Book Read Free

Rip It

Page 11

by A. D. Herrick

  Hell, I didn’t know what to tell people. Do I tell them that my girlfriend is too busy making skateboard skins to come to my demo? That she is too busy to come out to skate herself? Do I even call her my girlfriend?

  My whole life right now was a huge question mark. It pissed me off more than anything. To make matters worse. My dad had been gone for a week and I still hadn’t heard from him. The only person I had to talk about him with was my aunt Grace and Erick.

  Erick was in Japan and the time was wacked out so we could never talk long and it was always loud as hell on his end. My aunt Grace was always busy. I would catch her sneaking in and out of Haven’s house with plates of food or dirty dishes.

  Even that pissed me off. Why was my aunt catering to Haven like she was queen Sheba? My aunt was elderly, Haven should be the one cooking for her and bringing her dinner.

  I knew I was just being salty. I was angry, upset, hurt.

  The bus honked and I ran outside, my bag over my shoulder and my board in hand. Jeremy, Cindy and the guys were waiting on the bus for me along with my teammates.

  “What’s up Meade?” Dave called from the back.

  I gave him a quick wave before taking a seat by Jeremy.

  “Dude, who pissed in your fruit loops?” Jeremy asked.

  “Haven,” It was all I could say.

  Jeremy nodded like he understood. Maybe he did. He had known her longer than I had.

  “What’s going on with her?” He asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders dramatically.

  “The hell if I know. I haven’t seen her in a week.” I admitted dryly.

  “She okay?” Jeremy asked.

  “I don’t know man. She stayed with me and my aunt for a couple days with her head in her laptop working on some deck skin ideas. She wouldn’t talk to me or anything then she took off to her house and wouldn’t answer the phone or the door.” I explained.

  “No shit,” Jeremy said excitedly.

  I turned and looked at him confused by his excitement. Why would he be excited that she completely shut me down and everyone else?

  “Why do you sound happy about that?” I asked angrily.

  “That means business is picking up for her.” He said matter of fact as though I should know and understand this.

  “What do you mean business?” I asked even more confused.

  Jeremy reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He typed feverously at the keys and brought up a website. Jeremy held out his phone for me to inspect.

  “You see her working one anything like this?” He asked.

  The screen was filled with detailed elaborate skins. Immediately I recognized the Peacock feather and sugar skull skin.

  “Yeah,” I said pointing to the two skins.

  “She was working on these the last time I paid attention.”

  Jeremy fist pumped the air and mock cheered.

  “What the hell?” I asked perplexed by the whole show he was putting on.

  Jeremy held out his index finger signaling me to give him a moment.

  “Cindy, come here.” He called out to Cindy who was sitting a few rows away.

  She had been flirting with one of the skaters on my team, Max, he shot both Jeremy and I dirty looks for taking away his arm candy. I smirked. I hated that dude anyways. Beside the fact, he had no chance with Cindy anyways. She just liked to flirt.

  “What?” She asked as she squeezed into the seat in front of us between two of my teammates. They didn’t seem to mind. She had turned around and was kneeling in the seat looking over the back of the headrest at us. Her ass was sandwiched between their heads.

  Max looked over at us fuming. I found the whole scene humorous and didn’t bother to hide my amusement.

  “Haven got a shit ton of orders in. Check out the new skins she designed.” Jeremy said thrusting his phone out to Cindy.

  I watched as Cindy’s eyes bugged out of her head as she scanned through the skins on the website. Her manicured fingers expertly worked the phone in front of her.

  “How do you know these are Haven’s skins?” I asked.

  “Dude, that’s her website,” Jeremy said proudly.

  “What?” I asked utterly confused. I knew I had heard him wrong.

  “Gray Justice is Haven’s website. It’s her products. Haven Justice Gray is her full name, dude.” He stated matter of fact giving me a pointed look like I should know this information.

