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To Stop a Shadow

Page 12

by Carrie Pulkinen

The redhead narrowed her eyes at Tina and crossed her arms. “Hurry back.”

  Tina could’ve sworn she heard him mutter, “Don’t count on it,” but maybe it was her imagination.

  He led her into the kitchen and turned to face her, a goofy smile lighting up his face as if he had no idea what seeing him with that woman did to her. “What’s up?”

  Well, what now? She’d had every intention of talking to him about their so-called friendship tonight, but she hadn’t yet planned what to say. She took the glass from his hand and sipped the drink, hoping a shot of liquid courage would get her mouth moving. Like herself until the age of sixteen, the drink was virgin. She scrunched her nose. “What is this?”

  “Club soda. What did you want to talk about?” He took the glass and set it on the counter.

  She could barely hear him over the clanking pans and caterers rushing about to refill their trays. “Somewhere private, please?”

  “Follow me.” Taking her by the hand, he led her up the back staircase and turned down a long hallway. The loud, incessant chatter of the party diminished to a dull murmur. He opened the second door on the left and pulled her inside, clicking it shut behind her, silencing the hum of voices from below. He stood close. So close his breath warmed her cheek as he spoke. “Is this private enough?”

  A queen-size bed with a slate-gray duvet sat against one wall. A matching chair occupied one corner, and a large, black suitcase sat in the other. “Is this your room?”

  “For the time being.”

  Jeez Louise, she was alone with Trent in his bedroom. Her mouth went dry as thoughts raced through her head in a jumbled mess, and she blurted out the first one that took hold in her mind. “Who is she?”

  He furrowed his brow. “Who?”

  “Don’t play dumb. The woman attached to your arm down there.”

  He blinked. “The redhead? Honestly, I don’t even remember her name. Lucy? Lacey? Something with an L.”

  Her pulse thrummed in her ears, and she had to force the words over the lump in her throat. “Are you planning to date her?”

  A cocky smile curved his lips. “Does it matter if I am?”

  “Yes. It does. I don’t want you to date her.”

  “Why do you care who I date?”

  “Because I want you to date me.” She covered her mouth to hide her own shock. She hadn’t meant for the words to fly out like that, but there they were. She’d said it, and all she could do was wait for his reaction.

  He took a step back and inhaled deeply, his gaze traveling up and down her body. His reply was taking too long. He opened his mouth a few times, as if to speak, but closed it again. That could only mean rejection. He was trying to find a nice way to say she’d missed her chance.

  Finally, his heavy gaze met hers. “Do you mean that? Or are you going to leave me high and dry as soon as things get a little serious?”

  “I mean it this time, Trent. I really do. I tried being your friend, and I can’t. I want more. I want you.” Her stomach tied itself into a knot as he stood there staring at her. She held her breath.

  He slipped out his tongue to moisten his lips, and the corner of his mouth pulled into a crooked grin. “I don’t know, Tina. You promised you could wow me with a kiss. I think I need to see if you can deliver on that promise first.”

  The knot released, and a flush of warmth spread through her body. “Wow is only the beginning of what I can do.” She snaked her hands behind his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. She started gently, teasing him with a soft graze of the lips, reveling in the warmth of his breath on her skin. He smelled like citrus, with a hint of aftershave, and she slid her hands into his hair to pull him closer.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and moaned as he let her in, brushing his tongue to hers. He tasted sweet, like lime, not a trace of alcohol on his tongue. She kissed him long and deep, her body melding to his as she leaned into his embrace, the thrilling sensation of victory tingling in her limbs.

  As the kiss slowed, she cupped his face in her hands and pulled away to look into his eyes. “Well?”

  A drunken smile spread across his lips. “Hallelujah.”

  “No kidding.” She had to have this man. Right here. Right now. She kissed him again as she unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands up his stomach. He was all smooth skin and hard muscle, just like she’d imagined, and she couldn’t wait to see the rest of him. To touch him. To taste him. To feel his hands on her naked body.

  He caught her by the wrists and held her hands against his chest. “Once we do this, we can’t undo it. Are you sure it’s what you want?”

