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Love Isn't Always Easy: A Lesbian Romance (The Jersey Girls Book 3)

Page 6

by Lydia Rose

  “No charge,” Jane said with a wink.

  Erin smiled opened wide. “Thanks.”

  “Be safe and enjoy your day, Erin.”

  “I will. You have a good day, too.” Erin left with a wave.

  “Does Denny know you are giving away the profits to your girlfriend?” Hazel asked with a laugh.

  Jane laughed and stuck her tongue out. “She is not my girlfriend. Erin is my friend.”

  “Yeah, I look at all my friends like that,” Hazel said, standing with her hands on her hips.

  “I don’t have time for anything other than friendship,” Jane insisted.

  “Yes, you do with Rebecca working more hours. Now I know why.” Hazel began to giggle which got Rita laughing with her.

  Jane laughed and went back into the kitchen ignoring the comments of her two employees.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Hazel wanted to know if you knew I was giving away profits to my girlfriend.”

  “Girlfriend? Erin?” he said moving closer. “So you like her?”

  Jane nodded. “Yes. Erin has become a good friend.”

  “Friend?” Denny blew a raspberry. “Have you kissed her?”

  “Erin kissed me, but it was just a peck.” Jane lowered her eyes in embarrassment.

  “I can’t believe it. You finally found someone to get through that cold heart of yours.”

  Jane now proceeded to tell her best friend about her conversation with her grandmother.

  “Women of that generation are so insightful,” he chuckled. “You can’t fool them.”

  “Or my mother, apparently.”

  “Does Erin know you are ready to date her?”

  “Haven’t we been doing that already?” Jane asked with a smirk.

  “No, you’ve been dancing around each other. I think you should let her know you’re ready.”

  “Ready for what?” Jane asked swallowing hard.

  “To call her your girlfriend. I don’t know if you are ready to sleep with her yet.” His eyebrows rose. “Are you?”

  “No.” Jane’s voice became shaky. “I’m not ready for that.”


  At five o’clock, Erin typed out a text to Jane. I know you probably just want to go home, eat and crash, but do you want to do something? I promise not to keep you up late. Erin waited to see if Jane would respond. She didn’t have to wait long. Jane sent one word. Yes. “Jane wants to see me,” she said excited to the empty room. Erin began to type again. What do you want to do? We can take a walk up to the beach or sit on your front porch and relax. The answer came through quickly. Yes. Come over when you want. Erin ran for the shower. She ate the leftover Chinese food that was in her refrigerator before grabbing her keys before heading out the door.

  Erin got to the house and found Jane sitting on the front porch with her grandmother. “Hi,” she said as she reached the bottom step.

  “Well, hello, Erin.” Abby was smiling. “You didn’t tell me when we spoke earlier that you were coming over,” Abby said still smiling.

  “I didn’t know at the time,” Erin said looking at Jane.

  Abby stood up from the rocker. “I’m going to read awhile before I turn in.”

  “You don’t have to rush off because I’m here,” Erin offered.

  “I’m not. It’s just time to rest my achy bones.”

  Abby disappeared into the house.

  “Hey,” Erin said, taking Abby’s seat.

  “Hi,” Jane finally said, glancing at Erin.

  “So is there anything special you would like to do?” Erin asked, turning her chair.

  “Can we just sit here for a while?”


  “How about something to drink?”

  Erin glanced at the glass of lemonade that Jane was drinking. “I’ll take a glass of lemonade. Is it homemade?”

  “Of course,” Jane said standing.

  Erin followed her into the house and into the kitchen. Jane poured her lemonade and added ice cubes. As she handed the glass to Erin, she raised herself up and gently kissed Erin’s lips. When she pulled away, Erin was wearing a wide smile.

  “Does that kiss mean what I think it means?” Erin asked stepping close to Jane.

  “It means I’m ready to date you.” Jane watched as Erin’s eyes opened wide in amazement. “Did I shock you?”

  “Yes, but I want you to know how happy I am.”

  “Me, too,” Jane whispered before she stole another kiss.

