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Manwhore Heir (The Heirs Book 2)

Page 17

by Brandy Munroe

  “Yes, baby, any page, but first, I need to use the bathroom.” She kissed me and I watched her walked seductively into the bathroom.

  She returned moment later with a bag.

  I raised an inquisitive eyebrows.

  She tossed the bag at me.

  “Some of the pages require toys, so Leona told me about the shop behind the video store. Have you ever been in that place?” Her voice was excitable and her eyes were wide.

  “Can’t say that I ever have,” I chuckled, “and I can't believe you did.” I was amazed that she would do this for me. I had never given her any indication that I required anything but her in my bed.

  I threw the bag and the book on the floor.

  “Come here, baby. I appreciate what you are trying to do, but all I need for my birthday is you, only you.” I pulled her onto the bed and pinned her body under mine. “I only ever want it to be you. If you want this stuff, say the word, I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “I want you, only you,” was all she had time to get out before I claimed her mouth like I had never kissed her before. She wanted to please me.

  All she needed to do to please me was say yes tonight.

  We spend the morning in bed. I fucked her every which way I could think of and I didn't need no damn book.

  God, she was insatiable and I was wavering. How many orgasms had I given her? One would think it was her birthday.

  I marvelled in how bright her eyes shone and fluttered when she came. How flushed her creamy skin became. How quietly surreal she could be, and how agreeable she became.

  Her orgasms were my birthday present to myself.

  When she was done milking me dry, I hovered above her a moment longer, enjoying her beautiful blue eyes.

  “I want to just hold you while we take a nap, is that okay, baby?”

  “It’s your birthday, if that’s what you want, then that’s what you can have.”

  We curled into each other and slept the afternoon away.

  I paced, impatiently waiting for her to come down the stair. She didn't want me to see the dress she picked out until tonight.

  I had bought her a sapphire heart-shaped pendant on a silver chair with matching earrings. I hoped it would match her dress. I asked her to find something that spoke to her and now I couldn't wait to see it.

  I turned to find her descending the stairs in a gorgeous blue dress, the same blue as her eyes. It was sophisticated, sexy and fit her curves perfectly without being overtly risqué. It landed just above her knees and flared at the bottom, accentuating her long luscious legs.

  Legs I was jealous for anyone else to lay eyes on. Those leggy lean abstractions should be for my eyes only.

  I knew I was feeling possessive and unreasonable, I didn't care. I wanted to rip the dress from her body, take her upstairs and fuck her again.

  She reached the bottom of the stairs and did a little twirl so I could see all angles. “Do you like it?”

  I ran my hands down the front, letting the fabric slide between my fingers. “I love it, baby. You did a good job.” Then I slid my hands into my pocket and pulled out the necklace.

  “I bought you this because it matches your eyes. I guess we were thinking the same thing.” I gestured her to turn around so I could put it around her neck. Then I reached into my other pocket and pulled out the matching earrings.

  “May I?” I asked, waiting for her response with eyes glistening as she nodded.

  “Richard, they’re too much.”

  “Don’t you like them?” I already knew my answer from the look on her face in the mirror as she glanced at herself. She spun and kissed me with a passion that had me wondering why I was not carrying her up the stairs to our bed at that moment.

  It took me a second to come to my senses. The birthday party, the launch, that was why.

  “Fuck baby, if we don't leave right now, we’re not going to make it out of the house.”

  I locked my arm in hers and led her out of the house.

  We arrived at the venue for the planned cocktail hour for family only to celebrate mine and Evonne’s birthday before the party crowd arrived.

  I noticed Mackenzie enjoying the hors d'oeuvres and remembered we had not eaten much today, with the exception of some fruit and coffee we enjoyed in bed.

  I walked up behind her and slid my arms around her waist. "Make sure you drink plenty of water in between drinks, and get a little more food into you. I don’t want you drinking on an empty stomach.”

  “Worried I will get a headache in the morning, or worried you won't be able to rip my dress off when we get home?”

  “Both.” I kissed her on the cheek and brought my hands to her breasts and fondled her. She laid her head back and melted into me.

  “Richard,” she purred, “we’re in public.”

  ‘I know, but everyone is looking the other way and I am blocking you from view.” I leaned in and nibbled on her ears. “The only way anyone is going to know how aroused you are right now depends on how much noise you make.”

  I was enthralled at the feel of the fabric between my fingers. I almost did not hear Aleksander calling my name. I removed my hands from Mackenzie’s breasts and slid my hands up and down her arms, bringing her back from her arousal.

  “It’s showtime,” I whispered in her ear. “Remember my instructions, work the room, smile, and if you lose me, I’ll come find you. I don’t want anyone but me keeping you entertained tonight.” I kissed her cheek, laced my hands in hers and began greeting the guests.

  I rubbed my thumb over her ring finger. Soon, I thought to myself, soon, that finger would never be bare again.

  Was I doing the right thing proposing in public like I planned? Maybe I should wait until we got home. Maybe I should have done it before we left.

  It was too late to second guess my decision now.

  If I did it right after the launch, in front of everyone, she couldn't say no.

