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Tangled Up (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls #2)

Page 15

by Robyn Neeley

  “You said you had something important to discuss on Sunday, remember?” Right before that awesome hug that had left his lower region wanting in on some of the action.

  “Oh, it was nothing really.” Abby sighed, and he suspected she was lying but didn’t want to push. “I’ve got some ideas for a winter menu for Taste the Magic.”

  “Great.” He grabbed a slice of pizza. “I’m sure they will be a huge hit. What are we having Friday night?” he asked in between bites.


  “For the Halloween party.”

  “Right. Lots of fun things.” Her attention focused on the television, which might have signaled to him everything was fine, if it was turned on.

  What had her so preoccupied? The Abby he was getting to know was never this quiet and certainly not when it came to her catering business. “Hey, are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, I . . . um . . . I guess I’m a little tired.”

  “Let me take you home.” He stood and reached for her hand. When she declined, he sat back down. “Are you sure? I can drive your car and walk back.”

  “No, I’m fine. Plus you promised me a movie, remember?”

  “That I did.” He turned on the television and surfed Netflix while she excused herself to use the bathroom. What would she enjoy? Scary movies were off the table; he’d never liked them. He flipped through the romantic comedy section, thinking Abby might be in the mood for one. Laughing at the last suggestion, he clicked on it. It was perfect for her.

  “So, what are we watching?” Abby returned to the living room and got comfy on the couch.

  He bit his lip. This closeness for the next two hours might be torture. “Practical Magic. In honor of your people.”

  “Ha, ha. Very funny.” She brought her feet up on the couch and tucked them underneath her. “So, I was thinking earlier about what you said this morning.”

  “What did I say?” He’d said a lot of things today. He’d also learned a lot, and most of it surprised the hell out of him. Like Caitlin’s breaking news and how much he enjoyed baking with the twenty little tikes this afternoon.

  The latter had been a huge surprise. He’d never spent so much time around kids, not having nieces or nephews. It’d been fun. Still, he was glad he wasn’t going to call one his own anytime soon.

  “Your suggestion to take our dates up a notch.”

  His eyebrow shot up. “What about it?”

  “I think it’s a great idea. I mean, to make this little turkey’s dad green with jealousy. That’s why you suggested it, right?”

  “Right.” He leaned back on the couch pillow and smiled. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Maybe we could kiss.” She bit her lip, and he thought he was going to lose it. “On camera, of course. It will be our third date, after all.”

  Sitting up, he leaned a little closer. “Yes, it will.” His hand stroked her soft wavy hair. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to do so. “How would you like it?”

  “How would I like the kiss?”

  “Yeah. Do you think your baby’s father would get more revved up seeing a tender kiss like this?” He cupped her face and brought his mouth in, gently touching hers for not even two seconds. The feel of her soft lips caused a jolt of pleasure to go straight through him. He needed more to hold onto that feeling.

  “That’s nice,” she murmured, her gaze resting on his lips.

  “Or we could try something a little more hot.” Before she could offer another thought on that subject, Brandon’s lips crashed into hers, their tongues thrashing just as they had in the corn maze.

  She was the first to pull away, but her smile indicated she’d enjoyed the second option just as much as he did. “Wow. I have to choose between those two?”

  “I like to give my ladies options,” he joked, and she swatted him.

  “I think the second might be too much . . . for the blog post.”

  He laid down and motioned for her to curl up beside him because after that kiss, they were definitely going to spoon. “You’re probably right.” Grabbing the remote control, he started the movie and then rested his chin on the crook of her neck. “We’ll go with the soft kiss.”

  As the opening credits rolled, he gave Abby a neck rub while inhaling the delicious strawberry scent swirling all around him.

  This was going to be the best movie night ever.

  * * *

  Abby felt Brandon stir and her eyelids flew open. She was nestled into his chest, his arm draped over her. The movie’s closing credits scrolled on the screen. They must have fallen asleep.