  The two women sat on the porch for the next hour talking and laughing.

  “Would you like to go inside?”

  “Sure,” Erin answered quickly. The moment they sat down on the couch Jane caressed her cheek. Her hazel eyes studied Erin’s face. “So beautiful,” she said softly.

  “Only if you think I am,” Erin answered, resting her hand on Jane’s arm.

  Their bodies swayed together and their lips came together. This time it wasn’t just a quick peck of the lips. This time they tasted each other. Erin’s tongue tangled with Jane’s as a moan left her mouth. They broke apart needing air and just stared for a few moments.

  “For someone who says they’ve never dated, you seem to be a natural when it comes to kissing,” Erin said, touching Jane’s face with her fingertips. “I’m afraid now that I know how good your kisses are, I will want to do that often.” Jane smiled as Erin gently touched her lips with her finger.

  “You won’t hear any complaints from me,” Jane said kissing Erin’s fingertip.

  “Jane, I won’t rush you in this relationship. You take the lead and I’ll follow. Let’s just be honest with each other. If I do something you aren’t comfortable in doing, please let me know. Like if I hold your hand in public. If you don’t want to do that, I won’t do it. If you don’t want your grandmother to know about us, I understand.”

  Jane’s hand went to Erin’s cheek and she held it. “Erin, I’m thirty three years old and this is all new to me. I will try not to frustrate you too much, but my grandmother already knows about us.”

  “She does?” Jane nodded her head as Erin giggled. “I think this is going to be fun watching you come out of your shell.”

  “Yeah, but you are going to be the one peeling that hard shell off.”

  “I can handle it.” Erin puffed out her chest. “After all I’m a police officer. I think it will be fun peeling off that shell.”

  “You are a very brave, brave woman.”

  Instead of answering, Erin leaned over and kissed Jane again. This time Jane’s body forced Erin’s body back onto the couch cushion. They kissed over and over again until Erin forced them to sit up.

  “I’m sorry, but if we don’t stop, I’m going to self-combust.” Erin admitted waving her hand in front of her face.

  Jane giggled like a school girl. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Erin reached out and kissed Jane’s mouth softly. “Just know that a cold shower will be calling my name when I get home.”

  Jane giggled again. “I guess I better let you go home then.”

  Erin stood up and pulled her jeans away from her throbbing center. “You are amazing.” She reached out for Jane’s hand as they walked to the door.

  “Thank you for coming over tonight,” Jane said kissing Erin’s knuckles.

  “It was my pleasure.” Erin answered with a grin. “Can I see you tomorrow?”


  “I can pick us up dinner and we can eat at my apartment.”

  Jane raised an eyebrow.

  “Just for dinner, Jane. I told you that you have complete control. If you prefer, we could go out to dinner.”

  “I think tomorrow I better stay home and rest. Otherwise by Friday night I’ll be exhausted.” Jane watched Erin’s face for disappointment. When she saw none, she continued. “I think dinner at your apartment Friday night would be nice since I’m off on Saturday.” Jane gave one more searing kiss to Erin before she stepped outside.


  Jane was so busy the following day that she didn’t have time to step into the front of the store when Erin stopped for her breakfast. In such a short time her body screamed to see the tall blond. By five o’clock she was now regretting her decision not to see Erin tonight. As she walked out of her store at six o’clock, Denny nudged her shoulder.

  “You’ve been awful quiet today. You and Erin didn’t have a fight?” He asked placing his hand on her shoulder.

  Jane shook her head. “No. It’s just.”

  “What? You miss her, right?”

  Jane’s head went up and down. “I’ve never felt like this before. I just saw her last night and it feels like forever.”

  Denny pulled Jane close by the arm. “It’s called love, Jane.”

  His words made her laugh. “Love? You are out of your mind. I don’t love Erin.”

  “You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me.” His grin was wide as his lips came near her ear. “Go see your girl.”

  Jane rushed into the house. “Gran, I’m going to see Erin if she’s home.”

  “Have something to eat before you leave, dear.”

