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Page 2

by Lauren Fraser

  Continuing to walk, Kat watched the scene unfold as the women vied for his attention. The blonde appeared to be in the lead as she pressed her breasts against the cowboy’s arm, drawing his gaze downward.

  Denise rolled her eyes. “That’s Brody Kyle. He’s in the lead for all-round this year, so he kind of draws the fans.” Denise air quoted the word “fans” and Kat smirked. If the little blonde with the inflatable breasts actually knew how the points were scored Kat would eat her shirt.

  Duncan and Kasey sauntered up and pushed past the women. “Hey, Brod, good run today. That calf gave you a run for your money.”

  Brody shifted his shoulder as if he were loosening a knot. “No kidding, nice purse though.”

  Duncan eyed the three women surrounding Brody and nodded. “Looks like it.”

  Brody laughed. “You guys heading to the dance tonight?”

  “Probably,” Kasey replied.

  “What about you, Denise? You coming too?” Brody asked.

  Before she could answer an arm wrapped around Denise’s shoulder. “Ah come on, Brod, you know my sister doesn’t go to those things.”

  Kat spun to look at the new arrival. Sweet baby Jesus, the cowboys here were incredible. This guy made Duncan and Kasey look plain. Since he hadn’t glanced at her yet, she allowed herself to look her fill.

  A worn cowboy hat covered his head, dark-brown hair poked out beneath the brim. She scanned the body attached to the sexier-than-sin face. Long, lean legs encased in dusty jeans and even dustier boots. Her eyes lingered on the way he filled out the fly of his jeans and she gulped. Holy cow. Continuing her survey, she focused on his rolled-up sleeves and the corded forearms, arms that had flexed and moved as he’d ridden the bull. His broad chest filled out the button-down shirt and she continued to look him over. Finally she raised her eyes to his face and the air whooshed out of her lungs as she was held captive by the most piercing blue eyes she’d ever seen. The pictures she’d seen of him had not even come close to preparing her for the real thing. She’d thought Denise’s eyes had been striking, but on a man they were so much better.

  A slow smile spread across his face as he did some looking of his own. His eyes lingered on her breasts and her nipples beaded tightly beneath the scrutiny. Damn things have a mind of their own. She fought the urge to cover her chest.

  “Justin, this is Kat. She’s the reporter who’s going to be staying with us,” Denise said, drawing his attention from Kat’s body.

  His smile grew as a look of pure male confidence spread across his face. “Is that right?”

  Kat nodded.

  “Well then, this might not be nearly as painful as I was thinking.” He stepped toward Kat and stuck out his hand. His warm, calloused palm rubbed against hers and she couldn’t help wondering what those rough hands would feel like against her most sensitive flesh.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Kat. I’m Justin.”

  His voice slid across her body like a caress as he held her hand just a little longer than convention dictated.

  Denise snorted. “All right, Romeo, back off. Kat didn’t come here to get hit on by a bunch of horny cowboys.”

  Justin glanced at Kat and raised an eyebrow at her in question, daring her to disagree with his sister’s claim.

  Right, she was here to work. She needed this paycheck to prove to her family she could stand on her own two feet. Her dad kept expecting her to come home with her tail between her legs and she’d be damned if that was going to happen. But as she glanced over at Justin again and the sexy smile on his face, she wondered if maybe a little fling while she was here might not be such a bad thing. She was a good multitasker after all.

  She let her gaze roam down his body again. Yep, hooking up with a sexy-as-sin cowboy might be just what she needed to relieve some stress. A ranch in Arizona was a million miles away from New York, no one would be any wiser if she made the most of her time away.

  Justin watched her. She shrugged as if to say “who knows” and turned her attention back to Denise. Just because she planned to have sex with him didn’t mean she had to make it easy.

  * * * * *

  Later that night at the dance, Justin leaned against the wall with his beer in hand, watching with amusement as Kasey and Duncan chatted up a trio of bunnies who had approached them.

