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Hunting Truth (Orion the Hunter Part Four)

Page 8

by J. D. Chase

  We entered my apartment to find Angel and Chad attempting to cook. I’m not sure what it was meant to be but it didn’t look or smell good. I whispered in Lucas’ ear, suggesting that we invite them out to dinner so I could give Angel our news. He nodded enthusiastically. They were delighted to be invited. I’m not sure it was our company that pleased them or the fact that they didn’t have to eat their culinary disaster. I collected my things and Lucas arranged to pick them up in a couple of hours.

  Walking hand in hand back to the Orion Building, Daniel’s words about Lucas rambling on about revenge came back to me. I decided to ask him.

  “Lucas, have you heard from Joel since last Friday?”

  His face clouded over immediately. “No. I don’t expect to either.”

  I could understand that. “Have you done anything to exact revenge? Or are you planning to?”

  He stopped walking and turned to face me. “God knows I want to. I want to make him pay for everything that he’s ever done to me and now, to you. But if I hadn’t got involved with trying to exact revenge, he would probably never have found out my identity and started to cause trouble with us or my business.”

  “Your business? What has he done to your business?”

  “Do you remember how the image of you and Chad was sent to every email address in the company? Well that was a massive security breach. The hacker didn’t just acquire email addresses and access to our server. They also downloaded confidential information about the company, from data about developments to information on proposed deals. I’ve already lost out on two deals because somebody gave out priority information, illegally I might add, to other developers. There is other information that they took that could potentially get me into a lot of trouble but I’m not sure it’s been recognized for what it is.”

  That got my interest. “What information? What kind of trouble?”

  He put his hands on my shoulders and studied my face. “It’s better if you don’t know, Issy. It’s something that most developers do but we shouldn’t. Reciprocal arrangements that benefit both sides.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Bribes? Insider information? Is that what you mean?”

  He shook his head a little as he laughed. “I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. You’re far too astute, missy. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. You’re far too astute, missy. But I only do it because all the other major do it too and I’d lose out heavily if I didn’t play the game.”

  I raised my eyebrows to show that I wasn’t impressed. Then a thought occurred to me. “No way should mini-Dakota have gotten the green light as fast as it did. You did something to get that through quickly, didn’t you?”

  He studied my face for a moment. “Yes, I did. My impatience got the better of me. I wanted you near me and I knew that you loved the building so I pushed it through stupidly quickly. I took a big risk but thankfully people know I have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies and regularly have lots of applications so nobody investigated how quickly it was passed.”

  I stared at him, open-mouthed. “You took a stupid risk just so that I could work with you? Lucas it’s bad enough that you are engaging in those practices for any reason but to flagrantly flout the rules to be close to a woman? Can’t you see how mental that is?”

  “I’m used to getting my own way. But now you’ve refocused me, Issy. I won’t do it anymore. I only started doing it because I was building up my empire as quickly and comprehensively as I could so that Joel couldn’t come along and tear it down.” He looked genuinely contrite and I almost weakened.

  “But you were also building up your empire so that it was big enough and strong enough to be able to take his down, weren’t you?”

  He nodded. Guilt was written all over his face. “But no more. I’m not going to antagonize him any further and, if it makes you happy, I’ll never flout the rules again. It’ll mean that I’m two steps behind the competition, because they’ll be doing it, but I won’t. You have my word.”

  “Glad to hear it. But if Joel realizes what that information is, you could be facing a prison term. Do you realize that? He’ll be able to hand over all the evidence needed to put you behind bars. It was stupid to do it. And stupid to keep evidence.”

  “I know and any evidence that I had has been wiped now. I thought that my security systems were impenetrable. There’s nothing I can do now but wait and hope.”

  I managed to calm down by the time we’d reached the Orion Building. Lucas nodded to Clark and I wished him good evening as we crossed the lobby to Lucas’ elevator.

