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Zombie Games (Uncut) Boxed Set

Page 74

by Kristen Middleton

  He smirked. “Something like that.”

  “Is Father Brambati from your world, too?” asked Kylie

  “No, he’s a mortal,” said Billie. “But he’s helping us.”

  “And who exactly is us?” asked Allie.

  Before he could answer, there was a loud rumble from somewhere down below.

  “Crap, what is that?” squeaked Kylie.

  “Get back,” said Allie, pulling Kylie and Adria with her. “It’s getting bigger.”

  “Only about another hundred feet,” said Billie. “We’ll be fine.”

  The earth around the hole began to crumble and fall and they all moved quickly out of the way. When it stopped growing and the earth settled, an eerie silence surrounded the group. Even Adria was exceptionally quiet.

  “Oh God, what’s going to happen next?” whispered Kylie after a few seconds.

  “I don’t know, but I’m scared,” replied Allie under her breath.

  “Me too.”

  “Don’t be frightened,” said Billie, walking back toward the hole. He looked down and grinned. “Well, what do you know?”

  Jenny and the couple hurried back to the pit. The other woman leaned down and her eyes widened. “What are all of those moving lights?”

  “They look like eyes,” said the man

  Billie smiled. “That’s because they are, John.”

  All three of them gasped and backed away from the pit.

  “Don’t be afraid,” said Billie. “They’re not coming for you.”

  “Let’s go,” whispered Kylie, turning to leave as a large shadow flew out of the pit.

  “Oh, my God,” gasped Allie, staring in horror at the giant bat-like creature. It soared to the other side of the park and then turned to head back toward them. “What is that?”

  “Come on!” cried Kylie, frightened as another creature launched out of the hole.

  “Marvelous!” yelled Billie, his eyes gleaming a yellowish-red color. “It has begun. We need to ready the child!”

  Panicked, Kylie held Adria against her chest and began to run. She zigzagged around a couple of zombies and turned down the nearest corridor with Allie following suit. Before they could make it to the end of the hallway, however, one of the bat-like creatures flew by, making an unearthly ear-piercing screeching sound. It circled back around and then headed back toward them.

  “Ohmygod!” screamed Kylie, staring at the creature’s blood-red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. She ducked as the flying monster swooped down, barely missing her.

  “This way!” cried Allie, running past her toward a large jewelry store.

  Frightened, Kylie followed her inside. Trying to avoid all of the broken glass, they rushed to the very back and hid behind an empty glass jewelry case that was still intact.

  “Is it gone?” whispered Kylie after both of them caught their breath.

  Allie got to her knees and then peered over the edge of the glass case. “Uh… I don’t see anything.” She shuddered. “What was that thing?”

  “I have no idea.” Kylie put her cheek against Adria’s, who looked like she was ready to cry. “Don’t cry, honey. Please don’t cry. I’ve got you and we won’t let them hurt you.”

  Adria’s lip trembled, but she didn’t cry.

  “You’re such a good baby,” whispered Kylie, kissing her forehead. She turned to Allie. “I swear, any other baby would have been crying the entire time. Adria is definitely special.”

  “That why we’ve got to get her out of this mall. And us.”

  She scraped her lower lip with her teeth. “Yeah, I know.”

  “That hole,” whispered Allie. “It’s scaring the crap out of me.”

  “Me too. Aliens or not, it’s evil. I can feel it. Even the air around it seemed so… cold and creepy.”

  She shivered. “You felt that too? I don’t think anything has scared me as much as that thing up until now. Even the zombies…”

  “I think it’s either aliens or….”

  “Something from Hell,” finished Allie, peering over the top of the jewelry case again.

  She nodded. “Yeah. I really didn’t want to say that, but yeah.”

  “We need to find a weapon or something,” whispered Allie, watching as three zombies staggered toward the jewelry shop, as if they sensed they were there.

  “Yeah, I know. Diamonds are sharp, right?” she answered, smiling grimly. “Cause I don’t see much of anything else.”

  Allie held her breath as the zombies began moving through the store. Fortunately, they weren’t able to get very far with all of the glass cases and eventually wandered off.

  “This thing with the zombies is weird,” said Kylie. “Why are they not attacking us? I just don’t get it.”

  “Me neither,” said Allie, sitting back down. “But I’m not going to trust that it will stay that way.”


  Allie smiled down at Adria. “Is she really okay? I mean, I just can’t believe the way she’s handling everything.”

  “I know. We need to find her another diaper soon, though.”

  “She’s wet?”


  “Okay,” she said, peeking over the glass counter once again. “I guess we’d better do something about that then. This is a huge place, they must have diapers somewhere.”

  “Even cloth ones,” said Kylie. “Is it safe to leave?”

  There were still several zombies moving around in the corridor, but thankfully, no Billie or any of his cohorts. “I hate to say it, but we’re never going to get out of this dang mall unless we use another exit,” she replied. “You know he’ll be watching for us at all of the main ones.”

  “I’m sure you’re right; what should we do?”

  She thought about it. “I know - we need to find out where the loading docks are and see if we can get out that way. Hopefully we’ll find some diapers along the way.”

