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Rip It

Page 2

by A. D. Herrick

  He was a total drag, always coming between me and Sam. He would tag along when we went out for a ride and complain the whole time until Sam just gave in and left with him, leaving me alone to skate by myself.

  “What are your plans for the summer?” Sam asked.

  His brow was furrowed and I could see the apprehension in his eyes. I knew Sam would worry about me. He always did. I nudged him with my shoulder.

  “Eh, I figure I will work on my Acid drop off the bridge and incorporate some body varial into my invert.” I teased.

  Sam laughed and pulled my black beanie off my head. His large hand reached out and mussed up my hair.

  “How about you keep working on your grind and stay off any verts. I want to come home and see you in one piece.” He said laughing in amusement.

  I snatched my beanie out of his hands and shoved it back on my head not caring how my hair looked.

  “So what you’re telling me is that you’re grounding me to flat bottom grinds?” I asked annoyed.

  “Look, anything can happen and I don’t want you wiping out or face planting while I’m away. Work on your rails and goofy. Hell, your Ollie can use some work even.” Sam encouraged.

  “Sam, I’m not some little Grom.” I lashed out annoyed that he was treating me like a little kid who just got his first set of wheels.

  “Chill,” Sam grabbed me by the arm and jerked me in front of him.

  His long fingers gripped my shoulders as he leveled his face with mine.

  “Listen, I know you’re not some Am out there getting your first grind. You have serious mad skills. I just don’t want to worry the whole time I’m gone, wondering if you landed wrong or if you’re laying out in some fucking pool fucked up. You know it happens. You know it just takes one wrong move or a pebble in your way for you to wipe out.” His voice was laced with that same concern that clouded his warm brown eyes.

  I knew he was talking about my last wipe out. I was ripping it in one of the vacant pools when I came off an invert landed one hell of a hang-up, my tail hit the lip of the pool just right sending me careening face-first into the hard concrete.

  I suffered a concussion and a broken collar bone. Sam had been there and rushed to dial 9-1-1. If it hadn’t been for him I would have probably never been found. No one checked on the vacant houses in town. They didn’t have a reason to.

  I stomped my feet and pouted, crossing my arms with a humph, but it did no good. Sam was right.

  “Fine, I’ll stay flat and keep it simple.” I acquiesced sullenly.

  “Good,” Sam beamed.

  He spun me around giving me a gentle shove forward.

  “Less talking and more walking. I am fucking ready to shed this shit and hit the board.” He said excitedly.

  I knew what he meant. There was nothing more liberating than catching air as you put the laws of physics to the test.

  “Does Jessie really have to come? He will have you the entire summer in New York.” I whined.

  Sam matched his stride to mine and slung his arm over my shoulder. I knew he hated being pulled between me and Jessie. I couldn’t help it. Jessie may be his boyfriend but I was his best friend. The whole bros before hoes and all that Jazz.

  “I know you don’t care for Jessie, but he is a big part of my life right now. Please, just try to accept him and if you can’t accept him just tolerate him for me. “ Sam begged.

  “Fine,” I relented.

  “What are you guys going to be doing in New York, anyways?” I asked dejectedly.

  Sam squeezed my shoulder to convey his sympathy.

  “Well, I guess we are going to see a few shows, he wants to show me the sights, and check out a few schools.” His voice dropped as he spoke. It became so low I almost couldn’t hear that last word, but I did.

  “Some schools?” I said in shock.

  Sam had the decency to look ashamed. He never mentioned wanting to change our plan. We have had the same plan almost our whole life. Get out of Seal Dana, find a place in Huntington to live and grind it out.

  We had just put off the move until his trip to New York was over. Now it sounded like he may not be coming back home. I could feel my heart shattering into a million pieces.

  We both had hopes of improving our game and being picked up on a team while Sam took classes at one of the local colleges and I worked on building up my decal business. I had no clue how things would work out if he decided to not come home after all.

