re some kind of fucked up spiral hole.”

  He chuckled, and the motion made his chest vibrate against hers. “This isn’t your bad selection. They just didn’t realize how awesome you are. And someone else will. I’m sure you’ll have something in no time. And don’t worry about where the new gig will be. I just found you. I’m not giving you up just yet. We’ll work it out. It’s just…well, I can’t leave my mother, you know. Other than that, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep us going.”

  They’d work it out? Becca’s heart filled. He wouldn’t freak about long distance. He actually wanted to try to keep things going? How in the world had she gotten so lucky? “You’re serious?”

  He tipped her chin up so she could meet his gaze. “I’m serious. I know we’re moving a little fast, but I don’t care. I’ve never felt this way about someone before.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not too fast.”

  Liam grinned and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Now, tell me where your wine and chocolate are stashed, and I’ll give you a foot massage.”

  Becca grinned. “Oh, my god, it’s like you know me.”

  “That I do.” His grin was charming and lopsided. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but stopped himself.

  “As good as wine and chocolate sound, I have something better in mind.”

  “You’re forgetting the foot massage. I have the best hands this side of the Colorado Rockies.”

  Becca smirked. “You know, I’m not even going to ask you who told you your hands were so good.”

  He flashed a full grin, and Becca’s insides melted. He really should come with a warning label.

  “I took a class once.”

  She giggled and shook her head. “I don’t believe you.” How did he manage to have her laughing in no time? Being with him was so easy. Like this was right where she belonged. She ignored the niggle of doubt about how fast they were moving. Being with him felt right. “Come on, I want to show you something.”

  “Oh? Sounds like my kind of game.”

  Her skin heated and flushed as she paused in front of her spare room. “Okay, before I open this, I want your assurances that you aren’t going to judge me.”

  His grin was wicked. “Have you forgotten that I know every inch of your body already and I know that you don’t have a tattoo on that gorgeous ass of yours that says ‘Tap that!’”

  She smacked his arm. “It was a joke. I said, my friends and I were going to do it as a joke.”

  “I am so glad you chickened out.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, me too. But I warn you, this is just as bad, so can I have my assurances please?”

  He put up three fingers on his right hand. “Scout’s honor.”

  “You were a Boy Scout?”

  He winked at her. “Not exactly.”

  His laughter was infectious. With a laugh and a sigh, she opened the door and hit the light switch.

  Liam’s eyes bugged. “Oh, my God. The inner sanctum of lost gym equipment. I thought this place was just a myth.”

  Becca groaned. “I wish it was a myth.”

  He immediately went to the Pilates table and knelt by it. “Okay, I’ve seen this at a million gyms, and I’ve seen women work themselves onto it and contort, but what does it do actually?”

  “I haven’t got a clue. It’s a Pilates table, so I think it’s supposed to provide resistance, but I’ve never used it.”

  “Not once?”

  “Nope. They were giving them away at work, so I took one. I thought I’d become this uber stretchy, fit, Tribot type...Then I didn’t.”

  He turned his attention to the upright machine to the left. “Okay, I have no idea what this is. Although I’ve seen these at the Del Mar gym.”

  “It’s a running stair master. I think it’s supposed to mimic you walking and climbing stairs all at the same time.”

  “Have you used it?”

  “Yes,” she said triumphantly. Then reluctantly, she added, “But then I fell and broke my coccyx. So that was the end of that.”

  Liam rolled his lips in, and she could tell he was trying to contain a laugh. “Oh, Becca, I’m sorry.”

  One by one, she took him through her room of useless things. When she got to the workout videos, he whistled low.

  “I know. It’s a lot.”

  He nodded slowly. “Yeah. Well, you know fifty isn’t really so many.”

  Becca cleared her throat. “More like a hundred.”

  Liam laughed as he shook his head. “But why, baby? You don’t need all this stuff.”

  She ducked her head. “Well, I get caught up with work promos a lot. Or at least I used to. All these reps came in and gave this stuff away. And you know, sometimes, I think I want to be that tanned, leggy, Cali girl.”

  “I don’t know why. You’re stunning and beautiful. In case you haven’t noticed, I can’t keep my hands off of you.”

  “I know,” she said with a small smile. “It’s easy to believe the hype though. I like my body. But like every woman, I think, oh, I’ll be perfect. I can just fix this or change that.”

  “In that case, allow me to help you dispel all that.”

  Liam pulled her to him, and she went, willingly, into his arms. His kiss was soft, his tongue gently coaxing its way into her mouth. But the moment she relaxed into him and looped her arms around his neck, the tone of the kiss changed, becoming more urgent, more insistent.

  He dug his hands into her hair, taking complete control, giving Becca no option but to surrender to him, to the kiss. He picked her up easily, and Becca wound her legs around his waist.

  Pulling back a little, Liam studied her with a hooded gaze. “Which way to your bedroom?”

