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Love Isn't Always Easy: A Lesbian Romance (The Jersey Girls Book 3)

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by Lydia Rose

  Hazel walked over. “The usual, Erin?”

  “Please.” Her eyes watched as Jane straighten the counter.

  Jane smiled and met her eyes again. “I guess you are one of my regulars?”

  Hazel chuckled distracting the women. “Erin is in here every morning for one of your special breakfast burritos and coffee.”

  After Hazel walked away to fill the order, Jane stood there quietly for a moment. “Thank you for calling my grandmother for me.”

  “No thanks necessary. Just doing my job.”

  Hazel brought her order over.

  “Thanks, Hazel. I guess I better get going.” Erin turned to Jane. “Take care of yourself.”

  “I’ll try,” Jane said with a chuckle.

  Erin went over to the cash register with her money in her hand. Jane said from behind her. “It’s on the house.” She turned and went back into the kitchen.

  “You heard the boss. Put your money away,” Rita said as she waved away the money.

  Erin walked out of the store smiling. Jane went back into the kitchen wearing a similar smile which caused Denny to ask, “What’s going on?”

  The smile disappeared. “Nothing.” Jane went over to the oven to check on her batch of cookies.

  “You can’t fool me. Who is she?” Denny always felt Jane was too serious and if someone caught her eye, he was happy.

  Jane turned. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  Denny left the kitchen carrying a bowl of salad. He put it into the showcase and walked over to Rita. “So who was flirting with the boss?”

  Rita curled her eyebrows. “No one was flirting with her.” Her finger went to her chin. “She was talking with Officer Erin and then wouldn’t let her pay for her breakfast.” Rita moved closer to him. “Why?”

  “Jane was smiling when she came back into the kitchen.”

  “So, she smiles all the time.”

  “Not like this,” Denny said walking away. He watched as Jane took the cookies off the tray and put them onto a warming rack. “Officer Erin,” he whispered in her ear.

  Jane nearly dropped the cookies as she turned. “I just thanked her for calling my grandmother after the accident to let her know.”

  “You like her?”

  “Like her? Denny, I don’t even know her.” Jane protested, but not too much because there was just something about Erin. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was, but there was something there.

  He began to chuckle. “It’s about time someone catches your eye.”

  “She hasn’t caught my eye and I haven’t caught hers. Apparently, she is one of our regulars.” Jane’s shoulders came up in a shrug, but she did notice the way Erin was looking at her.


  The following morning, Denny asked to be notified when Officer Erin came into the store.

  As soon as she entered the store, Hazel went into the kitchen. “She’s here,” Hazel mouthed to Denny.

  Denny cleaned his hands and followed Hazel. He watched as Erin ordered her regular. While Erin waited for her order her eyes searched for the petite brunette.

  “She’s in back,” Denny said leaning over the counter.

  “Excuse me?” Erin pretended to not understand, knowing she had been caught.

  “Jane. She’s in the kitchen,” he said and winked.

  “Oh,” she said softly. “I was just checking to see if my order was almost ready,” Erin said lying.

  Denny rolled his eyes. What is it with these two women? “She’s not seeing anyone if someone might have an interest.” Denny grinned.

  “Erin, your order is ready,” Hazel said interrupting the conversation.

  “Good to know,” she said before she went to the cash register.

  Jane was watching through the window in the kitchen door. As soon as Denny approached, she went back to her work.

  “What do you think you were doing?” Jane asked with her back to Denny.

  “I just wanted to see her,” he said with a giggle.

  “Leave it alone, Denny,” she said firmly, but couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

  “She’s cute. If you’re into women, I guess.”

  Jane spun on her heels. “What did you say to her?”

  Denny shrugged. “I just told her you weren’t seeing anyone if anyone was interested.”

  “What? You don’t even know if she’s gay.”

