Broken Ties (The Healing Series Book 5)

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Broken Ties (The Healing Series Book 5) Page 8

by Kelly Seibold

  He bent, helped her sit up before carrying her over to the tub and setting her on the edge. He stepped over into the tub and sat. "Give me your hand, baby."

  She almost spat out for him to stop calling her that but clenched her teeth together when he grabbed her hips and helped her swing her legs over into the water. "Does that feel good?"


  "Here." He slid her into his lap, and she pushed her shirt down when it threatened to float up. Why hadn’t she at least put on a bra? And why must his chest feel so nice?

  His hand rubbed her back over her shirt. "Is this where it hurts?" he said near her ear.

  "I hurt worse the next day, usually, or the night."

  "I know. I'm trying to prevent that. I can't stand that you're in pain. You feel really stiff."

  No shit, Sherlock!

  "Relax, Annie."

  "Trying," she murmured.

  His other hand started rubbing her upper leg, and she wasn't ever going to relax if he didn't stop. If he moved his hand up just a bit farther...Her eyes closed as he started kneading her lower back. He was careful with her newest scar, but his fingers were dancing along the edge of another. It did feel nice, and her body eventually began to relax. His breathing changed some, and she glanced at his face. "Better?" he asked gruffly.

  "Yes." Her voice was breathy and low, and his eyes dilated. Was he as turned on as she was? She shifted her body, and a small groan left his mouth as it parted on a short breath. She could feel his erection on the back of her leg. He was staring at her mouth, and she swallowed.

  His fingers traced the scar that ran across her cheek, then his thumb swept down and rested on her bottom lip before pulling it down slightly. "Annie," he breathed out.

  "Yes?" she whispered.

  "I'm finding it really hard not to kiss you right now."

  "Jacob," she whimpered.

  He slid his hand farther under her shirt while his other hand found her stomach under the water. His palm flattened over her gunshot wound, and her body shivered at the contact, making his dick twitch. He groaned as he wrapped her hair around his fist and pulled her mouth to his.

  He tasted her sweet lips as her tongue swept into his mouth. The hand on her back pulled her closer. She froze and stiffened, and her face flushed with pain, not pleasure. He jerked back, breathing hard. Her eyes were squeezed shut—tears leaking out the corners. "Annie," he said her name reverently, which only made more tears spring to her eyes.

  "Sorry," she croaked. "Spasm. Hard to breathe."

  He let go of her hair, and she fell into his chest as he massaged her back.

  "I hate my life right now," she grumbled.

  Jake frowned. He hated seeing her so angry and unhappy all the time. "Let me get you situated in front of a jet. Is the water temperature still fine for you?"


  He moved out from under her, laid her back against the jets, and she let out a moan that had him tenting his boxers again.

  "Why hasn't Matt put me in a tub yet? This is heavenly," she sighed.

  A growl had her opening her eyes and looking over at him. "He better not be anywhere near you in a tub with his hands on you."

  "He has to touch me. He's my physical therapist."


  "What will you do? Fire him for doing his job?"

  He pulled himself into a standing position, and Stephanie gave him a full-body once-over. Her eyes lingered on his hard-on. Goodness. He was about to bust out of those boxers that were wet and left nothing to the imagination. "I'm taking a shower. Call me if you need me." He stepped out of the tub and stomped to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

  Jake turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature before jumping in under the spray. He yanked off his boxers, his erection sprang free, and his underwear fell to the shower floor. One palm landed on the tile in front of him, and the other fisted his cock. The first full stroke down his length, he almost came as he imagined Stephanie’s hand helping, and his breathing picked up. A few rapid jerks later, he shot his cum all over the tiled wall with Stephanie's name on his lips.

  Chapter 11

  "Your mom's food," Damon groaned to his wife as he flipped his cape behind him at the table so he wouldn't sit on it. "It's the only reason I'm here," he said and began to stuff his face with meatloaf.

