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Correcting Ms. Hardin

Page 10

by David O. Sullivan

  “I’m being selfish, but she’s hired me to do a painting of the law office with two clients walking out. She’s leaving it to me to figure out what emotions to put on their faces, but she said the painting has to show hope for the future. So, don’t be too mad at her.”

  Sol shook his head, trying to digest it all.

  “I know you’ve only been there a matter of months, but I think you two are in love, but you’re both too afraid to admit it, probably not even to yourselves. When I met with her, she mentioned your name about 947 times.” He smirked.

  “Remind me, was your degree in art or psychology?”

  “Art! But I watch Oprah.”

  Sol checked his watch. “I have to go.”

  “Convenient way to avoid the subject.”

  “I’m a lawyer. What else would you expect?”

  “You’re also my brother.” Brian winked.

  Sol laughed. “I really do have to go.”

  In the parking lot, Brian handed off dad’s leather satchel containing the spanking implements. Brian chuckled. “Remember how sometimes this bag would show up on one of our beds, or on the kitchen table? I always got so scared.”

  “It was his warning and it worked.” Sol embraced Brian. “Thanks, bro.” Brian kissed his cheek.

  Sol entered the lobby of Janet’s condo building. Sure enough, Brian’s painting was gone. With leaden feet, he made it to the elevator and up to her floor, trudged to her door, and rang the bell. The door opened with Janet standing sheepishly behind it. On the entry wall was Brian’s painting.

  Janet politely offered, “Anything to drink?”

  “Water, no ice, please.”

  She served it and stood before Sol with her hands clasped in front. “First, I need to say I’m sorry. I know I endangered the client’s case by falling for Rand’s raves and taunts, despite all the time you took to get me to stay relaxed. Second, I’m afraid right now.”

  Sol sat in the middle of the couch, opened the leather bag, and put the spanking belt and paddle on the couch. Janet threw a laser-like glance at them before bringing her eyes back to Sol’s chest. “Spankings are intended to get the person’s attention, and fear goes along with it.”

  “I was afraid when I knew I was getting one. I accept it’s going to happen and hurt badly, but that’s not what frightens me the most.” She sucked her lips between her teeth.

  “What then?”

  “I’m afraid you’re so angry with me that you’ll leave the firm. And me.” She fell to the couch, sitting with her face in her hands. She cried and trembled. “Sol, please don’t leave me. I don’t understand our relationship. I cringe at the thought of allowing my employee to spank me in my own office and now my home. It’s insane to tolerate it, but I do, and I’m a better person in so many ways since I’ve known you. Never in my life have I had a close relationship with God, but I thank him for bringing you into my life. I’m afraid I’m in love with you, but I’m also grateful for it.”

  Sol was numb. His heart pounded, and waves of emotions crashed inside of him. He reached for her. Their eyes met. He helped her to sit on his lap, and he embraced her, wishing his arms were twice as long to make another wrap around her. There was body trembling, but was it hers or his or both? One hand went to her head to cradle it into the crook of his shoulder. He whispered, “I’m not leaving you or the firm. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have bothered to show up here. I think you don’t understand how spanking works, but there are many aspects to it. It’s not just punishment for a wrong. Yes, that’s part of it, but if delivered properly, it cleanses the mind and soul. It’s a catharsis so you can jettison the past and move on, move on with hope for the future.” Brian’s words on what Janet commissioned for the painting buzzed in his head. Yes, hope for the future.

  Sol rocked her in his arms. “It’s why people come to lawyers, to deal with and release the past. They don’t want perennial relationships with us.” She nodded and wiped her tears. “I couldn’t spank you before because I was so angry. I’m calmer now.” He shuddered. “I now fully comprehend the old cliché of a father with belt in hand telling a child, this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.”

  Janet pulled tighter. “That’s what my dad said to my brothers. He hardly spanked me, no matter how bad I was.” She lifted her head but couldn’t look him in the eye. “I have a confession.”

  “What is it?”

