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Brothers Black 3 : Toby the Protector (Brothers Black Series )

Page 16

by Blue Saffire

  If my girl needs me. I’m there. We’ve been trying to figure out a way around her house guest and my work schedule, for about a month now. It’s been driving me nuts.

  I had every intention of spending most my nights with Kamara, until her mother went to stay with her. That threw a wrench right in the middle of all of my plans. I’ve survived knowing that at least, I know where my girl is and we text and talk all the time.

  “I’ll be there in about an hour,” I say, without a second thought.

  “I will wait for you in the beach house. My mother thinks I’ve gone for a walk on the beach to think,” she responds.

  “Think about what,” I ask immediately.

  “We will talk when you get here,” she sighs.

  “Wait, are you safe?”

  “Yes, we will talk, when you get here,” she says and hangs up.

  I press my lips, annoyed that she ended the call. I don’t like the sound of her voice. I toss my work things aside and start the car.

  A million and one thoughts fill my mind, as I drive. Everything from, Kamara having second thoughts about us, her parents finding out about us, to Kwäzē changing his mind about us again. I have so many scenarios going on in my head by the time I pull into the driveway at the beach house.

  I barely have the car in park, before I’m pushing my way out. I showed Kamara how to get into the house in case of emergencies. There is a keyless system on the side door.

  When I get inside, sure enough, Kamara is sitting on the couch. Her feet are curled underneath her body and her arms are wrapped around her middle. Her eyes are red and her cheeks are streaked.

  I rush to her side and pull her into my lap. My arms are around her, before I can think. Kamara wraps her arms around my neck, burying her face in my shoulder.

  “What’s going on,” I ask, kissing the top of her head.

  She doesn’t answer me right away. Instead, she begins to sob. I feel my heart tearing into two. I don’t know what is going on, but I can’t wait to fix it. I can’t stand to see her like this.

  I pull back to look into her face. I reach to wipe away her tears. Her big eyes look back at me with such uncertainty.

  “Talk to me, Baby. You can tell me anything, remember,” I coax gently.

  “I’m…I’m pregnant,” she says so softly, I have to strain my ears to hear her.

  I’m sure I’ve heard her wrong. I blink a few times, as her words sink in. She just watches me, waiting for my reaction.

  I nod my head slowly and lick my now dry lips. “I’m sorry, I thought you just said you’re pregnant,” I give a weak chuckle.

  Kamara frowns and pops me upside the head. “I did, Toby.”

  “Ow, the hell,” I groan, rubbing the spot she hit.

  “You are joking when this is serious. Do you have any idea how serious this is?” She rises her voice in panic.

  “Oh, trust me, I know how serious this is. I just knocked up a real life princess. A princess that’s on the run from a crazy ass king. Fuck,” I huff and throw my head back against the couch.

  “Why does it seem like I keep making one dumb move after another,” I groan.

  “Dumb move, are you saying being with me is a dumb move,” Kamara hisses.

  “Whoa,” I hold my hand up. I give her a crooked smile and start to rub her back. “Oh, God, you really are pregnant.”

  “Toby,” she growls.

  “I’m sorry, I crack jokes when I’m nervous as fuck. We’re having a baby. That shit is scary by itself. Add on all the other shit we have stacked against us. I think my hair has turned grey and dropped out.”

  I bury my face in Kamara’s neck. “Is it okay if I cry now?” I groan.

  “No,” Kamara pouts. “I need you. You can cry later. What are we going to do? We have just created a huge problem.”

  I lift my head and look her in the face. “No, what we created is a baby. We created one more reason we belong together. One more reason, I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Safe,” Kamara nods and wipes tears from her face. “My father is going to kill me.”

  “He’ll have to go through me first, which I’m sure he wouldn’t mind,” I snort.

  “No, I cannot allow that. I’m not going to tell my family you are the father,” Kamara rushes out.

  I knit my brows. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not going to tell them. The longer I wait to tell them who the father is, the longer Kwäzē and my father have to figure out what to do about this mess back home,” Kamara says, as she watches my face.