  "Are you supposed to take that mask off?" Leslie asked as she sat down beside him with her plate.

  "Listen, Christine. The Phantom can't eat with half his face covered. I can't believe you talked me into this." He took a bite of his mashed potatoes and grinned. "This is fantastic. Did she make the meatballs I saw over there too?"

  Leslie took a bite of her food and scanned the tables overflowing with refreshments near the wall. Landon was filling his plate with the little tasty morsels. "I think so. We will have to get some if Landon leaves us any. I guarantee he's looking for a sub roll right now."

  Damon laughed. "Did he decide on Steve Trevor, or did Courtney?" Music played softly over the speakers, and a few couples were dancing out in the middle of the open room. Courtney, dressed as a ginger-haired Wonder Woman, was dipping Chloe, the cutest Strawberry Shortcake Leslie had ever seen. "Oh, it was Courtney."

  "Is she okay? There is alcohol here."

  "Landon may be feeding his face, but he's keeping an eye on her. If you notice, he's in between her and the drinks. He was afraid someone would spike the punch even though there are kids here, so he BYOB'd it."

  Jace, a very respectable Han Solo, stood against the wall, holding Jackson, a tiny Chewbacca. His little eyes were wide as he took in the sparkling lights and all the pumpkin decorations.

  Hannah, who had lost a game of Roshambo to her mom to be Princess Leia, was a great Rey and was talking animatedly with Drew, a cute little Spider Man.

  Samantha, cosplaying as Lara Croft, was eying Drew over the top of her drink, a deep furrow between her brows. Dylan walked through the doors, his Indiana Jones hat squarely on his head. He said something to Samantha before Daisy grabbed him by the arm and led him outside into the hallway. "Why didn't you tell me Dad has a girlfriend?" she asked.


  "Dylan. He's going on dates! With Mary!" She threw her hands up in the air. "And I know you knew and didn't say anything."

  Dylan's shoulders drooped. "Don't be mad, Dais. It wasn't on purpose. With Drew getting in trouble, I was distracted and forgot."

  Daisy's breath rushed out, and she sagged against the wall. "I'm sorry. I was just blindsided yesterday."

  Dylan took his hat off and rubbed his hand through his hair. "Are you okay with it?"

  "I don't know," she answered truthfully. "Are you?"

  "I don't know either. I mean, I thought I would be, but I don't know. I need to help Sam keep an eye on Drew."

  "I'm sorry you guys are having problems with him."

  Dylan sighed. "Yeah. Not your fault. Are you hungry?" he asked, changing the subject.

  "I guess so."

  "Let's go, Leia."

  "Okay, Indy."

  Dylan held out his elbow, and she slipped her hand through it.

  "Are you and Jace having a contest for the best Harrison Ford?"

  Dylan snorted. "There is no contest. I win, hands down. Have you seen this hat?"

  "He has a blaster."

  "I have...a rope," he finished lamely, and both laughed as they entered back into the conference hall. Daisy let go of her brother's arm and headed toward Jace, taking the baby from him while he went to get them some food. Dylan headed toward Sam and slid into the seat beside her, squeezing her shoulders.

  Chloe was eating mashed potatoes while sitting on Leslie's lap since Landon had dragged Courtney over to a secluded corner in the room to slow dance. They were laughing more than dancing, though.

  Diana, dressed as Chef Linguini, complete with a stuffed Remy in her toque blanche, brought out more food, and Landon headed toward the table once more with Courtney on his heels. "Mom, thank
you!" he gushed as he grabbed another plate.

  "He acts like he doesn't eat your food like all the time," Courtney said as she stepped up next to him.

  "She made meatballs!" he exclaimed around a mouthful.

  "Close your mouth, son. Have I taught you nothing?"

  Courtney giggled.

  "Hey, Landon. Can you help Samuel and Bev in the kitchen? They are starting to bring out some desserts, and we need an extra table set up by the drinks."

  "I can help."

