Book Read Free


Page 4

by Unknown

  “That bad, huh.” Macgregor suppressed a smile, taking a sip of his coffee. “It’s definitely an affair.”

  “All right, Master Yoda.” Jordan sighed, holding up his coffee cup. “Assuming you’re right – what the hell am I supposed to do now?”

  “Some action - you’ve got to get - of your own, young padawan.” The red headed sales manager held out his arms wide. “Fish in the seas - loads of - there are.”

  “You mean…” His gray eyes went wide in disbelief.

  “Yeah, Dave, find someone to even the score with.” Macgregor inspected his nails with disinterest.

  “You’re kidding.” Jordan looked shocked. “I’m not going to cheat on my wife.”

  “Well, she’s probably already playing the field there.” He shrugged and looked at his limited edition Rolex wristwatch.

  “Fuck you, Mack.” Jordan leaned back and stared at the coffee cup. “We’re just taking that as a possibility.”

  “Yeah, a very likely one.” Macgregor eyed his friend with amusement. “What is she – about twenty five…?”

  “Twenty four.”

  “And she’s one hot looking woman.” The redhead grinned widely.

  “She sure is.” Jordan nodded with a sense of pride.

  “All right, and she’s lost interest in sex?” Macgregor made an expression of incredulity. “…no way, Davey boy, she’s lost interest in you more likely.”

  “I was thinking more of trying new ways to win back her interest…” Jordan said thoughtfully. “…or work out her problems.”

  “Sure, be the mule and do all the hard work.” Macgregor almost sneered. “While she has a great time at your expense.”

  “Damn it, Mack, you don’t even know her.” He waved a clenched fist at the redhead.

  “From where I’m sitting, it looks like you don’t either.” The other chuckled softly.

  “That’s what I need to do… talk to her, find out what’s wrong.” Jordan nodded, looking away.

  “Sure, do that.” Macgregor laughed loudly. “And don’t forget to put your dick back on after your little flowery tete-a-tete.”

  “Hell, talking through a problem won’t make me any less a man.” Jordan cried defensively.

  “If that’s what you want to believe.” His friend shrugged and rolled his eyes.

  “Mack, you’re fucking crazy.” Jordan shook his head in dismay.

  “Guilty as charged.” Macgregor raised his near-empty coffee cup and bowed his head. “But just suppose I’m right and she’s banging some guy…”

  “Shut up, Mack.”

  “No, no, just hear me out…” Macgregor held out his hands defensively. “Suppose she’s doing it and you get to know, but you don’t want to ruin your marriage… best bet here is to have a tour of your own.”

  “I already said I’m not too keen about cheating on Mel.” Jordan gritted his teeth hard.

  “Just suppose, I’m saying, Dave, just suppose.” Macgregor held up his hands. “Just suppose… you have the freedom to do what she’s doing. Who’d you like to go after first?”

  “No one, Mack.” The taller man slumped back on his chair and ran his hand through his thick dark hair. “I… I’m not ready for this.”

  “Really?” Macgregor grinned, bobbing his head. “Well, I’ve got someone in mind.”

  “Who?” He looked up irritated.

  “Diana Pierce.”

  “Ha-hah-hah…” Jordan threw back his head.

  “Yeah, I have seen the way you look at her…” The redhead smiled back and held out his pinky. “I bet little Dave would kill for her affections.”

  “Oh, fuck yourself, Mack.” Jordan wiped his eyes, still laughing. “You’ve gone over the deep end.”

  “Why not, Davey boy?” Macgregor pressed on. “She’s been here over two years and there hasn’t been a day you’ve not lusted for her.”

  “Everyone lusts for Diana Pierce, Mackie…” Jordan sighed, staring into the coffee cup and swirling the last few drops around. “…even you.”

  “Yeah, she’s a regular Amazon goddess.” The redhead licked his thin lips. “And we are but mortal men.”

  “She’s off limits, idiot.” Jordan laughed again. “She’s got eyes for Saul Montello alone.”

  “Sure, why not. He owns the company and half of the city.” Macgregor shrugged indifferently. “But if you can have a shot, Dave, wouldn’t you take it?”

  “I’m married…” He replied dryly.

  “And your lovely wife’s sleeping around.” Macgregor responded just as dryly.

  “That’s just an assumption.” Jordan glared at his old friend. “Innocent until proven…”

  “Then you shouldn’t have a problem and we should be the top team this quarter again.”

  “Well, I… er… yeah.” He looked away in uncertainty.

  “Dave, you’re a mess… and you’re going to take us down with you.”

  “What the fuck am I going to do… and don’t tell me sleeping with another woman will solve anything, Mackie.”

  “Always works for me.” Macgregor puffed his chest out. “But you’re such a sensitive little angel… so why don’t you find out for sure. Keep tabs on her, follow her around, and listen in to her calls…”

  “Damn, that’s worse than cheating on her.” Jordan shook his head, ready to give up.