  “I’m positive. But is it what you want?”

  He shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it aside. “Woman, I’ve wanted you since the day I met you. Come here.” He pulled her close, showering her in kisses, undressing her slowly.

  As her clothes fell to the floor, the air chilled her skin, but the warmth of his touch lit a fire inside her. Trailing her fingers down his stomach, she unbuttoned his pants and pushed the rest of his clothing down his legs. He moaned and kicked his pants aside.

  The feel of his strong arms wrapped around her, the contrast of his soft skin and hard body pressed against her. She’d been an idiot to deny herself this man for so long. He was sheer perfection with his dark hair, brilliant smile, and muscular everything. And the way he looked at her…like no one had ever looked at her before. Passion and lust filled his eyes, but the way he held her gaze as he caressed her almost made her forget to breathe.

  He lowered her to the bed and finally released her gaze as he trailed his lips down her throat. He cupped her breast in his hand, and she gasped as her nipple hardened beneath his touch. He slid his other hand down her stomach to caress her center, slipping one, then two, fingers inside her.

  She arched her back and moaned as he found her mouth again, tangling his tongue with hers as she writhed beneath his touch. A sense of urgency overcame her. She needed him now. To feel him inside her. To finally give in to the passion she’d been denying herself. “Trent?”

  “Hmm?” He nuzzled her neck, nipping at the delicate skin, sending shivers running down to her toes.

  “I need you inside me.”

  He froze. “Fuck.”

  “That’s the plan, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t have a condom.” He rose onto his elbow, sliding his hand over her hip to pull her closer. “I didn’t think I’d need any while I was staying here.”

  “Oh.” She looked at him, his smoldering eyes so impassioned, so full of need, she thought she might explode. She’d never been with a man without using protection. If he were anyone else, this moment would end here. Now. But with Trent…This was about so much more than a good time. She’d never needed anyone like she needed this man right now. “It’s okay with me. I promise I’m clean.”

  He furrowed his brow, his gaze becoming even more intense. “I am too. I wasn’t worried about that, but are you on birth control?”

  “What single thirty-year-old isn’t?”

  He inhaled deeply, gliding his fingers down her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Make love to me, Trent.”

  He moved on top of her, holding his weight on his hands, and she spread her legs so his hips fit between them. Wrapping her fingers around his length, she guided him to her folds. With his tip pressed against her, she gripped his shoulders and closed her eyes.

  “Look at me, Tina.” He pressed against her slightly, and electricity shot through her womb.

  She opened her eyes and met his heated gaze as he slowly slid inside her. Never breaking eye contact, he filled her completely. And she was completely there, with him. Part of him. Enjoying not just the physical sensation of his body moving with hers, but an intimacy and closeness she’d never felt with anyone before.

  Lacing his fingers through hers, he raised her arms above her head as he moved his mouth over her neck, kissing, licking, nipping at her ear. “God, this feels so right.”

/>   She wanted to respond but only managed to make a small mewling sound from her throat. This did feel right. Trent felt right. He released her hands, and she clutched his back as his rhythm increased. Body to body, mouth to mouth, they moved in unison, two becoming one in a tangle of limbs and emotions.

  So many emotions.

  His masculine scent. The sheen of his sweat-slickened skin. The way his muscles contracted with each thrust of his hips. She couldn’t hold back. Her orgasm coiled in her core and released in a tidal wave of ecstasy, consuming her, drowning her fears in the essence of this man. He was with her, in her, and she’d never felt closer to anyone in her life.

  He moaned as he found his own release, burying his face in her hair as his body slowed, and he relaxed on top of her.

  This was the only man for her. Deep down, she’d known it all along, and she’d been an idiot to fight it. She wouldn’t fight it anymore.

  * * *

  Trent inhaled her delicious floral scent and rolled onto his back, tugging her to his side. Making love to Tina was more than he could have ever imagined, and he was not letting her go this time.

  She propped her head on her hand and rested her other hand on his chest, a sexy smile playing on her lips. “Was that wow enough for you?”