  “When I was thirteen, I was ill for months. The doctors decided I had a type of cancer. My parents were devastated, especially my father. I didn’t fully understand cancer and just figured I’d take pills for a while. Just before they started chemo it was discovered the lab made an error, and I didn’t have cancer. I got better. They never figured out what I had, and before you suggest it, because it’s reasonable, I wasn’t faking.”

  After some silence, Sol said, “Go on.”

  “From the time I first fell ill, my dad treated me like a princess. I had few rules and no consequences for my actions. After I healed, I kept playing it up, saying I was grateful that the cancer was gone, I was a miracle child, and so on. I became a spoiled brat in many ways. Oh! I was a bad girl, and I’m sorry for it. Uncle Maurice, the former partner you met, tried to talk to dad and me. He was so kind, and I just about spat on him.”

  “It’s not too late to make amends with him.”

  “Will you go with me? I’m afraid to do it alone.”

  “Yes, I will,” Sol sighed. “Get your favorite robe. Then undress completely.”

  With a moan from deep in her throat, she went to her room and returned with a pink flannel robe. She placed it on the couch, turned away from Sol, and removed every stitch of clothing, collecting it neatly on the couch. She wasn’t stripping for sex, rather discipline. Holding hands over her breasts, she stood.

  Sol shook his head. “Drop your hands to your sides. You are not allowed to cover up from me when you are being punished.”

  Sol pointed to his lap. She got across it.

  He smoothed a hand on her back with the other one resting on her butt. “I do this because I love and respect you.” His dad’s words at this time came to him, “once started is half done.” He slammed his hand onto her ass, one cheek and then the other, repeatedly.

  She moaned and winced with each assault to her naked derriere, redness rising right away. He increased the power he put into each strike, spanking her for her own good. She knew how to conduct herself in the legal meeting, and he had warned her to stay professional and set up signals for her, yet she crossed the line in multiple manners. With robotic cadence, he spanked her, harder and harder while realizing his free hand was at the back of her neck soothing it.

  She mumbled. He stopped and settled deeper into the couch to allow her dangling legs comfort on the cushions. “Are you okay? Did you say something?”

  “Damn it, no! I’m not okay, I’m naked in my own house with my boyfriend holding me over his lap spanking me like an errant and recalcitrant child.” Her voice held a softness rather than hostility. She shook her head. “I said, ‘I’m sorry.’”

  He reached for the paddle and let her see it, thinking it was only fair. “I’m sorry, too.” Knowing it was her first experience with a paddle, he spanked easy so she could adapt. After a dozen whacks over both cheeks, and especially to her sit areas, he notched up the power of the hits. She wiggled, squirmed, and moaned. Her skin tone morphed from red to redder. He again increased the power put into the paddle. “Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is?”

  “Yes, I do, but remember you earned it. You’re in control of things.”

  “I don’t hate you for this.”

  He stopped. “Do you think it’s wrong?”

  In a meek voice, she answered, “No.”

  “Have you been happier, personally and professionally, in the last few months?”

  She took advantage of the break to rub her butt. “Yes.”

  He sighed, wishing the night was over. “Then I suppose th
at a logical person would consider it’s my fault that you’re happier.”

  She squeaked, “I suppose so.”

  “Let’s finish.” He gently moved her hand away from her ass, and he paddled her with a vigor rooted in love, one after another after another. Several on one cheek, and then he moved to the other. He covered high, middle, and low, and then he lifted higher and hit harder.

  “Ow. Owwwwww! Ohhhhhh! Oh, my God, I’m sorry. I am very sorry.” She slammed her fists into the couch and kicked her legs. “It feels like my skin is on fire.” Her sobbing intensified. He held her firm around the waist to keep her from falling. Her hair flailed as she threw her head back and forth. With each spank of the paddle, her body jerked upward.

  How ironic, the same paddle that for many years kept Brian and Sol on the proper road of conduct, was used by Sol to buffet a loved one. He shook his head as the paddle fell repeatedly onto her red ass. Brian was right: Sol loved Janet, the angelic devil of a woman. He swung harder for two dozen more spanks. She bit a pillow and yelled with each wallop.