  It took Becca a second to start her brain. “Out the door. Next one on the left.”

  He carried her out and managed to find his way in the dark. Once in her room, he tore his lips from hers and laid her on the bed. “You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”

  She slid her gaze from his. There was something so raw and so honest in his eyes that she didn’t know if she was ready to see.

  His voice was low. “Okay, then I guess I’ll just have to show you.”

  Starting with her feet, he unzipped, then yanked off her ankle boots. They clattered into a corner where he tossed them. Gently, he cupped her feet and massaged. A moan slipped out before she could stop it. Wow, this man was good with his hands.

  As he slipped his hands up her calves, he whispered, “You’re so petite, but your legs are so long and very strong. It’s been a struggle not to stare at them during your lessons. I keep thinking about kissing my way up each one and wondering what will make you moan and call out my name.”

  He skimmed his hands over her thighs to her waist. “And let’s not even talk about what that ass of your
s has been doing to me for weeks. I love your curves. Even in a standard swimsuit, it’s more than a distraction. I work very hard to keep my hands to myself. Do you even know what you’re putting me through most days?”

  A shiver ran down her spine as he slid her leggings down her legs and kissed inches of exposed skin along the way. “N-no.”

  He tsked. “You know, that probably makes it worse. You not knowing that you drive me crazy every time you brush past me. Or, God help me, when I’m helping you float on your back.”

  Becca bit her lip. He was barely touching her, and her body hummed and vibrated. He seduced her easily with soft, barely there kisses and his voice alone. “Liam.”

  He moaned against the skin of her calf as he yanked off the jeans. “Easy honey, we’ll get to what your voice does to me in just a minute.” He slid up her body. “Now where was I? Oh yes…” He slid up the hem of her tunic top until he exposed her belly button. “One of my favorite stops on the Body by Becca tour—your belly button.” He kissed the skin below, and her muscles contracted.

  Liam grinned and kissed her again, this time dipping his tongue into the hollow. Becca moaned, and her hips rose involuntarily. Gently, he kissed each of her ribs, letting his breath caress each one as if it were his fingertips doing the touching.

  “Raise your hands up over your head, baby.”

  She complied, and he dragged the top over her breasts and her head, then removed it from her arms, tossing it over his shoulder. When Liam settled back over her body, she met his gaze, and he gave her his seductive grin.

  She held her breath and waited with coiled anticipation for him to touch her breasts or kiss them. Something. Anything. The slow seduction was killing her. But instead of touching her breasts, or even better drawing them into his mouth, he lifted one of her arms. “I don’t know if you realize how strong you’re getting. Every time you do a stroke, I see you improving. I see you building on foundations. I have to tell you, that’s so sexy to me.”

  “I think that would only be sexy to you because you’re my teacher.”

  Liam nipped at the hollow of her elbow. “Hush. The teacher is talking. Remember, I think everything you do is sexy. Now, if I may continue?”

  She giggled and nodded.

  “Good.” He slid a hand underneath her, and she automatically arched up. He pinned his gaze on her breast, but when he spoke, his fingers massaged her muscles in her back. “Did you know you have a sexy back, Becca? Sometimes in practice, I just watch those muscles work. I just want to touch you. Massage my hands over your smooth skin.”

  From this position, his every breath tickled her breasts. “Liam, you’re killing me.”

  “Now you have some idea of what I’ve been going through for weeks.” With a deft hand, he unhooked her bra and kissed the skin just above the satin cups.

  Becca gasped. “Liam, please.”

  He teased the exposed flesh with the tip of his tongue. “Yes, Becca?”

  “Please stop teasing me.”

  His smile was wicked. “You’re the one who didn’t believe me when I said you were perfect. So now I’m forced to show you.” One by one, he lifted her arms and slid them out of the straps.

  When he focused his full attention on her breasts, molten heat pooled between her thighs. She made her silent pleas for him to just touch them already. She was dying for his hands on her. She was dying for his naked body on top of hers. She just needed him to touch her. Something. Anything. A tiny mewling sound escaped from the back of her throat, and she tried to bite it back.

  But he gave her an answering growl as he took one pebbled peak into his mouth. The electric shock of contact had her throwing her head back and calling out his name. She slid her hands into his hair and held him closer to her, never wanting the greedy pulls he took to stop.

  He tore his lips from her and sucked in ragged breaths. “Jesus, do you see what you’re doing to me? Your breasts are magnificent. Perfect. You’re so soft and responsive.”

  He rolled a thumb over a nipple, and she groaned. “Yes. God, Liam.”

  He took her other nipple into his mouth and teased it with his teeth. Unable to help herself, she rocked her hips into him again, and he growled deep. His hips rolled against hers as they struggled to get their bodies even closer. Even with the barriers of her satin panties and his jeans, she could still feel his searing heat as his cock sought her moist center. Her core tightened as the stiff length of his erection rubbed against her clit.