  Diana smiled at Courtney. "Why don't you help me here? That way, you don't have to be near the drink table."

  Courtney bit her lip before answering. "Okay."

  Landon handed her his empty plate, kissed her on the cheek, and exited out the door into the back of the kitchen.

  "What am I supposed to do with this?" she asked Diana. "He should have put it in his fanny pack."

  Diana laughed. "Give it to me and come back here. I just put out more meatloaf, and the kids need help getting it."

  Courtney nodded and headed toward the other end of the table to help divvy up food.


  The jets turned off just as Stephanie dozed off in the tub. Her eyes opened to find Jake was on his phone; his fingers were flying across the screen as he texted someone. He had on a pair of gym shorts and nothing else, and his hair was still damp from the shower. He was going to kill her this weekend. Why were they even here? And that kiss! Her fingers touched her lips. Lord have mercy! So that was what it was like to kiss Jake Stone. It was everything she'd imagined it would be and so much more.

  His eyes closed briefly as his fingers paused on the screen before he opened them with a sigh and fired off more texts.



  "I need help getting out of here."

  He placed his phone down on a table in front of the window and walked to the tub, bending low while she swung her arms around his neck, and he stood up with her. He picked her up easily and carried her to the bathroom and sat her down on the toilet. "Do you need help drying off?"

  "No, just bring me my bag so I can put on dry clothes. I'll call you when I'm ready to come out."

  "Okay." He grabbed a towel and handed it to her before picking up another to dry his chest off where they’d touched. He returned quickly, handed her the bag, and left, shutting the door.

  His underwear still laid in the shower, and her face flushed. She got her shirt off and threw it on top of the things. She couldn't think about that.


  He must have been right by the door because it opened immediately; he picked her up once again, taking her to the bed where he had already turned down the covers and propped up some pillows. He helped her get settled in and handed her the controller for the TV. "Good?"

  The tiredness had returned to his eyes, and she fisted her hands. She wanted to touch his face. He stared at her, waiting for her answer.


  "What do you want to eat?" He looked at his watch. "It's seven."

  "Um, pizza?"

  "That's Fine."

  He stood, walked to the window, grabbed his phone, and placed an order before setting it back down. It dinged with another text, and he picked it up, shaking his head before putting it facedown on the table without responding.


  "What? Oh, thirty to forty-five minutes."

  "I didn't ask anything."


  "Come here."

  "Do you need something? Are you in pain?" he asked as he walked to her side of the bed.

  "No." She paused and decided not to lie. "Yes. I'm in pain constantly, and I'm trying to learn to live with it."

  He frowned.

  "Sit down, please."

  His phone dinged from across the room, but he ignored it this time. "I'm going to go get us drinks. I'll be back."

  "Jake!" she called to him when he reached the door.


  "Aren't you missing something?"


  She waved her hand. "Your clothes."

  "Oh yeah." He slipped on his shoes and pulled a hoodie out of his bag before walking out the door.

  What was going on with him? Twice now, he’d seemed scatterbrained. And Leslie mentioned the same thing.

  Shortly after, he was back with ice and drinks from the vending machine and poured them some sodas while Stephanie channel surfed until the pizza arrived.

  After eating, Stephanie's legs were beginning to ache. She shifted and shifted again; her eyes had squeezed shut and popped open when Jake touched her hand.

  "Where are you hurting?"

  "Everywhere. Back. Legs."

  "Let me turn you over." He made quick work of turning her to her stomach and massaging her back while she whimpered in pain. "Maybe I shouldn't have brought you here. I can't give you a morphine drip here."

  "Just get me the pills you brought."

  "I don't want to leave you. Your back is knotting up."

  "Get. The. Damn. Pills," she ordered through gritted teeth. She should have just taken them earlier.

  Jake retrieved the box of medicine from her bag and got out the pain pills. He rolled her over on her side, and her hand shook as she took the drug, spilling some Coke down her chin before she flipped back to her stomach.