  I had heard of Gray Justice. They made pricy custom skins and decals. Hell, our team purchased their decals from Gray Justice. I was completely floored in shock.

  “You’re not shitting me right?” I asked still in shock.

  Jeremy just smirked at me. Clearly, I must be an idiot and definitely the worst boyfriend ever, well suiter, potential boyfriend, whatever.

  “She wasn’t pushing you away. From what I can see here she just got hit with a shit ton of work.” Jeremy tried to reassure me.

  “So she has her own company?” I asked to clarify what I was hearing.

  “Look, Haven’s mom is a drunk. She is never home…”

  “Cindy,” Jeremy warned cutting Cindy off.

  “Jer, Haven will never tell him so I am. Shut it.” Cindy spit at Jeremy.

  “Anyways, Haven started making decals years ago. She had mod out her board and a few of us even bought some for our own boards. After a while, it really started to catch on and grow. Her mom is never around and when she is she is usually stealing Haven’s stuff to sell for booze. She even stole her laptop a few times and took all of her work that was on them.” Cindy paused long enough to catch her breath.

  “Anyways, Haven has always had to support herself and pay the bills at her house and everything else. So, she started this company and she designs custom skins and decals for money. This is normal for her when she’s really busy. One of the things she prides herself on is her low wait times. She has to design and mod the decal to the buyer’s specs, send it to be made and then it gets shipped to the customer. She always posts up the images on her site to display her work. From there the customers either Okay the work she has done, or they let her know they want to pass. If they pass then someone else can purchase the skin. Though I’ve only seen it happen once or twice.” Cindy explained

  “Yeah, those guys were dicks, I bought the skins myself,” Jeremy said proudly.

  My head began to swim and everything began to make sense. I couldn’t believe what a dick head I’d been. I had just written her off and blew a gasket for no other reason than I was a selfish asshole.

  I had never had to worry about money or paying bills. My dad had made enough money that I was always taken care of. Hearing that Haven’s own mom had stolen from her really hit me hard and explained a whole lot more. Of course, she wouldn’t just trust me. She couldn’t even trust her own mother.

  “I’m a total dick,” I said to no one in particular.

  Jeremy bumped his shoulder against mine and Cindy mussed up my hair. Both of them silently comforted me.

  Feeling much better about my relationship with Haven, I pulled out my phone to text her. I had gotten her number from Jeremy along with a warning. He told me not to get my hopes up that she didn’t often answer her phone, especially when she was working.

  She hadn’t even texted him back or met him out at the Dillon’s like she had promised. Though he didn’t seem to be hurt or upset about it. I had a lot of growing up to do. How could she ever say yes to being with me if I took everything to heart?

  I recalled the last messages I had sent her when I couldn’t get her to pick up. I was a complete dick. I only hoped that she would understand and forgive me. I really needed to pull my head out of my ass and start opening my eyes. If I didn’t start I would end up losing Haven before I even had a chance to have her.

  Me: Baby, I’m sorry I was a dick. I miss you! We are on our way to a demo in Huntington. I didn’t get a chance to tell you but I’m on the Fearless team. We’re doing a charity demo to raise
money and awareness for autism. I really wish you were here. I miss you like crazy <3 Tris

  I tucked my phone back in my pocket after I sent the text. I knew that she wouldn’t answer right away.

  The rest of the Drive to Huntington was spent with all of us talking about tricks and decks. Dave had promised me that he would give Jeremy and the guys a chance to show what they could do at the demo. Since it wasn’t a competition and points wouldn’t be given, Dave had promised to let them skate with me on Sunday.

  Our team was relatively new on the circuit and I was the low guy on the totem pole. I had just been added to the team a couple of weeks before I left for Seal Dana. I was shocked when Dave had agreed to let the guys come with us and try out. I had even been able to talk him into letting Cindy come even though she wasn’t a skater.