  She rolled over, taking in his handsome face. His full lips, his blond lashes, she missed being this close to every inch of him. “Come back to me, baby,” she whispered before kissing him awake.

  “What’s going on, Red?” His arms wrapped around her, caressing her back.

  “I was thinking . . . if we’re going to kiss on camera, we should probably practice some more. Maybe do a dress rehearsal.”

  “And you thought now would be a good time?” he asked.

  “Yes . . . no . . .” She snuggled into him, whispering in his ear. “Okay, yes. I think now would be the perfect time.”

  Brandon brought his lips down to meet hers. “Your wish is my command.” He kissed her first softly then deepened the kiss, flipping her onto her back.

  That was all the foreplay she needed. Abby fiddled with his flannel’s buttons because enough was enough. She wanted him.

  They’d done this so many times, but what they were about to do was a first. Their souls were connecting, she was all but sure of it.

  Brandon offered some help as he undid the last button and removed his flannel, pulling his white undershirt over his head.

  She took a moment to say a silent “hello, old friend” to his bare chest before running her hands along his rock hard abs. God, she missed them. She sat up, and his lips met hers again. She’d missed his kisses, too. With a swift yank of her sweater, Brandon pulled it gently over her head, placing it on the back of the couch.

  “Are you sure?” His gaze rested on her belly. “Is it okay to do this?”

  She smiled, knowing what he was asking. “It’s perfectly fine.”

  That permission was all he needed to scoop her up and take her to his bedroom. The moon’s bright light peered in from his rolled up blinds, casting a beautiful glow.

  He laid her gently onto his bed, cupping her face with his hands. “Abby Stevens, you bewitch me.”

  If he only knew.

  She tilted her head back and looked out the window, smiling up at the beautiful stars that twinkled in the sky. “What a night for stargazing,” she breathed.

  He slid a hand down her body, unbuckling her jeans. “It sure is.” He helped her out of them.

  “It’s better if you look on your back.” She patted the bed and he laid down next to her, both of them gazing in silence for a minute at the twinkling stars that filled the sky.

  “It’s beautiful,” he murmured, tilting his head to see out the window. He turned, and their lips met for a tender kiss. “And so are you.”

  Abby deepened the kiss while her fingers got reacquainted with his body. She knew exactly what he liked and all the places she needed to kiss, touch, and nip that would drive the man she loved, and the father of her baby, absolutely crazy.

  She set out to show Brandon just how pleasurable this evening would get.

  Chapter 17

  Abby rounded the corner of the costume aisle, trying to decide between her being a pirate wench or a sexy cat woman. She looked down at the shiny black feline costume she’d picked up moments ago, thinking it might be fun to crack the accompanying whip tomorrow night in the privacy of Brandon’s bedroom.

  Not that she was into that kind of role play. But maybe he was . . .

  Last night had been incredible. Their lovemaking—and that’s exactly what it was this time—had taken them to a new level of real intimacy. She was sure of it

  She smiled feeling a blush coming on. It had been so much more than great sex. For the first time, they’d stayed tangled up in each other afterwards, laughing, joking, and talking about everything under the stars. And then they did it all over again.

  They’d made future plans for the inn and all they’d try to accomplish before the end of the year. He’d offered to introduce her to a couple of freelance graphic designers he knew for her catering promotional material.

  The image of them cracking a bottle of nonalcoholic champagne while ringing in a new year made her all warm and fuzzy inside. Last night had been an amazing start to their future.

  She loved that they could lay in each other’s arms and talk. She’d told him how much it meant to her that he believed in Taste the Magic Catering. That she’d often felt like a failure and this business was her big chance to prove she could have the same kind of success that Emma had with the bakery. That is, unless she bombed and no one requested her business.

  He’d assured her that she wouldn’t fail. In his arms, she could tell Brandon anything.

  Well, almost anything.

  She still planned on having the talk—that he didn’t even know they needed to have. Once he learned everything, she hoped that he’d forgive her and realize how hard she’d fallen for him. Her feelings were stronger than she’d ever felt for any man, and she wanted him to know. She needed him to know.