  I went straight into the shower and washed myself quickly. I wished that Lucas hadn’t said anything about his server getting hacked and what was taken. I knew it would play on my mind. I couldn’t believe that such an intelligent, seemingly honest man would be so irresponsible. I wrapped towels around my body and my hair and headed back into the bedroom.

  As I dried my hair, Lucas showered. He obviously knew me well enough already to know that giving me some space was the best thing to do. I hoped that going out for dinner with Angel and Chad would be a good distraction and that there wouldn’t be an awkward atmosphere.

  I applied my makeup as Lucas performed his miracle hair-styling trick, leaving his hair perfect in just a few minutes’ effortless blasting with the hairdryer. I’d stood to get dressed in a simple red dress that I’d brought with me when Lucas called me into his dressing room. There amongst his clothes was the beautiful gown that he’d surprised me with recently. But there were also several other dresses. Lucas took down two. A black silk sheath dress and a scarlet maxi dress that was cut on the bias and flowed beautifully.

  I stood just gazing at the beautiful dresses and he smiled. “I bought them for you last week as a surprise but by the time they were delivered . . . um . . . They have matching shoes too—look.”

  I did look. A pair of patent black Louboutin heels and a pair of red sparkly Gucci heels were on the floor. I shook my head. “Lucas, this is too much!”

  “Nonsense,” he said. “It gives me pleasure to find things that, with you wearing them, will defy even the designer’s biggest hopes.”

  I excitedly chose the black dress with the Louboutins. I knew that either outfit would look fabulous with my red-streaked black hair. But they were Louboutins with six-inch killer heels and shiny red soles! I felt like a million dollars as I accompanied Lucas down to his car. It was difficult to stay mad with him after such a generous gesture so I resolved to drop it during dinner and continue my outward disapproval the following morning.

  We picked up Angel and Chad and drove out to a restaurant that I’d not been to before but that Lucas said he’d been to for business lunches. It was very grand. The valet opened my door for me and I heard Angel say, “Oh my God, Issy—what are you wearing?” as I got out.

  I grinned and pirouetted. “Surprise gifts from Lucas.”

  She spotted my shoes and squealed, “Loubies too! Oh my! Chad, didn’t get me any gifts to mark our reconciliation.” She scowled at him in mock annoyance.

  Lucas came around the car and stood next to me, placing his hand on my lower back. “Actually, I bought those last week, Angel. And several others that the designers would kill to see Issy model so beautifully because no supermodel could do them justice as she does.” He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

  Angel’s mouth just gaped as she absorbed his words and, as we walked into the restaurant, I could hear her hissing comments to Chad asking why he didn’t say beautiful things like that to her. I heard Lucas chuckle softly and knew that he’d caught it too. I wondered whether he’d said it on purpose to wind her up. He’d already said as much to me so it wasn’t for my benefit. I smirked at his mischievousness.

  Dinner was a delight. The food was exceptional, the service beyond compare, and the conversation relaxed and free flowing—as was the wine. As we chilled after desert, I could see Lucas looking at me expectantly. I knew he was waiting for me to make our announcement but I didn’t know
how Angel would take it. We’d been best friends, closer than many sisters, for years. We’d shared rooms, apartments, highs, lows, secrets and fears. It seemed quite a daunting task to tell her that I was moving out. In the end, Lucas gave me no option but to tell her.

  “I’d like to propose a toast,” he said, after the waiter had refilled our glasses. “To the first occupants of mini-Dakota. May they be very happy there for many years to come.”

  “Oooh,” said Angel. “You’ve sold an apartment already. Issy has raved about them, especially the largest one. Please can I come and have a look around before they move in?”

  Lucas smirked and raised an eyebrow at me in silent challenge. I took the bait, not wanting to risk him being the one to tell her. “You can come and look around before they move in. But you’re also more than welcome to visit them any time.”

