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[Runes of Argyl 01.0] The Runes of Argyl Trilogy

Page 50

by Jessica Savage

  Her hips moved up as he came closer with his steaming mouth. Aria whimpered as he moved closer and her hips surged higher as his tongue found her slickness. Darryl grabbed her ass cheeks in his large hands and pulled her to his face. The man sucked hard on her clit and she was soon writhing underneath him. His hold became tighter as he held her down, feasting on her quim. Darryl wanted the surge of fluid that he had made before. This time though, he wanted her to squirt it in his mouth so that he could taste it. One of his fingers pressed against her hole, delving in as deep as her innocence would allow.

  The movement was just what she needed and she cried out as her thighs squeezed the man’s head. She screamed out his name and moaned as he continued to suck all of her fluid up into his mouth. He slurped and tongued her hole until she was pushing him away. Releasing her legs, they fell splayed on either side of him. He crawled back over her and positioned himself at her tightness.

  He nudged the head forward until he felt the skin holding him back. Pushing ahead with a growl, he felt her tight canal give way and he surged forward into her honey hole. He cursed at her suffocating tightness and moaned as she squeezed the new filling. He bent forward and captured her bottom lip with his teeth as he drove the rest of the way in. Aria squeaked and her body pulled him in deeper.

  “Mmm Darryl, it feels so big inside of me. So right.”

  He pulled out and slammed back into her, her whole body jerking forward on the bed with the powerful thrust. His eyes had turned completely back and the look on his face was predatory. The beast inside was begging to come out and she could see it held together by his control. He wanted to give her time to adjust, but he had a bigger need consuming him. He pulled back and pushed back in to her small sounds of pleasure. He could feel her body tightening around him and then there was a scream that pierced the air.

  “Darryl, I am coming. Oh God!”

  Aria thrashed and clamped around the man’s shaft so hard. Darryl watched his length pull out of her and the sight of her loss innocence drove him forward. She begged him to go harder and faster, knowing that there was a bigger orgasm on the horizon. Aria’s eyes closed as he sat back on his knees, her thighs being held together by his large, rough hands. He squeezed her thighs tightly together and rutted in and out of her.

  “One more time baby, please come one more time for me Aria. I love watching you come.”

  It was transfixing and the man could tell that the woman was primed for another one. His hand fell to the top of her slit and he pressed hard on her tiny nub. She squealed with the contact and gripped handfuls of his muscles as her insides collapsed around his thrusting shaft. He gritted his teeth, trying to hold back, but when their eyes met, he was lost in her. He felt himself explode inside of her, shaking as much as her pussy walls were.

  Pulling out, he laid next to her on his back. Aria crawled over to his chest and laid her head over his steady beating heart. She mewled softly next to him, her leg hooked on top of his, holding him in a full body embraced. She felt like singing, her whole body throbbing with remembered pleasure.

  Chapter 8

  “So are we going to talk about what happened on the ice today?”

  Darryl looked down at her and held her close. He was still afraid that his words would scare her, but he knew that they must come out. Darryl knew that it was a lot to take, though he hoped she would have an open mind because one was desperately needed.

  “So you know what I am now.”

  “I am not sure. I thought I saw you turn into a bear, but that doesn’t make much sense.”

  “I am a lycanthrope, but instead of a wolf, my family turns into polar bears.”

  “Your family?”

  “Yea all those guys at work are my brothers.”

  “Oh. So did Martha know about your little secret?”

  “She did, but she knew that her family had their own secrets. I told you that our families are connected, I meant it. Your great aunt lived in the family house until a few years ago. It still does not feel the same without her there.”

  “Why did she move here?”

  “When Martha’s mate died, she no longer wanted to live in the big house. Her mate was my grandfather, so my father built her a small cottage down on the bottom of the mountain, so she was always close. It skips generations you see, so since Martha didn’t have any children, she must have known that you would be the one.”

  “So what does that mean? I am confused.”

  “Your blood ensures that my kind keeps going. You were mine before you were even born Aria, as I am yours. The birthmark on your chest marks you as the tattoo on my back marks me. I know this is hard to believe, but you will have our children and you probably already have some in your stomach.”

  He held her, cradling her flat stomach. Aria noted the word some and she wondered if what he said was true.

  “Why me?”

  “Your family line was from here thousands of years ago. The legend says that there was a hard time that fell on this village and black bears killed many people. One of the medicine man imbued a man with special powers to fight the beasts and he would turn into a white bear at night to stalk out the dangerous foes. The white hid him in the snowy ice and they never saw him coming. This saved the village and he passed the ability on to his children. Your ancestor was the medicine woman and every other generation, our two families most converge, or the magic wears off.”

  It all sounded like such a magical tale, one that you would tell your children and add in a moral at the end. If she had not seen him change once and then back again, she never would have believed such a fable. There were more questions that she wanted to know, but she was more interested in seeing her new home.

