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Cadence of Love

Page 19

by Willow Brooke


  For the next week, the team had been monitoring the little village where Azizi was supposed to be. They had spotted him immediately amongst the locals, and now had surveillance watching his every move. Thanks to the poverty problem, a few dollars went a long way. Very few locals were willing to talk, but Joker had managed to bribe a few for small tidbits of information. Modern technology did the rest. Night vision goggles had also proved their worth. Hulk had relentlessly staked out every night and gathered enough information to determine the group he worked with, and had quickly narrowed down the location of his home. Vice now sat undercover at the market dressed in a full burka, watching Azizi’s every move and sound. The ridiculous outfit had its perks despite her gripes and groans. Underneath, she was strapped with enough heat to take down a small army, and had a sound enhancer and transmitter taped to her arm. It sent all of the audio straight back to Dom who was monitoring and recording anything she captured. Video cameras had been placed everywhere.

  The man was predictable. They had quickly gotten his routine down to the time he shit every day. Today they hoped to uncover everything. Dom had tapped his phone, which had proved to be their biggest asset so far. A meeting was scheduled to be held at noon, and the group was all in position to intercept intel and hopefully find out if he was the main warlord behind all of the masochistic rebel groups or reveal who was. If everything went as planned, they were about to uncover the last pieces to the puzzle.

  Vice whispered over the radio, announcing Azizi’s arrival. The sweat dripped off her skin. Being wrapped in the black oven bag was hotter than hell. Women walked all around her, undoubtedly feeling the same misery. She positioned her sleeve where it could pick up the best audio and stilled, watching as Azizi and two others walked up to a black SUV. Moments later, the doors opened and five men in suits stepped out packing large rifles and positioned in a protective circle. The back door opened and she held her breath. This was it. The moment of truth… “Rock, the back door just opened. Get the camera ready and try to get the clearest shot you can for the face recognition program. Focus on him first—if you have time then get the others.”

  “Roger. Now step out of the vehicle you demented fucker. Say cheese for the camera,” Rock answered.

  Seconds later, the body stepped out of the vehicle, slowly, looking around. Gasps from everyone were heard over the earpieces. The man walked a few steps and waved for Azizi to join him, allowing him through the wall of weapons. When he turned, their suspicions were confirmed. Standing in front of them was none other than Senator George Nelson. Their last shred of hope that an American wasn’t behind all of the horrible attacks was soon thrown in the gutter as their conversation went on. They discussed a drug shipment leaving for the United States, and what towns to invade and take over. Apparently, the Senator was trafficking heroin in large shipments on cargo planes. Another flight was being scheduled within the next week.

  The last part of their discussion hit harder than the rest. A terrorist attack against U.S. soil was in place to work as a political pawn. A suicide bomber was going to hit the Nation’s capital. It was only big enough to take out a few hundred people, but do just enough damage to allow him to waltz in and be the hero. Everyone wanted to barf. Anger boiled from each team member, sounding in hushed cusses and curses over their radio communication.

  Thirty minutes later the team had enough information to do some major damage. When the Senator left, Vice and the others pulled out and met back at camp to discuss their findings.

  “That mother fucking traitor! He is attacking the one thing he swore to protect! We have to stop this before it is too late. We have four months before it is supposed to go down,” Kodiak growled.

  “I can’t believe he is sinking so low. Politicians are dirty, but this is fucking pathetic.” Romeo rubbed his hand over his face, sullen in their discovery.

  “I can. All of those mother fuckers are dirty. So what is the game plan? We have a short few months to get all of the info and a fail proof plan,” Brody’s voice came out in a vicious growl.

  “The game plan is, we are going home. I need to make a few phone calls and talk to a few people. We can gather most of the intel from there. It may only be a couple weeks with our toes in home soil, but anything is better than nothing,” Dom said.

