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Page 31

by Unknown

  Expensive watercolor paintings adorned the walls, with family portraits nestled in between. I stood in front of one. It was Ronny and I with our two children – twins – right before they had left for college.

  Both Tyler and Jenny had chosen to go to school out of state. I missed my son and daughter a lot these days. I had been a stay at home mom since they were born and now that they were gone, grown up, I often wondered what I was supposed to do. Ronny didn't pay me as much attention as I would have liked. He left the house at seven thirty every morning, Monday through Friday, and most days I wouldn't see him again until after six pm. When he did come home, he would tuck himself away in his office, correcting papers or creating exams for his students. On those rare occasions my husband had free time, he was a lover of golf. He would go to play with some of the other professors and this too would see him gone for hours on end. I guess you could say that I was kind of lonely.

  In the living room that night, I lay back on the plush couch stretching myself out. I pointed the television remote at the large flatscreen mounted on the wall and began to flick through the channels. At this hour, there wasn't much on that I cared to watch. Usually I liked cookery shows, taking an interest in learning to whip up a new delight in the kitchen, or some of those terrible, but at the same time, addicticting reality shows. I searched in vain for something to pass the time but encountered only telesales, repeats and the news. Suddenly, large bouncing breasts filled the screen! Ah, the adult channels. I must admit I had always been curious about these. I lowered the volume so as not to wake Ronny. I couldn't imagine how my husband would react if he were to walk into the room to find me watching porn.

  On tv, a dark haired, big busted lady was bent over and being filled from behind by possibly the longest and thickest cock I had ever set eyes on. I couldn't stop staring at it! My husband had a big dick that I had always been crazy about but it paled in comparison to this. I loved how this one looked and how the pussy wrapped around it was stretching to accommodate its girth. How good would that feel inside of me, I thought longingly to myself. I slipped my hand under the waistband of my pyjamas and beneath my panties.

  My pussy was already wet. “Mmm!” I moaned, as I slid a finger inside my slick little slit. I imagined being bent over this couch, taking that cock. I circled my fingers over my clit. It felt so good. Ronny and I had enjoyed a passionate sex life in the past but since his latest promotion, he'd been so busy with work. I was really missing it. I was really missing being fucked. I thrust my fingers inside my pussy, transfixed on the screen. “Fuck me!” I groaned. How badly I wanted a big dick! I came, feeling the waves of orgasm throughout my entire body and lay panting on the sofa. I really need to do something about our sex life, I surmised.



  On Saturday morning, I woke to find the bed empty. My husband was an early riser and the clock on the night-stand read that it was after nine am. I crept out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. Ronny was there, sitting at the table, sipping coffee and reading the morning paper.

  “Good morning, Heather!” he greeted me. I poured myself some coffee and went to sit beside him.

  “Morning sweetie, what are your plans for today?”

  I thought that perhaps today was the day Ronny and I could reignite some of our former spark, if you know what I mean! “I'm going to play golf. There's a really important tournament on today, didn't I tell you?” was his response. Going to play golf, of course. I tried to hide my disappointment with a smile.

  “Well, have fun!” I told him and as I left the kitchen to go for my morning shower, I shouted back a good luck wish.

  In the bathroom I stripped off my clothes. The anticipation I'd been feeling when I had woken hadn't yet faded. My nipples were hard and stood out away from my body. I cupped my tits in my hands, fondling them. For a woman of forty-two, they were still pert and full. I rolled my nipples between my fingers. They were so sensitive, I loved to have them teased. From my breasts, I allowed my hands to roam down my body. I had an hourglass figure – wide hips spreading from my narrow waist. Ronny had loved to fuck me doggie style so he could see my shapely body and jiggly butt. I was by no means perfect but I thought I still looked pretty good.

  I stepped into the shower and the hot water flowed over my curves. I soaped up and as I washed over my tidily trimmed lady garden, I slid my fingers between my legs to part my lips. God, I was horny! I wondered if maybe I could seduce my husband later that evening when he returned from his golf tournament. I needed to feel a man's touch, my own just wasn't enough to fulfil my sexual want and desires anymore.



  “I'm leaving, honey! See you later, have a good day!” Ronny called up the stairs. I was sitting in front of my dressing table, doing my make up. “Bye Ronny!” I shouted back. I finished off with a touch of mascara and made my way downstairs. Maybe I could go to the mall, I thought, pick up some new sexy lingerie. When we were younger, my husband loved to see me in those skimpy thong panties whereas I favored the more comfortable bikini cut. I could surprise him by wearing a lacy thong, he would love that! The doorbell ringing interrupted my thoughts. I went to answer it.

  “Hi!” the man standing on the doorstep greeted me. He was quite a lot taller than I and muscular. He had that salt and pepper hair I found ridiculously attractive and some light stubble on his face. He held out his hand. “I'm Luther, I just moved in next door, thought I should introduce myself!”