  “Yeah,” he said hesitantly.

  I was absolutely livid and hurt. I couldn’t believe he was waiting until now to tell me. I felt my world swim, anger clouded my eyes. I whirled on him.

  “When the hell was you planning on telling me?” I spit at him vehemently.

  “Nothing is set in stone, Haven. I am just going to see what they have to offer.” Sam tried to console me. His voice had taken on a reassuring tone.

  “Whatever Sam,” I muttered angrily.

  We walked the rest of the way home in silence. Internally I was hurling insults at him and Jessie. I knew this was all Jessie’s idea. Sam wasn’t a New York City guy that goes to Broadway shows. He was a laid back Surfer who loves to rip it through the concrete jungle on his deck.

  When we reached the street that divided our houses I left him without saying anything. I needed some time to myself to digest this curveball he had thrown at me.

  All was forgotten when I saw the package waiting for me at my front door. All thoughts of Sam and his treachery were replaced with excitement and anticipation. I broke into a mad sprint for the door letting out a yelp as I went, fist pumping the air. It finally arrived. I snatched the package off the porch and lugged it into the house.

  I carried the box into my room, dropping onto the unmade twin size bed. I started shredding the box open, Styrofoam peanuts went everywhere but I didn’t care.

  “Fuck yes,” I whispered reverently as I pulled out my new Helium featherweight Element Grayson Sprites deck.

  The bottom of the deck had a grayscale of Grayson Fletcher’s sprite image on it in grays in yellows with a grayscale silhouette of the sprite behind it. The top sheet was dark blue stained with an image of all the sprites in the collection. I dug in the box for my new grip tape.

  When I pulled out my new charcoal iron grip grip tape, I was beyond stoked. In a smaller box at the bottom was what I was really after, my new trucks, and wheels. My phase 3 raw trucks and section yellow wheels with black bearings had me high as a kite on the fourth of July.

  The wheels were the perfect complement to the deck. Their grayscale and yellow detail pulled the look together. I couldn’t wait to mod this baby out, but first I needed to get her in one piece. Already my brain went into overdrive with design ideas for the bottom.

  I pulled my tool kit out from beneath my bed. Pulling my long brown curly hair back into a high ponytail, I was ready to get busy assembling everything.

  The first thing I needed to do was apply the grip tape. I threw on my slim fit work gloves before I removed the paper backing from the grip tape sheet.

  Laying the sheet carefully on the deck I let the center sag just enough in the middle to let it adhere to the deck. I worked the tape over the board evenly working from the center out to the edges. I was methodic in my work.

  Carefully, I smoothed it over with my hands ensuring there were no air bubbles left under the tape. I hated having to go through and pop the air bubbles with my blade. It always made the tape weak in that area and caused it to peel faster.

  I pulled a pair of sheers out and trimmed the excess tape away from the board, and then I pulled out my blade and cut from the bottom up starting at the nose and worked my way around the board making a smooth even cut around the deck, removing any excess tape that I missed with the sheers.

  Once that was done I pulled out my files and got to work sanding down the sides and ensuring the tape was smooth around all of the edges, rubbing hard until the grains were worn off and I had a smooth finish. The file l
eft a smooth white outline on the grip tape around the board.

  I used the head of a Philips screwdriver to poke holes through the tape so that I could attach my trucks. I followed through with a round file and filed down the edges of the tape around the holes until I could see the smooth white outline where the grit had been removed.

  I flipped my board over to attach the new. I lined my screws up with the trucks and used my skate key to secure them tightly to the board. I greased my bearings and set them aside, slipping the wheels on the axles and pressed my bearings in. I slid the washers on and tightened them with my skate key and secured it all in with a nut on each wheel.

  I spun the wheels with my hands to test them out and made adjustments as needed. Once I was finally down with the lower deck I wiped my hands on the rag in my box then slipped all of my tools and gloves back in it. I stuffed the box back under my bed.