  He chuckled and slid his fingers into her hair, pulling her down for a kiss. “Sweetheart, that was the best sex of my life.”

  “I have to agree.” She traced her soft fingertip over his lips. “But that was better than sex. I’d say we made love.”

  His heart pounded at her words. She’d been the toughest catch he’d ever gone after, and she was well worth the wait. “You knew I wasn’t interested in that redhead downstairs, didn’t you?”

  She bit her bottom lip and gazed at his chest, her confident exterior slipping away to reveal her vulnerability. It was a side of Tina he’d never seen, and he loved it as much as he loved the rest of her.

  She traced the outlines of his muscles with her finger, still refusing to make eye contact. “I wasn’t sure. She was pretty.”

  “I didn’t notice.” He hooked his finger under her chin, turning her gaze to meet his. “You are the only woman for me.”

  “That’s good to know.” She rested her head on his shoulder, draping her leg across his.

  He lost track of time as they lay there, holding each other. It could have been hours, but it felt like mere minutes as Tina sucked in a sharp breath and raised her head.

  “Oh, shoot.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  She sighed and rose to a sitting position next to him. “This is Logan’s first party since Allie moved in, and I promised her I’d be there for her.”

  He pushed himself up and leaned against the headboard. “I suppose we should head back downstairs.”


  Seeing her sitting there in his bed, gloriously naked, he fought the urge to climb on top of her and make love to her again. But, damn, he didn’t want to fight it. “I doubt they’ll miss us.”

  “Allie will.”

  He sighed and rose to his feet, offering her a hand to help her out of bed. “Shall we?”

  She stood, pressing her soft, warm body to his, and kissed him long and deep. His entire body shuddered, and he couldn’t stop the moan from escaping his throat. “If you keep that up, I’m going to keep you here all night.”

  She grinned and picked up her clothes. “Promise?”

  She started dressing, but all he could do was stare. She was so beautiful, so perfect. The graceful way she moved. The way her long, dark hair fell over her shoulders as she bent down to pick up her shirt. And she was so loyal to her friend. He mentally added that endearing trait to the list of things he loved about her.

  She caught him staring and laughed. “You probably need to get dressed too.”

  “Right.” He picked up his own clothes and dressed. “We could always check in. Make sure everything’s okay, and then come back here.”

  She stepped into her high-heeled shoes and smoothed the wrinkles from her skirt. “That sounds like an excellent idea.” She moved toward him. “But there’s something I need to tell you first.”


  “If we’re going to do this me-and-you thing, I’m all-in. One hundred percent. I don’t want to see anyone else.”

  His heart pounded. A weird, sickening, fluttering sensation flitted through his stomach, making him feel nauseated and elated at the same time. “I can’t even imagine being with another woman.”

  She placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “I’ve never been in a real relationship before. But if this is what it feels like, I think I’m going to like it.”

  The air felt as if it were sucked from his lungs, and he couldn’t seem to inhale. She was finally ready to start a relationship with him. He opened his mouth to respond, but the words wouldn’t come. He couldn’t breathe. His jaw fell slack, and he had just enough time to stumble toward the bed before his knees gave out, and the room went black.

  * * *

  “Trent? Oh, my God, Trent!” Tina dropped to her knees beside the bed and shook his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  He didn’t respond.

  “Oh, God. What have I done?” One minute she was confessing her feelings for the man, and the next he collapsed on the bed. She pressed her ear to his chest, and the rhythmic thud of his heart eased her fears. His rib cage rose and fell steadily with his breaths. He was alive.

  “Wake up, Trent.” She patted his cheek. She shook his shoulder harder.

  Still no response.

  “Help.” Her plea came out as a whisper. “Help. Allie!” She shot to her feet and darted downstairs. Allison stood at the bottom of the steps.

  “Allie, help! It’s Trent. He passed out.”

  Allison’s eyes widened. “Logan.” She touched his shoulder, drawing his attention from his guests, and nodded toward Tina.