  Deciding on the wench, she sent Brandon a quick text informing him that he definitely needed to be a pirate. She laughed, thinking how hot he’d look in tight black leather pants.

  She headed for the front of the store to pay for her costume, anxious to get to the inn and start preparing the food for tomorrow night. Rounding the corner, she froze in her tracks. Less than five feet away twirled Caitlin, wearing a big trench coat and checking herself out in a full-length mirror.

  Seeing Abby’s reflection, Caitlin spun around. “You can close your mouth now and no, you’re not seeing a ghost. What do you think of my private detective costume?”

  “Welcome back. How are you?” Abby asked and approached. A spell to banish Caitlin in the mirror to a land far, far away would be helpful right about now.

  “I couldn’t be better. I’m just picking out a costume for Brandon’s Halloween party.” She giggled, batting her lashes. “I know how much he likes role play.”

  All the hairs stood on the back of Abby’s neck. Calm down. She’s trying to get a rise out of you. Why on earth did Brandon invite Caitlin to the party? Surely he’d realized that it would make Emma uncomfortable to have her nemesis there.

  “I’m glad you can join us. We’ve been working very hard on the inn these last few days . . .” she paused, throwing in for emphasis, “and nights. Lot and lots of nights . . . Just Brandon and me.”

  Okay, that was a lie, but Caitlin didn’t need to know that. Abby cursed herself for letting Caitlin get to her. Remember who he chose to spend his night with. She gave herself an internal pep talk. Me, not her.

  “Couldn’t wait to get your hooks into him, could you?” Caitlin put her hands on her hips. “You’re just like your brother going after what you want, not giving a flying fig who might get hurt.”

  “What did my brother ever do to you?” It seemed strange that Caitlin would bring up Josh. As far as Abby knew, Josh had never given her the time of day.

  Caitlin ignored the question, shaking her head. “Bet you couldn’t wait until I was out of the picture to put your witchy hands all over Brandon. Well, I don’t care what you do. I’m back now and things have changed.”

  What was that supposed to mean? Was she saying she was going to fight for what she obviously thought Abby stole from out and under her? Abby took a slow breath. “That’s not what happened. Brandon and I—”

  The words lodged in her throat as she watched Caitlin peel off the coat, turn to the side, and place her hand on her bulging belly. Her brain hit the panic button. “Please tell me you’re going as an expecting mother and there’s a pillow under there . . .” her voice trailed as she stared in horror at Caitlin’s round stomach.

  “I’m pregnant, you dimwit.”

  Abby’s hand flew to her mouth. “Um . . . you’re . . . oh . . .”

  “Thank you,” Caitlin said with what Abby could only interpret as smug sarcastic vindication.

  “Congratulations,” Abby muttered under her breath. “That’s why you wanted to meet Brandon at the Star Lite, wasn’t it?”

  “Oh, Abby. You have no idea what’s going on.” Caitlin headed toward her and stopped, leaning in. “Just a tip. Brandon prefers a sexy nurse costume over the one you have in your hands.”

  Clenching the package, Abby watched Caitlin disappear around the corner. Was Caitlin’s baby Brandon’s? Judging by how much she was already showing and her insisting Brandon meet her yesterday, odds were it was his.

  Abby’s heart sank as she continued to process the news. How could Brandon make love to her last night knowing another woman was pregnant with his baby?

  Maybe he wasn’t the kindhearted, compassionate man she thought she’d fallen in love with. Had her initial instincts about the swinging bachelor been right all along?

  * * *

  Brandon pushed back his chair. As hard as he tried to get through his e-mail inbox, thoughts of Abby took over and demanded an encore of last night. He surrendered to the fact that he probably wasn’t going to get a whole lot of work done that involved taking his mind off her.

  And that was perfectly fine by him. Daydreaming about Abby sounded like the perfect way to spend his afternoon.

