Broken Ties (The Healing Series Book 5)

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Broken Ties (The Healing Series Book 5) Page 9

by Kelly Seibold

  The Wonder Twins walked by, and the girl glanced in his direction and gave a tight smile before turning back to "Zan." "I told you I should have brought the stuffed monkey." Her voice trailed off as music filtered out the door.

  Next, the doors swung open and little Drew Gordon came out and took a sharp left. "Hold up, Drew!" He turned to one of the "twins." "Sorry, Jeni," Dylan apologized for the near-collision as Drew came out the door haphazardly. "Watch where you are going, Drew." The little boy rolled his eyes but obeyed and stopped. "You are eight years old. You are not going to the restroom by yourself. There are too many strangers here."

  "It's right there!" he huffed and pointed to his right.

  Dylan took a deep breath before speaking. "I know. Just go. I'll wait for you. Unless you need help with your suit."

  "I got it." He turned and stomped into the bathroom.

  Dylan grumbled to himself and looked at the ceiling.

  "Hey, man," Tony said as he pushed off the wall.

  "Oh, hey, Tony."

  He walked up to Dylan and patted his shoulder. "Sam told me you guys are having some issues," he told him, his head nodding toward the restroom.

  "Yeah...Security detail tonight?" Dylan asked, changing the subject.

  "Yeah. You-know-who keeps giving me shit jobs since I broke protocol helping Landon, but I'd do it again. To be honest, I'm thinking about quitting and working for Sam."

  Dylan looked at his watch. "I better check on him. Just check with Sam. I'm sure she has some stuff for you to do. She's feeling a little overwhelmed with some new clients."

  "Okay, man," Tony said and walked back into the meeting hall.

  Dylan went inside the restroom, and Drew was fighting with his suit. "Why didn't you ask me to help you?"

  "I can do it, and I don't want your help!"

  "I have no doubt, but I still want some food, and your grandmother has some apple pie here. I want some before it's gone."

  "Fine! Do what you want!" Drew snapped, and Dylan bit the side of his cheek and helped him with his suit. Drew sprinted from the bathroom as soon as he finished washing his hands, and Dylan had to jog to keep up with him.

  He ran to some friends from school in the corner, and Dylan made a beeline to Sam, who was standing next to Courtney, keeping her company away from the main crowd. Courtney struggled with big groups, and the night was getting long. "Hey, Samantha. I'm getting some pie, and then can we go?"

  "Yes, is everything all right?" Sam's eyes drifted to Drew in the corner.

  "I'm done." He took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, Samantha, but he's pushing his luck with me, and he's winning."


  "Forget it. I'll bring the truck around." He shoved the hat back on his head and quickly strode to the door.

  Sam turned to Courtney. "I have to go," she said sadly.

  Courtney wrapped her in a hug. "Call me later."

  She nodded and retrieved Drew, who was displeased but stomped ahead of his mother out the door.

  Dylan's hand drummed on the steering wheel as he waited for his wife and his stepson. They climbed in and Drew slammed the door shut. Dylan's hand gripped the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. "Quit slamming doors, Drew," Sam told him as Dylan pulled away from the hospital.

  "Whatever," he mumbled.

  "What did you say?"

  "Nothing," he answered and kicked the back of the seat.

  "Drew, just sit there. Keep your hands and feet to yourself and shut up!" Sam snapped at him.

  "Fine!" He crossed his arms.

  "NO TALKING!" She faced the front with fists clenched.

  By the time they reached the house, Drew was asleep in the backseat. No one spoke as Dylan carried Drew into his room, and Sam managed to remove his Spider-Man costume and get him into his bed.

  When Sam made it to their bedroom, Dylan had already changed into pajama bottoms. She grabbed clothes out of the dresser and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

  She changed quickly, and when she came out, the lights were out, and Dylan was in bed on his back, staring up at the ceiling. She slid in beside him, and he immediately grabbed her, pulling her to him. Her fingers tapped a rhythm on his chest. "I'm sorry," she whispered tearfully. "And I just told my kid to shut up. A banner day for me."