  Bunny one cut herself from the herd and moved closer to Justin. She twirled the end of her blonde hair directly over her breast and her hand dragged across her nipple each time she twirled, making her nipples visible through her halter-top. She leaned in close to him. “So, cowboy, did you get enough riding in today or do you still have some energy left?”

  She licked her full lips and trailed her long nails down his chest toward his belt buckle and ran her finger along the waistband of his jeans seductively.

  What the fuck was wrong with him? This girl was good to go, hot as shit and for some reason he wasn’t really into her. With the adrenaline flowing through him from his win today, he should be ready to fuck anything that moved. Here this hot girl was offering and he’d rather head home to watch SportsCenter. Fuck, he must be getting old.

  “Well, Jus, I guess I don’t need to wait around to see if you need a ride home tonight, do I?” his sister asked from beside him. Why was Denise here? She usually avoided these things like the plague.

  Pushing the blonde’s hand away from his belt, he turned around and nearly bumped into his annoying sister. Damn woman always thought it was so funny to rib him about the bunnies. He was just about to respond to Denise when he spotted Kat.

  Holy hell. Her long, blonde hair hung down over her shoulders in a sexy tousled mess. The kind of style women did that immediately made a man think of sex. Her blue-gray eyes twinkled with amusement as she looked at him. He’d thought she looked hot in jeans and a tank top earlier today but that was nothing compared to how she looked tonight. He’d never been a big fan of cowboy boots and miniskirts until now. The brown leather boots emphasized her shapely calves and the damn skirt was so short it made her legs look as if they were a mile long. He could already imagine how good those muscular thighs would feel wrapped around his waist. His dick twitched against the fly of his jeans. Apparently his body just needed the right partner to kick it into gear.

  “Kat,” he said, tipping the brim of his hat with his finger. “Glad you decided to come.”

  She shrugged. “Well, your sister convinced me that I didn’t want to miss seeing one of these dances in person.” She looked at the group around him and his friends and she smirked. “Guess she wasn’t kidding.”

  Justin flicked a look at his sister, her eyes twinkled with amusement and he narrowed his stare at her.

  Stepping away from the wall, he ignored the pouty look the bunny gave him as he moved closer to Kat. “So this is your first barn dance?”

  Kat scanned the dance floor. “Mmm hmm.”

  “And? What d’ya think?”

  “The band’s good.”

  He moved closer, the smell of her perfume drifted into his nose. Damn, she even smelled good—sweet, like vanilla and spices.

  “You want to dance?”

  She eyed the dance floor and chewed her bottom lip. “Umm…how attached are you to your toes?”

  “Fairly.” He laughed. “Don’t worry, they’re on there pretty good, so I think they’ll hold up.”

  “All right then, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Consider me warned.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and led her onto the dance floor.

  Grabbing her left hand with his right, he pulled her close to his body and rested his other hand on her shoulder.

  Kat wrinkled her brow and looked up at him. “I thought you were supposed to have your hand on my back.”

  “Normally, yeah, but I kind of like dancing this way.” He stroked his finger down the length of her neck and her eyes dropped closed. And right there was exactly why he preferred to keep his hand here while he danced. “You can just wrap your h
and around my arm.”

  She wove her palm around his forearm and held on. Moving to the rhythm of the music, he led her around the dance floor. She stepped on his toes for the first few minutes but then she relaxed and let him lead. A slow song started to play and he pulled her closer. Kat melted against him.

  She felt good in his arms. All soft and curvy like a woman should be. Her full breasts pressed against his chest and he ran his hand down her back, enjoying the way she shifted against him.

  Her palm ran across his arm, tracing the line from his forearm to his biceps with her fingers.

  He leaned in close and let his breath blow out slowly against her ear. When she shivered, he grinned and whispered, “You want to get out of here?”