  “If you can’t do it, hire someone… a private dick or something.” Macgregor offered generously.

  “Where am I going to find a snoop…?”

  “I know this guy.” The redhead said importantly.

  “Why am I not surprised?” Jordan said with a sneer.

  “Cause I am the great Edmonton ‘Mack’ Macgregor.” The smaller man announced to the world. “I’ll tweet you his number later.”

  “No, scribble it on a piece of paper…” Jordan leaned in close and whispered. “…let’s do this old school.”

  “Oh, yeah… all cloak and dagger.” He raised an eyebrow and looked around surreptitiously.

  “Can’t believe I let you talk me into…” Jordan shook his head slowly.

  “Whoa, look!” Macgregor’s sharp whisper made him look up. “Here she comes.”

  “Huh-who?” He looked left and right.

  “Your Amazon Goddess.”

  Dave’s eyes went wide as he turned slightly to look over his shoulder at the woman walking into the cafeteria.

  The tall young woman moved as if in slow motion, gliding across the floor like she were on a pair of skates. The golden halo of her shining hair swirling around her beautiful face and cascading down her rounder shoulders and supple back gave her the look of an angel in flight. The form fitting dark grey business suit she wore delineated every aesthetic curve of her attractive young body, drawing every pair of eyes as a flame would a moth.

  “Earth to Captain Jordan.” Mackie whispered with a snigger. “Can anybody hear me? Come in, Jordan… before you crash this ship.”

  “Shut it, Mack.” Dave clenched his teeth, but his eyes tracked the tall, sexy woman walking past them.

  “You can have her, Dave.” The redheaded freckle face laughed softly. “All you gotta do is grow a pair.”

  “I’m fine, Mackie.” Jordan closed his eyes and sighed.

  “No, you’re killing yourself… and taking us wi…” Macgregor almost growled.

  “Yeah, I heard you say that all morning.” Jordan snapped back. “Now give me that number to your snoop… and let’s get to work.”

  “That’s the stuff.” Macgregor reached forward and patted his larger friend’s broad shoulder. “Atta boy, Davey… it’s great to have my wingman back.”

  “I’m not your fucking wingman.”


  “What the fuck… I can’t believe this.” Jordan exploded, holding the post card sized picture close to his eyes.

  “The rest of the proof’s in the package…” The small man in a jacket and baseball cap stabbed a finger at the small bundle wrapped in paper he held. />
  “I know that, pal.” Jordan said through clenched teeth, glaring at the private detective. “Alright, how much do I owe you?”

  “It’s fine… Mackie called in a favor.”

  “But I…” Jordan leaned back as the other man stood up to leave.

  “Don’t sweat it, Mr. Jordan.” The man whispered before turning away. “You’ll probably never see me again.”

  “Well, I sure hope so.” He glanced around at the near empty diner and picked up the package the detective had handed over to him.

  His hands shook as he opened the bulky envelope. The rest of the photographs were inside a plastic wrap. He was stunned by the first one the detective had shown him. He felt a sharp emptiness in his stomach. Melanie was cheating on him. But why? What was he not giving her to make her do this? And that too with another woman. Was she a lesbian? Was she one all along or did she discover it lately?

  He threw back his head and let out an exasperated laugh. The rest of the photos were of the same quality as the first one. Very poor lighting and fuzzy in some places. He could make out Melanie in the pictures but not the other woman, assuming it was the same one and the only other one. She could have had more lovers, but the one in these pictures looked the same. Most of the pictures were long shots and a few close ups of Melanie’s face. In some they were kissing, in others they were doing a lot more than kissing and fondling. The background looked like someone’s private condo in the high rent area. Probably along the coast.

  He gripped at the café table with both hands, resisting the urge to rip it off the floor. He realized his marriage was over. But why? It hurt like hell. He was still deeply in love with her, even after seeing these pictures. At least it was not another man; he took that as a consolation. But the fact she was cheating on him with another person still tore him apart. It didn’t matter who the other woman was, he couldn’t do anything about it. If it were a guy he might have slugged it out, but if it was what Melanie wanted he knew no matter what he did, he would still lose her.

  “What did I do to deserve this?” He buried his face in his palms.

  “Is everything all right, sir?” A soft voice made him jerk up.

  “Huh… oh, yes… I’m alright.” He looked up at the young doe-eyed waitress. She could be a good one to start with, he thought, but controlled himself. “Bad day at work… but I’m good, thank you.”

  “Oh, okay.” She gave him a warm smile. “Can I get you something?”

  “I’ve kind of lost my appetite.”

  “Apple pie always works.” The waitress nodded. “May I offer you a slice, on the house?”

  “Sure, why not.” He smiled at her, stuffing the photos back into the paper bag. “Thank you, Miss.”


