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Broken Ties (The Healing Series Book 5)

Page 7

by Kelly Seibold

  "Oh. It is?"

  "Halloween is Monday this year."

  "That's why I need help." He dropped down in the chair. "What do you want to eat?"

  "I don't know."

  "Crap. I forgot to call J.D.'s Construction to ask if they could come and look at the cafeteria here and see if they can fix it."

  "I'm sure they can. Leslie told me they did the kitchen at Dylan and Daisy's dad's hotel. I haven't been there, but Leslie said it's nice. And Elizabeth loves her house. She brags about it all the time."

  "I haven't even talked to her about it. I have barely talked to her since we got here. I severely lack in the how to be a good friend department." He cleared his throat. "So, what to eat? I'll order from anywhere. If they don't deliver, I'll go get it. If my car even has gas. I don't know." He looked up from his phone with restaurant apps pulled up. "So?"

  "I don't care. I don't have much of an appetite anyway."

  He placed his phone on the table. "Do you want to tell me what happened with your mom earlier?" he asked softly.

  She bit her quivering lip and shook her head. "Let's just eat."

  "Whatever you want," he replied and picked his phone back up to order.

  She wanted to fight with him but was too tired to manage the energy needed to engage. She wasn't prone to headaches but found one coming on as she turned her gaze to the window. "Order anything."

  A nurse walked into the room. "Staying in here again tonight, boss?"

  He glanced up from his phone. "No, Layla. Ordering dinner. It should be here soon. Keep an eye out for it?"

  "No problem. How about you, Stephanie? You need anything right now?"

  "No, thank you."

  "Buzz if you need me," she said and left them alone once again.

  Stephanie looked at Jake, and his eyes were closed. His hand was on the arm of the chair, and it was fisted so hard, his knuckles were turning white. What was he thinking about?

  He undid his fist and rubbed the hand across his face, yawning before laying his head back on the recliner and staring at the ceiling.

  The bags underneath his eyes looked even darker now, and when he opened them to look at her, they were bloodshot where he had rubbed at them.

  And now she wanted to hug him. Ugh. Stupid man.

  "I ordered food!" he exclaimed, stood suddenly, and swayed on his feet. He grabbed the railing on the bed to steady himself. "Sorry. I'll go get us some drinks."

  "I have drinks. Your staff keeps me stocked."

  "Oh yeah. They're supposed to. I told them to. If they don't, I'll fire them all." He wiped a shaky hand over his face where a cold sweat had broken out.


  "I did. I told them that."

  "Jacob? Sit down!"

  He dropped back down into the chair at her direct order.

  "Here's your food," Layla said and entered the room, placing the bag on the bed.

  "Check his sugar," Stephanie said and pointed to Jake. "He's shaky, sweating, and rambling."

  Layla frowned but grabbed the necessary supplies.

  "I'm fine."

  "Humor me," Stephanie told him.

  "Give me your finger, boss." She checked it and sighed. "Too low, Dr. Stone. When was the last time you ate or slept? You are pale."

  "I don't know the answer to either of those questions," he answered, confused.

  "Fine. Good thing your food is here."

  "Can you get us the drinks, please?" Stephanie asked.

  "Sure." She retrieved the drinks and handed one to each of them. "Eat, and I'll come back and retest your blood. Then I suggest you go home and sleep. Your girlfriend doesn't need you passing out on her."

  "He's not."

  Layla ignored her. "Take care of yourself too. Instead of everyone else." She cleaned up and threw away the testers. "I'll be back. Eat!"

  Stephanie watched Jake's hand shake the entire way to his mouth as he took his first bite.


  "What?" he answered and stuck a fry in his mouth.

  "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine. I just forgot to eat."

  "You don't look so good."


  "That's not what I meant, and you know it. You look unwell."

  "I'm tired, hungry, and stressed. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

  "You know I don't."

  "Worry about you," he mumbled.

  "What does that mean?"

