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Hunting Truth (Orion the Hunter Part Four)

Page 12

by J. D. Chase

  When I was sure that my stomach had settled, I washed my face and ran cold water over my wrists to ease the nausea. On shaky legs, I made my way back to the table. Scott was nowhere to be seen—I looked all around the deli but he’d gone. I saw a serviette with my name scrawled across it on the table top. I sat down and opened it out flat. The note read: I didn’t mean to upset you, Issy. But if you want to know the truth, you need to see with your own eyes. I’ll show you. Just give me the word. Scott x.

  I frowned, unsure how Scott would show me the truth. I sat for a moment until my weak legs and pounding heart had steadied. I took deep breaths and decided to try to push the issue from my mind. I’d judged Lucas unfairly once before. I resolved not to make the same mistake again.

  Chapter Seven

  As I walked back to the Orion Building, I found that it wasn’t quite so easy. By the time I reached the lobby, I had a splitting headache. Not wanting to disturb Lucas and Carter if they were still ensconced in Lucas’ office, I took the public elevator and emerged in the reception lobby of Lucas’ company. Daniel was just coming out of his office and I asked him whether Lucas and Carter had finished. Daniel told me they’d both left the office together some time ago.

  Relieved, I let myself into Lucas’ office and, using his spare elevator key, ascended to his apartment. I walked down to Lucas’ bedroom, dropped my purse on the bed and removed my heels. My headache was getting to the point that I could barely concentrate so I found my Tylenol in my purse and wandered down to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

  I usually smiled when I passed the door to our playroom, but no memories were forthcoming as I passed—probably because of my dreadful headache. As I continued further down the hallway, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. I froze instinctively. All I could hear at first was the thumping in my head but then I became aware of muted voices, as if someone had left a TV or radio on quietly in the background.

  I was torn—unsure whether I should retreat or investigate. My curiosity won and I crept forward, grateful that I’d removed my heels so I made no noise. I soon realized that the voices were coming from the door that was two doors down from the playroom. The door that had been locked when I’d inquisitively explored my surroundings. I tiptoed as close as I dared to the door and listened hard. At first the beating of my heart was so loud that I couldn’t make out anything except that it was men’s voices that I could hear. Gradually, my heartbeat quietened and I was relieved to note that one voice belonged to Lucas. The other may well have been Carter, but I couldn’t be sure.

  I leaned right in and placed my ear against the door. I didn’t have time to hear anything because the voices grew louder and I knew they were heading towards the door. I raced down the hallway and ducked into the dining room. I stopped just inside and peered down the hallway. I saw Lucas step out, followed by Carter. Lucas immediately locked the door and again, I wondered what was inside that warranted the door being locked at all times. No other door in the apartment was locked.

  I was relieved when they walked down the hallway, away from me. Suddenly, a cellphone rang. Carter answered immediately and I could tell from his curt tone and barked orders that it was important. He ended the call and turned to Lucas. His words made my stomach flip over. “I need to head to my office. Are you going over to Odyssey this evening?”

  Lucas nodded and then replied, “Yeah. Ava called, I have to see her.”

  I barely registered them continuing to walk away from me. I felt as though all of my breath had left my body and I couldn’t inhale. I tried to force my legs to move, to walk into the kitchen, but they wouldn’t. The only part of my body that was functioning was my brain. Lucas is going to Odyssey tonight. He’s seeing Ava.

  Then Scott’s words swam around my head: He frequents Odyssey, the same club I took you to, and he’s . . . let’s just say he’s very close to the manageress . . . and I do mean very close. I felt lightheaded, my legs buckled, and I slid down the wall onto the floor. Images of the beautiful woman I’d seen at Odyssey filled my mind. I wondered whether she was Ava, but even as I did so, I knew she would be. I put my head between my knees and forced myself to suck in deep breaths.