  “Good thinking,” replied Kylie. “Do you know where they are?”

  “I think so.”

  She picked up Adria. “Okay, let’s go.”

  “Hold up. Let’s wait until some of these zombies turn the corner, then we’ll hit it.”


  Allie turned back toward the corridor. “So, what do you think is going on with Billie?”

  Kylie shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe he’s crazy. He referred to himself as Travis earlier. What do you think?”

  Allie hesitated. “Well, I thought maybe he was an alien, but the more I think about it, I’m starting to believe that Travis took possession of his body somehow. I mean, we pretty much know that he was some kind of demon, right?”

  “I think so.”

  “That could be why the zombies are leaving us alone, because Travis is still controlling them.”

  “That’s scary.”

  “Everything is scary. Especially that hole. I think those bats were from Hell and,” she swallowed hard, “that something much worse is going to be coming out of it next.”

  “Like Lucifer?”


  “Let’s hope not.”

  Terrified of this possibility, they waited on pins and needles for a break in the zombies. Finally, Allie touched Kylie’s arm. “Come on, I don’t see any right now.”

  Kylie stood up with Adria and the girls crept toward the exit. Before they could take a step out of the store, however, Billie appeared from around the corner, blocking their way. “Ladies,” he said, grinning smugly. “Did you find anything you like?”

  Knowing that it was now or never, Allie shoved Billie with everything she had. “Run, Kylie!” she screamed. “Save Adria!”

  Terrified, Kylie ran.

  Billie grabbed Allie’s arm. “That wasn’t very smart.”

  Remembering what Cassie had taught her, she poked him hard in the eyes with her other hand and then kicked him in the shin as hard as she could.

  He hollered in rage and released her.

  Allie took off runni



  After the ground stopped trembling, I stepped out of the restaurant, gripping the Tomahawk ax firmly in my right hand.

  “What the hell am I thinking?” I said under my breath, staring at the hundreds of zombies crowding all around the MOA. “They were right. This has got to be a suicide mission beyond all other suicide missions.”

  But you have to try and save the girls, countered a little voice in the back of my head. Have faith. You made it this far.

  Taking a deep breath, I put one foot in front of the other and began walking. There was no time for second thoughts or reasoning. Sure, it was me against a couple hundred of them, but something told me that time was running out and if I didn’t go for it, my life would quickly follow suit.

  As I neared the end of the restaurant’s parking lot, a short female zombie moved toward me along the sidewalk, dragging a bloody, dismembered arm.

  Grimacing, I stopped and waited for her to drop the arm and charge me. Amazingly, however, she stayed on her course, paying me no mind.

  “Hey,” I said, out loud.

  Her glazed eyes met mine for a brief second and then dropped away.

  “You sure about this?” I tried again, wondering if she thought that maybe I was one of them.

  In response, her eyes stared blankly and she continued to ignore me.

  I watched in troubled silence, even more stunned when she passed in front of me without so much as a pause. Raising my arm, I sniffed my skin, wondering if I smelled as repulsive as they did, but found nothing unusual in my scent.

  I frowned. Her ignorance of fresh food was unsettling.

  Brushing it aside, I crossed the street toward the mega mall’s parking lot, bracing for a different reaction from the others.

  I’m nuts, I thought, staring at the massive crowd of dead in my path. What was even crazier, however, was that they also appeared oblivious to my approach. I’d almost expected the entire group of zombies to stop what they were doing and charge after me, but not these zombies - they just kept wandering around with no particular destination in mind..

  As I approached the closest of the group, two males, who were so emaciated that I could see the bones in their ribcages, stepped out of my path, ignoring me.

  What in the hell is going on? I wondered in disbelief as I stared at their retreating backs. Then, another zombie approached, and before I could raise my ax, she changed course, also taking no interest.

  Grunting, I picked up my pace, zigzagging around dozens of them without interference. When I made it past the parking lot and to the main entrance of the mall, I turned around and stared at the crowd in disbelief, wondering if maybe I was truly losing my mind. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw headlights.


  It was the white truck, returning. As it drew closer to the mall exit, it slowed, as if searching for me.

  “You made it, child.”

  I whipped around and stared at an old man, holding the door open for me. He had white hair, blue eyes, and a friendly face. “Who are you?” I asked in shock, staring at his priest garb.

  He chuckled. “Well, I’m a friend, here to help you.”

  I glanced over my shoulder one last time and noticed the pickup was still there. I could almost feel his eyes on me and felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

  “Who is that?” asked the priest, as the truck took off.

  “Some asshole. Oh,” I turned back around and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  “It’s quite all right, child. I’m sure you have your reasons.”

  “You have no idea. Say, have you seen two girls and a baby around here?”

  “Yes. That’s why I’m here, actually. Are you the sister to one of the girls?”

  “Thank goodness. Yes, I’m Allie’s sister. Are they safe?”

  “I am Father Brambati,” he replied. “Why don’t’ you just come in and check for yourself.”

  “Thanks,” I said, stepping past him. “So, is there a man named Billie with them?”

  His eyebrows furrowed. “Billie? No, I don’t think so.”