  He ran a hand through his hair. "I meant don't worry about me. You're more important, and I'll be fine." He went back to eating with Stephanie just staring at him.

  She gave up having a conversation and went back to her food. But he was important. Did he not think so? He saved lives, and if she could see past her anger at him for leaving her, she would be so proud of him.

  They finished eating, and Jake gathered up the garbage. "I'll get Layla to help you get ready for bed. I need to...I don't know. I'm going to lie down, I think."

  "Thanks for the food."

  "Any time. When you want to talk about what happened this morning, just let me know, and I'll come running. Oh, my papers." He snatched his folders off the table with the resumes and started toward the door before stopping abruptly. "Are you going to the party tomorrow?"

  "Probably not."

  "Okay. Have a good night's sleep, okay?" He turned and stopped before turning back around. He opened his mouth, then closed it. He shook his head. "I'll see you. Good night." He turned on his heel and left, the door closing softly behind him.

  What had just happened? Why was he so out of sorts? She rolled to her side as pain shot up her leg. The pain was getting better, but she still ached at night the most.

  Layla entered to help Stephanie get ready for bed and settled back under the covers. Stephanie hated taking anything for pain. Maybe it was the countless drug addicts she came in contact with whom had started out getting hooked on pain pills after an accident, but her head was splitting, and hopefully, if she took something, she'd fall asleep before the spasms happened, which were the most painful things in the world. Her face flushed. Jake had his hands on her during that. He probably thought nothing of it. He's a doctor, after all.

  Layla came over with her fresh water and pain pills. "So, um, you and Dr. Stone..."

  "Are not a thing," Stephanie finished for her. "What?" she asked when Layla didn't respond right away.

  "So. I know he makes the rounds sometimes—not all—there are other doctors here, but at night, he comes in here and does paperwork while you sleep."

  "He does?"

  "Right before your latest surgery, one of our nurses saw him leave this room upset. He left your chart, and one of the interns took it to his office and saw him kick a box across his office that broke his computer monitor. And he almost fired a bunch of people when your stitches were infected."

  "I'm not sure what that has to do with anything," Stephanie muttered.

  "He basically lives here! I know he could leave. He stays with his grandfather, but it's like he can't leave you. Something for you to think about. Now, your physical therapy is at eight in the morning. Matt will probably come and get you unless you want to roll yourself, or another nurse will fetch you. Either way, decide. We will see you in the morning unless you need us before then."

  Stephanie laid back and stared at the ceiling after Layla left, but not before she dimmed the lights. She did miss the skylight at the old place but was glad to be closer to her parents—well, she used to be. They were staying at her house while she was in this place for who knows how long. She could not think about her parents right now. What a huge secret to keep from someone!

  She rolled herself to her side and contemplated what Layla had told her. How did she not realize he was spending that much time here? He did look worn out when she allowed herself to study his features. He was so much better-looking now than he'd been fourteen years ago.

  She thought she'd see him playing for the NFL someday, but she heard nothing about h
im after his sophomore year. It was like he’d disappeared from the earth after that day she saw him wrapped up in another girl's arms. She shuddered at the memory.

  He still looked like he worked out constantly. And when he put his hands on her, even to help when she was in pain—she was instantly turned on. It was good to know those parts were working fine in this hell she'd found herself trapped in.

  The headache medicine finally kicked in, and she slowly began to doze off with thoughts of Jake's hands on her bare skin.

  Chapter 10

  Stephanie laughed as Matt cracked another joke. She liked laughing but was trying to concentrate and not fall on her face. Her knees buckled as pain shot up the back of her leg and into her back. "Don't make me laugh any more, Matt! I can't hold on while my arms and legs go weak because I can't concentrate."

  "I make all the ladies weak in the knees."

  "Shut. Up," she snickered, and he grabbed her hips to help steady her.

  "Got it?"


  He let go and took a few steps back. "Come to me, baby."

  She grinned at him. "I thought I told you to hush."

  "I never listen." He winked and took another step back as she shuffled forward. "Looking good, hot stuff."

