Hooked On You

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Hooked On You Page 2

by Brittany Anne

  Amy had always had a way with men. Hell, Amy had a way with people in general. Everyone loved Amy. Before Victoria had become her friend, she’d hated her from sheer jealousy. How silly that was, now.

  “Well, we’re out, but you two kids have fun,” Gabe wrapped his arm around Victoria’s waist once more, pulling her into him. It felt like home. “Nick, tomorrow? Lunch date?” He winked playfully.

  Nick smiled handsomely, but no smile compared to Gabe’s.

  “Fuck yeah,” Nick laughed. Then he looked to Victoria. “Sorry, hun. He was my boyfriend first.” All four of them broke out into laughter.

  Victoria pulled away from Gabe, hugging Amy and congratulating her again before returning to Gabe’s side. Amy whispered something into her ear, but Victoria was flying too high to even hear it.

  She was about to leave with Gabe.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as the anticipation built within her, and her head spinning made her that much more appreciative of the strong man pulling her forward and holding her close.


  AMY COULDN’T BELIEVE her eyes as she watched her brother stumble out the door with her best friend. She’d always known Victoria had some sort of crush on her brother, and she’d played along, but she never thought she’d see the day where something actually came of it. Gabe was seven years older than them, and while that age difference symbolized completely different worlds when they were younger, it really didn’t mean a thing now that Amy and Victoria were in their twenties. Still, it felt odd. Probably because she looked at Victoria as a sister, and Amy had always kind of assumed Gabe looked at her in the same way.

  Then again, Victoria had truly come into herself in college. The once awkward teen who wore too much black makeup had evolved into something else entirely. She was an expert at using the bare minimum to highlight her already beautiful features, and the dress Amy had helped her pick out for tonight accentuated every curve in just the right way. Of course Amy’s drunk brother couldn’t resist her, not while she looked like that.

  Amy had always suspected that Victoria’s feelings ran deeper than she had let on. Victoria had never once dated somebody, and unless she was seriously holding out on information, Victoria’s only experience with kissing had been during a silly game of truth or dare they had played in their sophomore year.

  Amy hoped that Gabe didn’t hurt her friend. She was hopelessly enamored by him, and Gabe was… well, Gabe. He had a good heart, he truly did, but he had some demons, too. And Victoria… she was so innocent and naive when it came to her fantasy of what love was.

  Amy had to hope the best for her friend, she really did. But it was her night, and it was just getting started. Amy smiled at her brother’s friend, Nick, whose dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes had always made her feel a little wild. She held her hand out to him, inviting him to the dance floor, and while he smiled and took her invitation, she knew he would never cross any lines with her. He was a good guy. He always had been, and he always would be.

  Nevertheless, it was her mission to make him a little bad, just for tonight. Amy pulled Nick to the dance floor and let all of her other thoughts fade into the music.



  Victoria stared at Gabe, tall and powerful and looking at her like she was the cure to every ailment he’d ever had. She stood in her childhood bedroom, struggling to wrap her head around the fact that Gabe, the man she’d spent her teenage years fantasizing about in this very room, was here. The house was empty, completely quiet, and all she could hear was her breath.

  “You’ve changed a lot,” Gabe said. His voice was low and perfect, like music in her ears.

  “I take it that’s a good thing?” Victoria smiled.

  The corners of Gabe’s mouth pulled into a huge grin as his eyes went over every inch of her body. His gaze burned through her and she shifted uncomfortably as he made his way up to her eyes.

  “You’re stunning,” he growled as he quickly closed the space between them. He put his hand on her cheek and angled her face up towards him. She effortlessly got lost in his eyes.

  Before she knew it, Gabe’s lips were on hers. He kissed her like he was a starving man, and she met him with the same hunger. She had wanted this for so long, she couldn’t believe it was actually happening, now. His lips moving against hers was Heaven, and before she knew it, the cloth wrapping around her body was on the floor, leaving her in only her bra and panties. She felt briefly self-conscious when he pulled away to look her over, but those feelings faded quickly as he pressed his lips to her collar bone.