  She would be pissed with me for it at first, let me have it when we got home.

  But she wouldn't say no.

  Chapter 34


  I was dizzy trying to remember the names that went with the faces. I found myself clinging to Richard’s side. He was right about drinking on an empty stomach. I decided to hit the buffet table.

  I was glad I had not chosen one of those clingy dresses that would show if I swallowed an olive.

  “Did Richard like the dress?” I recognized Haley’s voice. I turned, smiling, and Haley gasped when she saw the stunning necklace around my neck.

  “Did he know you bought a blue dress?”

  “No, I guess we are more in tune with each other than I thought,” I blushed. “He said he bought them to match my eyes.”

  “They’re beautiful, like you,” Haley gave me a hug. “I’m excited for the launch. The minute it’s announced the online site goes up and we’re in business. We’ll know before we even open The Boutique tomorrow if Richard’s Mackenzie is a hit.

  From the buzz we created, I’m predicting a hit. Like the real thing.”

  “Have I thanked you for everything?” I hugged Haley back.

  Haley rubbed her belly. “You can thank me when I call needing a babysitter,” she laughed.

  “I’m going to hit the ladies room,” Haley told me, “my bladder is not what it used to be.”

  I finished my plate and checked my watch. Haley had the right idea, I would head to the ladies room, take care of business and freshen my makeup.

  I wasn't used to wearing any and I remembered my encounter with Richard earlier. I should have checked sooner.

  This party was making me very well aware of just what kind of money and influence the Van de Graaf’s had. There was a lounge with large armchairs, the vanity had seats in front of them and there was an attendant handing out fresh washcloths when you exited the stalls.

  The month I spend with Richard, he never flashed his opulent wealth. The dress and the jewelry were really the only
things he insisted upon. This party was extravagant beyond anything I ever imagined. It was for the launch, technically; the company would be picking up the tab, not Richard personally. It made sense they would go all out.

  As I sat in front of the mirror, staring at the stranger looking back at me, I took a deep breath. Richard was expecting me to stand beside him when he made the big announcement.

  His muse, his inspiration. I didn't want to look like a deer caught in headlights.

  A unfamiliar nasally voice commented from behind. “That sapphire matches your eyes perfectly. You must have a very good man on your hands.”

  I turned to face a glamorous blonde amazon. I knew I was tall, but this woman towered over me. I looked down at her feet.

  “Amanda,” I whispered, then smiled. “I looked at those in The Boutique,” I stood up. “I was afraid I was already too tall to wear them.”

  “You’re never too tall to be a diva, dear,” the woman told me in a deadly serious tone. “Besides, what else would I wear? After all, they were named after me.” The woman touched up her flaming red lipstick, tousled her hair and left me standing, stunned.

  She couldn't possibly mean the shoes were actually named after her. She must have meant her name was Amanda, that made sense. I took a few seconds to compose myself.

  I remembered asking once who named the shoes. The designer, that what I was told. Anyone could have named that shoe. Van de Graaf had dozens of designers, not to mention the ones that were no longer there.

  Feeling better about the situation, I headed for the door. I took one last look in the mirror.

  Sindy came barreling in. “Oh my god, was that restraining order Amanda I just passed on the way in?”

  “Restraining order Amanda?” I was confused.

  “Shit,” Sindy face dropped. “Richard never told you about Amanda, the one who went bat shirt crazy on him? It was a long time ago, Mackenzie, she shouldn't even be here. Richard is going to lose it when he sees her.”

  “Sindy, it’s okay. Yes, Richard told me about a crazy ex girlfriend, you can breathe now.” I felt bad for Sindy. Richard had said that Sindy was an excellent receptionist, but she was even better at office gossip.

  That was probably the reason Haley insisted she take extra long lunches on her lunch visits with her husband.

  I looked at the bubbly receptionist. “Sindy, with an S, right?”

  “Yes. You remembered; most people don’t bother.”

  “I’m wearing Cindy, with a C.” I looked down at my feet.

  The bubbly receptionist fit the bill of sexy librarian with her tight skirt and black rimmed glasses, her hair tied up in a neat bun.

  “Sindy, with an S,” I repeated.

  I watched as Sindy’s face turned beet red. “It’s not what you think.”

  “What do I think, Sindy?” I was careful to keep my voice calm. Scaring her off was not going to get me the answers for the questions swirling around in my heart. Questions I might not want the answers to.

  Questions that should wait until Richard and I were alone.

  Let it go, the voice in my head told me.

  It was the voice in my heart that would not.

  “Sindy, you better sit down before you pass out.” I was careful handling her.

  “I knew Richard was not a saint,” I paused, “and I know about his writer’s block.”

  “Shit,” Sindy moaned, “I’m going to be fired.”

  “Sindy, calm down, you didn't do anything wrong. I was bound to put two and two together eventually. Now fix your makeup and do me a favor.”

  “Anything, but… Mackenzie, Richard has not so much as looked at another woman since you came along.”

  “I know, Sindy, but it is very important that you tell Richard that I have a headache and decided to go home, but not until you actually see me leave. Do you understand?” I gently laid my hand on Sindy’s arm.