  She shook her head but took another step.

  He threw his hands up in the air when she reached the end. "Touchdown!"

  "I'm gonna fall if you don't get my chair right now."

  Matt rushed to grab the chair and slid it behind her as she crumpled into it. He handed her a towel and water and wheeled her to the door. "Are your arms jelly? Do you need me to roll you to your room?"

  "Roll away!"

  They started down the hall, and Matt's phone rang. He paused in the hallway, grabbing it out of his back pocket. "Yo, J-Dog." He laughed. "What's up? Yeah, I'll be there to pick you up at five-thirty. Bye." He slid the phone back in his scrubs back pocket and continued pushing her down the hall. "Sorry, my sister. We are going as the Wonder Twins tonight for the party."

  "Awesome. Are you twins?"

  "No, she's my older sister, but she's way smaller than me. She hasn't been able to beat me up for a while. You might know her. She's a nurse at the hospital. Jeni Adams."

  "Yes, I've met her. Nice girl."

  "Yep." He wheeled her to the room. "Do you need anything else from me?"

  "I got it from here. Thanks."

  He took out his phone and scrolled on his calendar. "So, I'll see you...Tuesday morning?"

  "That's fine."

  "See ya later. You did great today. Bye."

  She fell forward, her head touching her bed as soon as he cleared the door, and let out a groan of pain.

  "Are you okay?"

  Stephanie jerked at the voice and grimaced in pain.

  "I'm sorry," Elizabeth apologized. "I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I'm here to help you get cleaned up." She wheeled her into the bathroom. "Are you going to the party tonight, or is someone bringing the food to you?" she asked as she started the water in the shower. "Leslie's mom is fixing things for it."

  "That almost makes me want to go."

  "And I know Sam's mom made some apple pies."

  "I've had those. Drool-worthy." Stephanie leaned forward, and Elizabeth helped her take off her sweat-soaked shirt that was hung on her stitches.

  "I think we need to get these out of you. Hold on. They really should have fallen out on their own, but sometimes they don't." She left to get the necessary things to remove them but was back soon and had them out quickly. "There, no more snags on your shirts."


  "Do you feel okay after your incident yesterday?"

  "It was a personal thing, and no."

  "And I see you don't want to talk about it." She helped her into the shower. "I'll be outside if you need anything. Let me know when you're done."


  Jake dropped his bag to the floor of the hotel suite and collapsed onto the king-size bed. This would probably backfire in his face. He set the alarm on his phone for five and took something to help him sleep before eating his burger from the fast-food joint. He was almost out of his sleeping pills.

  When the alarm went off hours later, he felt better, but was still tired. He turned the water on to fill the jacuzzi tub while he changed his clothes. He stopped the water, grabbed his keys and wallet, and headed to the hospital.

  The drive was quick, and before he could talk himself out of it, he was strolling down the hall on a mission. He reached her room in record time. The door was shut, and he knocked before entering.

  Stephanie's phone was ringing, but she was staring at it in her hand, her brow furrowed, her bottom lip between her teeth. She looked up when Jake entered the room, and her eyes looked like deep pools of hurt.

  "Hey, Annie. Are you okay?" he asked softly. He walked to her and took the still ringing phone from her hand. "Mom" flashed across the screen. He placed it on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing both hands in his. "Come on, baby, talk to me."

  "I can't talk to them right now," she whispered. "I took them off the visitation list. I don't want to see them."

  "You don't have to. In fact, I want you to come with me."

  "I'm not going to the stupid party."

  "We aren't going there. I think we both need to get out of here."

  "Where would we go?"

  "It's a surprise. I'll get someone to help you pack."


  He didn't give her room to argue. "I'll be back."

  Elizabeth came in five minutes later with a bag.

  "What's going on?"

  "Doctor's orders. He is taking you away from here."


  She grabbed a few clothes and stuffed them in the bag before going to the bathroom and getting some toiletries. "Stephanie, you are dense. He wants you alone, if I had to guess."


