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Hunting Truth (Orion the Hunter Part Four)

Page 16

by J. D. Chase

  I watched his face as the denim cleared the top of my waxed mound. As I continued to push it down with incredible slowness, I saw his eyes widen the moment he realized I wasn’t leaving on my panties. I only got about another inch further before I saw him snap. Quick as a flash, he pushed me back on to the bed and grabbed the bottom of my jeans. He tugged impatiently, cursing ‘damn skinny jeans’, before he finally managed to tug them all the way off. I lay, legs spread where they’d fallen, exposing myself to him completely. He looked like a wolf stalking his prey as he advanced. My whole body was tingling with delicious anticipation.

  I shrieked as he unexpectedly grasped me by my waist and lifted me. In one fluid motion, he sat and lay me face down across his lap. He caressed my butt cheeks before suddenly spanking each cheek in quick succession. My head lifted as a squeal left my lips. Immediately, a firm hand pushed it back down so that my face was pressed into the bed. Before I could protest, he quickly spanked each cheek twice, then continued to caress them. I was shocked then confused. The pain was sharp when he spanked—especially since I’d not been expecting it. But then the warm sensation that followed was actually very arousing . . . as my dripping wet pussy could testify.

  As if reading my mind, I felt his hand dip between my legs, probing my wetness. A low growl conveyed his pleasure—as did the hardness I could feel under my stomach. I was stunned. Who’d have thought that having your ass spanked could be such a turn on—for us both? The gentle caresses that followed were nice but I found myself longing for the firm smack of his palm against my soft skin again. But he just kept on rubbing the skin until he whispered, “Oh Issy, I wish you could see how beautiful you are. Your ass is the color of your flushed face when you’re in the midst of an orgasm.”

  Pride flared through me that he found the sight of me so appealing. I loved pleasing him and I loved learning how unexpected acts could make me so horny. Right then, all I wanted was him inside me but I knew better than to try to rush him. He’d only deny me for longer and besides, I knew he could judge the timings of my needs perfectly. His hands had moved to my back now and the shiver elicited by his fingertip trailing down the length of my spine interrupted my thoughts.

  “Oh, what to do with you?” he mused quietly as his fingers continued to trail up and down my spine.

  Abruptly, he slapped my butt and instructed me to kneel on the floor and avert my eyes. Silently, I obeyed and knelt on the hard wooden floor, keeping my gaze firmly down as he arose and crossed the room. I heard him opening cupboards and drawers and moving around their contents.

  I didn’t hear him returning until I saw his feet approaching. “Get up onto the bed. Lie face down, ass up.”

  I scrambled onto the bed on all fours without looking at him. My mind was racing with possibilities. What’s he taken from the cupboards? What’s he going to do to me? I closed my eyes as I lowered my head so that I couldn’t look at him. He quickly slipped a blindfold over my head once I’d stilled. I’d gotten used to it now and, rather than feeling apprehensive, I felt calmed when he blindfolded me. I knew I was safe and that whatever was to come, I didn’t need to see—only feel. In fact, when I couldn’t see, I’d found that my other senses grew keener so that the sensations I felt would be maximized.

  I slid my hands forward, dipped my back and crossed my ankles as I’d seen submissives do in the club upstairs. Lucas sat next to me and I felt silky rope encircling my wrists, then my knees and finally my ankles. I felt him stand up then heard faint sounds from somewhere in the room but I had no clue what he was doing until I heard a match flare. Seconds later, I could smell the sulfur-rich smoke and knew he’d extinguished it. I assumed he was lighting scented candles as he had before in his apartment.

  I was idly wondering whether that was what I’d smelled in the hallway outside when I felt something hot on my ass cheek. I flinched but it cooled instantly. Then nothing. I had no idea where Lucas was or what I’d felt. I was beginning to think I’d imagined it when it happened again. And again. Then nothing until I felt a quantity of hot liquid land and run down my skin until it cooled and was halted. I realized then that he was dripping hot candle wax onto my skin. The next quantity was poured into the cleft between my ass cheeks. It stung sharply as it ran down over my asshole, which promptly clenched at the outrage of it, and towards my pussy. I found myself longing for it to reach but it cooled and solidified before it could.