  I still didn’t know why Dave had agreed so readily but I wasn’t going to complain. I had hoped that he had seen the videos I had sent them and trusted my judgment. He had shot me an email asking me to invite Haven to the demo. I had tried too, but she had been busy.

  I saw the look of disappointment in Dave’s eyes when I got on the bus sans Haven. I wasn’t going to let it get to me. I had Jeremy with me and I knew that Jeremy would knock his socks off. Hopefully, Jeremy could keep him occupied long enough that he wouldn’t be focused on Haven.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I had just submitted my final skin for review. So far, none of them had been rejected, which was a good thing. I nearly had to use toothpicks to hold my eyes open. If it wasn’t for Ms. Grace taking care of me I would have probably died of starvation.

  I missed Tristin. I had been so caught up with work that I didn’t have much time for him. Usually, Sam helped me when I had a flood of orders, this time I was on my own and with more orders than I was used to.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had forty-five missed calls and nearly a hundred text. Most of them were from Tristin. I started going through them and answering then as fast as I could.

  Jeremy and Cindy had text me a few times asking me to come out and skate and to check on me. I sent them a quick message letting them both know I had been swamped by work and that I was feeling much better.

  Sam had text me and sent me pictures of the sights he had visited. I sent him back a smiley face and let him know about the orders.

  When I got to Tristin’s it was like going through a roller-coaster of emotions. At first, his texts were sweet. He told me he missed me and wanted to come see me. After a couple of days, they got nastier. I could tell he was clearly angry by my silence. My heart sank. I knew I had to make it up to him.

  I had considered making him a personalized skin by way of an apology. As his text continued I began to feel worse and worse. I really had brushed him off and ignored him for a week. His last text really threw me. It was the complete opposite. He had text me that he missed me and that he and the guys were going with his team to do a demo in Huntington.

  I realized how little I knew about him. It was my own fault. I had been so wrapped up in my work that I had missed every opportunity to talk to him and get to know him. Though, we had gotten to know one another really well in other areas.

  I shot him back a quick text.

  Me: I’m sorry babe. I was really swamped with work. I just finished my last skin. I wish I could be there to see you skate. I miss you too.

  A few minutes later my phone began to buzz with a text message.

  Tris: It’s okay babe, I know you have a job to do.

  Me: I should have still made time for you.

  Tris: Babe, you have work. I totally get it. I completely overreacted.

  Me: Do you forgive me?

  Tris: Already forgiven. I miss you

  Me: I miss you too

  Tris: I think you have a new order.


  I opened my site and found an order waiting for me.

  Order# 25783

  Ship to: Tristin Cyan Meade

  2545 Main street

  Seal Dana, Ca 12345

  Phone: (909)987-6543

  Product: Black skin, ’Will you be mine’ in white lettering, red heart in the middle.

  Product: Hot pink skin, multi-color hearts, fade, black lettering ‘I miss you’

  I laughed when I saw his order. I immediately fired up my software and made his skins. The designs were simple. I had used a few of the backgrounds before the lettering changed them so I wasn’t worried about them not being unique, the message itself made them unique enough.

  It took me an hour to create and submit his order. I shot him a text to let him know that they were ready.

  I logged out of my account and gathered my clothes for a shower. My phone began to buzz. I picked it up expecting Tristin to be on the other end.

  “Ms. Gray?” A nasal voice asked on the other end of the line.

  “This is she,” I replied hesitantly.

  “We have a Samuel Pierce here. He has you listed as his next of kin.” The man on the other end of the line said.

  I immediately hit the floor. My legs gave out from beneath me, I landed with a plop. Why was this man calling about Sam?

  “Is…Is same Okay?” I asked tentatively.

  “Ms. Gray, Samuel has been in an accident. He is a patient here at NY General Hospital. Is there any way for you to make it here so that we can discuss his care?” The man asked.

  “Yes… Yes. I will catch the first plane out.” I said in shock.