  “Yes, I understand.” Sindy stood up. “I’m sorry I ruined your night.” She couldn't look me in the eye.

  “You didn't ruin anything, Sindy, you simply answered a question honestly. Thank you.”

  I turned back to the mirror and listened for the bathroom door to close. I checked to see if the attendant had been eavesdropping. I let out a sigh of relief; she had not.

  I stepped out of the ladies room and scanned the room. Richard was on the left. I gave a slight nod to Sindy and proceeded to make my way across the room to the exit.

  An arm reached out and stopped me.

  “I would recognize that body anywhere. Hello, Lacy. Are you tonight’s entertainment?”

  That voice, that laugh, the one that made the hairs on my arms stand on end. The one that had me frozen to the floor when all I wanted to do was scream and run.

  How could Richard had invited him, after what I had told him?

  This was worse than the betrayal I just learned about in the ladies room.

  Richard was going to announce to the entire world that I was his latest whore.

  What then, was he going to hand me off to Charles? Was that his end game? Use me until he got past his writer’s block, announce to the world what I really meant to him and take out a restraining order on me to keep me away?

  I had to regain my composure and get away from this place before I did something stupid. More stupid than opening up to a man I knew was a manwhore. A man who hated his life and would take anyone along for the ride, hoping to make himself feel better.

  I remembered the face I saw in the mirror. A face tarted up. A dress fitting a whore. I should have worn the Amandas. That was all I needed to complete the outfit.

  I wouldn’t behave like the tall sophisticated woman that personified her shoes.

  I would leave the temper tantrum, throwing and smashing for later.

  I spun on my heels with the brightest of smiles. “Hello, Charles.”

  Before I could get another word in, Richard was at my side. “Charles, I don’t remember sending you an invitation.” His voice was cold, rough.

  “The invitation your mother sent said 'and family.’ I am my father's son. I’m here with my family. Have you met my date, Amanda?”

  I wanted to wipe that grin off his face.

  At least I knew Richard was not as big a bastard as I thought. He had seemed as surprised about Charles's appearance as I was.

  But that did not excuse him from what he had already done.

  “Amanda, you remember Richard, and his…date?” Charles left the question hanging.

  “My girlfriend Mackenzie and I believe you have both overstayed your welcome. You can leave on your own, or I can have security escort you out.”

  I had never heard Richard’s voice be this calm but with a very distinct threatening undertone.

  Amanda stepped up to Richard and kissed him on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Richard, baby.” She turned and she and Charles walked towards the exit.

  It didn't matter — the damage was done. She had used that word, his word for me, in the same sickly sweet tone I had come to love.

  Now I didn't care if I never heard it again.

  I began to walk away. Richard held my arm, “Mac, baby, don't leave.”

  “I am not your baby.” I kept my voice low. I faced him and stood so close our lips barely brushed each other. Anyone watching would think we were having an intimate moment.

  “Amanda, like the shoes she was wearing.” I saw Richard’s jaw tighten. “That’s right, Richard, baby. I know about your Sindy with an S as well.” Richard face turned white. “How many, Richard, baby?” There was a long pause.

  “That’s right, too many. I’m sure most women would be grateful to fall amongst the privileged who gets a shoe named after them for fucking your brains out.

  Funny thing, I’m not,” I deadpan.

  “Mackenzie, it’s not like that,” his voice cracked with panic.

  “It is to me. I know there was a lot of money and effort put into this launch, into this shoe. I won't ask you no
t to go through with it.” I stared him down, “Just don't expect me to stand here and watch while you announce to the whole world I’m your latest whore.

  Now please let go my arm.”

  Richard released my arm. I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Richard, baby.” I turned and walked away.

  I was walking away from the man I fell in love with. My mind told me I needed to do this to keep my dignity.

  My body and heart were already missing him, wondering if I was doing the right thing. I had to believe my mind would win out over a basic physical need he had taught me to crave.

  I would learn to live without the physical pull he had on my body.

  I would have to find a way.

  Chapter 35


  I watched her walk away and there was nothing I could do at the moment. The launch was minutes away and I couldn’t just leave. I wanted to so badly, just leave and go after her. It didn’t matter, she needed time.

  The damage was done the minute I named that shoe. How could I have been so insensitive, so careless with her?

  She was right, women appreciated my gesture of naming a shoe after them because of their inspiration. She was also right about the appearance of what this gesture meant.

  She understood the implications of me not being able to take it back.

  Dear god I wanted to take it back.

  I looked up to see Haley stomping towards me, Aleksander in tow. “Where is Mackenzie going?” she questioned with a concerning glare. I gave Aleksander a sideward glance. The kind that said get your wife under control.

  “Don’t give me that man code bullshit, Richard. Where is Mackenzie going?” This time it was a demand, not a question.

  “It’s complicated,” was all I said.

  “You fucked up, didn’t you?” When I did not answer she continued. “You really fucked up, didn’t you?” She let out a huff, tugged on Aleksander’s tie to bring his lips to hers and planted a long passionate kiss on him. “Get him home in one piece,” she poked her finger into my chest, turned and walked off.


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