  "You haven't done anything wrong. I feel like I should be apologizing to you and then Steve for failing so epically with his son."


  "You know I'm crazy about him, right?"


  "I think he hates me."

  Sam's tapping stopped, and she turned on her back. "Come here."

  He rolled and placed his head on her chest, and she ran her fingers through his hair until he drifted asleep.


  Jake slowly opened the door to the hotel room. Stephanie somehow managed to lie on her side, facing the other side of the bed. He kicked off his shoes and turned back on the heat. It was stupid for him to leave like that; not only was it freezing outside, and he had on shorts, but now Stephanie would think that's all he ever did. Run.

  His damn phone still lit up with texts and three missed calls. Couldn't people leave him alone for a freaking day? He was one of the youngest chiefs of staff in Washington state but felt like he was beginning to crack under the pressure. He forgot to eat sometimes, and his sugar was falling at night, giving him major brain fog. Hypoglycemia probably. He needed to run some tests. Plus, getting maybe three hours of sleep a night, if he was lucky, wasn't cutting it, as his insomnia had started again.

  He chastised himself again as he thought of leaving earlier. What if she needed to use the restroom or something? She was weak from therapy. He was an idiot.

  After using the restroom, he slid into the bed and tried not to disturb her sleep. He was getting used to watching her slumber. And every now and again, just like now, she shivered and grimaced, and just like nights when he did his paperwork while she was asleep, he clenched his fist to stop from reaching out to comfort her.

  Her phone was on her pillow, and it lit up silently with a message from her dad. It looked like several messages from her parents were unanswered. Which reminded him, he needed to get the entire story behind that. She had been so upset the other night, and once again, he felt helpless when it came to her.

  And if he knew kissing her would feel like this, he would have kissed her the first day he’d laid eyes on her. Gosh, she was cute then, but she was only fourteen, and he had felt like she was off-limits. When he’d turned eighteen, she would still be underage. What would her dad have said about that?

  His? Was already lecturing him on keeping focused on football and not chasing skirts as he did in high school with his mom, who got pregnant with him when she was sixteen.

  Maybe that's why he pushed himself so hard. Being a teenage father halted his dad's football dreams. He gave up football to get a job to support Jake and his mom. And although his grandfather would have helped, Michael Stone was a proud man, and his mother was stubborn and barely let Gramps do anything.

  Stephanie's hair had flipped over her face, and he gently pushed it off. The pain pills she'd taken earlier were in full effect, and she didn't stir when he touched her. He needed to ask Brian, her surgeon, about pain management, and was Matt pushing her too hard?

  He pulled the blanket more squarely on her shoulders because he didn't want her to get cold again. How stupid was he? He should have realized the cold would cause her back to tighten up, but he'd only been thinking of giving her a break from the facility, and yeah, he’d needed a break as well. His grandfather was beginning to worry about him, so he lied and told him he'd been staying at an extended stay, but Gramps was astute, and based on the many times he’d called Jake to check on him, he knew.

  He rolled on his back and stared at the ceiling. Sleep wouldn't come. He only had a few sleeping pills left and needed to get them refilled. And he needed to hire a new chief of staff as soon as p
ossible. He couldn't continue to function like this. He had already decided who to hire for the administrative job and would call her first thing on Monday.

  He needed help.


  The first morning light crept through the window, and Stephanie stirred out of her dream. And oh, what a lovely dream it was. Strong hands...Jake! Her eyes snapped open. She was alone. A sinking feeling hit her square in the chest.

  A note sat on his side. "Annie" scrawled in doctor's scribble. Her hand shook slightly as she reached for it. Was he Dear Johnning her? They weren't together.

  It looked like he’d taken the time to write in print so she could read it.


  I hope to be back before you wake up in case you need anything. I've gone for breakfast. Be back in five.

  Love, Jacob.

  "Love, Jacob," she murmured. What the hell did that mean?