  “I just want to grab a shower first.” Jane ran for the stairs. Now she worried that Erin would be out with friends or that she didn’t want to see her tonight. Jane reached for her phone.

  “Hi,” Erin said answering the call on the first ring.

  “I changed my mind,” Jane said without a greeting.

  Erin’s shoulders slumped and asked softly, “About us?”

  “No. No.” Jane answered quickly. “I want to see you tonight.”

  Erin’s sigh was loud. “Okay. Do you want me to come over?”

  “No, tell me where you live.” Jane asked quickly before she changed her mind.

  Erin gave her the address and directions to her apartment.

  “I’m just going to grab something to eat. I’ll see you shortly.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  “Erin,” Jane said softly. “You didn’t have other plans?”

  “Nope, I was just sitting here thinking about you.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you soon.”

  As soon as Erin opened the door to her apartment, Jane jumped into her arms. Her move nearly took Erin off her feet. They kissed over and over until they were both breathless.

  “Now that’s what I call a greeting,” Erin said laughing as she wrapped her arms around Jane. “I missed seeing you today.”

  “I missed you, too. That’s why I just had to see you tonight.”

  “I’m glad,” Erin said, taking her hand and leading her to the couch.

  Jane now took a look around Erin’s apartment. “This is nice,” she said pointing with her hands around the place.

  “Would you like the nickel tour?” Erin asked, standing and holding out her hand.

  Jane took Erin’s hand as she was led from room to room. As they reached the bedroom, Jane’s cheeks burned red. Erin had a king size bed in her room and a beautiful comforter with loads of pillows. She never would have expected Erin to have such a romantic and feminine bed. Now she wondered if this bed helped her bed women.

  “I didn’t take you for a romantic,” Jane said pointing at the bed.

  “Well, I like nice things.” Erin shrugged. “Do you like it?”

  Her head nodded up and down. “I’m sure the women go crazy over this room,” she said barely above a whisper.

  “You are the first woman to see this room, besides my friends.”

  Jane’s head spun to Erin’s face, wondering if she was telling the truth. “You mean you’ve never brought a woman to your apartment?”

  Erin shook her head. “No. I’ve always gone to their place.” She sighed. “Bringing a woman here always seemed too intimate.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t be here?”

  Erin put her arm around Jane. “I want you here. You belong with me here.”

  “Are you sure, Erin?”

  “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.” Erin answered honestly as she lifted Jane’s chin so she could see her eyes.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Jane asked when they returned to the couch.


  “How many women have you been with?” Jane asked blushing.

  Erin stepped away from Jane and began pacing. “You want a number?”

  Jane nodded shyly and followed Erin back to the living room.

  Erin sat down with a thud. “Around ten,” she said so quietly that Jane had to lean in to hear her. Now Jane asked another question she wasn’t expecting.

  “Have you ever been in love with any of them?”

  “Only one.”

  “Tell me about her?” Jane asked as she took Erin’s hand in her own.

  “Julia and I were in the academy together. We spent all our time with each other.” Erin sighed. “I thought she was in love with me. When we graduated, Julia accepted a position at the other end of the state.” Erin turned her head. “She didn’t love me. It was just a fling for her.”

  Jane moved closer to Erin and rested her head on her chest. “I’m sorry.”

  “So I dated, but never let myself get close to any of the women.”

  Jane lifted her head and looked at the blue eyes. “Am I one of those women, too?”

  A smile appeared on Erin’s lips. “No, Jane. You aren’t just a fling for me. I feel so much for you. If I told you how I really feel, you’d run screaming into the night.”

  “No, I wouldn’t,” Jane said placing a soft kiss on Erin’s lips. “I feel things for you that I have never felt in my life. I have to say it’s pretty scary,” she admitted freely.

  Erin grinned. “You have nothing to fear from me, Jane.”

  “I know and that’s what is so scary. I’m afraid that you’ll tire of me. That you’ll think I’m not worth the wait. That you’ll be disappointed when we finally make love.”

