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The Rakehell Regency Romance Collection Volume 2

Page 57

by MacMurrough, Sorcha

  He kissed her hand and they turned their attention to the meal.

  "My, this is delicious," she said after her first bite.

  "I never had anything this good in all my time on the Continent," Will agreed.

  They ate hungrily for some time. When his plate was clean, he looked at the pot hopefully.

  "Any more?" he asked.

  "I think we can manage and still leave them a goodly portion."

  She ladled out two more portions, and they ate bread and cheese and roast beef, and had the honey and jam on another slice of bread each.

  "More wine?"

  "Yes, please, seeing as it's my birthday."

  They listened to the hail thrumming on the roof. Thunder rumbled overhead, and they could hear a sharp crackle of lightning nearby. "I hope they people who live here are all right. And our driver and the horses."

  "Aye. I wonder how far they bolted before he managed to pull them up."

  She shrugged. "With any luck, not too far. But I doubt he'll find us here. It's off the road, and the storm is pretty fierce."

  Will got up and opened the door a tiny fraction. He slammed the portal again and secured the latch tightly as it rattled and almost flew ajar again.

  "It's as black as night out there. I doubt our cottagers here will be coming back now."

  "We must have missed a village along the way. They're probably visiting some friends."

  "True. All Hallow's is a big festival in Ireland, for the Catholics in particular. They all make apple tarts and visit. That's probably where they went, and this was to be their supper."

  "Well, until the storm lets up, this is our cottage. So I would suggest that we take off our shoes and have a rest," she said with a small yawn.

  "Aye, I'm pretty sleepy after that fine meal."

  He knelt and unlaced her boots. From there it seemed the most natural thing in the world to take off her damp stockings, and from there to play with the lace-edged openings of her drawers.

  "Oh, this reminds me of the cave," she gasped.

  "Me too."

  "But do we dare…"

  "I latched the door. It'll be all right. I need you, Elizabeth, so very much."

  She nodded. "And we've waited so long."

  "Too long."

  "I love you."

  "And I you, my darling wife."

  He carefully removed her drawers, and then her green crushed velvet gown, and finally her chemise.

  All she wore now were her bracelets, and he kissed the tender inner flesh of her wrists as she moved her hands over his shoulders to take off his frock coat, waistcoat, stock, cravat and shirt.

  Their eyes never left each other as they surrendered to the desire held in check for so long. She touched his necklet lightly, and allowed her hand to descend to the waistband of his trousers.

  With a bit of help she soon had him completely naked, and then she knelt before him on the bed almost worshipfully and grasped him lightly in her hands. His hard palms came up to caress her breasts.

  In an instant they were licking, nuzzling and kissing each other frantically, long devouring kisses and langorous strokes, making time stand still for them both. He yanked the sheets and blankets down to the foot of the bed and laid her down upon the feather tester.

  With a warm smile, Will hauled her legs over his shoulders and inhaled her perfume before burying his tongue inside her. One thumb rubbed her rosy little nub, and before she could even protest at his most remarkable kiss, she felt the familiar surge between her thighs and grasped his head.

  His hard chin pressed into her as he laved her and teased with his fingers until he was certain she could not be any more ready for him. Her breath was coming in great shuddering gasps, and he slid up toward the pillows and kissed her hard.

  Elizabeth received his tongue between her parted lips. Even as she did so the massive head of his manhood was received in turn by her tender quivering flesh. With one hoarse cry echoing in her own throat, he filled her.

  She gasped and sobbed at the passion exploding inside her like a rainbow. She hung onto Will for dear life. The storm outside seemed to fill the hut as they writhed, panted and twisted, showering each other with love in a tempestuous coming together which had no beginning and no end.

  "Will! Will!" she panted, as the pressure built even higher.

  "Elizabeth, my love."

  They soared and soared. Their souls took flight in a blaze of golden light, the molten core of their joining sparking with joy and new life.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  A mild wind whistled over the rustling grasses. The storm had passed at last, leaving everything sparkling and green. In the distance a curlew piped his morning tune.

  Off in another field a cow lowed mournfully, waiting to be milked. A few sheep bleated and tinkled their bells, and at last the rooster bestirred himself to give his usual greeting to the dawn.

  At the cock's crowing Will and Elizabeth sat bolt upright, clutching the sheets to their bosoms as they scrambled out of bed. Except there were no sheets, and no feather bed.

  They stared at each other in horror, for they were both stark naked and lying on a huge triangular stone slab.

  "The house?" she gasped.

  "Our clothes?"

  He swung down off the huge stone altar and found the garments spread out upon the grass, his and hers mingled, their shoes a short distance away. He touched one tentatively, and discovered that despite the dewy morning, they were dry. And despite the season, the weather was warm enough. Or was it the stone?