  He released her nipple and dropped his forehead against her clavicle. “You’re killing me, Becca.”

  “You’re the one who’s torturing me.” She slid her hands into his hair and dragged him the rest of the way up her body so she could kiss him.

  The moment she touched her tongue to his, he seemed to forget all about the slow seduction. He licked into her mouth like a starving man. With a frustrated growl, he pushed himself off of her and dragged his T-shirt over his head, back first. His jeans went next, but not before he grabbed a pack of condoms out of his wallet.

  He tore one of them open and tossed the other on her nightstand. He quickly sheathed himself before kneeling over her again. “Now what do you say we do something about these pretty blue panties? They’re sort of in my way.”

  “Then by all means you should get rid of them.”

  He tugged them off her legs with the same quick efficiency he’d used for his own clothes. Like he was a man way past the point of taking his time. He kissed her gently as his body rocked into hers. “Now do you see what I see, Becca? How beautiful you are? Every gorgeous inch of you. I can barely keep my hands off you.”

  Becca met him thrust for thrust. Her body hummed with vibrating satisfaction as he stroked that hidden bundle of nerves deep inside her body. He kissed her and whispered homage to her body as he made love to her. As an orgasm rocketed down her spine, she believed him. And when his orgasm chased hers, and he rocked into her one final time, she knew she loved him.

  She fell asleep with Liam wrapped around her, holding her tight. This was how it was supposed to be. A kind of easy existence. She could get used to this.

  Just as her eyes fluttered closed, her phone rang in the other room. Shit.

  Liam tried to sit up, but she put a hand on his chest. “No, you stay put. I’m not done with you yet. Besides, I need to lock up anyway.”

  He flopped back against the pillow. “Okay, but hurry back.”

  Becca grabbed a T-shirt of out her drawer and flung it on as she padded out to the living room. As she locked the door, she answered Van’s call. “Hey, Babe. Can’t chat right now. Liam is busy cheering me up.”

  Van cursed. “In that case, I’m double sorry I’m calling you, but I need your help.”

  Becca frowned. “What’s the matter?”

  “Stupid car broke down on my way to Orange County. And I’m the idiot who switched purses and forgot to migrate my Triple A card. I hate to do this. I know you’ve had a shitty day, but I’m just north of the racetrack. Do you think you can come get me?”

  “Oh, my God. Don’t be a moron. My bestie calls, I come running. Give me thirty.”

  “Thanks, girl. You’re a lifesaver.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Liam slipped into Becca’s shower. He’d wanted to go with her to help Van, but she’d insisted he stay put. She planned to pick up her friend and take her home, then be back for the night. She’d locked the door on her way out and told him to make himself at home.

  So far, this night had been a slam-dunk for him, even with the news that Becca had been fired. Addison had never called him back, but he knew her refusal had to be bullshit. What was up with her?

  Liam hoped his contacting her after Becca had wasn’t the real reason Becca had been fired. In the morning, he had to make sure. He hadn’t been up to Huntington Beach in a while, but a road trip to talk to Addison in person seemed like a good idea. If his bugging her had been an issue, he’d apologize and smooth things over. Maybe he’d ev
en find a way to help Becca get her old job back. Or find a new one.

  The hot water caressed his shoulders and led to thoughts of Becca slippery and wet in the pool. Once she returned from helping Van, he had plans for her. Plans that involved warm water…and his mouth.

  Thinking about her made him instantly hard. He smiled as he ran soap over his body, humming a song under his breath. Her shower was barely big enough for him—he might have to think over that plan to get her in here under the water with…

  Bang. A noise came from the other room. The door slamming? Was Becca back already? She must have forgotten something.

  “I’m in here,” he called.

  No response. He leaned out of the shower door listening. “Becca?”

  Nothing. Maybe he’d imagined it. He shook his head and went back to washing off. He didn’t have any shampoo with him so he picked up one of her bottles and gave it a sniff. Flowery. Just like her.

  Well, he wasn’t going anywhere until tomorrow. Who cared if he…

  From the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow pass by. What the fuck?

  He’d just raised the bottle of shampoo and went to grab the door when it flew open, exposing him to a guy on the other side.

  “Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in Becca’s bathroom?” the guy said. In his hand was a Kettlebell.

  Okay, as far as weapons, that beat a bottle of flowery shampoo. Liam wiped water out of his eyes. “I could ask you the same thing.”

  The guy’s eyes dropped to Liam’s very out-there erection. “Where’s Becca?”

  He wasn’t answering any questions until he got some answers himself. He shut off the water. “Look, I don’t know who you are or how you got in here, but you better leave before I call the cops.”

  “You’re calling the cops?” The guy smirked. “You break into my fiancé’s apartment and then threaten to call the cops on me?”


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