  Once my breathing was even and the dizziness had passed, I stood up on shaky legs and made my way back to the living room. I don’t know how long I sat there but, as time passed, I realized I needed to know exactly why Lucas needed to go to Odyssey—and what he did when he was there. With shaking hands, I took my cell from my purse and managed to call Scott’s number. It rang and rang until I hung up in frustration. Just as I was about to toss it on to the couch, it rang. I answered without checking who it was, or registering whose ringtone it was. I just assumed it was Scott calling me back.

  “Scott, what’s the name of the manageress at Odyssey?” I demanded, my words coming out in a rush.

  “Issy, what are you talking about? It’s Angel, not Scott,” she exclaimed before continuing in a concerned tone. “Is everything okay?”

  I groaned in frustration. “Angel, can I call you back? I really need to get hold of Scott.”

  “Of course. But I’ve just seen Scott, looking like crap. He was in a foul mood.”

  “I know. Where was he? I need to get hold of him like now!” I cried.

  “He was here, at his apartment, but he went out, muttering something about wishing he’d kept his mouth shut,” she said. “Chad asked him what he was talking about and where he was going but he just mumbled something about a club then walked out and drove off. Why don’t you just call him? Have you two argued?”

  I tried to keep a lid on the exasperation welling up inside me. “I have, just before you called. He didn’t pick up. I thought it was him calling back. And yes, we’ve had a disagreement which is why I want to speak with him to clear it up.” Then I realized what Angel had said. “He mumbled something about a club? Did he say which club?”

  She paused. Then I heard her ask Chad followed by his muffled response. “Chad says it’ll be the one he goes to sometimes. It’s called Ecstasy, he thinks.”

  “Odyssey,” I corrected automatically.

  “Oh right. Hey, you mentioned Odyssey when you answered. Something about the manageress . . .

  “It’s kind of—it’s complicated. Listen, Angel, I’ve got to go. I need to find Scott urgently. I’ll try his cell again but if he doesn’t pick up, I’m going to Odyssey. If he comes back in the meantime, can you call me please?” Even as I said the words, I didn’t know whether I’d actually be able to go to Odyssey. What if Lucas is there? What if he’s with that drop-dead gorgeous woman? What if Scott’s right?

  I was distracted by Angel’s insistent tone and rising volume. “Issy! Issy! Are you still there? Did you hear that? You are not going alone.”

  “Hmm? Sorry? No, I didn’t and of course I can go alone,” I scoffed.

  “Chad says he doesn’t think the club is the type of place you should visit alone. He says it’s probably unsafe for a lone female. He says he thinks it’s an underworld den of disrepute,” she said, sounding almost frantic.

  I took a deep breath then said quietly, “I’ve been there before with Scott. I think I’ll be fine.”

  I heard a muffled exchange and then Angel, in a voice that must have been an octave higher than usual, said, “Chad says he thinks it’s a sex club . . . where people who have . . . um, specific tastes go to do disgusting sex acts. I doubt very much it’s the club you went to, Issy.”

  Ordinarily, I would probably have teased her about her prudishness but I really wasn’t in the mood. “It’s a BDSM club, not some freak show. It’s where people who enjoy a particular type of sexual lifestyle go. It is the same club that Scott took me to. I agree that it’s a little shocking to the uninitiated and that I didn’t venture into the dungeon because I—”

  “Dungeon?” she shrieked. “BDSM? That’s like bondage . . . gimp masks . . . handcuffs . . . and inflicting pain on someone during sex, isn’t it? So, you and Scott . . . I mean, you
two . . . oh my God!”

  I laughed at her ignorance and stereotyping. “Gimp masks, handcuffs and pain can be part of BDSM but it’s a huge spectrum, Angel. You really should learn about things before you judge and condemn others.”

  “I’m not condemning anyone. I never said I was an expert and I obviously know nothing so let me and Chad come with you. That way, Chad will be happy that you’re safe and I might learn something,” she countered. I knew it was false bravado and wished I was a member of the club so I could take her to the dungeons—just to see her reaction. Then it occurred to me that none of us were members. We wouldn’t even be able to get into the club.

  “Angel, it’s a members only club. There’s strict security and CCTV so no way to get in. Although, I suppose we could see if Scott’s van’s there.” And Lucas’ car!