  “I am still not willing to put you in harm’s way, Toby. The longer we wait, the better,” she bites her lip, as my face shows how much I’m not feeling her plan.

  “I don’t like it. It’s my baby. I’m just supposed to pretend you’re not having my baby,” I shake my head.

  “No, I’m not saying that. I will have to be careful, I want you to be as much a part of this, as you would like,” she replies.

  “As much as I would like? I want to be there for everything,” I narrow my eyes.

  Kamara covers her face with her hands. “This is already causing us to fight.”

  I sigh, pulling her hands from her face and kissing her lips. “We’re not fighting, we’re talking this out. Do me a favor,” I run my thumb over her full lips.

  “What,” she asks expectantly.

  “Stop stressing, it’s not good for the baby. Allow me to worry about everything from here on out. I’ll take care of everything,” I promise.

  Kamara doesn’t answer right away. She just stares into my eyes. She is searching for something. I’m not sure what, until she nods to herself and replies.

  “You have never let me down. I will trust you.”

  “And I will keep you safe,” I reaffirm.

  Kamara cups my face, placing a kiss on my lips. “This road will not be easy, but I know we can conquer it together. Being apart does not suit us, in anyway,” she says against my lips.

  “Which is why we’re spending the night together,” I nip her bottom lip.

  “How, my mother is the one that told me I’m pregnant. She is watching my every move,” she huffs and her shoulders sag.

  “Go back. Have dinner. Wait until she falls asleep. Text me and I will meet you on the beach,” I hatch the plan quickly in my head. I need to spend the night with her. “You’ll go back before the sunrises.”

  Kamara gives me a wary look. I cup the back of her neck, bringing her lips right to mine. I nip that lush lip once again. “Don’t you miss me,” I breathe.

  “Yes,” she answers back, going in for a kiss.

  I pull back teasingly. Moving my hands to her full ass. I groan, she’s gained back her weight. Kamara is back to her lean, but thick body. Thick in all the right places.

  “Spend the night with me,” I command.

  Kamara’s eyes glaze over with desire. She bites her lip and nods her head. I pull her in close again, taking her lips.

  I break the kiss, when I feel things getting out of control. My need for her has already gone unchecked, for weeks now. I place my forehead to hers.

  “I think it is safer if I meet you here. I will leave once she is sleeping,” Kamara pants.

  “I’m not letting my pregnant girlfriend walk the beach alone.”

  “Fine, then we will meet half way. It will be better,” she relents.

  I press my lips and get ready to contest, but I see the concern in her eyes. I have already figured out in my head that to make this work, we’re going to have to do some major compromising.

  “Halfway,” I nod and steal another kiss.

  I wonder how long halfway is going to work for us. This has the potential to start a war. Something tells me that potential is going to rear its head.

  Even so, for now, it hits me. I’m going to be a father. Wow, talk about secrets. I have no idea how to tell my family this, and if Kamara isn’t going to tell her family that I’m the
father, I won’t be telling them anytime soon.


  chapter Nineteen

  Countdown Begins


  I shake my head as I watch Wyatt carry Nellie from the stage. Those two have been dancing around each other long enough. I think my brother has found the one.

  It’s been good having Nellie back. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I wanted to gut that fucker, for calling her with those threats earlier at work. I was supposed to make my way out to spend time with Kamara tonight. However, seeing how shaken up Nellie had been, I wanted to be here for support, even if only for a little while.

  I look down at my phone. Kamara has been having cravings. This is her millionth text, requesting I bring her something new when I do head her way.

  I smile as I think of my girl. I won’t deny her anything, she’s a little over four months pregnant with my twins. I nearly shit myself, when I found out we are having twins. Kamara took it much better than I did.

  “What are you smiling at?” Ry leans over, trying to get a view of my phone.

  “Back off,” I grunt, shoving him away.

  “You’ve been texting all night,” he chuckles. “Got a hot date?”

  “With your girl, yeah?”