  "Look, I know most of the time he's in here, you are asleep or in so much pain you can't think straight, but I'll flat out say it, my ex-boyfriend never looked at me like Jake looks at you."

  "You're full of shit."

  "Want to bet?"


  Elizabeth lifted an eyebrow as Jake walked back into the room. "I signed you out. Let's blow this joint." He wheeled her chair closer and stepped up to the bed, letting down the rail. "I'm putting you in this chair, and we're leaving." He scooped her up before she could protest further. "Elizabeth, get her pain pills for the road."

  "Already on it." She gathered up the necessary medication while Jake still stood there with Stephanie in his arms. She felt like she belonged there, and he didn't want to put her down.

  Elizabeth came back with a box of stuff and stuffed it in the bag she had packed for her. "She's ready. Roll her out of here."

  Jake gently set her in the chair and headed toward the door. "Have fun," she said with a wink and handed Stephanie the bag as she passed.

  "Sure," Stephanie mumbled, a sudden bout of nervousness settling in her stomach.

  Jake was whistling as he wheeled her outside. The air was cold, and Stephanie felt her back begin to tense up. He had parked his car close and transferred her easily before putting the chair and bag in the trunk.

  "Heat, please," she said and tried to get comfortable. "I'm afraid my back is about to seize up."

  "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. Heated seats are coming right up." He fooled with the heater dials for a bit before resting his hand on the gearshift.

  Why did he continue calling her that? Annie, a play on the last part of her name, was one thing, but throw "baby" into the mix, and she was about to forget she was still angry at him.

  It didn't take long for them to pull up to a hotel. What was even happening right now? "This is us," he told her and put the car in park. "Let me carry in your bag and chair, and I'll just carry you in. Stay here, stay warm, and I'll be back."

  He didn't give her a chance to answer before he was out the door and gat
hering her things from the back.

  He returned quickly, opened her door, and reached across her to turn off the car. Good Lord, his smell was intoxicating. Some manly concoction that had her wishing she could wrap her legs around his waist and suck his neck.

  "All right. Let's do this," he said and leaned back out of the car. He stuffed the keys in his pocket as she unbuckled her seatbelt and got her legs out of the vehicle. He bent low, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He stood up with her before scooping her in his arms and marched toward the hotel room door.

  He set her on the bed.

  The one bed.

  The one lone bed.

  "I'm sorry about the cold. I should have thought about that, but we have a heated jacuzzi tub, which will help you feel better."

  "I didn't bring a bathing suit!"

  "I didn't either."

  Holy crap. Did his voice drop?

  "The water is ready. All I have to do is turn on the massaging jets." He flipped a switch on the wall, and the jets roared to life.

  She was going to decline. But her back decided to catch, and her breath rushed out of her lungs as her face flushed.

  Jake was fast and was kneeling at her legs in no time. "Where does it hurt?"

  "Mid-back. It's okay. I'm okay."

  He reached for her sweatpants.

  "Wh-what are you doing?"

  "I don't think you want to be in the water with pants on, do you?"


  "Listen, I'm stripping to my boxers and getting in there. Keep your underwear on or not, but in about five seconds, we are getting in that tub."

  He kicked off his shoes and socks, then unbuckled and unzipped his pants, letting them fall from his hips. Next, he pulled his shirt over his head with one hand, and Stephanie's mouth dropped open. Six-pack abs greeted her, along with a deep V-cut that made her mouth water—among other things.

  "Do you need help?"


  "Do you need help removing your pants?"

  "I just." She was going to say no, but her arms still felt weak from therapy that morning, and she was beginning to ache all over. "Yes." She hated feeling helpless.

  "Lie back." He stalked toward her, and she forgot what she was supposed to do for a brief moment. Oh! Lie back! He reached around her hips, and she fought to keep her breathing under control. He could not know he affected her this way. His fingers brushed her skin as he pulled her pants past her hips. He took off her shoes and socks and took the pants the rest of the way off.


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