  His hands were all over her, squeezing and pulling her closer to him, as if he couldn’t get her close enough. He pushed her onto the bed and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it behind him and falling over her. He kissed her lips, her neck, her collarbone, her chest. He pulled off her bra and trailed his tongue over her nipple.

  She bucked under the flick of his tongue, and he looked up and smiled before turning his attention back to her breasts. When he took her breast into his mouth, she nearly lost it. She had heard plenty, read books, seen movies, but she never thought it would feel this good. She squeezed her legs around his torso, desperate to feel closer to him. He kissed a trail to her other breast, paying it equal attention before kissing down her stomach, getting lower and lower and driving her wild.

  When he pulled off her panties, she tried to shut her legs, hide herself from him. Her heart was beating so fast she thought that it might just burst from her chest. He opened her legs, staring into her eyes the entire time.

  “You’re beautiful, Victoria.”

  And then he was on her, flicking his tongue against her most sensitive area. A moan escaped her mouth as all feelings of insecurity faded away. The only thing she could feel was pleasure, pure pleasure. She could feel the pleasure building inside of her as she rocked her hips against his mouth, and just as it was getting to be too much, he pulled away, kissing her stomach and standing.

  He unbuttoned his pants, slowly unzipping them as his eyes watched Victoria’s, never breaking eye contact. He pulled down his jeans, revealing himself to her as she gaped at his body. He was huge, and Victoria was, well… inexperienced. She worried about whether she’d be able to handle him, about whether or not she’d feel good to him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, lowering himself onto the bed and stroking her side.

  “Yes,” she answered quickly, her voice cracking.

  He moved his hand to her face, staring into her eyes and pulling her face to his. He kissed her softly, gently. It was nothing like the kisses they’d been sharing all night. This was sweet, loving. Victoria melted under his touch, all fear dissipating as she gave herself to him completely.


  GABE HAD MADE A MISTAKE. His head was spinning from the alcohol, the exhaustion, and what was easily the best orgasm he’d ever had. He pulled the beautiful girl beside him against his chest, closing his eyes, knowing that in only a few moments, he’d knock out completely. But then it happened.

  She nestled into him, her warm body and soft curves feeling absolutely perfect against him. He never expected to hear her soft voice whisper three words that he thought he’d never hear, period, let alone from a one-night-stand. Not knowing what to do, he squeezed her tighter and kissed her forehead.

  His head was pounding, his body tired from the intensity of their sex. She was the best he’d ever had, no doubt, and it wasn’t because he was drunk. Gabe could hold his liquor, and he’d had much more and not enjoyed sex nearly this much. Victoria was special, there was no doubt, and he was just starting to realize how special she was.

  When it came to sex, for Gabe… it was just sex. Pleasure. Release. That was it. But with Victoria? Fuck, with Victoria it was like they became one person. He’d never experienced anything like it, never felt so out of his head and into the moment.

  He took a deep breath and could smell the sweet smell of their sex, the sweet laven
der of her hair. He could breathe in that smell forever. Fucking perfect.

  He sighed, knowing by the softness of her breaths that she’d fallen asleep.

  Gabe desperately wanted to stay, to sleep, to wake up in the middle of the night and get on top of her again. But no matter what he wanted, he knew what he had to do.

  Those three words told him that he’d made a mistake, because he’d never be more than this to her; he was a good fuck. Nothing else.

  He slipped out of her bed, carefully maneuvering so as to not wake her up. He slipped into his clothes and got out of that house, hopping into his truck and heading back to his and Nick’s apartment to pass out.

  When he got into his bed, he could still smell her on his skin, and for some reason, that brought him comfort while he faded away into sleep.


  VICTORIA WAS SURPRISED to wake up to a cold bed, but she knew that Gabe had plans with his friend—what was his name? Nick?—so she assumed he just didn’t want to be late. She stretched her arms, feeling the pleasant soreness of their lovemaking and looking to the clock. She couldn’t believe it, she’d slept in until noon. Crazy!