  If my cryptic clue hadn’t given it away, Lucas’ massive grin as he held his glass up to conclude his toast did. Angel’s face was a picture when she gasped as my meaning became clear. We clinked glasses and drank to Lucas’ toast. His arm slipped around my shoulder as I checked with Angel that she was okay with me moving out.

  “Okay? I’m stunned. Chad and I have talked about moving in together lately and we both assumed that you’d be our long-term lodger,” she said.

  Chad nodded. “I’d kind of accepted that you two were a two-for-one deal. It wouldn’t have bothered me in the slightest. But I’m glad that you’re happy. That’s what matters.”

  Angel nodded wildly, clearly beginning so suffer the effects of her alcohol consumption. “And you are, Issy. Look at you—you radiate happiness.”

  I smiled at her fondly before she gestured at Lucas, sloshing wine on to the table as she did so. “You are responsible for that, Lucas Hunter. I knew there was something special about you two as soon as I saw you together. But you’d better look after her. Hurt her and I’ll kick your ass. Got it?”

  Whether it was her words or the utterly serious expression on her face, I couldn’t say but Chad and I both tried to hide our laughter behind our hands. Lucas, to his credit, kept a straight face and replied, just as solemnly, “I give you my word, Angel, that I will do my utmost to care for, love and protect her and make sure that she wakes up smiling every single day. If you ever have the slightest concern for Issy’s happiness, I give you my word that I will immediately rectify the situation. You will never need to kick my ass. I make this solemn promise to you now, Angel.”

  Angel nodded, her expression conveying how gravely she took the matter. I saw Lucas’ jaw muscle tense and release and knew he was fighting back laughter too. Then she announced, “I give my permission for you to cohabit with my best friend on those terms.”

  I heard Chad snort softly and try to cover it with a cough. That did it. I burst out laughing, with Chad and Lucas joining in immediately. Angel looked confused and then affronted, which only made us laugh more. I was relieved that she’d taken the news well and felt a rush of affection for her loyalty towards me. The thought of a fragile-looking Angel kicking Lucas’ butt made me chuckle randomly during the rest of the evening.


  The remainder of the week was hectic. I was working flat out on the designs for the second apartment and Lucas was preoccupied with something that had come up at one of his properties. He wouldn’t say exactly what it was, but I knew it was serious because of the way that he was quiet and distracted and also the fact that he and Carter were in almost constant communication.

  I suggested cancelling our trip to Seattle the following weekend to watch the band but Lucas wouldn’t hear of it.

  Chapter Five

  Before I knew it, it was late Friday afternoon. Angel and the boys were taking an early evening flight to Seattle with strict instructions from Lucas for an early night. Their flight home wasn’t until Sunday so he’d given them permission for all kinds of debauchery on the Saturday after their festival appearance. Lucas was still tied up with Carter on whatever crisis had beset the company. He was tight-lipped about it and tried to make light about it whenever I tried to prize information from him. Therefore it was still unclear what time we would take off in the private jet.

  I packed my things and wondered whether I should pack Lucas’ too. I didn’t want to call him in case he was in a meeting. He hadn’t been in his office all afternoon and I wasn’t sure where he was. I took the elevator back down to his office. He still wasn’t there. I decided to check his schedule with Daniel. I walked across his office and put my hand on the door handle. I turned it and began to open the door but I stopped when I heard voices.

  “That’s why he should never have sent you here. Two minutes earlier and it would’ve been disastrous,” a voice hissed quietly.

  “Do you want to tell him that?” hissed another. “Look just get me in there and let me install it. We’ll get caught if we stand here much longer.”

  “Come on, it’s just in . . .” I jumped as the door was pushed open, rebounding off me. I stepped back instinctively as Lucas’ handsome receptionist almost walked straight into me. Right behind him was another man that I didn’t recognize.

  “Oh, sorry, Miss Prince, I didn’t know you were in here. We’ll come back. It’s not a problem,” he said.