  He stopped. “Stand up.”

  She did and her hands shot back to rub her red, raw ass with paddle marks across it. She cried freely. “Is it over?” she managed to ask through her tears.

  He shook his head. “The belt is the last. Lie on the couch face down.”

  With a shy manner, she shook her head. “No. Please. It hurts so badly now. This is the worst pain I’ve had in my life. It’s as if every cell of my body is on fire.”

  He held her gaze firmly, until she finally got on her hands and knees on the couch.

  “I’m not sure it’s fair that I get the paddle and belt for the first time in one night.” She sighed and prostrated herself. “But I trust you.”

  He took the spanking strap into his hand. It was old, thick, and wide, yet still supple. She might have a good point. Maybe it was too much, too soon to be introduced to the paddle and strap the same night, but maybe not. Intuitively, he decided it was what she needed.

  His arm trembled as he spread his legs for a balanced stance. He lifted his arm high but swung the belt with a gentle speed. It landed on her ass.

  She shrieked the loudest she had, and then she mouthed an ‘o.’ “That wasn’t bad. I might have overreacted.”

  He delivered nine more, with small increases in power, the last three being quite hard. The contractions of her face told him she realized the differences. On the tenth belt strike, he tossed it aside, knelt and kissed her cheek. “It’s over. The final three were to let you know what’s possible for the next time.” She rubbed her ass with both hands as she took shaky breaths, seeming to be trying to calm down and stop crying. He helped her to stand and guided her into her robe, tying the belt for her. Their eyes met before they embraced.

  Through her tears and sobs, she said, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I accept I was bad.”

  He kissed her head. “Now that you’ve paid the price, leave the pain, but keep the lesson. Let it make you a better woman and attorney. Strive for stellar performance, young lady.” He released her, stored the paddle and belt in the bag, and then he went to the front door with a hand on the handle. “Good night. Will I see you at work tomorrow or am I fired?” He wasn’t joking and hoped the seriousness got through to her.

  She ran into his arms. “You’re the best thing to come into my life. Don’t you dare quit on me.” She coughed and whimpered, “I need you. You give me hope for the future.” Her crying intensified. “Don’t leave me, Sol, please don’t leave me. Stay here the night. I’m afraid to be alone. I need someone sane and balanced to be with me.”

  He knew he shouldn’t, yet knew he should. His mind whirled.

  “Please, Sol.”

  “There’ll be no sex after a discipline spanking.”

  “I understand. I don’t want to be alone anymore.”

  He removed his hand from the door and dropped the bag. “I think we’d both feel better with a cup of tea.” She nodded and they went to the kitchen.

  As they sipped the tea, they stood on the balcony. The city was lit as usual with a half crescent moon on the rise periodically hidden with wisps of white clouds.

  “Janet, do you have any lotion for sunburns?”

  She shook her head. He went to the spanking bag and searched for what he thought he saw earlier. He retrieved a tube of analgesic skin cream with a note from Brian.

  Bro, thought you’d need this tonight. Brian.

  She stared. “You brought some?”

  “Brian packed it for me. He brought the bag to me when we had a short dinner tonight so I could calm down.”

  Her face flashed red, and she clanked her cup to the counter. “Dear God, you told him I was getting spanked? I’m so embarrassed that I can’t face him again. I’ve hired him to do a painting for the firm.”

  “He told me tonight.” He pulled her close. “It’s alright. I didn’t have time to drive home, and he’s my brother. Everything in this bag has been used on both of us. He asked me to go easier on you. He said you’re a good person, and he’s grateful that you’ve hired him, and you’ve turned art buyers onto him. That’s very nice of you, quite altruistic, even angelic.”

  She mumbled into his chest.

  He strained to hear. “What did you say?”

  “Nothing important, I withdraw the comment.”

  “If you choose, but I’d like to know.”

  “I said I love you, and the way to a man’s heart is through his brother.”