  “Ladies and gents, we are about to make history. These bastards have no idea who they are fucking with. Start packing. I want to be in flight before the sun comes up. Joker, call our ride and have him waiting. We have a lot to do, and the faster we get started the faster we can take this shit bag out.” Leland stood and went straight to work unhooking the computers and electronic devices. The others followed, swiftly grabbing and packing their camp.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alaina struggled with the last bale of hay left on the flat bed of the farm truck. Between her and Michael, they managed the upkeep on the farm pretty well, but today the hay seemed to weigh a ton. The muscles in her arms burned, and even through the tough leather gloves the bailing wire cut into her hands. Thankfully this was the last of it. The cows had all been tended, and the last went out to the horses. With the last final umph of energy, she threw it to the ground and gasped for breath. Elizabeth was due home any time, so she headed back to the house for a quick shower and change of clothes. It had been the exhausting work and the phone calls from her dear friends that had kept her moving forward, but today proved to knock her a little harder than the others. Mrs. Sanders would be due to call any minute too. She phoned every day when Elizabeth got off the bus to ask her how her day was. It had become a ritual, and both Alaina and Elizabeth looked forward to it.

  Just before she pulled the truck and parked in the driveway, the loud hum of a helicopter pattered above. She looked up, noticing it was getting lower and lower. Was the damn thing going to crash? What the hell? It dropped just above the tree lines, making her worry. Either something was wrong, or a pilot was being a showing off. It slowly flew over to the clearing in the field and lowered. The damn thing is landing! She reached in the truck and grabbed the pistol and her cell phone, shoving the iron down the back of her jeans. This wasn’t a police or rescue helicopter, so her instincts screamed a warning. Michael was on the back of the property mending a fence, so she was flying solo. She cautiously walked in its direction, shielding her eyes from the flinging dirt the blades created. She stopped just short of the fence, not wanting to walk into the down draft. Through squinted eyes, the prettiest sight she had ever seen stepped out of the bird. Brody was the first out, grinning from ear to ear as he ran toward her. The others all followed, encircling around her in a group hug. Tears escaped from her eyes. “Oh my God, you are home! I have been worried sick! I missed you all so much!”

  “We missed you too, angel.” Leland kissed her, picking her up and twirling her around. The second he put her down Brody grabbed her, repeating the mind numbing tilt-a-whirl kiss only in the opposite direction. When he finally released her, she was dizzy, and didn’t know if it was from the spinning or the panty dropping kisses.

  “What is this?” Brody reached down the back of her jeans and pulled out the gun, looking at it with a smirk.

  “Oh, sorry. I was on my way back from feeding and saw the helicopter. It didn’t look like a police one or a rescue, so I thought it was better to be safe than sorry.”

  “That’s our girl. Boys, I think we trained her right.”

  “Mmmm. Hot and lethal. A perfect combination.” Leland kissed her again, dipping her backwards, causing the others to make ‘ooooh’ sounds. When he tipped her up, the group all took turns hugging her and kissing her cheeks. Everyone was so excited and talking at the same time, she laughed. “Okay, slow down, let’s get in the house. Are you all hungry?”

  “Hungry, hell we are starved! Ol’ Romeo can’t cook for shit. I swear I lost ten pounds already,” Zane said in a grump.

  “Oh bullshit. I don’t think losing a few is going to hurt you anyway you big bastard,” W
esley shot back.

  “Look who is talking! Your ass barely fits in your BDU pants.”

  “Coming straight from Shrek himself. Go eat a slug, fatty.”

  “Okay, boys, stop fussing. I have a pot of chili cooking and the stuff for cornbread.” Alaina grinned at them both, happy in the moment and the sound of their badinage. She had missed them all so very much. Her heart swelled with the love that surrounded her. The fun-hearted banter continued all the way into the house. Everyone crowded in the kitchen to tell her about their adventures while she finished dinner. When Elizabeth got off the bus, Alaina met her on the porch with cell phone in hand and Mrs. Sanders waiting to greet her favorite girl. “Hey, princess! How was school today?” Mrs. Sanders asked.

  “It was okay. I got a B on my math test today. It should have been an A, but I messed up on the long division part.”

  “Well, a B is great anyway. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, Mrs. Sanders. Momma doesn’t sing me to sleep like you do. When are you coming to visit? It is lonely up here sometimes.” Lizzy missed the older grandmother figure so much. Every day, she talked about her and asked when they were going to visit her.