  He did manage to be productive this morning and purchased party decorations. Bridget and Tom had met him at the party supply store and helped him pick out everything he needed. Bridget threw a lot of events at the library where she worked and knew exactly what he needed to Halloween-up the inn.

  From the time he met the pair at their Vegas nuptials last summer, he loved hanging out with them. That memory of their wedding made him laugh. It was that night that he’d met the whole wedding party, including Caitlin, and then followed Jason to Buttermilk Falls the very next day.

  Funny how one crazy night filled with a lot of drinking, a pink limo ride, and crashing Bridget and Tom’s tacky wedding chapel nuptials changed his life.

  He was grateful for it. He wasn’t always proud of some of the things he’d done after his divorce, but if he hadn’t chased after Caitlin to New York, he would have never met Abby.

  He grabbed his decorations and headed to the first floor. The party was really coming together. Abby and Emma would be coming over soon to start food preparations for the fifty anticipated guests.

  He hated that he’d had to limit the list, but this wasn’t an establishment open for business. Of course, Bridget, Tom, Mitch, Adam, Betty, and Mel were all invited. Most of them offered to lend a hand throughout the night, whether it be serving drinks or helping with cleanup.

  Then there was Caitlin. Inviting her probably wasn’t the smartest idea he’d ever had. Hopefully she’d be on her best behavior and not cause a scene. She seemed happy yesterday. Maybe she was turning a corner. Still, he might have to referee if she threw any insults at Emma or Abby.

  Perhaps once word was out that they were both with child, Abby and Caitlin could share pregnancy and baby tips. Who knows? Maybe this thing they had in common would lead to a new friendship. He doubted it, but stranger things have happened.

  Rummaging through his shopping bags, he found the fake spider webs and began draping the staircase. He and Abby decided earlier in the week that they’d save their roaring twenties idea for the grand opening in May. Tomorrow’s event would be a straight up Halloween party with tricks and a whole lot of treats.

  He couldn’t help but grin because he hoped to show the beautiful redhead some pleasurable tricks he’d held back on doing to her last night.

  His lower half signaled he should probably stop thinking about that private after party. It’s just . . . we
ll, last night had blown his mind. It was by far the best sex he’d ever had. She did all the things that he liked a woman to do to him in bed. How could she possibly have known what would take him way over the edge?

  Grabbing some tape and more cobwebs, he began to hang them across the entrance while thinking about their next few dates. Shane would be filming the Halloween party, so that technically counted as date three. Abby had invited him to her house for dinner on Sunday, but that wouldn’t count because Shane had said he wouldn’t be available that night to film it.

  Dinner at Abby’s without a camera in his face was fine by him—more than fine.

  He didn’t really know where this thing with her would go—if anywhere since the end goal was to make her baby’s father jealous. All he knew was that after last night, there was no way he’d volunteer to end it anytime soon.

  The minutes ticked by and before long he’d hung up all the spider webs, added miniature silver and pink skeleton lights, and stocked the bar. Mitch had donated the booze for the evening, which was completely generous of him to do.

  That’s what Brandon loved about this town. Even though he’d soon be Mitch’s direct competition, the tavern owner was quick to offer Brandon a hand. That kind of collegial and neighborly support didn’t happen everywhere. It was one of the many things he loved about Buttermilk Falls.

  “Brandon, are you here?” Abby’s voice called out from the foyer.

  Speaking of things he loved. Spending time with Abby was at the top of the list. “In here,” he responded, waiting for her to appear.

  When she did, she looked absolutely adorable in a gray knit dress with black tights and short black boots. She’d managed to get some of the white web tangled up in her ponytail.

  “Hey, you. You’ve got a little something in your hair.” He came around the bar and reached over to pull the cobweb out, but she flinched. “Is something the matter?”

  She ignored his question and glanced around the room. “This place looks great. Did you do all this yourself?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been working on it for a couple hours. I thought maybe I’d finish while you and Emma are cooking tonight.”


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