  Sol laughed. So did she. “I think the original saying is, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’”

  “I rewrote it.”

  Sol led her to her bed and sat deep on the side. “Come get across my lap?”

  Fear shot to her face. “Why?”

  “Nothing bad, my dear, it’s so I can soothe your sore behind.” He patted his lap again. With obvious trepidation, she went over his lap. Pulling her robe up, he applied the lotion up high and down low before centering on the worst areas. She squirmed.

  “It hurts but feels good.”

  “You’ll be sleeping on your stomach most of the night.”

  “You care for me.”

  “I love you.”

  “Yet you brutalized my ass.”

  The harshness of her reply startled him. “I’ve disciplined you. If you wish to call it brutality, then so be it.”

  “I’m sorry, counselor, I misspoke. It was not brutal.”

  He sighed. “I love you. If you were in a burning building, I would brave the flames to save you. If a lake held you in its grips, I would jump in to save you or drown so you would not die alone. If you were on a path of self-destruction by torpedoing your own legal ship, I would try to guide you to safety and happiness. Or better yet, I would try to stop you from torpedoing the vessel.”

  She moaned as he tended to her butt. “Thank you, Sol, from the depths of my heart, I thank you. You make me want to be a better woman.”

  They kissed. “I suggest sleep. Wake me when the pain returns, and remember why it hurts to avoid it in the future.”

  He stripped to his boxer briefs, kissed and embraced her, then rolled over, holding her hand and waiting for the release of sleep. Sol took deep breaths to calm his heart and clear his mind. He pretended that each time he gave an exhale it blew intruding thoughts away. Sleep came, but an hour later he awoke thrashing from a nightmare. He stilled himself and checked on Janet, who slept on her side, hugging a pillow. Sol shook his head to clear his mind and tried to return to blissful sleep, but twenty minutes later the same nightmare awoke him.

  He went to the bathroom to splash water on his face and returned to bed, massaging his ears, following an old folklore that it would to put children to sleep. It worked. Several hours later, with the first morning light creeping in, he again awoke with a longing in his heart for her and his morning wood. Taking her hand in his, he kissed it and sucked her fingers.

  She slowly emerged from sleep, first a smile
growing, and then a soft moan. One eye opened, followed by the other. “Good morning.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “My ass aches, but my heart is grateful. I’ve learned a big lesson. I don’t hate you for what you did. I know that you do it because you care. I’m grateful God brought us together. I’m blessed that you care for me.”

  He pressed her hand to his heart. “I care for you very much. I love you.” They kissed. “It’s the next day. Are you feeling romantic?”

  She squinted her eyes and tears welled as she gave a slow, long nod. “You make me tremble all over with your concern and love. Yes, oh, yes. I want it. I love you.”

  She responded by moving around so she could lower his undies and she laved her tongue over his nuts. She nibbled his sack, and one at a time sucked a nugget into her mouth, releasing it only to do the same with its partner. He moaned. Next she lapped his rigid cock, her movements long and slow. He shuddered.

  “I take it this pleases you?”

  “Yes, my dear.”

  She giggled and scratched her teeth lightly over his prominence while fondling his testicles in her hand.

  “Sol, you should be enjoying this, yet I hear your mind tumbling with thought.” She lifted her head to repeat her impish grin.

  “You’ve gotten under my skin, my angel.”

  She slid higher until his cock felt her pussy hair. “It’s touching my nub.”

  “You sound like something from a romance novel.”

  “How would you know about that?”

  “My brother reads them and tells me how silly they are.”

  “Yet he still reads them.”

  He crushed his lips into hers and put one hand on her breast. In their romantic embrace, he rolled her to her back. She stiffened and shrieked. “My ass.”

  “Oh, crap, I’m sorry.” He rolled her again.

  She shrieked, “Get the lotion!”

  It was his turn to render an evil grin.

  She play-slapped his shoulder. “What?”

  “After we make love.”

  “My butt hurts now.”

  “I know my love, but soon.”

  He put her on her hands and knees and stroked his nails over her ass. She yelped.


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