  There was something therapeutic and soothing about putting together a new deck. It was a labor of love. Some people enjoyed the thrill of riding, I enjoyed the thrill of riding as well, but most of all I enjoyed the act of creation most.

  I looked up at the clock and realized that I was running short on time. I left my board on my bed to run and take a quick shower. I had less than thirty minutes to meet Sam at the Dillan’s.

  I rushed through my shower and threw on my clothes, a pair of faded blue low rise, wide leg jeans, black and white layered tank tops, and my black Chucks. I wove my hair into a tight plait and secured it under a black Thrasher beanie.

  Tossing my black canvas skate bag over my shoulder, I grabbed my new deck off the bed as I rushed out the door.

  I made it to the Dillan’s place just as Sam was riding up. My heart sank when I saw Jessie walking up behind him. I thought we would have a little time alone before Jessie decided to show but that was apparently not going to happen.

  I popped a quick Ollie in front of Sam flashing him the bottom of my board before I ended with a Salad grind right in front of him.

  “Holy shit, Have. Did that just come in today?” Sam asked admiring my board. I kicked the board up into my hands and thrust it out for him to inspect.

  “Yeah, it was sitting on my porch when I got home,” I said all anger and hurt vanished I knew Sam wasn’t at fault for the NYC plan.

  I needed to let him go and figure his life out for himself. It’s amazing how working on my board can calm me down and allow me to think straight. It didn’t mean I would miss Sam any less, though.

  “Gnarly, Can I take it for a run?” I gave him a quick jerk of the head in affirmation, allowing him to test out my new baby.

  Sam took off on the board pumping his foot to gain momentum. He pulled off an Ollie dropping into the shallow end of the pool. I watched him intently anticipating his next move.

  “You know, for not being a dyke, you sure dress like one,” Jessie said snidely from behind me, low enough that Sam couldn’t hear him.

  I was used to his barbs about how I dressed and acted. He was always telling me I needed to get out of the closet or start acting like a lady.

  “Jessie why don’t you go choke on a dick.” I sneered.

  I watched as Sam did a wallie, along the concave wall.

  “You know Sam will never want you. He is moving to NYC with me.” Jessie continued snidely.

  “Well, it just so happens that I’m not into Sam. However, I doubt you will be able to keep him in NYC. He will wise up to your pathetic bullshit and come home. You have been around for four years. I have been around his entire life. Try not to get it twisted, princess.” I deadpanned.

  “I give him the one thing you will never be able to, therefore, princess; he will leave this shithole town and you behind,” Jessie said confidently, his arrogance was palpable.

  I had no idea where he drew his confidence from. I was still amazed that after four years, Jessie still couldn’t pull his head out of his own ass to see the disaster coming. Sam was Sam and he would never change, not even for Jessie. Fed up with Jessie’s snide comments, I decided to throw him a little bit of harsh reality.

  “Jessie, tell me, does he love you?” I asked coldly.

  I heard Jessie take a sharp inhale, the air hissed between his teeth like he had been burned.

  “Of course he loves me.” Jessie shot back.

  “Did he tell you that?” I asked condescendingly.

  “He doesn’t have to.” Jessie retorted. I could hear the fight leaving his sails.

  I kept my eyes on Sam and watched as he pulled off an invert and dropped back down coming up to grind on the lip of the pool. I cheered loudly, clapping my hands and whooped.

  Jessie leaned back silently against the house with his arms crossed over his chest. He may have Sam spending the summer with him in NYC but I know Sam and I know that deep down he’ll be back.

  Sam made another round before popping up the side of the pool to land in front of me. He ground the tail to a halt.

  “Fuck, Have, what kind of deck did you get? This thing is lite as hell.” Sam gushed admiring the board in his hands.

  “It’s a helium featherweight.” I boast and snatched the board out of his hands.

  I took off in a run and threw the board beneath me. I pumped my foot I gained the momentum to hit the lip of the pool.