  He massaged her back, and her breathing evened back out as it unlocked. Tears leaked out the corner of her eyes and soaked her pillow. Jake continued to rub. "I'm sorry, Annie. I shouldn't have taken you out. We don't have what we need. I don't have what you need."

  "It doesn't matter, Jake. I'll hurt no matter where I am. It hurts worse after therapy, which is why I can't have it every day."

  He went about covering her up and checking the heat. There was a fireplace in the room, so he turned it on and turned off the lights.

  "You can watch whatever. Hopefully I'll be asleep soon."

  He walked around to the other side of the bed and slid under the covers. His phone continued to ding across the room, but he made no effort to retrieve it. The soft glow of the fireplace lit up his face as he stared at her, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking. This would be totally romantic if she could function normally. Her surgeon hadn't cleared her for sex yet, not that she was thinking about having sex with anyone. Okay, she totally was, but she was still angry with him! Even if, at this very moment, he was looking at her like she hung the moon. Where was this look years ago?! She huffed out a breath.

  "Are you all right?"

  "No." She wasn't okay emotionally. She wasn't okay physically. She wasn't okay. "I'm not sure I'll ever be again."

  "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

  "Don't you dare look at me with pity!"

  "I'm not."

  "Bullshit." Her temper flared. Good. It would be better if she was mad at him.

  "I'm not looking at you that way."

  "You're full of shit, Stone!"

  "Stephanie," he said through gritted teeth.

  "Courtney and Sam both look at me with guilt on their faces every time they visit, but you know what? At least they visited! I didn't see you breaking down my door to visit your best friend in the entire universe. Oh, but your little gifts sure helped three months after the fact."

  Guilt rushed across his face, and Stephanie almost tried to take the words back. He stood and whipped off his hoodie and wiped his sweaty face with it. "I want to help you."

  "Now you do. How convenient," she said and rolled to her side with a grimace before pushing herself up to a sitting position.

  "What does that mean?"

  "Where were you when I almost died?"


  "I'm serious, Jacob. Where? I almost bled out in my friend's house! Did you know I coded in the ambulance? You probably do because you've seen my medical records. And for some reason, I feel violated because you aren't a doctor to me." She sucked in a breath and wiped some errant tears. "And now, you want to act like you didn't crush me when you
left without a trace over a freaking decade ago."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Yeah, you are," she spat at him.

  "I just want to get back."

  "We can't go back. We're broken."

  "Don't say that!"

  "Tell me, Jake. Did you at least tell your girlfriend bye? Or maybe she's your ex-wife. Do you have kids?" she fired the questions at him like a machine gun, and he took a step back. "Well?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "The girl you had wrapped up in your arms the last time I saw you."

  "I never..." His voice trailed off as he thought back.

  "Who was she?"

  "Why were you there?"

  "Why else would I be there? To see you! What was her name? You were always with some bimbo."

  "Me?" He pointed to his chest. "How could you tell who I was with when your tongue was down that asshole Chase's throat twenty-four seven?"

  "That was one year when you dated that girl from our history class."

  "Yeah. You dated the entire football team but me!"

  "First off." She held up one finger. "You never asked me. And second." She held up her middle finger to him. "Go fuck yourself!"


  Her mouth opened for a second and then snapped shut.

  "And if you were cleared, you'd be naked by now."

  They just stared at each other. Jake's chest was rising and falling with short breaths. "I'm going for a walk," he said gruffly. He turned on his heel, grabbed his shoes, and walked to the door. Cold air rushed in when he opened it, and he walked out with his shoes in one hand and his hoodie in the other.

  Stephanie ran her hands through her hair before her head dropped back against the pillows.

  What just happened?

  Chapter 12

  Officer Tony Gates nodded at Damon and Leslie as they walked out with Chloe asleep on Damon's shoulder. Their party time was over. He smiled at Jace, who had Jackson on his shoulder, fighting sleep. Daisy walked out with Hannah's hand in hers, and they continued down the hall to the exit.


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