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Zombie Games (Uncut) Boxed Set

Page 45

by Kristen Middleton

  “So he recovered from the virus, too?”

  “I guess so. But, fact is, he never waited for me, so I don’t know for sure.” She looked away for a second. I think it was to hide her tears. “Asshole knew I was coming, but left anyway. Same old song and dance.”

  “Maybe he didn’t know you’d made it to Atlanta.”

  She shrugged. “But he didn’t even stick around to find out. Nice father, huh?”

  I knew how Nora felt about her dad. She loved him dearly but was also furious at the way he’d abandoned her throughout her childhood. If it hadn’t been for her grandmother, Nora would have been even more bitter and angry than she already was. But now that her grandmother was gone, her only reason for being in Atlanta was to find her dad. Unfortunately, the only thing she’d found were more dead ends.

  “Well, what do you want to do?” I asked.

  “I’m going back to Minnesota,” she replied. “In case he’s looking for me.”

  “You’re really going back there?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I was wondering if you’d like to tag along. Check back there, in case any more of your family members have survived.”

  I hadn’t even thought about going back to Minnesota, I’d been too busy mourning my parents. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Don’t you wonder if any of your other relatives are alive? Your grandparents, uncles, or aunts? Cousins?”

  I’d tried not to think about losing other members of my family and now that she’d brought it up, I felt the all-too familiar gnawing ache of loss. I nodded. “Yeah, of course I wonder.”

  “Then come back to Minnesota with me. We’ll see if my dad made it, and look for the rest of your family.”

  I let out a ragged breath. “It’s just so dangerous. I can’t put Allie through a trip like that.”

  “Leave her here.”

  I snorted. “She’d never agree to that.”

  “Don’t tell her about it. You can always leave her a note or something.”

  I was so torn. I loved my grandparents dearly and if they were alive, they probably needed us as much as we needed them. I was just afraid of leaving Allie now, especially in her fragile state of mind.

  I sighed. “Let me think about it.”

  “I’m leaving, early tomorrow morning. Whether you’re coming or not.”

  “What about Billie?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What about Billie?”

  “I know you guys are getting to be really good friends.”

  “Well, actually, I mentioned that I might be going back to Minnesota, and he totally flipped out.”

  “I can’t imagine why…” I answered with a wry smile.

  She rubbed her forehead. “He also thinks it’s too dangerous. Billie said the odds of me finding my dad would be pretty astronomical.”

  I tended to agree. Once her dad found his mother’s house empty, if he made it, he’d probably move on. Even if he was in Minnesota, the chance of them meeting up was astronomical.

  “I still have to think about it,” I said.

  “Tell you what,” she said, heading toward the door. “Meet me right here at seven o’clock tomorrow morning if you’re coming. If you’re not here, then I’ll take off by myself.”


  I went upstairs to our suite, my head swimming with horrifying images of my grandparents fending off zombies. The thought of them being mauled by the undead or dealing with thieves was terrifying.

  Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it….

  I groaned; now I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Were any of them alive? Were they struggling to survive while I was currently living in a swanky hotel, sleeping on a luxury mattress, and enjoying a working generator? We had food, water, and weapons. Did they even have a safe place to sleep anymore?

  “Hey, pup.” I smiled when Goldie jumped up to my knees as I entered the room. I bent down and stroked behind her ears while she seemed to smile back at me.

  “Cassie!” shrieked Allie, coming out of her bedroom followed by Kylie and Luke.


  A teenaged boy in her room! We definitely needed to talk…

  “Guess what? You have a package!” said Allie.

  Good grief, I hadn’t seen this much emotion in her face in like, forever. “A package?”

  “It’s from Bryce,” said Kylie.

  There was a large white box labeled “Macy’s” with a purple bow sitting on my mattress when I entered my bedroom. I pulled off the top of the box and smiled; a short black and silver cocktail dress with a pair of high heels. When I saw the designer names and the correct sizes, I smiled. Paige must have had a hand in that.