  “Oh, she’s gay all right.” There was no doubt for Denny once she saw the tall woman in her police uniform. Erin’s body wasn’t muscular, but firm and the way she carried herself told Denny this woman was definitely gay.

  Jane buried her face in shame. “She must think I’m pathetic.”

  Denny laughed.

  “What did she say?” Jane asked feeling her face blush.

  “She said good to know.”

  “What else did she say?” Jane suddenly interested in what Denny had found out.

  “Nothing. Hazel called her for her order.”


  Jane didn’t see Erin the rest of the week. She knew from Denny that she had been in every morning for her order, but Jane never ventured out of the kitchen.

  As usual, Jane was the last one in the store as she set the alarm and locked the front door. Turning from the door she bumped into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Big blue eyes met her gaze.

  “My fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” Erin said, standing close to Jane.

  Jane couldn’t take her eyes off the woman before her. “What are you doing here?” she asked, noticing the woman was wearing street clothes.

  “Oh, just walking around.” Erin answered knowing she was here to see Jane, but didn’t want to seem like a stalker. “I guess you are on your way home.”

  Jane began to walk toward her car with Erin following. “Yes, after a long week.” She sighed. “Thank god I’m off tomorrow.” Jane was now standing next to her car. “It was good to see you again, Officer.”

  “Erin, please,” she said with a wide smile. “Ah.” Erin stood there awkwardly. She had never had trouble asking a woman out and now she felt tongue tied. “Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?”

  Jane swallowed. “That’s very nice of you to ask.” She paused as Erin’s hand came toward her, resting on her arm.

  “Please don’t say no. I would like to get to know you better. You don’t even have to consider it a date.” Erin moved closer. “Just two people sharing a meal.”

  Jane looked at the blue eyes staring back at her. “Okay.” Did I just say that?

  Erin finally smiled. “Can I pick you up at seven tomorrow?”

  “Why don’t we meet somewhere?” Jane suggested instead. The last thing Jane wanted was her grandmother to see a woman picking her up.

  “Sure,” Erin said disappointed. “How about Snyder’s?”

  Jane didn’t want to have dinner in town and have any of her customers seeing her with Erin. “I would rather go to Legends. Do you know where that is?”

  Erin nodded. “Yes. I’ll make a reservation for seven. Can I have your phone number? You know, just in case.”

  The two women entered their phone numbers in each of their phones.

  Jane stepped to the driver’s door. “I’ll see you there, Officer Erin.” Her grin was wide as she stepped into the driver’s seat.

  As Jane pulled away from the curb, Erin’s cellphone rang. “Hey, Casey.”

  “Erin. Want to have dinner tonight?”

  “Yeah. Where?” Erin was happy to hear from her friend. She needed to talk to her friend so she could tell her she wasn’t making a mistake.

  “How about turning around?” Casey asked laughing.

  Erin turned and saw her friend nearing her. She put the phone back in her pocket and walked toward her friend.

  “So who is she?” Casey asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Erin realized that Casey must have seen her talking with Jane and couldn’t resist the teasing that
was about to start. “Someone I want to talk to you about.”

  “She’s very pretty.”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “How did you meet her?”

  “Can we go somewhere to eat? I’m starving.” Erin took Casey’s arm and led her in the direction of the nearest restaurant.

  Once seated Casey began with her questions. “Well?”

  “I met her right after someone hit her car. Jane owns the Market Fresh down the street.” Erin took a bite of the bread that had been delivered to the table. “She and her partner.”

  “You’re seeing a woman that is involved with someone else?” Casey was shocked at her friend.

  Erin laughed. “No. Her friend is a guy and I think he’s gay, too.” Erin smiled. “He is the one that told me she was single.”

  “So what’s wrong with her?” Casey asked with a shrug, knowing there was more than what Erin had said so far.

  “I’m only guessing, but I think she’s in the closet,” she said, leaning toward her friend.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Just a vibe I’m getting, and when she agreed to have dinner with me,” Erin took a breath, “she wouldn’t let me pick her up. Instead we’re meeting at the restaurant.”