  His handshake was firm but warm. “Hi Luther, I'm Heather” I smiled. I invited him in for coffee. I figured I didn't have anything more pressing to do and I liked to make newcomers to the neighborhood feel welcomed. Ronny always said I was too trusting and shouldn't allow strangers into our home. I preferred to think the best of people.

  I guided Luther to the kitchen and he sat at the breakfast bar. “So Luther, where have you moved from?” I questioned. He told me that him and his wife had just divorced, that they'd been living in Boston for the last twenty years where she was originally from and now he'd decided to return home.

  “I'm sorry to hear of your divorce.”

  “Don't be!” he chuckled, “It's for the best. We're both a lot happier now!”

  I passed a freshly brewed coffee to him and he smiled a thank you. “What about you? Married, single, divorced?”

  “Married.” I answered. The smile on his face crumpled. “Oh, that's a shame!” he replied. The cheeky glint in his eye said it all. I flushed. “Don't be embarrassed, Heather! I was just kidding! Though you are a very beautiful woman and if you'd said single, I probably would have asked you out on a date with me.”

  I loved his confidence – the way he just said whatever he thought. He was very charismatic and I found myself wanting to get to know more about him. “Well thanks for the coffee!” Luther said, standing up from his stool. “I suppose I'd better go meet some of the other neighbors, though I doubt they'll be quite as nice as you!”

  He winked at me and together we walked to the front door. “If you ever need anything, you know where I am!” I said, hoping he'd return soon. He left and I closed the door after him. My plan of going underwear shopping at the mall was abandoned seemingly. This quick meeting with a handsome man had me totally distracted. It must have been the most male attention I'd had in quite some time and it was certainly having an effect on me. I felt momentarily guilty for the feelings I was having. I was a married woman after all but this guilt was easily overridden when I reminded myself of how little interest my husband showed in me.

  Luther was definitely a good looking man. As soon as I had opened the door, I'd noticed how striking he was. He had a chiseled jawline and such a wonderful smile. When he'd hoisted himself on to the stool in the kitchen, my gaze had descended to his crotch. He was wearing blue jeans that day but they'd been rather tight fitting and I was pleased to see what appeared to be a large bulge there. Alone now, my dirty mind was conjuring images of what lay beneath. I thoug
ht about opening his jeans, pulling them down. I wanted to reveal his thick, strong thighs. I hadn't been turned on like this for as long as I could remember. I felt so naughty – thinking about a man who wasn't my husband – as I sat on the edge of our bed and spread my legs for myself.

  I could imagine Luther's boner, rock hard, straining against the material of his boxers. I wanted him to look down at me as I knelt before him and released his cock. I had my dress pushed up and I shifted my panties to the side so that I could touch my desperate cunt. I was wet, of course. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. Mmm, to have his dick in my mouth! I stroked my clit. I felt so excited thinking about another man and so filthy, getting myself off, right here on our marital bed! I started to think how hot it would be if my husband watched. “Oh fuck!” I moaned. I thought of lovely Ronny, the man to whom I had been married to for twenty years, sitting in the chair in the corner watching as Luther shoved his cock inside me. My juices were flowing down my legs now. I wanted to show my husband what he should have been giving me all along!



  My cell phone rang later that evening after I had composed myself and set about doing the mundane household chores. I was carefully ironing the crisp white shirts which Ronny wore to work when the call came through. “Hi Heather!”

  I recognised my husband's voice immediately. “Oh hi honey!” I replied, “How did the tournament go?”

  He spoke briefly about golf and asked if I'd like him to pick us up some food on his way home. “Sure! Chinese food sounds good to me! I told him, “The usual for me, please! See you soon!”

  It didn't take long for Ronny to arrive home and together we spread the food out across the table. He'd brought orange chicken, sesame chicken, shrimp, noodles, fried rice and an array of steamed vegetables. “Mmm, looks great!” I said, breathing in the delicious scent. “Shall we have some wine to go along with it?” my husband asked. I agreed. Why not! It was the weekend, right!? He went to grab a bottle from the wine cellar while I fetched the glasses from the cabinet. We sat down to eat and Ronny told me all about his day. “It was all going so well, Heather! I really thought I was going to win but then I must have done something to my shoulder because I got this terrible cramp and it really hampered my swing!”

  He said he was feeling better but that he was a little disappointed and then he asked about my day. “Oh... Nothing eventful! Just did some housework!”

  I couldn't exactly tell him that we had an unbelievably sexy new neighbor who'd visited and that I'd made myself orgasm afterward thinking about him! Even worse (or better!) – I'd orgasmed thinking about being fucked by our neighbor while Ronny watched. This new fantasy of mine got me so hot! I wasn't sure how my husband would feel about it however.

  We ate as much food as we possibly could and then the two of us snuggled up on the couch together. My husband wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of his head. He found some old movie from the 1940's on tv. I could never understand why but he loved movies in black and white. We watched and he rubbed the small of my back. “Mmmmm” I sighed happily. I had been craving this kind of affection and I was hoping for some more. I propped myself up and kissed Ronny on the lips. He kissed me back. I touched my tongue against his and moaned softly. “How about we go to bed?” I asked. “Oh well I really want to watch this film, sweetie. I'll follow you up in a while.”