  “Oh, my God!” gushed my sister, who’d followed me. “It’s gorgeous! He must really have the hots for you!”

  I chuckled. “It’s my birthday and we’re having dinner tonight.”

  Allie’s face fell. “Oh, God, I totally didn’t even realize it was your birthday. I don’t have anything to give you.”

  I put my arm around her and looked into her blue eyes. “You’ve already given me my present,” I said. “The fact that you’re beginning to deal with mom and dad’s death is the best gift ever.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “But I’m not really dealing with it,” she said. “I’m just trying to not think about it.”

  “That’s okay for now,” I said. “Just don’t block it out completely.”

  She nodded.

  “I wonder how Bryce knew it was my birthday,” I said, holding the dress up.

  “Paige, probably,” said Allie. Paige’s birthday and mine were only four days apart. She’d just had hers a couple days before and we’d shared a bottle of champagne alone in her room. We’d snuck it, only because we didn’t know how Kristie would have reacted. Neither of us had anticipated the wicked headaches afterward.

  “That would explain the clothes, too,” I said.

  “Um, is it okay if Kylie stays overnight in our suite?” asked Allie.

  “As long as it’s just Kylie.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Who else would it be?”

  “Listen,” I said, “I know things are crazy right now, but it’s not cool having any boys in your bedroom.”

  “Oh, you mean Luke?” she said.

  “Yeah, that would be the one I’m referring to,” I replied.

  Allie’s eyes narrowed. “He’s just a friend.”

  “He’s also going on fifteen, and unfortunately, you look like you’re the same age,” I said. “I don’t want him getting any ideas.”

  It was true; Allie had developed early and she’d earned many interested looks from boys much older than her. It used to drive our dad crazy.

  “Whatever,” she replied. “You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “I certainly hope not,” I muttered.

  The truth of the matter was, I didn’t know if I could handle being her guardian. She was a handful, even for my parents. Headstrong and very independent for someone so young. Another reason to have my grandparents around. She always listened to them.

  “Sit down,” I said, patting my comforter. “I want to talk to you about something.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I already know about the birds and the bees. Don’t even go there.”

  I smiled. “No. Listen, Nora is going back to Minnesota to find her dad and I was thinking about trying to find our grandparents.”

  Her eyes opened wide. “Do you think they’re alive?”

  “Truthfully, I have no idea. But I think it might be worth a shot to find out.”

  “I’m going, too,” she said.

  I shook my head. “No, way! It’s too dangerous. I’m even having a hard time talking myself into taking this trip.”

  “But you can’t leave me behind!” she shrieked.

  “Shush,” I whispered. “It’s a secret. If anyone finds out, they won’t let me go.”

  “You’re eighteen, now.” />
  “Like that would matter, especially with Bryce. He’d never let me go.”

  “Maybe he’d go with?”

  “Maybe, if he didn’t have Bobby. But Bobby really needs him, and if anything ever happened to Bryce, I’d never forgive myself. Bobby doesn’t have anyone else.”

  “What if something happens to you?” she pouted. “You expect me to let you go alone? Well, I have nobody else now either, do I? You can’t leave me, Cassie.”

  I was afraid of that. She’d feel abandoned and I didn’t want to just disappear without talking to her first.

  “Well, we wouldn’t leave for a few days, anyway,” I lied.

  She grabbed my arm. “You are not going to leave me behind,” she said. “Promise me.”

  “I’m not promising anything,” I said. “There’s no way you’re going to take that trip. It’s much too dangerous. I mean, come on, Allie! I’ve been trained in marital arts and can fire a gun. You’d just be someone I’d have to keep worrying about. You’re better off waiting here, with Kylie and her family. They’d take great care of you and you’d be safe.”

  “Don’t you dare go without me,” she snapped, ignoring everything I’d just said. “I mean it.”