  Before I could reply, he turned and steered the other man over to the elevator. It all seemed a bit odd. I took a couple of steps into the lobby on my way to Daniel’s office, but my cell rang. It was Lucas in a bit of a state. I had to ask him to slow down so I could fully understand him. He said he was in the middle of something urgent but didn’t elaborate. He didn’t want me to worry because he still didn’t know when he’d be finished, but he assured me that we’d fly out on the jet as soon as he was able. I asked him about packing his case and got a quick list of things that he planned to take so I could have it ready.

  When I finished the call, the lobby was empty. There was no sign of either of the two men. I wondered whether I should have mentioned it to Lucas. It had slipped my mind when I heard him in such obvious distress. I figured that it was probably nothing and that he had enough on his plate. I turned and went back up to the apartment to pack Lucas’ case then get showered and changed for our flight. I was so excited. I’d never been on a private jet before. I just hoped that Lucas would hurry up so we wouldn’t have to cancel the trip.

  Lucas eventually came tearing into the apartment looking like hell. I’d never seen him looking so rough. He batted aside all of my questions and concerns and insisted that we needed to get to the airport as quickly as we could. He didn’t even want to take a shower. Within minutes we were in the Lexus being driven by Carter, who looked equally grim. I knew better than to persist with my questions. I just hoped that Lucas would lighten up when we got to Seattle.

  Travelling by private jet was a revelation. From the moment Carter pulled up right next to the airplane, I knew I was going to love it. The flight crew met us as we boarded and even the pilot came and introduced himself. The interior was just as luxurious as I’d expected: cream leather upholstered seating, cream carpeting and deep-red finishing touches. Lucas needed to take a call the moment we got inside.


  Our flight attendant showed me the spacious bedroom and bathroom that were just as decadent, and insisted that I call her if I wanted anything to eat or drink during the flight. She showed me how to alter the lighting and how to operate the inflight entertainment. I was content to curl up in one of the leather seats and enjoy the experience. I just wished that Lucas could too.

  He ended his call just as we were about to take off, but he looked worse than ever. Everything about him gave away how tired and stressed he was. His skin looked dull, his eyes hooded, his jaw tense and his tone was clipped. He caught me studying him and smiled faintly. I was again tempted to ask him to let me in, to share what was on his mind but I didn’t want to risk making him pissed with me too. He knew that I was worried about him though because, from that moment on, he made a distinct effort to lighten
up and chat. I appreciated his efforts but it was obviously forced.

  Once we were informed that it was safe for us to leave our seats, Lucas had a whispered conversation with the flight attendant on the opposite side of the cabin. He then said he was going to take a shower and change into some casual clothes. A few moments later, the flight attendant returned carrying a tray that looked to be piled high but was covered so I couldn’t see what it held. She said that Lucas had asked her to tell me to await him, naked on the bed in the bedroom. I blushed furiously but she seemed totally nonplussed.

  I followed her into the bedroom and she placed the tray on the bedside cabinet. She turned, smiled brightly, and then left. I was tempted to barge into the bathroom and give Lucas a mouthful for embarrassing me but I decided to play along. Anything to help lift him from his grave mood. And, let’s face it, waiting in bed, naked, for Lucas Hunter was no hardship!

  I undressed quickly and lay on the top of the bedclothes. I rearranged my pose several times, trying to look seductive and sexy. I wondered whether I should have my legs wide open and be playing with myself when he walked through the door—that would surprise him as much as he’d surprised me. I decided against it and was considering sneaking a peak at what was on the tray when the door opened and Lucas sauntered into the room. Totally naked, hair still damp. Utterly confident, he stood at the foot of the bed and assumed his dominant persona.

  That was enough to make me wet but the heat of his gaze as he slowly swept it across every inch of my displayed flesh made me want to squirm. This was a man who wanted me. This was a man who promised to take my body and mind to the heights of pleasure that other people only dream about. And there was no doubt that he would deliver, sating my deepest, darkest desires. I shivered in anticipation as he stalked around the bed, his eyes never leaving my body.


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