  “Thank you, Ms. Gray. Please save my number. This is my personal line. Do call me as soon as you land.” He said.

  I thanked him and hung up the phone.

  My world was spinning at supersonic speed. Sam was in the hospital in New York. I ran through the text on my phone. The last message I had from him was of him going to a club with Jessie last night at around seven my time.

  I shot up from the floor and began to stuff clothes in my bag. I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of faded blue jeans and a red Quicksilver tank and hoodie. My hair was pulled back from my face in a loose ponytail. I slipped on my red vans.

  I pulled out a stack of money from the safe then stuffed my laptop in its spot. I spun the lock and closed the drawers. My body seemed to be working on autopilot as my brain tried to process everything that was going on. The phone conversation I had with the man that called kept running through my mind. I was Sam’s next of kin and I was needed to make decisions about his care.

  I ran next door to Ms. Grace’s.

  It only took Ms. Grace a few minutes to get ready. I had explained to her everything the man had said over the phone and she had been kind enough to offer me a ride to the Airport. I could have taken a bus but it would have taken me several more hours to get to the airport than it would by driving. I didn’t have time to waste. I had ordered my plane ticket on my phone while Ms. Grace drove.

  I was grateful that San Diego was only a couple hours’ drive away and that flights ran nonstop from there to NYC. The flight would take just over five hours.

  I felt like my entire world was spinning out of control. My heart was hammering in my chest and my hands were clammy. My mind kept imagining the worst. I pictured Sam lying in a hospital bed on life support with tubes and wires attached to his body.

  “It’s going to be alright.” Ms. Grace tried to reassure me.

  “I’m so scared and worried for him,” I admitted.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” She offered.

  It was sweet of her to offer. I knew she cared for Sam as much as I did. Sam’s mom had passed away when we were in the first grade. His dad was a good man but he stayed away all the time working. Sam spent all of his free time with me at my house until my dad left. After that, he stayed with me at Ms. Grace’s house. That was until Jessie came into the picture.

  “I think I’ll be okay. I know you have to be here for Tristin. I don’t know how long I’ll be away.” I confessed.

s. Grace just nodded her head. I hated to take her away from Tristin. If something happened to him during the demo I knew he would need her. Ms. Grace had told me about Tristin’s mom and dad. She told me that his dad was deployed and that no one knew when he would be back.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket.

  Tris: Promise?

  He had seen the skins I posted. I smiled weakly at my phone. My mind warred with itself. I was happy that I had Tristin and that he cared for me as much as I cared for him, if not more. I was thrilled that I had my very first boyfriend. But I felt guilty for feeling happy when my best friend was in the hospital.

  I texted Tristin back.

  Me: I promise!

  “Is that Sam?” Ms. Grace asked her eyes focused on the road in front of us.

  We were getting closer to San Diego and the traffic had picked up.

  “It was Tristin,” I answered.

  “How is my young nephew?” She asked.

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  “My boyfriend is good. He just made it to Huntington and they are getting situated in their hotel rooms.” I told her.

  Ms. Grace smiled wide.

  “Boyfriend huh?” She hedged.

  “Yeah, he asked me out,” I confessed.

  “When was this?” She asked.

  I knew she was trying to make me relax and take my mind off Sam. It was working.

  “He ordered a couple of skins. One asking me out and one telling me he missed me.” I told her.

  “Are you making them?” She asked curiously.

  “Nah, I made him one that said I missed him more and one telling him that he was already mine,” I said with a light chuckle.

  Ms. Grace giggled and shook her head.

  “I’m happy for the both of you.” She said proudly.

  I could tell by the hitch in her voice that she meant it.

  We chatted a little longer about Tristin and the demo. Before I knew it we were at the Airport. Ms. Grace pulled up to the terminal and dropped me off. I reached over and gave her a brief hug before stepping out of the car. She made me promise to call her if I needed her. I assured her that I would. She was always the first person I called other than Sam.


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