  Ry throws his head back and laughs. “If I had one, she would be downgrading with your ass,” Ry throws back.

  “Yeah, right. Remember we’ve all measured to see who’s the biggest around here,” I snort. “You didn’t out measure me.”

  “Fuck you, I don’t have a thing to be ashamed of,” Ry says, with a smug smile.

  “Whatever,” I shake my head. “I’m heading out. I’ll see you later.”

  Ry gives me a crooked smile. His golden eyes narrowing on my face. He shakes his head to himself, laughing. I’ll let him think he knows, whatever he thinks.

  I say my goodbyes to the remainder of our group. It’s been a long day. I can’t wait to get to Kamara. Her mother has been spending less time at the beach house, since they have been requesting more of Kamara’s presence at the residence.

  Kamara and her mother still aren’t seeing eye to eye on her reluctance to reveal that I’m the father of our babies. For the most part, Kwäzē has kept out of it, which we’re grateful for. I’m sure he knows that I’m the father without a doubt.

  Once in my truck, fatigue starts to set in. I roll the windows down and decide to call the person I’ve wanted to hear from for hours. The phone rings twice, before she picks up.

  “Hey,” she sings into the phone.

  “How are my babies?” I croon tiredly.

  “They are fine. I think they would be better with some ice cream,” she gives a husky chuckle.

  “I was asking about all of my babies,” I smile, soaking up the sound of her voice.

  “I’m fine. A little tired today,” she releases a little yawn as proof. I hear something else in her voice, but I won’t push over the phone.

  “I’m with you there. I’m going to grab the stuff you asked for and then I’m coming home,” I release a yawn of my own, as I reply.

  “You sound tired. Just come home,” she says, with concern in her voice.

  “Not a chance,” I chuckle. “You woke me twice, the other night. I’ve got you, Baby. I’ll get your shit and be right there.”

  “Are you too tired to shower with me?” she purrs after a few seconds.

  My heavy lids pop open and a smile consumes my face. “I like the way you’re thinking. Hey, I’m at the store. I’ll see you soon,” I murmur, as I pull into a spot.

  “Don’t forget the crackers,” she calls, before I can hang up.

  “I have all of your text, Princess. I’ll get it all,” I laugh.

  “Thank you. I love you.”

  “Anything for you. I love you too,” I yawn again and end the call.

  I’ll be making this quick. I want that shower and I need some sleep after. Just the thought of what’s to come, puts some pep in my step.



  My heart races, when I hear Toby enter the house. I have been waiting all night for him to arrive. After the day I’ve had, I need him. I am a little jealous I didn’t get to go out with everyone. I was so happy to hear Nellie has returned.

  I would love to see her. Only, me and this belly haven’t been going very far lately. Too many questions are raised, I’m tired of questions.

  Tonight, I want to forget all of the questions and chaos, to just spend time with my man. I have had enough drama to last for years today. Yes, tonight we will forget the world.

  I brush at the baby doll night gown I have on. My swollen breasts and large belly monopolize the already limited fabric, but it will do. I love the way the yellow fabric looks against my skin. I think Toby will love it too.

  I try not to laugh at myself, as I strike a pose at the foot of the bed. I feel silly, but I am horny. I’ve been thinking about sex all day. I lick my lips.

  I know what I really have a taste for. Toby will be lucky if I don’t claw his clothes off. When he walks into the bedroom, the look in his eyes tells me he is thinking the same thing.

  “God, you take my breath away. So, fucking gorgeous,” he says, as his eyes roam over me. “My babies look good on you, Princess.”

  I give him a shy smile, but my words are far from it. “You haven’t gotten them on me yet. How would you know?”

  Toby gives me a sexy smile, moving towards me quickly. He grasps my waist and draws me into him. I smile, when my belly keeps him from pulling me as close as he would like.

  “I do believe I have corrupted the crown,” Toby teases with a smile. “Should I kneel and take my licks.”

  I look up at him through my lashes. “I’d like to be the one to give the licks. I’m feeling royally nasty,” I tease back.

