Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 2

by Sierra Sparks

  I look to Whit to see how he’s holding up and he doesn’t look any better. He swallows loud enough for me to hear and I would bet all my shares in the firm that he’s thinking about how we’ll be spending the next three months with Chloe without Jack here to reign us in. I feel like I need to say something, but I’m not sure what. Before I can put my foot in my mouth, Chloe pipes up.

  “I need to go to the bathroom! I’ll talk to you guys later.” She pops up from her seat and flies out of the room.

  “Is she okay?” I ask Jack. He looks a little concerned, but nothing I find alarming.

  “Yeah. We were talking last night, and I feel like she might be a little lost, not sure what to do with her life. That’s why I thought interning at the firm would be a good idea. She seemed excited about the idea last night. Maybe she’s just nervous about her first day. But, personally, I think this will be a good way for her to channel her energy. She’s a firecracker and needs somewhere to focus herself. I just want her to happy, is all.”

  I nod. I hope I wasn’t making Chloe nervous. I was being kind of intense. Mental note – don’t stare at her too much. I don’t want her feeling uncomfortable in the workplace, especially if it’s her own father’s firm. If she brings it up, I’ll apologize. I don’t want her to be turned off working here. Jack asked us to treat her well and that’s exactly what we’ll do.

  “We’ll take care of her, we promise,” I tell him.

  Whit gets up and I follow. Jack stands up to hug us both goodbye.

  “Have a good time on his cruise!” Whit says smiling enthusiastically.

  We head to Whit’s office to talk about everything that has just happened. It’s going to be a doozy of a conversation. Mainly because we’re both trying to cover up our impromptu erections.

  Chapter Two:


  Sitting in my Dad’s office, I just felt my body starting to get all hot and tingly and I knew I had to get out of there. The meeting hadn’t even been interesting to me to begin with, but when I started to feel Zane and Whit’s eyes on me, I got very turned on. I tried my hardest to sit through all the talking. I wanted to look as professional as possible. That’s something I’ve always tried to keep up – appearances. But my body was betraying me! Whit and Zane had eventually stopped looking at me, but I could still feel them in the room. Their presence was just so… hot and heavy, I had to leave.

  I ran to the bathroom like an insane person. Once I got there, I locked the door behind me. Now I’m leaning against the door, trying to catch my breath. Thank god, the bathrooms on this floor are singles. I don’t think I could stand the awkwardness of someone walking in on me this hot and bothered. It would be beyond embarrassing to have to deal with anyone in this state.

  I push myself off the door and look at myself in the mirror. There’s a sheen of sweat on my face and some of my hair is matted. I make a tighter bun, getting as many of the loose strands out of my face as I can. I grab some paper towels to dab some of the sweat away. Fuck! Could Zane and Whit tell how nervous I was… or how wet? I was worried I’d leave a spot on the couch – that’s how fucking turned on I was. It was overwhelming. Every time one of them looked at me, I got more and more aroused. No one was saying anything directly to me, but something about their faces set me off. I wasn’t sure if they were feeling the same way. I do know, at one point, both of them had let their eyes roam all over my body. I made a point to not look at them, so I’m guessing they thought I didn’t notice, but I noticed. There was no way for me not to. Their stares burned holes into me. And I wanted it to be their hands, not their eyes exploring me.

  Honestly, I thought that this childhood crush would have gone away by now. They were cute and everything and I had liked to follow them around, watching them do stuff, being older. Normal young girl nonsense. But it was never this intense. Like I said, childhood crush. In my mind, it was an insignificant little thing from a young girl. Fantasies like that – they are always so innocent, and it didn’t feel important enough to matter. But, when they walked into the office this morning, I felt it all come back, but much… stronger. It was not innocent in any way, shape, or form. It was pure lust and it hit me all at once. I was so surprised by its sheer force. The air suddenly left my lungs and I had to remember how to breathe. No one had ever made me feel that way – especially that quickly – and now there were suddenly two someones getting me going at the same damn time. It was – is – a lot to… handle.