  “Oh, honey,” Erin said pulling her close. “You could never disappoint me.” Erin smiled. “Do you know much you turn me on with just a glance? I am walking around in a state of constant arousal.”

  Jane giggled as her eyes lowered. “Me, too.”

  Erin lifted Jane up off the couch. “As much as I want you to stay with me, it’s ten o’clock. I think you should go home and get some sleep.”

  “Can I see you tomorrow or am I smothering you?” Jane asked softly as her hand rested on Erin’s stomach.

  “Never. I’ll come over to your place.”

  “Come to dinner.”

  Erin nodded before she kissed Jane’s mouth with deep passion. “Send me a text when you get home so I know you got there safely.” Erin now walked Jane down to her car.

  Over the next two days the two women spent their evenings together. Their kisses were as passionate as ever except this night it was different. Jane’s hands were roaming over Erin’s body. She lightly touched Erin’s breasts tentatively. Her eyes were dark with passion, but then she sat up and kissed Erin’s lips gently.

  “Tomorrow,” Jane said seductively.

  Erin swallowed hard wondering if Jane would still want her tomorrow.


  Friday morning Erin walked into the store for breakfast, except today Jane was waiting for her.

  “Good morning, Erin,” Jane said with a smile. “Hazel, would you wrap up a breakfast burrito for Erin along with her usual coffee.” Jane took her hand and pulled her toward the kitchen while Rebecca was filling the showcases. As soon as the kitchen door closed her lips went to the woman she had been dreaming about all night.

  “Hi,” Erin said as their lips separated. Her hands went to Jane’s cheek and gently stroked. “What do you want me to pick up for dinner tonight?”

  “I don’t care,” Jane said as she grasped the hand that was on her cheek and kissed the palm.

  “We have to stop,” Erin said stepping away.

  “Why?” Jane asked coming back for another kiss.

nbsp; Erin chuckled softly. “I carry a gun, Jane. I have to be on my game when I’m at work.”

  Jane looked into the blue eyes and stepped back. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

  Erin hugged Jane close and whispered in her ear. “I love you, Jane.” She stepped back and saw the shock on Jane’s face as a tear formed in the corner of her eye. Erin squeezed Jane’s hand before she went through the door. In the front of the store, Erin grabbed her coffee and sandwich and dropped a five dollar bill at the cash register. “Have a good day,” she said before running out of the store.

  Rita looked at Hazel with a puzzled look on her face. “What was that about?”

  Hazel glanced at the kitchen before her gaze returned to Rita’s face. “I have no idea, but she ran out of here like she was on fire.”

  They both laughed until the next customer came into the store.

  Jane tried to go back to cooking, but her mind kept drifting. She loves me. Me. She loves me. Go ahead and be honest with yourself. You know you love her, too. You’ve loved her for quite some time now. Maybe from the first moment you laid your eyes on those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

  “What did you do to poor Erin?” Rita asked when Jane came out of the kitchen.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She ran out of here like a scared rabbit this morning.”

  Jane giggled, but didn’t answer.

  “Did you admit you were in love with her and scared the shit out of her?” Hazel asked.

  “Um, no.”

  “Maybe that’s why she ran. She’s in love with you and you aren’t in love with her,” Rita offered to Hazel as if Jane wasn’t standing there.

  “You two have such an imagination,” Jane said before going back to the kitchen, but they were right. She should have told Erin she loved her, too. Her phone chimed as she returned to the kitchen. There was a text from Erin. I’m sorry, Jane. I told you that you would control our relationship and I go and open my mouth. Please forgive me.

  Jane wiped her tears and began to type. You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m the one who is sorry. Sorry that I let you leave without telling you how much I love you, too. I love you, Erin Walters, with all my heart.

  Erin sat in her police car wiping the tears that were falling onto her cheek. Her head went back as she spoke aloud. “She loves me. She loves me. The most beautiful and kind woman loves me.” Erin typed. You know it doesn’t look right for a police officer to be sitting in her car crying. I love you so much, Jane. More so, I’m happy that you told me you love me, too. I can’t wait to hear the words in person. This day can’t end for me soon enough.


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