  “That only means she’s smart. How well do you know her?” Casey asked leaning forward.

  “Not at all.”

  “So she doesn’t want to be in a car with the big bad police woman. That confirms that she is smart.”

  “Yeah, but she didn’t want to have dinner nearby either.”

  “Where are you going?”


  “Again smart. That’s a very nice place. Maybe it’s a favorite of hers.”

  “I’m reading too much into this, aren’t I?” Erin asked, lowering her head.

  “I know you have great gut instincts, but maybe it’s wrong this time. You did say her partner clued you into her single status. So he knows she’s gay.”

  “Yeah, but maybe he’s the only one.”

  “Have dinner with her and ask her.” Casey suggested with a touch to her friend’s hand.

  “I can’t just come out and say, oh by the way, are you in the closet?”

  Casey giggled. “I would hope you would be a little more tactful than that.”


  “Hi, Gran, I’m home.” Jane dropped her things at the front door before she made her way to the kitchen.

  “Jane,” Abby said turning toward her granddaughter. “Dinner is just about ready. Why don’t you go get changed.”

  “Thanks, Gran.” Jane left the kitchen and headed toward the stairs. Her knee began to ache from the long, hard day. She knew that icing was a definite requirement for tonight. Now all she had to do was tell her grandmother that she wouldn’t be home for dinner tomorrow night. Filling her in on that information would lead to a hundred questions. So as she changed she tried to think of a reason why she was having dinner with Officer Erin.

  “Perfect timing,” Abby said as she entered the kitchen. She looked at her granddaughter’s face and knew she had something on her mind. “So how was your day?”

  “Busy, but Denny and I are so happy for the business.” Jane poked at her food.

  “Anything interesting happen?”

  Jane’s head popped up wondering if her grandmother could read minds. Her head now went back to her plate. “I won’t be home for dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Have you got a date?” Abby asked with a wide smile.

  Jane nearly choked on the food that was in her mouth. “No. I’m just having dinner with a friend.” She felt her cheeks burn.

  “That’s nice. Who is it?” Abby asked, knowing her granddaughter didn’t have any close friends.

  “It’s just Officer Erin.”

  “Did you ask her or did she ask you?” Abby wasn’t about to let Jane off the hook so easily.

  “Uh,” Jane said, fidgeting in her chair. “Actually she asked me,” she said softly.

  “That’s nice. She sounded like such a nice woman. You know, she offered to drive me to the hospital.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes. It was very sweet of her to offer.” Abby studied Jane’s face for clues as to what was going on in her head.

  “Well, that’s why I agreed to go with her. I wanted to thank her for taking the time to call you.”

  “But she asked you,” Abby said smiling.

  “Well, she just beat me to it,” Jane said with a roll of her eyes, knowing her grandmother called her bluff.

  “But why did she ask you?’ Abby asked, waiting for an answer. “You don’t know her, do you?”

  Now what do I say? “Not really, but she is a regular to my store. Erin comes in every morning for breakfast and coffee.”

  Abby sat there smiling and knew she couldn’t push her granddaughter too much. Abby had so many conversations with her daughter regarding Jane’s lack of interest in any man or woman. They both wondered why. “So is she picking you up so I can thank her for her kindness?”

  “We’re meeting at the restaurant.”

  “Why don’t you ask her to come over here? I would like to meet her and thank her.” Abby insisted.

  “Maybe another time, Gran, I’d rather drive myself.”

  “Do it for me, honey.” Abby knew that Jane couldn’t deny her request.

  Jane sighed. “I’ll ask her.” She knew she’d never win this battle.

  After dinner, Jane sent Erin a text asking if she would mind picking her up. The answer came back quickly that she didn’t mind. Jane texted her address and asked her to arrive at six thirty so her grandmother could meet her.

  “Jane changed her mind,” she said to Casey. “Did she cancel the date?”