  The door swung open, and Jake walked through with a donut box in one hand with a full drink holder balancing precariously on top of it. A bag from a fast-food joint hung from his mouth.

  He placed the items on the table and finally turned to Stephanie. "Hey, baby. Do you need help going to the bathroom, or do you want to use the chair?"

  "I got it."


  He turned back to the table and started getting the food situated while Stephanie got herself to the restroom. She was glad Jake wasn't watching her, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

  She came out shortly, her business taken care of, and wheeled to the table where Jake moved a chair to make room for the wheelchair.

  "Here's a mint hot chocolate and your Coke. I got you a chocolate-covered, custard-filled donut." He waved at her breakfast sandwich in front of her. "A steak and egg biscuit with hash rounds, but let's face it, those are just flattened tater tots, and here is your mayonnaise for those," he said as he set the packets in front of her on the table.

  "You remembered," she breathed.

  "I remember everything about you," he said softly.

  Her eyes snapped up to meet his. They were bloodshot like he had rubbed at them repeatedly. "You look..."

  "Terrible?" He laughed without humor.

  "Jacob, what's wrong?" she asked, worried for him now more than ever.

  "I'm just tired."

  "There's more to this than that."

  He sighed, and his shoulders drooped. He placed his elbows on the table and ran his hands through his hair.

  "Did you sleep at all last night?"

  He rested his chin on his hand and looked at her. "No."


  "You're not my therapist, Stephanie."


  "Just eat, and then I have to go back to work and get you back to your room."

  They ate in silence before packing up and leaving.

  Chapter 13

  "What's up with you and Dr. Stone?" Matt asked as Stephanie took a step forward.

  "Nothing. What have you heard?"

  "There are whispers among us." Matt grinned. "He hasn't been here the last couple of days. His new secretary is here today, and he's showing her the ropes."

  Stephanie took another step and couldn't help herself. "Seriously, what have you heard?"

  "Steph, he took you out this weekend, and you were gone all night long." He winked at her when she looked at him.

  She huffed. "Nothing happened. We are friends, I guess, from high school." She took another step.

  "Not as much shuffling today. Good job."


  "There are rumors that he's in your room a lot at night."


  "So either he's a psycho watching you sleep like a creeper, or he's in love with you." Stephanie's foot slipped at his words, and he grabbed her hips to catch her. "Good?"

  "He's not."

  "But you are," he said softly.

  "That's..." The automatic doors opened, and speaking of the devil, Jake walked in looking like a runway model in a suit. Stephanie's breath caught. A young lady followed close behind him, carrying a clipboard. Matt's hands didn't leave Stephanie's hips, and Jake paused, his gaze settling there. His eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched.

  He cleared his throat and fooled with his tie. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize the time and that you would have a patient. I'm introducing Cheyenne to the staff and showing her around before we get her office set up. We'll leave you alone." He turned quickly and left. Cheyenne smiled awkwardly at them before turning and following her new boss.

  Matt chuckled. "He wants to kill me. Did you see that look?"

  Stephanie looked away and bit her lip.

  "Hey, girl. Chin up! That boy has it bad for you!"

  "How do you know that?" She couldn't help herself from asking.

  "Because he's jealous that I have my hands on you. Do you have a good grip?"


  He let go and stepped back. "You want to drive him insane? Touch me every time he comes around."

  "You just want me to touch you."

  "That would be a perk." He laughed. "Okay. Let's get to the end of this thing."

  Stephanie walked forward slowly, but at least she wasn't shuffling. Her arms were beginning to shake, and Matt took a step forward in case she fell.

  "Hey, they're working on the hot tub today. Some dude with longish hair is here with two guys, and they are setting it up in the room through there." He nodded his head over his shoulder. "Apparently, boss man put in a rush order because it wasn't supposed to be done until next month. That will help you tremendously."

  Stephanie didn't respond, just took another step forward.

  "What's the matter? Are you hurting more than usual?"


  "Stephanie. What is it then?"