  I don't know why I was surprised! It had been this way for too long. I'd feel like we were getting closer but he would reject me each time. He'd say he had some work to do or that he was tired and had to get up early. It was like when you were a kid and another kid offered you your favorite candy and just as you were about to take it from their hand, they'd shove it in their own mouth, laughing and whooping “HA-HA!”

  I went to bed alone, crawling between the sheets of our comfortable California king bed. I lay facing the side where Ronny slept, stretching my arms over to feel the cold and empty space. I closed my eyes and saw visions of Luther. I thought about what it would be like to have him here beside me. It wasn't just the fact that he was stunningly beautiful to look at that turned me on. It was the thought of having another man in the bed I shared with my husband that did it for me. Part of me wanted to betray him. I wanted to feel an unfamiliar cock and I wanted Ronny to know all about it. I wanted him to see every sordid detail, to hear me cum for another man.

  I rolled over on to my back and pulled my panties down to around my knees. Mmm, my ass felt good against that cool silk. I sucked on two of my fingers, making sure to get them good and wet and then I used them to pleasure my clit. I imagined Ronny's face as I took Luther in my mouth. “Look at me sucking on this big cock, baby!” I'd say to him. I bet he'd be humiliated. He would probably look away. If only he'd fuck me himself, he wouldn't have to see someone else do it! I orgasmed thinking of the scene and then licked my cum from my fingers. I loved how my own pussy tasted. I wished my husband felt the same.



  I must have fallen asleep because when I woke, light was flooding into the room. I was in bed alone but the sheets were crumpled and tossed on Ronny's side so he had been and gone. The clock signaled that it was eight am. Throwing my legs over the side of our bed I got up. I wondered had my husband left without so much as a goodbye. Peering out of the bedroom window, it seemed that he had. His car was already gone from the driveway. Such a dedicated professor! Tonight was the night I would teach him a lesson, I decided.

  I drank my morning coffee in the kitchen, alone. It was going to take some expert planning on my part to have this little plan of mine go off without a hitch. “Hi honey, I was thinking of having a special dinner tonight. We have a new neighbor, I was going to invite him around. I'll make your favorite – meatloaf. How does that sound?”

  I texted Ronny. I rarely made meatloaf anymore since the kids had gone to college. There was always way too much for just two of us to eat but my husband loved it so much. His reply was almost instant. “Sounds great! I will be home by 6pm.”

  I thought so!

  Upstairs, I pulled my hair away from my face and secured it on the back of my head with a hairclip. I dressed in my most flattering jeans and added a camisole up top. I didn't put on too much make up because I was wanted to look natural and carefree, like I wasn't trying too hard, but I added an extra slick of lipgloss for a good measure. It took less than a minute for me to walk from my front porch to Luther's. I pressed my finger on the bell and heard it echo throughout his house. The door opened and he seemed happy to see me. “Heather! What a nice surprise!”

  “Hi Luther! I just dropped by to see if you felt like joining my husband and I for dinner this evening? I told him that you've just moved to the neighborhood and we thought it might be nice to have a get together, get to know each other!”

  He eagerly accepted the invitation and I advised that dinner would be at six thirty. I could feel the excitement building in the pit of my stomach. I was like a giddy school-girl, getting ready for her first date. I decided I had to go to the mall. Nothing I had in my wardrobe suited this particular occasion. I needed something new.



  I spun around in front of the mirror in the fitting room at the store. I was wearing a slinky red dress that clung to every curve of my body. It was quite low cut in the front and I knew that if I wore a push up bra underneath, it was exactly the look I was going for. The dress was equal measures of demure and devilish. It covered enough so that I didn't look trashy but my god, did it scream sexy! I paid and went in search of some lingerie. It didn't take long until I found what I was looking for. Of course I chose a thong. When I was undressing for another man, I wanted my husband to see that I was wearing his favorite kind of underwear. I never realized that being so sex starved would turn me into such a dirty girl!



  “How is that meatloaf coming along?” Ronny texted me later that day. I was busy being a domestic godd
ess in the kitchen. The meatloaf was cooking away in the oven and I was going to make mashed potatoes and green beans too. Our best silverware had been polished and I laid the table with my favorite dishes. The place looked great! I hoped both of the men would appreciate all of my effort. “It smells sensational!” I replied to my husband, “You are going to love it!”

  When the majority of the meal preparation had been completed, I ventured upstairs to get myself ready. I took a long, hot shower. Special attention was paid to shaving my legs and nether regions. I wanted to be soft and smooth. I wanted Ronny to be able to see my cunt clearly as I was getting fucked so I made sure it was completely bald. My pussy was getting wet already! As I carefully shaved around my lips, I could feel my liquids seeping out on to my fingers. I hope you like this Luther, I smiled to myself. That's right, Luther was going to fuck me!


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