  “Really?” I turned and caught him staring at my legs.

  His eyes moved back up to mine and he smiled. “My… my… that’s a very interesting outfit, young lady.”

  I suddenly felt very self-conscious of the skimpy shorts. “I know. Not really my choice, but what can you do. Where are the girls?”

  He started walking. “This way. They’ll be very excited to see you.”

  I started walking next to him and noticed that there were zombies heading toward us from the opposite direction. I raised my ax. “Watch out, Father.”

  He smiled. “Oh… don’t worry. They’re harmless.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Just watch.”

  Sure enough, as we approached, the zombies ignored us and kept walking.

  “Why are they ignoring us?” I asked, watching them.

  “It’s his will,” said the priest.

  I raised my eyebrows. “You mean God’s?”

  His eyes moved to my ax.


  “You won’t be needing weapons here,” he said, frowning. “In fact, why don’t you leave it behind and retrieve it later? To be honest, t’s making me quite uncomfortable.”

  I stared at him in surprise. There was no way I’d give up the ax. No way. “Well, I’m sorry that it’s making you feel that way, but I can’t give it up. It’s all I have, and it’s too dangerous, even if the zombies are ignoring us.”

  Just then, a woman and a man rounded the corner. When they noticed us standing in the corridor, they froze.

  “Is everything okay?” asked the priest.

  “Yes,” said the man, who appeared tense. He looked at my ax and his face darkened.

  “Very good,” replied Father Brambati. “This is Cassie. She’s here to see the girls.”

  They didn’t say anything, just continued to stare at me as we approached.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, studying the couple uneasily when we stopped in front of them.

  The woman smiled. “Of course.”

  “Where are the girls?” I asked, watching another zombie stagger toward us.

  “Follow me,” replied Father Brambati, stepping around the couple.

  I did, and when we turned the corner and began walking toward the center of the mall, I gasped in shock.

  “What in the hell is that?” I asked, staring in disbelief at the monstrous black hole in the floor.

  The priest put his hand on my back. “It’s a miracle. Something that words alone cannot describe. Come and see for yourself.”

  Frightened, I took a step away from him. There was no way I was going to get close to that thing. It looked like something out of a science fiction movie. “No, I’ll pass, thank you. Where are the girls?”

  “Ah… she’s here.”

  My head whipped around and I sighed in relief. “Billie, thank God. The priest said you weren’t here.”

  He stepped out of the shadows. “Here I am, alive and in the flesh.” He smiled. “I’m glad you’re here. I believe I’m going to need your help.”

  “Uh, sure,” I replied. “Where’s my sister, Kylie, and Adria?”

  “Oh, they’re around here somewhere,” he replied. “They’ve got the mall all to themselves. Every girl’s dream, right?”

  “Under normal circumstances,” I replied, staring at a zombie who was nearing the hole. “Right now, I’d say that it’s a little too dangerous for them to be having a ‘shopping spree’.”

  He giggled eerily. “I agree. Try telling girls that age though, huh?”

  My eyes settled back onto him. He’d shaved and was now dressed in an expensive-looking black suit, which was odd considering the situation. “You look good.”

  He put his hands in his pockets. “I make the suit look good.”

  I smiled.

  “You look pretty good yo
urself,” he said, his eyes flickering to my uniform.

  I blushed. “Obviously this isn’t mine.”

  “Well, you have an entire mall of clothing at your disposal, pick out something else if you’d like. I’d lose the ax, though, it’s not working with your outfit.”

  I looked down at my weapon. “No, someone special gave me this and I’m not letting it go.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  I wanted to ask why he’d taken the girls, but decided to wait. If he had the zombie virus, then he could be volatile and I didn’t want to antagonize him.

  “So… are you really doing okay, Billie?” I asked, stepping closer. I wanted to touch his forehead, to see if he was feverish, although, admittedly, he looked pretty darn healthy. “You feeling sick or anything?”

  “Actually, I’ve never been better.”

  I looked into his eyes and there was something I didn’t recognize. A coldness. “Well… that’s a relief,” I said, feeling uneasy.

  “Shall we find the girls?” he asked, glancing at the hole again. He smiled. “I’m sure you’re anxious to see them.”


  “Get away from there!” hollered the priest. “You stupid idiot.”

  I turned back toward the hole again and noticed a zombie near the edge.

  “Dai!” shouted Billie.

  The zombie turned around and walked away.

  I raised my eyebrows. “Uh, what just happened?”

  “Let’s go this way,” replied Billie, ignoring the question. He turned around and began walking toward the shops. “You should start calling for the girls, so they can hear your voice. They could be anywhere in this place.”

  I followed him. “Billie, so… um… what’s going on with that hole? How did it get there?”

  He smiled back at me. “It’s truly amazing, isn’t it?”

  I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck. “Amazing? More like freaky scary. I’ve never seen anything that deep in my life.”

  “You’ve got that right.” He stopped walking and cocked his ear. “Hmm… Why don’t you call for your sister.”

  I cleared my throat. “Allie!”

  We waited. The mall was eerily quiet without the usual music or people noise.


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