  “I want to come up there to see you soon. I am trying to make plans to head up that way in the next month or so, okay?”

  “Yay! You just made my day so much better!”

  Mrs. Sanders giggled. “I think your day will get even better in a few minutes. I have to cut our talk short today, but tomorrow we will have lots to talk about, okay?”

  “Awww, okay I guess, but tomorrow we get extra long phone time. I love you and miss you, Mrs. Sanders.”

  “I love you too, princess. Now, you have a great evening, and remember, I want a full update on how your night went tomorrow! Bye bye.”

  “Bye bye.” Elizabeth hung up the phone and handed it back to Alaina with a pout.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Alaina asked with a smirk. She had told Mrs. Sanders that the guys were waiting to surprise her when she answered the phone, and knew that there was no doubt the elderly lady would call back and ask to talk to each and every one of them in tomorrow’s phone call. Elizabeth gave her a quick hug and made a beeline straight for the kitchen as part of her daily routine for an afternoon snack. The moment she stepped through the door and saw them all, she jumped up and down in a fit of screams. Her little eyes welled up in pools of joy as she went from person to person giving them hugs. “Oh my gosh, you guys are home! I missed you so much!”

  “We missed you too, squirt. As soon as I get unpacked I have a surprise for you.” Nick ruffled her hair, grinning from ear to ear as her face lit like a lamp.

  “So do I, shortcake.” Wesley tickled her ribs, working her into a giggling fit. He played with her until she almost peed herself and sent her off to the bathroom.

  When she came back in, she went straight for Vice. Vice almost lost it the second her favorite little princess crawled up on her lap. “I missed you, Aunt Alex.”

  Everyone fell silent and looked. Alex pulled her against her and hugged her tight. “I missed you too, Lizzy. There wasn’t a day go by I wasn’t thinking about you.” Her voice came out soft and quiet. “I got you a little something too, kiddo. It is wrapped in my socks so it wouldn’t get messed up. Before you go to bed I will get it out, okay?”

  “Thank you so much! I got you all something too. I’ll be right back!” She all but peeled out, running up the stairs to her room. A few minutes later she came back out and handed out pictures she had drawn and colored to each of them. Twenty minutes later, everyone held a stack of bright artwork and an expression to match.

  Moments before dinner was done there was a knock at the door. “I got it. It is probably old man Jones letting us know we got a cow out or something.” Jeremy rose and walked out of the room while the others continued their stories from afar. A good twenty minutes went by, and Jeremy wasn’t back. They didn’t notice their visitor either until he escorted him into the kitchen. He cleared his throat to get their attention, introducing the man standing in Class A uniform to his right. “You guys, we have a visitor. This is General Ashburn.” Even though they were departed from the Army, the group all stood and saluted. All of them shifted and stood at attention with their hands behind their back and shoulders squared after he saluted in return. Off to the back, Jeremy caught sight of Elizabeth who was mimicking their movements and had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

  “At ease. I see old habits die hard. That’s good. Who is this little future soldier?”

  Apparently her salute didn’t go unnoticed.

  She walked over and shook his hand, grinning from ear to ear. “My name is Elizabeth Bradford. When I grow up I want to be a soldier just like you!”

  “So do I,” Drake mumbled in a hushed tone, causing the group to laugh.

  “From the looks of you, I think you will be a better soldier than me!” Her little face beamed with excitement. She walked back over to help her mom and allow them all to talk.

  General Ashburn continued. “Lieutenant Jagger and I just had a pretty good little discussion about your recent vacation. Your aircraft was spotted flying just on the outside of air space over the base at Kandahar. No one flies in or out without me knowing everything, to the color of their underwear…or lack thereof.” His head turned a smug look toward Wesley, earning a few chuckles in the process. “So, we had you under surveillance while you were off playing Rambo.” He scanned the room, making eye contact with each and every one of them before he continued. “What you were able to accomplish and the intel you found is remarkable. I need you. Together we can stop this traitorous bastard and take down the drug cartel here in the states. Afterwards, you all can go in and clear all of the insurgents. You will be back in the Army, but working as a covert Special Forces Green Beret unit. Things are going to be a lot different. The only one you will answer to is me. Only a few chosen will know of your existence. Your base camp will be here. And the kicker? Any weapons or gear you want, I will get you. You will have access to the top-secret shit straight from the labs, boys. So, what do you say?” He propped up against the doorframe and waited, giving them time to discuss the decision. It didn’t take long. The team shot a glance at one another, giving only a nod before they all answered with a ‘Hoorah!’