  The man passed her small house and continued up the hill for another mile and a half in the truck. She had gotten dressed and followed him outside. He wanted to show her new home, but she still seemed to be taking it all quite well.

  The road made the woman nervous and she tried not to look down off the edge. She already had doubts about the place and then the trees opened up, revealing the gem hidden behind them. The house was huge and beautiful. It was completely hidden from the main road. She never would have known it was up there

  “Wow, I see your business does well.”

  Darryl chuckled and kissed her on her lips.

  “Our business. It will help with all of the children we will have. I have ten brothers.”

  “Only brothers? And who says I am going to have that many children?”

  “You cannot say no to me.”

  Aria smirked, but she knew deep down that she would never say no to him. He was the man of her dreams and she was never going to let go. His eyes darkened as he put the truck in park and pulled her out with him towards the house. He opened the door and followed in behind her. In his home, he was excited to have her make it hers as well. It was a long time coming that the Alpha heard the pitter patter of his bloodline and he could not think of anyone else that was more suited to have them. His mouth came down on her surprised one and she was quickly winding her body around his.

  “Now about our babies….”

  Darryl grabbed her up and squeezed her sides as he dragged her up the winding staircase to their new bedroom. He barely made it through the threshold, before he threw her onto the bed and covered her with a skilled quickness. Aria was his for the taking.


  Into the Highlander’s Realm

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!

  Table of Contents










  Moira looked up at the clock and watched the second hand tick, tick, tick slowly around until it rested on the twelve. Four minutes, she counted in her head. That’s how long she had been sitting there watching it, and that’s also how long she had left to go until she could switch off her computer, gather up her things and get the hell out of there.

  It hadn’t been an easy week. Or an easy month. In fact, when Moira really thought about it, her whole year so far had been nothing but trouble and even now, on the eve of her escape to freedom for two weeks, she was sitting there completely weary and dreading the exit from the office.

  She should have listened. They had all warned her about him and she had even known that she was setting herself up for a fall, but the moment Jack Tranter flashed his glistening baby blues at her, she had been sucked right in.

  “He’s a player, Moira,” her colleague Erica had told her over lunch one spring afternoon as the girls sat outside their local coffee house flipping through magazines and snapping pictures of their Caesar salads.

  “He’ll only hurt you,” Claire had confirmed.

  “But I think I can change him,” Moira had said naïvely. “I think we have something special, and I’m pretty sure he can’t be faking.”

  Erica and Claire had both looked at each other as if they didn’t have the heart to burst her bubble any more, but Moira dismissed it because she hoped she was the one who was right. After all, neither of the girls had had firsthand experience with Jack. They had just been told various bits of information from one or two other secretaries from around the office. And when Moira asked for more details, they couldn’t even tell her. For all of these reasons she was skeptical, and she and Jack were having such a great time together, she just couldn’t imagine it going any other way but up.

  How she wished she would have listened.

  After three months of amazing sex, deep conversations and grand plans, Jack had simply fallen off the face of the earth. When Moira finally managed to track him down, he had his arm around another woman, was cuddling up to her in plain sight for anyone to see and was nibbling her earlobe. When Moira had approached them, he looked at her as if she were a stranger and then declared at the top of his voice for everyone in a mile radius to hear, “What’s the matter with you, you psycho? We had one date. We were never exclusive.”

  His companion had looked at her as if she were crazy and Moira had scuttled away, completely heartbroken and torn in two. How could he have done that to her? Less than a week earlier they had been planning on a trip over to Moira’s ancestral home of Scotland to discover a bit more about her roots and reconnect with her family’s past.

  She had cried solidly for one week and then she got angry. No one was going to treat her that way. She was determined to pull herself together and move on with her life. As the sun set on a warm Sunday afternoon, she had curled up on the couch with a glass of red wine and opened her laptop.

  She had never been to Scotland before, but after losing her parents several years earlier, she had felt a strange pull to go there and see what it was all about.

  Her parents had always lived in the United States, but she had been told countless stories of their distant ancestors and the legends surrounding them. She had fantasized for a long time about taking the plunge and booking her flights over to Glasgow, but she had never had the nerve…

  Until now.

  She cradled the warm glass of wine in her palm of thought of the look on Jack’s face when he had so publically humiliated her. She was so much better than him, and now she was going to prove it. She opened up the British Airways website and booked her flight. Two weeks in Scotland and leaving as soon as possible. As she drained the rest of her glass and rested the laptop down on the couch beside her, her heart was racing and her palms were sweating. A part of her couldn’t believe that she had actually done it!