  Confusion raged in my head. Lucas was inflicting pain—albeit minor and short-lived—on to my skin and I found myself wanting more. Just like when he’d spanked me. More than that, it made me incredibly horny. Did wanting my ass spanked and hot wax to drip or run onto my pussy make me a pervert? Another hot river of wax running down my cleft interrupted my thoughts and I decided that I really didn’t care whether it made me a pervert or not. I just wanted more of it. Again the wax stopped short of my pussy and it clenched in anticipation or frustration—probably both—and I could feel my wetness reaching the top of my thighs.

  “Don’t move,” Lucas whispered in that velvety voice that almost made me clench again.

  I felt him place what I assumed was the candle at the top of my ass cleft. Then I felt his tongue travel from near the base of my spine to the back of my neck. I shivered in delight and then gasped as I felt more hot wax run on to my skin. “Don’t move,” he repeated. Easy for you to say! But the knowledge that I had a lit candle balanced on my ass as I knelt on a flammable bed helped me to focus and prevent any movement. His tongue travelled back down my spine, then I felt his fingertips grazing the insides of my thighs—getting ever closer to my pussy. It took all of my willpower to keep still when his fingers finally reached it.

  Again, I heard a low growl when he felt my wetness. His fingers slid up and down my slit as hot wax flowed down from above. He sought out my clitoris and began to rub in a circular motion—gently at first, but then increasing the pressure—until I felt an orgasm building. Just as it almost reached its peak, he stopped abruptly and he began to caress my ass cheeks. Suddenly, his hand came crashing down against the soft flesh, the crack echoing around the room, and I only just stopped myself from jerking my ass away instinctively. Then the hand was back, caressing my hot red skin until I felt another river of wax running down and then he spanked the other cheek without warning. I gasped but managed to keep still. It was agony. And it was ecstasy—my soaked pussy was evidence of that.

  I suddenly recalled his earlier words. So that’s what he’s doing—teaching me some self-control and obedience. If I don’t control myself and obey, the candle will fall. Perhaps his methods were a little extreme but I had to hand it to him—it was a very effective approach. I began to look forward to receiving his praise that I knew would be forthcoming later. I fleetingly wondered whether he was also punishing me for jumping to conclusions about him and Ava, but I dismissed it. If I’d hurt him, I just knew he wouldn’t retaliate by inflicting pleasure through pain. I did wonder whether he was testing my trust in him. I was in a very vulnerable position at that moment and it wouldn’t work if I didn’t trust him. I hoped the fact that it was working well would reassure him that I did.

  I almost jumped as he quite roughly slid a finger inside me but immediately my needy pussy greedily clenched around it. I’ll bet he somehow knew my concentration had wavered as my thoughts wandered. As he stroked my G-spot and then began to rub my clit, I found my focus returned instantly. I had an almost overwhelming urge to push back towards him but the virtually constant stream of hot wax reminded me of the consequences if I did. All I could hear was my heavy breathing and my rapid pulse echoing in my head. I desperately needed to climax but, as before, Lucas took me right to the brink and then denied me. Frustration surged through me when he removed his fingers.

  Then those strong, talented fingers gently caressed my nipples. I dipped my back further, pushing my breasts out, taking care not to dislodge the candle. Lucas responded by pinching my puckered peaks sharply. I gasped and sighed with pleasure as
lightning bolts of desire shot to my sex, although it edged my thwarted orgasm closer. Oh yes, he knew exactly what he was doing as he pinched and rolled my aching nipples relentlessly. I could feel my orgasm building quickly, although I tried hard to keep it at bay by breathing deeply and attempting to think of mundane things like color schemes and fabrics.