  “Great. I will be here at 0700 with a few papers that need signed. I am sorry to cut your homecoming short, but we have a lot to do and little time to do it in.”

  “Thank you, General. We look forward to getting back into the normal world. This civilian shit isn’t right,” Zane said.

  “Amen to that. Why do you think I have been in so long? My retirement came and went years ago. I will let you get back to your dinner. I am sorry for interrupting, ma’am,” he turned to Alaina and nodded.

  “No, you are always welcome. Would you care to join us for dinner? It isn’t anything special, just homemade chili and cornbread, but you are more than welcome to some.” Alaina had already begun filling bowls and cutting triangles of the corn bread out of the three pans that rest on the top of the stove.

  “Your offer is hard to refuse but if I stayed, the misses would condemn me to the couch for a week. She has something cooking and waiting I am sure. Thank you again.”

  “You are welcome any time. Bring the wife for dinner next time.” Alaina went back to serving up the dishes and handing them over to Elizabeth one by one for her to set at the table. Before the General made it out the door, Michael walked in.

  “Edward! Long time no see! What have you been up to?”

  “Good to see you too, Mike. Aw, you know…cleaning up the trash like always.” The two men shook hands, falling into the type of conversation only an old friendship could bring. The two walked out and chatted it up for over thirty minutes before Michael made it back in. He sat down at the table and smiled. “Glad to see you all in one piece. I hear you all took care of business.”

  “Yes, sir, we did,” Wesley answered.

at’s good. I hope you all get to hang around a little while. This place needs you rowdy heathens to liven it up. Elizabeth is too quiet and sweet.” He turned and winked at her. She giggled and went back to her dinner.


  That night, Leland and Brody shucked off their clothes and slipped into bed next to her. Just the simple dip of the bed made the world feel right to her again. Both of them rolled to face her, heating her core instantly. It may have only been a few weeks, but to her it felt like a lifetime since she had reveled in their touch. “Damn, baby, I have missed you.” Leland’s eyes glistened in the lamplight, flicking with a dangerous passion.

  “I missed you guys more. What are you going to do to make up for lost time, soldier?”

  “Mmm. I can think of a few things.”

  “So can I. Grab the lube out of that top drawer, Rock.”

  “Roger that.” Leland turned to the nightstand and rummaged through the drawers, pulling out a white tube.

  “Well, I like your way of thinking. That’s a start…” Alaina sucked on her bottom lip, trying hard not to rush them along. Sensing her impatience, Brody lowered his head to hers and kissed her, reawakening the guttural lust that only they could conjure. These guys were unbelievable. Never in her life had a simple kiss brought her to the heights of orgasm. Usually she didn’t get this worked up during sex. Leland immediately went to work on her tits, sucking and nipping each bud. Instead of lingering like he normally did, he withdrew the pert nipple from between his teeth and moved south, making a straight path to her mound. Both men seemed to feel the rush that she did. For once she was glad the foreplay was cut short. There was no hinting or playing. His tongue sought out her clit and went in for the kill. The second his tongue made contact, she creamed. “Fuck, sugar, you are soaking wet. That’s good. I can’t wait much longer. I need to be inside you now!” Leland lapped up her arousal and slid back up her body, taking Brody’s place. His tongue slid in her mouth, coating her taste buds with the flavor of her own lust. She made a soft mewling sound into his mouth. Brody played with her cunt, fingering her deep and hard. With just a few minutes of him fingering her, she could feel the budding orgasm. Her hips lifted, pushing against his knuckles for deeper penetration. With a simple curling of his appendages, she went off. The primer orgasm spasmed in little tingles, warming her cunt in preparation for the two ginormous cocks she was about to receive. Brody pulled his fingers out slowly, raising them to his lips before sucking them clean.


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