  "Did he say why he put a rush on the tub?" she asked softly.

  Matt tilted his head and studied her before answering, "I think I'm looking at her."


  Jake saw red as he stomped down the hall toward his office. "Dr. Stone, could you slow down, please? I have on heels today."

  Jake stopped and took a deep breath before turning around. "I'm sorry."

  "No problem. Honestly, I didn't know what to wear today."

  "Let's get your office set up. IT should already have your computer ready to go." They walked down the hall side by side, slower this time. "Oh!" A sudden thought hit him. "I need to speak to the construction guys that are putting in the hot tub today. Can you go down there and ask one of them to come to see me, please?"


  "I'll be in your office. Can you make it back here?"

  "Yep! I drew a map!" She held up her clipboard, and Jake chuckled.

  "I'll come and get you if you're not back in a bit, even with those cartography skills of yours."

  She grinned and walked down the hall heading to the physical therapy department. Jake entered her office. The IT guy was finishing up and stood when he came in. "Call me when she's ready for email. That's all that's left."

  "Thanks, Kevin."

  "Yep." He grabbed his toolbox full of wires and tools and left the office.

  Jake's hands went to his hair, and he ran them through the strands. He would have gone and talked to the guys himself but was five seconds away from punching Matt Adams in the face. He needed to get a grip. There was no way he could not touch her. It was his job, but maybe he needed to hire a woman too. He was being ridiculous.

  Jake was making sure all her icons were on her computer when Cheyenne returned with Damon James following behind her. "Hey, man," Damon said. "What's up?"

  "Hi." Jake stood and went around the desk to shake Damon's hand. "A lot is going on around here, and I have meant to touch base with your firm about finishing the kitchen here. Stephanie and Elizabeth have sung your praises."

  "Daisy, Jace's wife, has our schedule, and she sent it to us to look at, but I'll be honest, I haven't looked at it. I just got off a job yesterday, but let me look at it tonight, and someone w
ill call you tomorrow."

  "Sounds good." They shook hands again, and Damon turned to leave. "How's Leslie? I'm sorry I haven't been around. I've been overwhelmed." Jake didn't know why he confessed that and clamped his mouth shut to keep from spilling his guts.

  "She's good. And I'm sure she'd love a visit. You'll have to come over to the apartment for dinner one night and bring your grandfather."

  "Thanks. We will."

  "Yep. I'll be in touch. Nice to meet you, Cheyenne." Damon nodded in her direction and left the office.

  Jake stood in the doorway while Cheyenne stood silently off to the side, waiting on more instructions. He finally turned around and looked at her. "I'm sorry. I'm distracted. Let me know if someone from J.D.'s Construction doesn't call us back tomorrow. The office supplies are in that utility closet across the hall. I'll get you a key. You will be in charge of ordering that, so I suggest taking inventory so you'll know what's in there and when it's getting low I'm going to look over the resumes for the chief of staff, and we need to schedule interviews. So let's get our calendars synced up. And as I'm sure you heard, I am overwhelmed, and I may forget to tell you things today. So jot down questions for me and call and ask or walk over. We are next door to each other. The door is usually open. Also, Elizabeth, the head nurse, knows a lot. I ask too much of her, but I know she'll be glad to answer any inquiries you may have."

  "Okay." She took her clipboard and walked to her desk, sliding behind the computer. "Let's sync!"

  "All right. I'll be in my office."

  They went about syncing up the computer with IMs, and she even got her email set up without IT's help. After a quick study on using the phones, she took inventory of the supply closet and called and scheduled the interviews that Jake wanted to be set up before he sent her home.

  Two hours later, Jake looked through his emails and wondered if he should delegate this part as well. He didn't like giving up control. His cell phone rang, and he answered it when he saw that it was his dad.


  "Hi, Son. How are you?"

  "You've been talking to Gramps."

  "He's worried about you."

  "I'm fine."

  "You're supposed to be staying with him while finding a place of your own. He says you haven't been there very much."


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