  “No. She wants me to pick her up and meet her grandmother.”

  “Meeting the family already, Erin? You do move fast,” Casey said laughing.

  “Funny. I’m sure her grandmother just wants to thank me for calling her after the accident.”

  “Yeah, you get that all the time for doing your job.” Casey smirked.


  Erin parked in the driveway and took a deep breath before getting out of the car. She was wearing a pair of dress pants and a light sweater. Erin’s boots added two inches to her five foot nine inch frame. Before she could ring the bell, the door opened.

  “You must be Officer Erin,” the older woman said.

  “I am, but please call me Erin.” She felt suddenly shy standing in front of Jane’s grandmother.

  “As long as you call me Abby.” The woman stepped out of the way so Erin could pass.

  Jane’s grandmother was small like her granddaughter and she felt like a giant suddenly.

  “Jane will be down in a few minutes. Can I get you something to drink?” Abby asked, leading Erin to the living room.

  “No thank you.” Erin sat down where Abby had motioned.

  “I wanted to thank you for your kindness the night of the accident.”

  “I was just doing my job, Abby.” Erin grinned.

  “But offering to take me to the hospital wasn’t part of your job. I appreciated the offer.”

  “Then, you are welcome.” Erin smiled and relaxed as this woman made her feel welcome.

  “Thank you for asking my granddaughter to dinner. She spends too much time working.”

  “I’m glad she accepted,” Erin said suddenly shy. “I mean. Well, we’re just going as friends.” Erin couldn’t meet Abby’s eyes feeling she divulged too much.

  Before Abby could say more, they both heard Jane coming down the stairs. Erin stood immediately and looked at her date. Jane was wearing a skirt that came to just above her knees. Her silk blouse was tucked into the skirt and Jane carried the matching jacket to the skirt.

  “Hi. I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” Jane looked at Erin without being obvious that she was checking her out.

  “No problem. I enjoyed talking to your grandmother,” Erin said smiling a
t Abby.

  “Yes. We were just getting to know each other, but it wasn’t a long enough conversation. I hope to spend more time with you, Erin.”

  “I hope so too, Abby.” Erin answered with a smile before her gaze went back to Jane.

  “Shall we go?” Jane said opening her jacket to it put on. Before she could, Erin was there holding it open for her to slip her arms into. “Thank you,” she said, feeling herself blush.

  “It was very nice to meet you, Erin.” Abby walked them to the door.

  “I was happy to meet you too, Abby.”

  “You two have fun,” she said with a wink at Erin. Luckily her granddaughter didn’t catch it.

  “Good night, Gran. I won’t be home too late.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I know you’re in good hands.” Abby smiled at Erin again. She now watched the tall officer open the car door and held it open until Jane was seated. Erin gave one more wave at Abby before stepping to her side of the car.

  As they pulled out of the driveway, Erin commented, “I like your grandmother.”

  “Everyone does,” Jane answered. “She can go up to any stranger and have a conversation. My mother is the same way.”

  “Do your parents live nearby?”

  “No. They retired to Florida. My dad couldn’t stand the cold anymore. Mom would have rather stayed here.” Jane turned in her seat. “What about your parents?”

  “They live in North Jersey where I’m originally from.”

  “Are you close to them?” Jane asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

  “No,” Erin answered without elaborating. She hated admitting that the last time Erin had contact with her family was almost eighteen years ago.

  They pulled up to the restaurant and the valet opened Jane’s door. Erin handed the keys to the man and got her ticket stub. She was about to take Jane’s arm and caught herself.

  “Walters,” Jane said as they approached the hostess.

  “Yes. Please follow me.”

  They were led to a table overlooking the water.

  “How did you get this table? I’ve never sat at a table overlooking the water,” Jane said as she took her seat.

  “It pays to have friends in the right places,” Erin said with a grin. A familiar face walked toward the table. “Hi, Sharon.”


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