  “Well, maybe they’ll let us become members. It might be best if Chad and I are there as a couple, rather than just a woman on her own,” she said, a little fiercely. “And even if they don’t, they might at least pass a message on to Scott to come out and see you. He might not come out for you if you’ve had words but he would for Chad.”

  I could just picture her huge blue eyes in her defiant little face and it made me smile. I had to admit that it was better than anything I could come up with so I agreed to let them pick me up in a cab as soon as they were able. I quickly changed into skinny black jeans and top, then threw on a pair of black knee-length heeled boots. Then I freshened up my hair and makeup and made my way down to the lobby.

  As I passed the reception desk, Clark called out a cheery greeting. I wasn’t really in the mood for a friendly chat but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so I wandered over. I politely asked about his family and was just about to head outside when a thought occurred to me. I knew that Clarke had worked for Lucas since before he’d bought the Orion Building—several years before. With the exception of Carter and Daniel, he probably knew Lucas better than anyone. An idea formed. It was risky but I calculated it was worth the gamble, given the circumstances.

  “Clark, I’m meant to be meeting Lucas shortly but I’ve forgotten where. I’ve tried calling him but I think he’s in a meeting with Carter. We’re meeting with Ava. You know her, right?” I fixed an innocent smile on my face and watched as his eyes narrowed for just a second.

  “Yeah, I remember Ava. You’re meeting with her?” He looked surprised, but before I could reply, he continued. “I’m sorry, Miss Prince. It’s none of my business. Forgive me.”

  I shook my head. “Don’t be silly, Clark,” I purred. “There’s nothing to forgive. To tell you the truth, I feel a little awkward about meeting with her.”

  I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and waited. I could see he was wary of speaking out of turn. I decided to push my luck a little further.

  “I hear she’s very beautiful and that she and Lucas are very close,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. I didn’t have to act. Just the thought of Lucas being close to another woman hurt.

  Immediately, Clark smiled reassuringly and said, “She is beautiful but so are you. And I’ve never seen Lucas looking as happy as he does when he’s with you. Or as miserable when he’s not. When he was with her, it was very different.”

  “How so? How was it different?” I blurted. Ava’s Lucas’ ex!

  I realized my mistake as a guarded expression crossed his face. “I’ve said too much already, Miss Prince. Mr. Hunter is a fabulous employer and he values loyalty and professionalism above anything else.”

  “Oh, Clark, don’t be silly, this is me you’re talking to. You’re hardly being disloyal. You’ve made me feel much better.” I smiled as I patted his arm. “I’m sorry. I can be incredibly insecure sometimes and I was worried that there may be something between them still.”

  A look of understanding passed across his face. “Ah, well you’ve no need to go thinking that. I know they’re close but it’s strictly a business relationship nowadays. Their relationship ended several years ago. And you have no need to be insecure; he only has eyes for you. I’ve never seen him light up the way he does when he’s with you. And I’ll tell you something, it’s a joy to see. He deserves to be happy with someone. Someone as lovely as you. He’s spent too long alone.”

  Without thinking, I leaned over the desk and kissed him on the cheek, just as I heard my name being called. I spun around to see Angel coming towards me, her eyes wide with intrigue.

  I said goodbye to Clark and turned to meet Angel. “Oh, Miss Prince, I can’t be sure but you may be meeting Ava at a club called Odyssey, she’s the manageress. I don’t know where it is, I’m afraid. I’ve never seen it so I don’t think it’s local.

  As I thanked him, I saw the confusion on Angel’s face. “I’ll tell you in the cab,” I hissed as we headed for the exit and before she could say anything.

  Thankfully the cab driver knew where Odyssey was. On the way, Angel was full of questions but I needed time to think. I’d been relieved when Clark had said there was nothing between Ava and Lucas. But then Scott’s words resurfaced from my memory and I simply couldn’t understand why he would insinuate there was something going on between them. I had to deflect Angel’s questions as we made our way to the club until Chad intervened and distracted Angel by asking her about her father’s continued progress since his heart attack.