  She rested her head against his shoulder and took a deep breath then pulled back and looked him in the eye. Her eyes darkened with arousal. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  Kat licked her bottom lip and he followed the path of her tongue. God, he could just imagine her running that tongue up his shaft. His jeans pulled tight against his cock as arousal shot through his body.

  “Because I’m not some little groupie who is going to be all cool with a night of fun and nothing else. I’m going to be living in your family’s back pocket for the next six weeks. The last thing I need to do is screw that all up by making things uncomfortable.”

  “Who says things would get uncomfortable?” He trailed his finger along the shell of her ear and her eyes drifted shut again. She was incredibly sensual the way her body curled into his touch as if she couldn’t get close enough. Would she be that responsive about everything? He sure as hell wanted to find out.

  “Come on, Justin, look at you.” She rolled her eyes. “You are totally a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy. Everything about you screams temporary when it comes to women.”


  Kat snorted. “And…what do you mean and? Doesn’t that pretty much explain things?”

  “I don’t know.” He let his stare roam across her face, and down, lingering on her breasts. The damn things made his mouth water. There was no way he wasn’t taking her home with him tonight. He looked back at her face. “Seems to me you’re only here temporarily and I don’t really think I’m gonna get my fill of you in one night so—”

  “So?” She raised her eyebrow at him as if she needed it all spelled out. He groaned. Typical woman, she wanted to talk things to death first.

  “So as temporary as it might be, what do you say we just enjoy ourselves while you’re here?” He pulled her closer against him, allowing her to feel his erection through his jeans.

  She rubbed her hips against him and smiled.

  “All right, let’s get out of here,” he said.

  She looked around, her gaze lingering on a group of scantily clad women on the edge of the dance floor. Her nose wrinkled and she shook her head. “I don’t know. Let’s just not rush things, okay?”

  He took a deep breath and widened his stance to ease his discomfort. “No problem. But umm…if we aren’t heading out then—” He shifted again. “I need to take a little break from dancing.” Before I split my jeans open.

  Kat giggled then slapped her hand over her mouth. “Sorry.” She clamped her lips together tightly, her eyes twinkling as she tried to contain her amusement. “Let’s go get a drink,” she told him, still smiling.

  Placing his hand at the small of her back, he led Kat off the dance floor and over toward the bar in the back corner. “What can I get you?”

  “Just a beer would be good.”

  “Really? I’m sure they have coolers or something if you’d prefer.”

  Kat snorted. “No, beer’s good.”

  “Sorry, I just totally offended you, didn’t I?”

  “Little bit.” She laughed. “I work for a sports magazine, Justin. You can’t work in that environment and not be a beer drinker.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll be right back.”

  Pushing his way through the crowd, he leaned his arms on the bar to wait his turn. A hip bumped him, and he glanced over at the little brunette beside him.

  “Hi, Justin.”

  Crap, what was her name again? “Hey.”

  “It’s Lisa,” she said, pointing to her chest.

  “Lisa, right. How’s it going?” He looked back at the bartender, praying the man would come over soon.

  “Much better now that I know you’re here.” She sidled up closer to him and brushed her breasts against his arm.

  Where the hell was the bartender?

  “You had a great ride today.” Lisa leaned her body weight into him and stumbled, forcing him to grab her hip to hold her upright.

  “You want to buy me a drink?” she asked.

  He glanced over his shoulder toward Kat. She stood watching him with a mocking smile. Damn.

  He looked down at Lisa. She was hot enough. The kind of woman he normally took home from one of these things. Hell, he already had taken her home once. He shifted uncomfortably, even if he wasn’t hoping for things to happen with Kat he’d shoot Lisa down. He never did repeats with groupies. It always gave them the wrong impression and the last thing he wanted was someone dogging him everywhere he went.

  “Sorry, Lisa, I’m with someone tonight.” He smiled to soften the blow.

  She glanced over his shoulder toward Kat then ran her hand along his chest. “Well, if you change your mind come find me,” she purred.

