Dark Matter of the Mind
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11. F2 and F3 refer to the second and third formants of the spectrographic representation or acoustic effects of producing sounds.
12. Ironically, there is an excellent neuroscientific study of emotions, Patricia Churchland (2012), which is all too often neglected by the proponents of nativist approaches to morality.
13. This is not referring to attempts to apply an original analysis crosslinguistically on the assumption that it must be universal. There are a multitude of studies that assume that structures found in one language will be found in another for principled reasons. Those principles might derive from UG (though this does not mean that the analysis could not have otherwise been done without appeal to UG). Or they might derive from functional reasons (communication ease, computational efficiency, meaning driving syntax, etc.). Using UG (or any other theory or set of hypotheses) as a source of ideas is fine and useful, but unless some UG principle leads to a particular analysis—one that cannot be captured under non-UG assumptions and otherwise accepted by most linguists, regardless of theoretical assumptions—UG is not causally implicated in the analysis.
14. For example, Rebecca Saxe’s lab (Bedney et al. 2011) shows that the “visual cortex” can be used for language in visually impaired subjects.
Chapter Ten
1. Frankly, I am not sure how this characterization of religions differs from scientific theories.
2. But cf. LeDoux (2015) for a very different view of the neuroscientific understanding of human emotions.
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