  I was barely clinging on when I heard Lucas growl, “Don’t come” into my ear. I felt like shouting that I was trying my hardest and that if he wasn’t remorselessly driving my body towards its badly needed euphoric release, I’d have half a chance. I took huge gulping breaths and concentrated solely on regulating my breathing and ignoring the hot wax that was now running down on to my pussy, his rough treatment of my nipples, and the blissful sensations they were creating. Without warning, he pinched and held both nipples and, just as I felt the stream of hot wax reach my clit, he released them and, as I gasped when the blood surged back into them, urged me to come for him. I’m not sure whether I’d have been able to resist coming anyway but I gladly gave in and cried out repeatedly as my body bucked and writhed as my denied orgasm raged and ravaged my senses. He’d certainly managed to shut the world out because, at that moment, the place could have been on fire and I wouldn’t have moved. He had wound my desire into a tightly coiled spring and nothing could stop it unravelling deliciously until I lay there, spent and sated, feeling all warm inside.

  I heard Lucas chuckle quietly as he ran his fingertips up and down my spine. “You are something else, Issy Prince. I pushed past what I thought would be your limits and you valiantly held on. I love how you can come from breast stimulation. You have a body that was made for pleasuring and for giving pleasure. I could happily watch you come over and over. I must arrange for mirrors to be strategically placed in the playroom so I can see your face every time. You are never more beautiful than when you orgasm. It gives me more pleasure just watching you than it does when I come. And that’s something I never thought I’d hear myself say.”

  I grinned happily as he leaned over me and kissed my forehead. “But if you think I’m not going to come, you’re very much mistaken,” he said, huskily. I felt him remove the silk rope from my ankles and knees but not my wrists, nor did he remove the blindfold. My body was limp and almost lifeless when I felt him slide his hands underneath me and lift me. I giggled as I felt the now solid wax crack and break when he rolled me towards his chest so I was face up. “Let’s see how long it takes to stop you laughing,” that deep, velvety voice said before his lips came crashing down on mine.

  His kiss was urgent and conveyed his desire. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth as the kiss deepened and deepened until we were devouring each other hungrily, teeth clashing and lips bruising. My whole body responded, leaving me light-headed and breathless. I clumsily slipped my bound wrists over his head and tried to pull his head in still closer. It was as though our lives depended upon that kiss. Nothing else mattered—all the recent dramas ceased to exist. It was just as I’d requested: We were truly alone, leaving the world behind and retreating into a bubble of us. Just us. I felt myself reconnecting with him and the distance I’d felt between us melted away. I loved that man with every fiber of my being and all that mattered was pleasing him. I wanted to leave him satisfied and in no doubt of my feelings for him and my trust in him. “Fuck. Me. Lucas,” I punctuated each word with a firm kiss on his lips. “I need to feel you inside me, filling me, owning me, loving me. Any way you want, but I want it right now!”

  I felt his body stiffen slightly and he pulled his head back sharply. I worried that I’d said something wrong when he walked across the room and set me down on my feet, slipping his head out of my arms. I felt his loss instantly. I felt bereft. Then I heard the door open and close and my worst fears were realized. He’d left me there alone. I might have removed my blindfold but I was rooted to the spot in confusion. Where’s he gone? Why? Have I overstepped the mark that much by dictating to him? Surely a corrective spanking would be more appropriate.

  The sound of the door opening again dispersed my thoughts. Then I heard the sound of scraping and realized that something heavy was being dragged into the room. Prickles of apprehension travelled up the back of my neck, making the hairs there stand on end. I jumped when I felt the rope that bound my wrists tug gently and then more firmly, pulling my hands out in front of me. I stumbled slightly when the tension on my wrists caused me to move forward. I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt his hands on me. I’d recognize that touch anywhere. He didn’t speak. He ushered me forward until felt something cool and solid press against the tops of my thighs. Swiftly, he bent me forward and I gasped when my front touched the same cool, hard surface so that my top half was lying on it.

  I figured that I was bent over a table as my wrists were pulled out in front and secured. Next my ankles were spread and secured, presumably to the table legs. I felt Lucas run his fingertips up the insides of my legs, from my ankles to my sex, then up along the crack of my ass and along my spine to my neck. I shivered in delight and also in anticipation of what was to come . . . well, apart from Lucas!