  I pulled off an acid drop into the deep end and flew across the bed of the pool. I pumped a few more times and popped up the wall of the shallow end.

  I grabbed the tail of my deck and did a backside grab. I had lost the board just before landing and bailed, rolling across the deck of the pool. Sam came rushing to my side.

  “Holy shit, are you okay?” His voice was full of excitement with an undercurrent of concern.

  “Damn it, Batman. That board is lite as hell.” I laughed pulling my body into a seated position.

  Sam laughed with me and dropped down to sit down beside me.

  “You definitely need to stick to flat bottom until I get home. I love you too much for anything to happen to you.” He teased; his eyes sparkled with amusement and the truth in his words.

  I smiled knowingly up at Jessie. Jessie’s glare could melt steel which just made me smile wider. You have been weighed, measured, and found wanting.

  “You just want the upper hand. In the big city, you won’t be able to grind and I will totally have a summer of practice on you.” I bragged smirking up at Sam.

  Sam knocked his shoulder against mine.

  “You know I’m going to miss you right?” His voice had taken on a serious tone.

  I ducked my head and nodded, unable to meet his eyes. I didn’t want him to see the hurt and pain in them. Deep down I knew that I needed to let him go and experience life for his self. If I kept him here he would always wonder what if. I didn’t want to see the regret on his face for the rest of my life. I t was time for me to be a big girl and suck it up.

  “I’m just a phone call away.” I reminded him with a weak smile.

  “Haven, in all these years, I have yet to see you answer the door or pick up a phone. You may have a phone but I guarantee it is on silent and you probably have fifty missed calls.” He said in jest with a heavy dose of honesty as he laughed.

  “It’s on vibrate and every one of those missed calls is from you. I knew you were just calling to make me rush because I was running late.” I reminded him teasingly.

  Looked up at him and cocked a brow daring him to deny it. Sam held his hands up in mock surrender.

  “I never said they were from anyone else.” He said. His eyes shined with humor.

  “Sam, we have to go, baby. We have an early flight and you know how you hate mornings.” Jessie’s aggravating voice rang tight with annoyance as he called from across the yard.

  Sam knocked his shoulder against mine.

  “I do have to go,” Sam said sadly as he stood.

  Sam reached his hand out for me to take. I placed my hand in his. Using the momentum he pulled me into his arms, giving me a long tight hug. I hugged hi
m back with vigor.

  “I love you,” Sam said as he hung on to me.

  “I love you, too.” I meant it. I loved him better than anything.

  “I’ll call you.” He mumbled against the side of my head.

  “You better.” I threatened.

  Sam gave a quick kiss to the side of my head then released me and stepped back. He ran his long thin finger through his unruly hair.

  “Pick up, will ya?” He asked before turning away.

  “I will,” I whispered softly.

  I felt like my heart was being ripped in two as I watched him walk away. Sam and I had never spent more than a day apart. Him leaving was like having my heart ripped in two. I knew he would only be gone for a summer but sometimes even a day is too long without your best friend.

  I watched as Sam and Jessie’s figures faded from view. I wiped the tears from my eyes that had begun to fall then went in search of my board, finding it laying ten feet away on its back. I picked up the board and gave it a thorough inspection. It appeared to be in good shape despite the fall.

  That’s what I loved about Element boards. They were durable and could take a good beating. I tested the wheels finding the left one a bit loose. I pulled my bag off my back and fished out my skate key then tightened the loose nut and checked the others. The last thing I needed was to wipe out because of a loose wheel.

  Chapter Two


  The sun was fading fast but I knew I could get a couple good runs in. I hated to skate without Sam. He was right. All it would take is one small trip up for me to find myself in a shit load of trouble. With a new board, an accident was ten times more likely to happen until I got used to it.

  We always came to the Dillon’s place to skate because they had owned the largest concrete patio and pool in the town.

  Once they packed up and moved we drained the pool and began to use it as our own skate park. The other skaters in town preferred to skate along the reservoir.


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