  He shook his head. Here he had this woman throwing herself at him and damn if the woman he really wanted wasn’t trying to brush him off. A normal guy would take the sure thing, but then he never had liked to do things the easy way.

  After paying for the two beers, he wove his way through the crowd to where Kat stood waiting for him.

  “Thanks for the beer. Is this where you tell me you got a better offer?” Kat nodded her head toward his right.


  He followed her direction and saw Lisa standing with her hands on her hips. The other woman stood with her friends, all watching him as if he were the prize-winning cow at the state fair.

  “Not interested.” He stepped closer to her. “If I’m going home with anyone tonight, sugar, it’s gonna be you.”

  Kat took a sip of her beer. Her eyes kept flashing back to the group of women. “You sure? They seem pretty determined.”

  He moved toward her and she stepped back. Crowding her until her back hit the wall, forcing her to stop. With the beer bottle in his hand, he placed his knuckles on either side of her head on the wall, hemming her in. Her eyes turned a smoky gray and she licked her lips.

  “I can be pretty determined when I want to be too.”

  “I can see that.” Her hand shook as she brought the bottle to her mouth and took a sip. He smiled. She looked around the room, pretending nonchalance, but was betrayed by a telltale tremor. It had been a long time since he’d met a woman who obviously wanted him but wasn’t ready to jump into bed right away.

  “Looks like your friends are leaving,” she murmured.

  Duncan and Kasey had a petite brunette sandwiched between them as they headed toward the exit.

  “How come they’re both leaving when only one of them picked up a lady?” Her brow wrinkled with a cute frown.

  Justin couldn’t help but laugh. He looked at Kat and raised one eyebrow in question.

  She gasped. “Seriously, they’re both going to sleep with her?”

  “I don’t imagine there’ll be much sleeping, darlin’.” He chuckled.

  Kat blushed as she continued to stare at the three people weaving their way outside. “Do they do that a lot?”

  He shrugged. “Guess it depends on your definition of a lot.”

  “Wow. I thought that kind of thing only happened with strippers and porn stars.”

  Justin burst out laughing. “Umm, nope.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Do you have them too?”

  He laughed at
her shocked tone and tried to cover it with a cough. “Umm…well, I’ve been known to have tried it a time or two.”

  “Seriously?” Her eyes widened.

  It really wasn’t as big a deal as she was making it out to be. He shrugged.

  “Wow, umm…so is it everything I’ve heard it is?” Her face flushed again but her breath hitched as she waited for his answer. Seemed his little house guest had a bit of a hidden wild side. She might not be an easy lay but she definitely would be worth the effort.

  He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “With the right people it can be hotter than hell. Is that something you want to explore while you’re here, city girl?”

  She gasped. “Umm, yeah, no, I’m uh…” she stammered.

  Justin laughed. “If you change your mind just let me know.” He nipped her ear and she groaned. “But for tonight I want you all to myself. I’ve got some fantasies of my own brewing about you.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Oh honey, that’s definitely right.” He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear then sucked the lobe inside his mouth and flicked it, playing with her dangling earring with his tongue. Kat’s head dropped back against the wall and her eyes closed.

  He nipped the soft little spot behind her ear and she moaned.

  Kat gripped the front of his shirt with her hand. “All right, cowboy, you win. Let’s get out of here,” she said, pushing him backward and propelling herself off the wall.

  “Finally,” he growled.

  Chapter Three

  Justin could barely keep his hands off her as they made their way to the truck. He opened her door and held it. Instead of sliding into the vehicle like he’d expected, Kat pressed her body against his. He could feel her breath against his lips when she whispered, “Drive fast.”

  He groaned as she pulled away and slid onto the seat. Her skirt eased up her thighs, barely covering the top of her panties. Day-um. He couldn’t wait to feel those long legs of hers wrapped around him.

  His dick was rock hard already. By the time they actually made it home he’d be drilling through his jeans. He adjusted himself and eased into the driver’s seat.


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