  I heard him walk away and the sound of drawers opening and closing, then he was back. I felt his presence behind me for several moments before I felt his fingers rub my clit gently. They were cold and moist but almost as soon as they withdrew, I felt a tingling warmth. Oooh . . . clitoral stimulation gel! Almost immediately, I felt cold, wet fingers against the puckered skin of my ass. I attempted to pull away instinctively, but I was bound to the table too tightly to move. My senses reeled at the invasion . . . I was torn—it felt so wrong and yet so pleasurable in a primal animalistic sense. It was forbidden, dirty and degrading . . . and it was soooo good that I would’ve pushed back against his fingers if I’d been able.

  Suddenly, I felt confusion. What’s he doing rubbing clitoral stimulant on my ass? What will it do? But then I realized that it wasn’t warming and tingling like on my clit. The probing continued but then it felt different—firmer and deeper—until I felt it slip inside completely. I gasped as my puckered ring responded by gripping it firmly. I groaned involuntarily as I felt the weight pulling down inside me and I knew I’d been butt plugged. Oh goody . . . he’s going to fuck my pussy while I’m wearing it. I recalled how deliciously full and stretched that felt. But I was very mistaken.

  He began to pull the plug until I felt it pop out, despite my muscles attempting to hang on to it. Then in it slid again. Then out. In and out . . . in and out . . . until I was moaning almost constantly and resisting the urge to demand that he fucked me. My heart was racing and my breathing ragged. I was glad for the support of the table because my knees felt weak, especially when the plug fucking continued and he grazed his fingertip across my burning clit. My body trembled as it sought its much needed release. Then Lucas leaned over me, growled and nipped the back of my shoulder. That did it! I arched my back (the only movement I was capable of) as I climaxed wildly, screaming “Fuck! Fuck! Ohhhhh fuck, Lucas!”

  Just as my muscles were relaxing, I felt the plug being removed. “Oh my God, look at that ass!” Lucas marveled, the admiration in his voice clear. Pride flowed through me at his words, although I could barely get my breath. What that man did to my body should be illegal . . . actually, it probably is in certain parts of the world, I reasoned. My brain registered him walking away from me. Almost instantly, the introduction of Alice Cooper’s Poison filled the room and he was back, gripping my hips as he muttered, “This track came to mind the first time we met—and almost every time since. I’m caught in your web, Issy. Your delightful poison has infected me to my core, invaded my every waking thought—and several nocturnal ‘incidents’ that I couldn’t control. I’ve wanted to invade every part of you for some time . . . I’m almost there but not quite.”

  Before I could fully consider the ramifications of his words, I felt moist firmness against my pucker once again. I opened my mouth to plead against the use of the butt plug again so soon but stopped abruptly whe
n I realized it wasn’t a butt plug that was increasingly pushing against me. It was Lucas’ magnificent cock! I must’ve looked quite a sight with my mouth gaping wide open in shock as a metaphoric light bulb lit up over my head. I’d felt conflicted about a butt plug in my ass, but the knowledge that his penis was about to enter my forbidden hole caused my whole body to tense in silent protest.

  “Relax, Issy. If you thought the plug felt good, just wait until you feel me inside you. Give in to your deepest, darkest desires. I promise you it’ll be worth it. If you don’t like it, just tell me to stop and I will, but I know you’re going to love it. Don’t let the prudish conventions of an old-fashioned society prevent you from experiencing all that our unity is capable of. I want to own every part of you and you want me to. Don’t you?”

  As he spoke, he pushed, gently increasing the pressure as I listened to his sincere speech. “Don’t you?” he repeated, just as the head of his cock slipped past my ring. I gasped in shock and delicious deviant desire as my ass gripped his cock firmly. The sensation that followed was indescribable. “Yes,” I heard myself cry and I realized he was right. Why should society’s outdated rules dictate what was acceptable and what wasn’t between two consenting adults? I felt myself relaxing as Lucas pulled the head of his cock back, then forward slightly, then back. I heard a noise and thought for an instant that we’d been interrupted by someone but I realized that it was a low, guttural moan emanating from the depths of my own throat. Such was the dark pleasure generated by the rim of his cock locking with my ring and then pulling back, then repeating, over and over, just as he had with the plug.


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