  Elizabeth gazed at her husband as she sat on the altar. The spark he had come to know and love flickered in her eyes again.

  He shook his head. "Oh, no, love, we can't. Your back, the cold."

  She pulled him up onto the stone with a strength born of rampant desire, and flattened him, stretching out his arms as though he were a captive about to be sacrificed. Then she sat astride his huge throbbing manhood, and pressed her hips down hard.

  "Gods above, Elizabeth!"

  He had already begun to climax, but her hand reaching behind to grasp the tender flesh at the top of his thighs made him thrust up with a bellow until she was sure she was being impaled.

  "Will! Give me all of you!"

  He grasped her waist and pushed her down while he lunged even further. "You have all of me, forever."

  He watched her climax as the dawn rose in the east. Her head was thrown back, her hair cascading out in the breeze and spilling down over her magnificent breasts and both their thighs. He reached out to touch it, stroking her rosy nipples through the long silky tresses. Her hair?

  When he was finally able to move again, he kissed her petal-soft lips and stroked her ivory skin and raven locks. He felt no fear, no cold, nothing except the pure joy of the love they had shared. He stroked down her bare back, her arm, down to the wrist, and touched her bracelet. Touched the stone.

  It was all real. Not a dream. She was his. They had loved each other all night, over and over in a blaze of glory.

  Now it was dawn, and he knew with absolute certainty that this would be just the first night and morning of many. He felt peace within for the first time since he could remember, since…

  "You were arrested and thrown in prison."

  "That's right," he said in wonder.

  "You're free now. Free to come out of the dark and into the light."

  Will nodded and kissed her, his heart too full to speak.

  Some time later, the rising wind began to nip at their bare flesh, and they ceased their wild lovemaking at last and rose from their granite couch.

  They began to dress each other as carefully as they had undressed the night before. He tied her last bootlace and then he straightened and kissed her. She melted into his arms, and not for the first time he murmured, "You feel so wonderful. This is magical."

  "It is indeed," she sighed.

  "But we'll need to walk to Waterford to see if we can find a conveyance to take us back to

  "I'm sure we'll be provided for. We have thus far."

  "Yes, most remarkable. I've never—"

  She put a finger to his lips, and he kissed it. "Some things should never, can never be talked about. Like the cave."

  He nodded. He took her arm, and with one last look at the huge monument, which Vanessa Stone had told them was called a dolmen, they made their way back to the road.

  Elizabeth had taken a few steps when she felt herself break out into a cold sweat, and her head swam.

  "Are you all right, love?" Will gasped, holding her closely against him as he dropped to his knees with his tender burden.

  "Fine. Fine." She smiled at him, and he kissed her, hearing her thoughts as surely as if she had spoken them aloud. I love you.

  He helped her to her feet, and they strode down the road once more. They had only taken a few more steps when they heard a cart heading toward them, bound for Waterford. They were able to secure a lift, and arrived at The King's Arms just as the clock struck ten.

  They found their driver Griffiths waiting for them, and so they left word they would be ready to leave at two.

  They broke their fast in a small coffee house, devouring hot rolls and marmalade with coffee like two starving people.

  There were few patrons about so early after the lashing storm of the previous night, and so they were not ashamed to show their affection. They kissed the marmalade from each other's lips and she stroked his golden hair which flowed down over his collar to his shoulders.

  Will caught sight of himself in a shop window and started. "But I thought-"

  She put one hand up to her own hair, which flowed down to her knees. "First on the list are some ribbons for both of us."

  He kissed her left hand and touched her wedding ring. Eternal love. The circle completed. All restored to its former glory.

  "All that's worth having, yes."

  He looked down at her and nodded. "And Vevina and Parks, and the children?"

  "We have to trust in the gods. Not tempt fate, or try to control it."

  They strode through the old town, founded by the Vikings many centuries before. "And one of the first places the English ever invaded," Will told her.

  "I remember."

  "Aye, I do too."

  She shuddered as she looked up at the tall tower which soared over the market square. "I think we need to leave this place."

  He shivered with dread as well. "Aye. It's a place of such loss and despair."

  They returned to the hotel and found their driver. He was happy to head home early. "After yesterday's storm, I don't fancy riding along that stretch of road at night ever again."

  They returned home, checked that all was well with their house guests, and surprised them all by announcing they were going to bed.

  "We thought you were feeling better," Parks said worriedly.

  "We are."

  "Then why—"

  "If you have to ask, lad, you're better off not knowing." Will gave him a broad grin, and swung his wife up into his arms and carried her off.