  “There’s something wrong with Trent.” She raced back up the stairs, with Allison and Logan on her heels. Throwing open the bedroom door, she dropped to her knees at Trent’s side and placed her hand on his chest. He was still breathing.

  Allison knelt beside her and held her hands over his head, breathing deeply like she did when she was healing someone.

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  Allison looked at Logan. “Do you want to tell her?”

  “Tell me what?”

  Logan shoved his hands in his pockets and strolled toward the bed. “Was he drinking?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  His gaze slid over the disheveled sheets. “Was he feeling any intense emotions?”

  “We slept together. What’s going on? Is he okay?” How could they be so calm, when Trent was lying there unconscious?

  Logan chuckled. “He’ll be fine. Give him a few minutes to wake up. He has narcolepsy.”

  “Narcolepsy?” She laid a hand on Trent’s chest. “So he’s just…asleep?”

  “Basically. At least he landed on something soft this time.”

  Allison furrowed her brow and looked at Logan. “Has he ever had this happen after sex?”

  Logan lifted one shoulder. “He’s never mentioned it, but this was sex with Tina. I imagine that’s a completely different story.”

  “True.” Allison fought a smile.

  Tina’s mind reeled as she tried to comprehend the situation. “Why would it make any difference if it was sex with me?”

  Logan laughed. “If you haven’t noticed…the dude’s crazy about you.”

  That, she had noticed. She was finally able to admit she was crazy about him too, but why wouldn’t he tell her about this? “I don’t understand.”

  “He’s had the condition since we were kids,” Logan explained. “He’s on medication for it, and he hasn’t had any episodes in years…until lately. He usually only has sleep attacks like this if he’s drinking or if his emotions are really strong. My guess is he was feeling pretty good about what you guys just did, and…”
  “Wait.” She looked at Allison. “Is this why you drove him to the house the other day? And why I didn’t hear from him the day before?”

  Allison nodded.

  “So you knew.” She pointed to Logan. “And you knew.” She pointed at Allison. “But he didn’t feel the need to tell me?”

  Allison rested a hand on her shoulder. “He was worried—”

  Trent inhaled deeply, and his eyelids fluttered open. “Shit. How long was I out?”

  “Just a few minutes,” Logan said.

  He turned his gaze to Tina and squeezed his eyes shut. “Damn it. I was hoping you’d never have to see that.”

  She leaned back on her heels, a spark of anger simmering in her core. “What the hell, Trent? You have narcolepsy, and you didn’t want me to know?”

  He glared at Logan. “Thanks a lot, man.”

  “It was kind of obvious, bro.” He put his arm around Allison. “Let’s give these two some privacy.”

  Allison gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I’m sorry.” She closed the door behind her, and Trent sat up on the bed.

  Tina moved to sit next to him and folded her hands in her lap. The flicker of anger dulled to a throbbing hurt deep in her chest. First the kitchen fire, and now this. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He let out a long sigh and took her hand in his. “You are the strongest woman I have ever met. Everything about you is perfect. I was afraid, if you knew I was sick, you’d think I was too weak. I was having a hard enough time catching you when you thought I was healthy. I’m sorry.”

  Damn, he was good at apologies. She laced her fingers through his. “I don’t think you’re weak. You fight this silent battle every day, yet you still manage to lead a normal—actually, a really successful—life. Not to mention, you look damn fine doing it.”

  He laughed and wrapped his arm around her. “Can you forgive me?”

  She couldn’t stay upset with this man. If she hadn’t been such a flake, he might have trusted her with the truth from the beginning. “Of course. And anyway, I’m far from perfect. Why do think I’ve been so scared to get close to you?”

  “I have no idea. I’m quite a catch.”

  “You certainly are, but growing up, my house had a revolving front door for my mom’s boyfriends. She fell madly in love with every one of them, and every one of them wanted to change her. She’d do whatever they wanted. Be whoever they wanted her to be. But ultimately, she could never change enough, and they always left. Over the years, she lost herself. To this day, she can’t make up her mind on something as simple as choosing a restaurant for dinner. I’m terrified of ending up like her.”


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