  “Let’s just talk about this another time. Bryce is going to be coming by in less than an hour, and I have to get ready.”

  Allie stared at me for a minute and then stormed out of my room. There was no way she was going to allow me to leave without her. That’s why she could never know about tomorrow morning and the fact that I’d already made up my mind.


  I went downstairs to a little store in the hotel and located a new razor, vanilla scented shower gel, and makeup. Since it was my birthday and the last time I’d be seeing Bryce for a while, I wanted to look extra special.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” said Billie, entering the store.

  “Oh, I’m just picking up some things.”

  He looked at my pile of beauty supplies in the basket and raised his eyebrows. “Big night?”

  I laughed. “Well, it’s my birthday.”

  His jaw dropped. “It’s your birthday? Seriously?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  He smiled. “What are you twenty-one, now?”

  Billie knew how old I was. We’d discussed it on our road trip awhile back. “I feel seventy-one.”

  He lowered his voice. “Watch how loud you say that. Old Henry might hear and ask you for a date.”

  “Henry doesn’t date anyone over sixty,” I laughed.

  He chuckled. “True.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  He smiled. “Well, you had your chance with me, Wild, but you lost out. I hate to break this to you, but I’m totally digging someone else now. And you know what? I can honestly say that I haven’t felt like this in a long time.”

  “Oh, I already know all about it,” I said.

  He raised his eyebrows. “How? I just figured it out myself.”

  “Come on, I saw the way you and Nora have been flirting with each other. Or rather how you’ve been flirting and she’s been kicking your ass.”

  He burst out laughing. “Kicking my ass? Hell, that’s only because I let her!”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Seriously though, I am totally into her, although I have to admit, sometimes she scares the hell out of me.”

  “Well, she scares a lot of people.”

  He nodded. “She’s pretty intense. I just don’t know how she feels about me.”

  “Personally, I think she likes you. If I were you, though, I’d admit your feelings.”

  He scratched his head. “That might be dangerous.”

  “Oh, I think you can handle it. By the way, I’m seriously happy for you.”

  “Thanks. Well, I’d better get what I came for. How about a happy birthday hug?”

  I nodded and he pulled me into his arms. “Thanks again for coming to our rescue,” I murmured.

  He pulled back slightly and smiled. “You’re welcome. I’m glad we made it in time.”

  “Oh, sorry,” muttered Nora from the entrance of the store. “I had no idea you were having a private moment in here.”

  I groaned inside. Billie still had his arms around me and it must have looked a little intimate. We separated.

  “Billie was just giving me a birthday hug.”

  She snorted. “Hey, don’t get all weirded out because of me. It’s none of my business if you guys have something going.”

  My jaw dropped. “Are you kidding?’

  Billie walked over to Nora, whose eyes blazed with betrayal. “Nora, nothing else was going on in here.”

  “Seriously,” I said.

  She shrugged. “You know what? It’s none of my business, anyway. Listen, I have to fly,” she said backing away. She then turned and stormed off.

  “You’d better go and talk to her,” I said.

  He released a heavy sigh. “Yeah, looks that way. Catch you later.”

  When I got back to the suite, Allie, Kylie, Paige, and Kristie were all waiting for me with different expressions.

  “What’s going on here?” I asked.

  “Well I heard a rumor that you’re thinking about taking a little trip,” said Kristie with a stern look.

  My jaw dropped. “Allie! What? Did you go and blab it to everyone?”

  “No, just these guys,” she said, looking a little hurt.

  “You can’t be serious about going back to Minnesota?” asked Kristie. “That’s crazy.”

  “Nora’s going to look for her father and wanted to know If I’d come with. I mean, our grandparents might be alive and suffering horribly. They might need my help,” I said.

  “It’s suicide to go back there,” said Kristie. “Especially a couple of young girls.”

  “We can take care of ourselves.”