  Now she was waiting for her work day to end, and finally, when she looked up at the clock again, her four minutes were up. She put on her “out of office,” closed down her workstation and slipped her jacket around her shoulders. Now all she had to do was get the hell out of there without Jack Tranter seeing her as she went.

  She ducked out of her office and walked swiftly with her head down as she passed his room. She was sure she heard him call her name, but there was no way she was going to wait and find out. She pushed her way out of the shining double doors, into the sunlight and out into freedom.

  She was on her way!


  Back home at her apartment, Moira spent the evening ironing and folding clothes, gathering up toiletries and arranging outfits on the end of her bed. She went into her storage cupboard and wheeled out the biggest suitcase she had before hauling it up onto the bed and filling it with everything she could possibly need to see her through the next fortnight.

  Before she had time to think, it was almost 10:00 pm, and she was getting tired. She flopped down on her bed and looked at her cell phone. In horror she realized that she had a missed call from Jack an hour earlier. To see his name come up on the screen made her stomach churn. A week or so before she had wanted nothing more than for him to call her and apologize, to tell her it was all a big joke or misunderstanding. But that phone call had never came and she knew that it would all be a lie, anyway. She covered her face with her hands as her heart raced in her chest. Could she even contemplate calling him back?

  Deep down she knew the answer, and so she rolled over and shoved the phone underneath her pillow. She didn’t want to or need to know what he had to say. He had done enough damage to last her a lifetime.

  She got up and crossed her bedroom to her desk. She opened the top drawer and pulled out her passport and her Scottish pounds. She flipped through them with a childish smile on her face, as if she couldn’t believe it was all real. She had never thought that she would have the nerve to travel across the world on her own, with no one meeting her at the other side, but it was all so liberating.

  After she dressed for bed and set her alarm for 5:00 am, she climbed underneath her duvet and hoped for a safe journey. She had never needed a break more in her entire life, but she had never been a confident traveler. As she drifted off to sleep, scenes of rolling green hills and historical castles swirled through her head. She was finally going to see what her parents and grandparents had told her so much about and she couldn’t wait.


  At 7:00 am the following morning, she was climbing out of the taxi at the airport and walking through to the check-in desks. The buzz around the place even at that time of the morning was intense and it made her feel all the more alive.

  As she handed her passport over to the girl at the desk, she looked up and saw her flight number and GLASGOW in big letters on the board above her head. Her skin tingled in anticipation, and as she left for security and departures with her boarding pass, she repressed the urge to do a little celebratory dance on the way through.

  As the plane taxied down the runway and she nursed a small glass of wine to calm her nerves, a grin was fixed firmly on her face. She had never left the US before, and it felt like the beginning of something big for her. In her own way she was marking the occasion as a beginning of a new her. She was going out on her own, and she was leaving all the bullshit of her humdrum life behind.

  As she plane accelerated up into the air, her stomach dipped and she turned to the woman beside her and smiled.

  “This is so exciting,” she said. “I’ve never traveled alone before.”

  “Me neither,” the woman said with a nervous laugh. “Maybe we should look after each other.”

  “Good idea,” Moira smiled.

  Throughout the rest of the flight, Moira spent her time sipping red wine, flicking through magazines and cuddling into the airline blanket. As she drifted in and out of sleep, once again her dreams were wild and vivid and a man with a shock of red hair and a tall muscular frame was with her the whole way
. They were running along untamed lands, up and down rolling hills and around the outskirts of a loch as the sunlight shone on it and made it look gold. The man was strong but gentle and his voice echoed around her subconscious. His accent was deep, gruff and very sexy.

  The countryside turned to darkness and he was playfully chasing her down the ancient hallways of an incredible castle. He caught up to her and pushed her gently up against the stone wall and kissed her powerfully on the lips, so hard that it made her weak at the knees and floppy in his arms. As their bodies collided, even in the dream, it was the most amazing sensation and Moira’s heartbeat thumped loudly in her ears. The man pulled back and stared at her deep in the eyes before his hand moved down between her legs and he rubbed her gently before slipping her panties to one side. Moira threw her head back and gasped, ready to give herself to him, when suddenly a loud BING brought her back to reality…

  She woke with a start as the seatbelt signs illuminated and the captain announced that the plane was preparing to land. Her cheeks were flushed, her whole body tingled, and she was sure she could still taste the man on her lips. It had been so vivid and real.

  “You alright, dear?” the woman next to her asked as Moira flattened down her hair and did a double take of her surroundings.

  “Yes,” Moira smiled, “I was just having this crazy dream.”

  “They’re usually the best,” the lady smiled.

  “Yes,” said Moira. “Yes, it was.”


  After Moira said her goodbyes to the lady she was sitting with on the plane, she collected her bags and went through customs and security. It had been a long day so far, and it was early evening in Scotland. She stretched as she stepped out of the airport’s main doors and waited for a taxi to pull up to the curb.


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