  “Sure, I’ll thank him for you.” Macgregor’s squeaky voice sounded over the phone.

  “But you didn’t have to pay the guy for me.” Jordan protested, clutching at the paper packet as he spoke.

  “I didn’t.” His friend replied with a laugh. “He owed me. Now tell me, did he find any dirt.”

  “Uh, yeah… well, no.” Jordan’s tone went down.

  “Fuck, Dave.” Macgregor yelled. “Quit lying. I know you too well. What did he find?”

  “I don’t know.” He replied plaintively.

  “Don’t be a prick, Davey.” His friend demanded over the phone. “Spill it now.”

  “Well, yeah. She’s dirty.” Jordan admitted with a sigh.

  “Hammer-time.” He could hear the jubilation in the redhead’s voice. “The Mack is never wrong.”

  “Well, yeah.” Jordan gnashed his teeth, refraining from the urge to hurl every expletive he knew at Macgregor.

  “So do we know the guy… what are we gonna do now, bud?”

  “No, I don’t know the guy. And we are not doing anything.” Jordan whispered sharply, looking around the street as we walked up to a parked cab. “I’m going to confront Melanie and deal with it like man.”

  “Sure, I’m with you there.” Macgregor replied confidently. “And if you need to pop this guy one, I can round up the boys.”

  “I don’t need to pop anyone, Mackie.” Jordan groaned as he stepped into the cab. “Forget about this, okay. I’ll deal with it and be back to work on Monday.”

  “Whatever you say, Dave.” His friend and colleague said comfortingly. “I just want you back the way you were. Peace out.”

  Jordan switched off the phone and slipped it into his pocket. The cab turned onto his street and he made it stop half a mile away from his house. He needed to walk down the rest of the way, to think over things, to prep himself for the showdown. Stepping out, he looked up at the overcast sky and steeled himself. He wasn’t ready to let her go, and neither was he going to let anyone else have her, be it a man or woman. Melanie was his and his alone.

  When he reached the front door of his house, the lights were on inside. She was home. He opened the door and walked in, trying to appear as normal as he could.

  “Hi, honey.” He called out. “I’m home.”

  “Hi, baby.” She peered out of the kitchen. “How was the game?”

  “It was fine.” He casually tossed the keys over the table.

  “Just fine?” She looked at him intently. “Who won?”

  “I don’t know…” he scratched his head and took a beer from the fridge. “Couldn’t really focus on it, too much work pressure.”

  “You should’ve watched the game on TV, it’s more relaxing that way.” Melanie advised him casually.

  “Maybe I will from now on?” He eyed her as she busied herself around the kitchen. “I think I’ll be staying at home over the weekends more often.”

  “Sounds good, honey.” She replied, putting away a few things into the shelves. “You’re working way too hard and need to relax more.”

  “So how’s the new yoga classes you sighed up for… any good?” He asked her suddenly, watching for her reaction. “Would it work for me if I took up on it?”

  “It’s okay… a bit awkward at first.” She turned around and faced him with a smile. “You won’t have the patience for it, honey, it’s all about meditation and sitting still… and you’re such a livewire all the time.”

  “Yeah, I’m alive… a live wire.” He grinned, staring into her blue eyes. “How about we go out tomorrow for dinner?”

  “Oh, I’d love to, honey…” She looked away, wringing her dainty hands together.

  “But…” He urged her on.

  “I’m so sorry…” She looked at him almost apologetically. “I promised my book reading club I’d be doing the analytical overview on the new book by Helga Ottomeier.”

  “Book reading club?” He gave her a surprised look.

  “Yes, I found them on the internet last week.” Melanie smiled brightly, running her hands through her sandy hair. “Can you imagine, they’re right here, barely a mile away? And all this time I didn’t know.”

  “Yeah, neither did I.” Jordan grinned exaggeratedly. “Life’s so full of surprises.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” She nodded, focusing on folding the napkins.

  “So I guess I’ll be all alone in the evening on a Sunday.” He said, stretching out his arms over his head.

  “Why don’t you go out with your buddies, Dave?”

  “I see their ugly faces all week at work… I think I’ll spare myself that on the weekends.”

  “Well, you can watch something on TV then, until I get back.” She eyed him curiously.

  “Sure, TV’s good.” Ho nodded and picked up a magazine from the kitchen table. “How about some quality time tonight then.”

  “Yeah… about that… I’ve got a slight headache going on, Dave, I’m sorry.” She chewed on her lower lip and waved her hands around. “It must be from all the work I’m doing on our blog.”

  “Hey, sure – no worries.” He smiled generously, sensing her obvious discomfort. “We’ve got the rest of our lives for that.”

  “Oh, you’re so
understanding, Dave… that’s why I love you so much.” She gushed, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him on the cheek.

  “And I love you too, baby.” He smiled and caressed her arm. “You go on up to bed… I’ll just have a few more beers and think over stuff.”


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