  Kristie leaned forward. “Normally, yeah. But not when there are zombies and thieves lurking in the streets. You can’t possibly do this.”

  “Well, I haven’t made up my mind,” I said.

  “If you’re going,” said Paige with a triumphant smile, “I’m coming with.”

  “The hell you are!” hollered Kristie. “Jesus, what’s gotten into everyone?”

  “Cassie’s my best friend and she saved my ass from Marcus and those other fools. I’m not letting her do this alone. Besides, I’m eighteen now. I can do what I want.”

  Kristie sighed and ran her hands over her face. “This is ridiculous.”

  “Listen,” I said, looking at the clock. “I have a date in less than forty minutes. I need to take a shower and get ready. Can we just talk about this tomorrow?”

  Plus I’d be long gone. I wasn’t about to risk Paige’s life either.

  “Oh, we will,” said Kristie. “You can count on it.”

  “Don’t worry, Cassie,” said Paige, squeezing my shoulder. “I’ve been practicing my karate kicks and strikes. I also found myself a new bat. We’ll kick some zombie ass all the way back to the Midwest! It’ll be so much… fun!” she giggled. “Road trip!!!”

  “Lord, help me,” mumbled Kristie. “I’m going to have a real nervous breakdown this time.”

  “Let’s talk about it tomorrow,” I repeated.

  Or they could discuss it when I was long gone.

  “Just don’t make any foolish decisions until we talk about it,” said Kristie.

  “I hear you,” I said.

  “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do on that date of yours,” said Kristie with a little grin.

  “That’s opening up a world of possibilities, mom,” said Paige, dryly.


  I studied myself in the mirror and smiled. I didn’t look half bad, especially with Allie’s help. She’d applied most of my makeup and teased my hair into a wavy loose up-do. I actually felt like I was going to the prom.

  “You look so pretty,” gushed my sister. “And I love that dress on you. You have to let me borrow it someday.”
r />   “When you’re eighteen,” I said. “It’s a little over the top for a twelve-year-old.”

  “I’m almost thirteen,” she reminded me for the umpteenth time.

  “Oh, pardon me.”

  It was a sexy dress. It fit me like a glove and shimmered when I walked. Allie had actually made me twirl for her a half dozen times. When I almost fell over wearing the heels, both of us had burst out laughing.

  A loud knock on the door marked my date’s arrival.

  I looked at myself again and sighed. “Why am I nervous?”

  “Don’t worry, you look gorgeous. I’ll get the door,” said Allie.

  I followed her, and when she opened it, my jaw dropped. I may have looked good, but he looked amazing in his black double-breasted tuxedo. He’d also shaved, although his typical five o’clock shadow was certainly sexy enough. Tonight, he looked like a totally hot movie star going to the Oscar’s.

  “Let me guess,” said my sister, lowering her voice, “you’re Bond, James Bond?”

  “No,” he replied with a cocky grin. “I’m Lee, Bryce Lee.”

  My sister and I burst out laughing.

  “You look absolutely stunning,” he said as I walked toward him. “I am – speechless.”

  “That’s a first,” I answered with a smile. His flattery was bringing out my sarcasm; I guess it made me slightly uncomfortable. “You look pretty handsome yourself.”

  “Do me a favor,” he said, waving his finger around. “Could you please walk back and forth a couple of times around the suite? You look amazingly sexy in those heels.”

  My sister cleared her throat.

  “Oh, sorry, Allie,” he smiled. “You’re still here? It’s Wild’s fault. She’s put some kind of spell on me, and all I see is her long legs.”

  Allie laughed. “I’m going to get Kylie. You two have fun now.”

  “Thanks, Allie,” I said, giving her a hug.

  After she left, he offered me his arm. “So, beautiful, are you ready?”

  I blushed again. “I think so,” I said. “I’m a little intrigued about this date.”

  “Good. I want it to be a surprise.”

  “You’ve already surprised me with this outfit. I love it, by the way.”


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