  She hopped out of bed and skipped into the bathroom, her makeup still nearly perfect from the night before and her wavy blonde hair needing little touching up. She slipped into denim shorts and a GNR tee shirt before hopping onto the bed and checking her cell phone. No messages.

  Victoria sighed, mulling over her options in her head. Then she decided to give Amy a call. She picked up on the third ring.


  “Hi, Amy! How was the rest of your party?”

  “We have so much to talk about, Vic!” Victoria could hear the laughter in her friend’s voice. “Do you want to go grab lunch?”

  “Sure!” Victoria responded quickly.

  Lunch with Amy was a good idea. It would give Victoria a chance to fill Amy in on what had happened with Gabe the night before. And after that? Hopefully she’d be able to find Gabe so that he and Victoria could have a talk about what exactly was going on between them.

  Victoria got into her dark red sedan, clicking on the radio and pulling out of her parents’ driveway. Thank goodness they’d been out of state all weekend for a fundraiser.

  As she drove over to Amy’s house, she couldn’t stop thinking about Gabe. He had brought her more pleasure than she’d ever experienced, melting away her insecurities with his kisses and making her feel completely safe for the first time in her life. Falling asleep in his arms was effortless.

  As she was dozing off, she accidentally told him she loved him. It terrified her that she let those words slip out, but he pulled her closer and kissed her forehead, letting her know he felt the same. She smiled, wondering how on Earth she was going to tell her friend that she’d fallen in love with her older brother. As awkward as it might be at first, Amy would understand. Victoria knew that she would.

  Pulling up to the curb in front of Amy’s, Victoria honked her horn and waited for her friend. She looked at her eyes in the rearview mirror, staring at how the black eyeliner had perfectly outlined her baby blue eyes.

  In truth, Victoria was still the plain jane she was in high school, she’d just had her features age in a nice direction and learned a hell of a lot about makeup.

  She briefly worried about what Gabe would think when he first saw her without her eyeliner and elongated lashes, but she quickly pushed away the thoughts.

  He would love her, as she loved him. He had to.

  Amy got into the car, effectively silencing Victoria’s thoughts and pulling her into an embrace. When she pulled away, Amy’s green eyes, nearly identical to her brother’s, were dancing with curiosity.

  “So how was Nick?” Victoria smiled.

  “You’re funny,” Amy muttered, pulling on her seatbelt. “Funny, funny, funny.” Amy shook her head.

  “C’mon! How was he?” Victoria giggled.

  “Nick was Nick. We danced, we laughed, we had a great time, and then he went home after telling me what a ‘great kid’ I am,” Amy rolled her eyes. “So. Spill it.”

  “Spill what?” Victoria teased, knowing exactly what Amy wanted to hear about.

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe about what the hell happened after you left the party with my brother on your arm!”

  Victoria smiled, biting her lip and starting the car. She began heading downtown, figuring they could get sandwiches at one of the little shops down there. Amy hummed impatiently beside her, waiting for an answer.

  “We hungout for awhile,” Victoria finally gave her. She tried desperately to keep herself from smiling, but she just couldn’t help herself. The smile broke across her face. She kept her eyes on the road, but could feel Amy’s hard stare desperately trying to see through her.


  Victoria bit her lip again. Just as she was opening her mouth to speak, she saw Nick and Gabe walking down the street together, Gabe’s arm resting around Nick’s shoulder as they stumbled around. Victoria turned to Amy, but her friend already knew, telling her to pull over and nearly leaping from the car.

  Victoria took in a deep breath and stepped out from the driver’s side, walking over to the sidewalk where Amy stood.

  “Hey, guys!” Amy called out. They both looked up, smiling at her. Gabe’s eyes quickly went to Victoria, and something flashed in them before he went back to looking at Amy. Victoria couldn’t quite figure out what that emotion was… but it looked a lot like fear.

  Victoria’s stomach grew a little tighter, but she pushed that feeling away. After what they shared last night, she had no reason to worry. She knew that.