  I was still confused when we pulled up outside the club. As Chad paid the driver, I saw a car pulling into a reserved parking space, right outside the entrance. A black Lexus SUV. Lucas!

  “Guys, get down!” I called, as I ducked my head down low.

  “What?” Angel replied, turning her head to look around outside.

  “Lucas has just pulled up and I don’t want him to see us. Just hide, quickly!” I hissed impatiently.

  “You’ve got some explaining to do, lady,” Angel muttered, as she and Chad ducked down next to me.

  “I know. Just not right now,” I whispered.

  A couple of minutes later, I cautiously lifted my head and peeked over at Lucas’ car. It was empty so I sat up and the others joined me. As we got out of the cab, I spotted the driver looking at me with raised eyebrows. I ignored him and asked Angel and Chad to give Lucas a few minutes to clear security before we entered the building.

  We cautiously sidled up to the entrance and I was relieved to see no sign of him. We entered the first reception area containing the large oak desk. I recalled Scott looking up at a camera and flashing a key card over a panel in the wall next to a door. I walked over and looked up at the camera. Nothing. I looked up into the other corner at the second camera and waited. Still nothing.

  “What are you doing, Issy?” whispered Angel.

  “There’s a manned security desk in the next room. When I came with Scott, he looked into the camera and used a key card to open the door.”

  “Well, we don’t have a key card,” said Chad. “So how do we get in?”

  “I’ve no idea. Stand here until someone comes, I guess.” I shrugged.

  “Great,” he replied sarcastically.

  We waited for a several minutes before a beep sounded, followed by a click. The door opened and a guy wearing PVC fetish gear came through.

  “Thanks,” I called cheerfully, flashing him a large grin as I caught the door to prevent it closing. He looked uncertain but my confident façade seemed to put him at ease and he continued outside.

  We entered the inner reception area quietly and cautiously. The large reception desk that had been manned by the raven-haired beauty when I’d visited with Scott was deserted. Was she Ava? I scanned the room. Both doors that led off it were closed. I recalled which door led through to the club and that the other door led to a room full of security monitors.

  “What now?” hissed Angel.

  I shrugged. “We see if we can be that lucky again?” I suggested, knowing it was unlikely.

  Just then, the door to the security room opened and a huge guy, looking like a bodybuilder who’d been poured into a suit t
hat was a size too small, appeared—filling the doorway completely.

  “Can I help you?” he asked, his voice a deep, rumbling growl as his eyes bored into mine.

  I smiled instinctively although I knew that no amount of girly flirtatiousness was going to win this guy over. “We’d like to become members of the club, please.”

  He continued to stare and said nothing. If his intention was to silently intimidate us into retreat, he almost achieved it.

  “Come on, Issy,” said Chad, quietly. He sounded so uncomfortable.

  I squared my shoulders and returned Mr. Intimidating’s gaze. “No, Chad. We came here to become members and that’s what we’ll do if this helpful gentleman will kindly assist us. When I visited with a member, I was told it would be no problem to join.”

  Nothing . . . we were at a stalemate.

  I was racking my brain for ideas and coming up empty, when suddenly his huge bulk moved towards the other door. He blocked out my view but I heard a beep and then he was pulling the door open.

  “Don’t move,” he growled as he moved forward.

  I didn’t plan to but as the door began to close behind him, I saw Lucas standing in the distance. And it looked very much as though he had a woman draped over him. Without thinking, I shot forward and grabbed the door handle just as it was about to close. I yanked it back open a little and squeezed inside. I heard Angel’s surprised cry before I heard the door close.

  It looked as though the doorman was heading for Lucas, but his sheer size was obscuring my view. I skirted along the wall to the side to improve my view. My heart began to hammer in my chest as I realized that Lucas was standing with his arms around a tall woman with long, dark hair. The lighting wasn’t fantastic but I could see he was stroking her hair. It looked as though she was upset.

  The Incredible Hulk reached them and I saw her lift her head but she didn’t move out of Lucas’ arms. A few moments later, I saw Lucas shake his head and the big guy turned and began to make his way back to the door. Crap!


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