  Toby reaches to brush a lock of hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. His eyes travel over my freshly washed wild coils, down to my eyes, and then my lips. I can see the sudden change in his train of thought.

  “Sometimes, I feel like I don’t deserve you. Here you are, royalty in your own right, but you’ve never pushed to top our relationship, in anyway,” I go to cut him off, to point out the one-time I chose to run.

  Toby shakes his head. “Never, you’ve always given into me in the end. You always make me feel as if we’re on the same level, as if I belong in a room with you.

  “I’m in awe of you. I see the strength you’ve been drawing on to stand up for what you believe in, with your family. Then, you come home and you relinquish all of that for me.”

  I place my forehead to his chest. I inhale a shaky breath, as my day comes crashing down. I feel the first tear slip and know this night is not going to go the way I had planned.

  “It’s all I ever wanted,” I sniffle. “I’ve always wanted to be like everyone else. I’ve always been raised as a princess, even if in hiding. Being vulnerable, showing emotions, these are all things I have struggled with.

  “I’ve always felt like I can do that with you. It’s always been natural. If I had one person in the world, I could just be myself with, it would always be you, not my brother, not my mother, but you,” I say, lifting my head to look at his face.

  Toby strokes my cheek. “What happened today? It’s written all over your face,” he says gently.

  “Afafa is making another play. He has announced our engagement party. He is trying to force me to appear,” I sigh tiredly.

  I feel Toby stiffen in my hold. The rage that begins to roll off of him leaves a taste in the air. I lift on my toes to kiss his lips. It only seems to enrage him more, as his hold tightens and his jaw begins to tick.

  “He must know then. He’s found out about the babies,” Toby says through his teeth.

  “My father believes so. Kwäzē is planning a trip back. It is all bad timing, with all that is going on. I just feel,” I pause to think, looking up at the ceiling, as if it has the words I’m looking for.

  “I feel lik
e there is still something my father isn’t telling us. My father has always been a confident man, but I just feel like he has a hand he is holding,” I shrug my tired shoulders.

  “What do you mean,” Toby asks, turning me so that I can sit in his lap, as he sits on the bed.

  “I don’t know. I know my father. I can tell when he is holding something back,” I muse.

  Toby snorts. “Yeah, he and your brother have the same habits. What do you think he’s hiding?”

  “He knows something. Something I think will end all of this,” I pout. “He has been more demanding. He wants to know the father,” I look down at my belly and place my hand on it.

  Toby covers my hand, causing me to look up at him. “I’m ready whenever you are. You say the word and I will go with you. I’m not ashamed of you or my children.”

  “You know that is not what this is about. I want to keep you safe,” I sigh.

  “If you feel your father is hiding something, maybe telling him will get him to reveal it. If he has an ace in the hole to end this, we may have a chance to be together,” Toby insists.

  “And if not?”

  “I will take care of things,” Toby says with a promise.

  I rub my temple. “This all makes me so exhausted. I wanted to forget about it until tomorrow. My father wants me to have lunch with him,” I huff tiredly.

  “Then, I guess we should get this show on the road,” Toby croons, placing his hand on my thigh and running it up my leg. “You promised me a shower.”

  “Yes, I did,” I cup his face. “Let me show you all the perps of being royalty, my prince.”

  Toby chuckles. “They wouldn’t let my Irish-Scot ass into the palace,” he throws his head back and laughs.

  “But I have a palace that’s all yours,” I purr back.

  Toby groans, leaning in to capture my lips. I can taste the bitterness of beer on his tongue. A month ago, I may have gagged. In this moment, I want him so much it is just an added flavor to the perfection Toby is.

  Toby breaks the kiss, pecking my lips. “Let’s get you ready,” he says, with a twinkle in his eyes.

  I grab his offered hand and allow him to help me onto the floor between his legs. I smile down at my lap, as he parts my hair with his fingers, just like I taught him. Toby proceeds to cornbraid my hair back.


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