  A scalding bath and a great deal of fun with the soap had them gasping for one another. He pulled his wife out of the tub and lay her on the bed without even troubling to dry her off. Her soaking flesh inside and out soon had him gliding deeply within her. With her hips at the edge of the bed, he set up a controlled but driving rhythm which soon had her begging for more, and pleading for him to take his own pleasure within her.

  "Pleasure doesn't even begin to describe it, my lovely Elizabeth."

  She grabbed his buttocks and scooted off the bed, and then they were suspended in a timeless soaring, the rainbow-like radiance filling the room.

  Will raised his head with a groan and looked around. The bed looked as though a hurricane had swept through it.

  He felt around for his wife. He realised he had been sleeping with his head upon her stomach. He listened to her heartbeat, and then thought he heard an echo. His own, surely.

  But no, it was more faint, and very very rapid. He shook his head. He had to be imagining things.

  One thing he didn't imagine was how delectably warm she was, and the joys of waking up in a proper bed instead of an ancient Celtic altar. Not that it hadn't been splendid, but…

  His hand moved between her thighs, and soon she was in the throes of the most exquisite pleasure. Her body and mind ceased to be her own as he teased her with his mouth and hands until at last she could stand it no more and just gave in to the delight.

  "It's not fair. One touch from you and I melt," she panted.

  "It's fair. I love to watch you. You're so lovely."

  "Can't I watch you?"

  "As much as you like, darling, if you can manage to keep your eyes open."

  "That's the trouble. I can't," she admitted with a sigh.

  "Try. It'll be fun."

  Her eyes flashed. "It might be even more fun to see if you can make me close them."

  He grinned. "I might just take you up on that challenge."

  He won in the end. But then they both did.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Autumn gave way to winter on the southern coast of Ireland. The balmy breezes of October were transformed into fierce storms in November.

  Will was glad, for surely only madmen would try to put to sea to invade in such weather. Vevina agreed with him. They were safe for now. The subject of the hidden muskets remained a secret for the time being, and they made lavish plans to celebrate the holiday season in December.

  Will had hoped to try to work on renovating Joyce Hall, but Elizabeth had been most insistent that they were truly home at Ellesmere Manor. He had given in because above all he had wanted to make her happy. He had gradually moved over more and more of his things into the Manor, and their room was now a secret haven of delights just as the cave had been.

  Every day and night together Will grew more and more in love with his wife. There was nothing he wouldn't do to make her every dream come true. For she most certainly had his. One look from her was enough to enrapture him. He felt as though he couldn't even breathe without her by his side.

  Elizabeth couldn't have been happier. Ever moment with Will was a revelation. She knew what it was to love and be loved without reservation for the first time in her life. Her certainty of a child growing within her made her joy complete, and put into the shadows her near-death experience.

  Since the couple were now looking so well, and were so obviously ardent for one another, the family group decided it was high time they were left on their own for a proper honeymoon.

  Vevina and Stewart packed up themselves and the children, and Mitchell and Baines worked with the stewards from both estates to run things smoothly in order give each couple the opportunity to enjoy some leisure for the first time in ages.

  The harvest season was the best it had been for years, Mr. Phelps said, and the tenants were well provided for. They were also eagerly learning how to read thanks to the organization and energy of pretty but formidable Miss Penelope Nolan.

  Parks and Monroe packed up their things from both houses, and departed Ellesmere Manor for a time, with assurances that they would not miss Christmas with Will and his wife for the world.

  "I don't know how much leave we can get, but if we go check on things and work very hard, we'll be back some time around the twentieth, if that's all right with you," Parks said.

  "You know you're welcome here any time. You are truly my brother, in life as in arms."

  The reserved Monroe shook hands and said a short farewell, but Parks gave Will a huge bear hug, then embraced Elizabeth, Vevina and Stewart and the children with tears in his eyes, and departed without his usual flamboyance.

  "He's changing already," Will sighed.

  "No, just growing up, Brother," Vevina said with a smile. "Just as you have. Nothing like the arrogance of youth. But it all gets tempered by life's hard lessons in the end."

  "I don't think I was ever that arrogant," Will s
aid with a shake of his head.

  "Oh, you were. Yours was genuine. His is put on. He has a lot to live up to."

  "He will."

  She nodded. "Thanks to you."

  Will looked doubtful, but his sister kissed him and then his wife took his hand and squeezed it.

  "And now, if you'll forgive us," Stewart said, "we're going home to the Castle and leaving you two alone for a couple of weeks. I think you can be trusted not to overdo things or get into any scrapes. I for one am getting a bit tired of having to knock on every door in the house to make sure it's safe to enter. I know you were in the Army for a long time, lad, but surely you remember what a bedroom is for?"


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