  As everyone shared greetings, Gabe stopped and looked at Victoria.

  “Hi, Gabe,” she smiled.

  He looked down at her before furrowing his eyebrows and cocking his head to the left. “And who might you be, darling?” he asked.

  Victoria could smell the beer on his breath and wondered how many drinks he’d had. But he’d been drinking the night before, and he hadn’t been acting like this. Something else was wrong.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Amy said to her brother.

  Gabe looked at her with playful eyes, raising his eyebrows as if waiting for her to add more.

  Victoria felt her heart sinking in her chest.

  Last night, Gabe couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, and now, he wouldn’t even make eye contact.

  “I’m Victoria… “ her voice trailed off as a thousand thoughts ran through her mind. Surely, he was joking. Gabe was joking with her. He’d always been a funny guy. He was joking with her.

  “Ohhh!” he drew the word out, nodding with recognition and pulling Victoria under his arm. “Little Vicky! Nick, this is my sister’s friend Victoria.” Victoria pulled out of his arms and stared up at him.

  “What are you talking about?” she demanded.

  “How’s college been, Vic? Meet any boys?” Her heart was breaking.

  “Gabe, what about-” she cut herself off, pulling him away from the other two and lowering her voice, “what about last night?” she asked.

  “Last night?” he looked puzzled, but she could see the lie in his eyes.

  He had to be lying. She needed him to be. She turned to ensure Nick and Amy were out of earshot, and they were. There was no way they’d overhear Victoria and Gabe.

  “Gabe. It’s not funny,” she spit out the words as her stomach flopped around inside of her.

  “I’m not trying to be funny. Now what the hell are you talking about, Vic?” he stared at her, no, he stared through her, his face cold and emotionless. Victoria thought she might be sick as tears threatened to break free and spill over her lashes.

  “I thought you cared about me…” Victoria wasn’t quite talking to him, anymore. Her words were spilling out as she mentally berated herself for being so foolish, so naive. Everyone had laughed at her, joked at her visions for her and Gabe’s future together. She always thought she’d prove them wrong. She always believed in a
future for her and Gabe. Always.

  “You thought wrong,” Gabe said coldly. She looked back up at him as the first tear fell down her cheek. He did remember. She looked around him to see Amy’s face, staring at her and scrunched up with concern.

  “Why?” she choked out, fighting against herself as she tried to hold it all together. Be stronger. Be stronger. Be stronger. Who was she kidding? She was weak, and she knew it. She had always been weak. God, she wished she could be strong.

  “Because I was drunk and you were there,” he muttered underneath his breath. A sharp exhale as all the air escaped from her lungs. The tears poured out, now, and she couldn’t do anything to fight it. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed that this was all a dream, prayed to be stronger, prayed to be somebody else, anybody else.

  None of her prayers were answered.

  “Quit embarrassing yourself, Victoria. And quit embarrassing me.” She opened her eyes and looked up at him, his grimace cold and… disgusted with her. “Grow up,” he muttered as he pushed away from her, walking back over to his friend.

  Bile rose in Victoria’s throat as she did everything she could to keep from collapsing right there. Be stronger. Breathe. Her world stopped turning.


  “I THOUGHT YOU CARED about me…” Victoria’s soft voice cracked with pain, and it nearly broke him. His heart was aching for this poor girl, but Gabe knew what he had to do. For once in his life, he was going to make the right decision. He was going to be the bad guy for a damn good reason. He would seem cruel but damn it, he was trying to be kind. He was trying to do right by her.

  “You thought wrong,” he gritted through his teeth. No emotion. Show her no emotion. Victoria’s eyes wandered around him, and a single tear fell from her eye. He wanted so badly to wipe that tear from her cheek, to apologize and explain to her that he was doing this for her.

  He didn’t.

  “Why?” she asked, her voice filled with so much pain that his chest grew tight. God, he wanted to hug her, to apologize, to tell her last night was a mistake that shouldn’t have happened and that he should’ve been smarter for her.


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