  When they first walked in, Whit and Zane had stayed by the door for what felt like hours, just staring at me. I wanted them to talk to me, but I have no idea what I would have said back. Nothing intelligent that is for sure. A garble of nonsense would have spewed from my mouth and I would have sounded like a freaking idiot – a freaking idiot with, at most, half a brain.

  They were also a lot sexier than I remembered. This made me feel kind of aggressive towards them. I mean, they had the audacity to become even more attractive! I used to have these little fantasies about kissing them – I could never choose who I liked more, so I would just kiss them both. I mean, not really, because it was in my head, so it was all so… inconsequential. Those fantasies have definitely – and suddenly – matured. Now I want their hands all over me, tugging and pulling at my body, ripping my clothes off, filling my holes… Jesus fucking Christ! Not here and not today. I’m here to intern for the summer and learn all about Bingham Law Offices. I’m not here to explore some sexual dream or whatever. I’m not here to learn more about what may be some of the hottest men with the hottest bodies… I’m a god damn law intern and as such, I need to have a professional attitude. I’m completely capable of working here and not being a puddle of hormones.

  Dad and I had a long talk last night. I mean, it felt like he did most of the talking and I did most of the nodding, but I did agree to work here all summer and I have to stick by it – even if I am working with two men who are literally sex on legs… and I have to start right away… This is going to be torture. I’m so weak…

  No! I’m not weak! I’m Chloe mother fucking Bingham. I can do this. I can get through three months with two of the sexiest men in existence without losing my shit. Even if I’m thinking about how big their dicks are or what they taste like or how much I’d love to have their tongue in my mouth. Maybe I’ll go through panties like a werewolf goes through t-shirts, but that doesn’t mean I can’t keep it all to myself. I just have to not act on it. I can easily not have sex with either one of them. It’s as simple as saying it. I will not have sex with Zane Anderson or Whitman Delacroix. Done deal. It’s literally what I’m doing right now – not having sex with them. It’s not like either one of them really wants me. Just because someone looks at you with a stare that could melt ice doesn’t mean they want to fuck you…right?!

  I give myself one more look in the mirror. I feel a little calmer and I look less… turned on, I think… It’s all I can ask for; the mere appearance of composure. As the saying goes, fake it till you make it.

  One more deep breath and then out of the bathroom. I go down the hall towards where Zane and Whit’s offices are. I’m not sure who I should talk to first. My Dad said I’d be working with both of them, but he didn’t say how it would work, exactly. He’s probably leaving the details to the boys. I wonder what they’ll have me doing? Filing, maybe. Collating? Whatever that is. Sucking their dicks? That last one is probably a no… It’s more likely that boring office stuff is going to be the flavor of the week… every week… for three months… of my life. What fun.

  As I get closer to Zane’s door – his is the first one that I saw – I hear voices coming from inside. The door is slightly ajar, but their voices are low, and I can’t quite make out what they are saying, but I hear my name which means they must be talking about me. I hope it’s all good stuff. Or sexy stuff, maybe? It’s probably just regular work-related stuff about my internship.

  Chapter Three:


  Afterward the meeting, Zane and I w
ent back to Zane’s office. I’m sitting in his chair and he is sitting on the desk, facing me. I’m leaned back, putting on my typical demeanor of ‘calm man’ but, Zane has his emotions on his face because he’s an open book. I’m surprised Jack couldn’t read everything off of Zane. That’s how he would always gage both Zane and my mood. Wherever Zane was, I was usually not too far behind. But maybe Jack was too preoccupied today to notice.

  “I knew his retirement was coming, but I’m still kind of surprised by it.” Zane is throwing a stress ball he keeps on his desk between his hands while he talks.

  I look up at him, thinking about what this means for us. “I get that. Jack just feels like a staple here. He literally started the firm. But he is 67. It’s not completely removed from reality that he’s been considering retirement. And it’s not quite a real retirement. He’ll only be gone three months.”

  Three months of Zane and I left alone with Bingham Law Offices. We’ll show Jack just how well we can take care of things in his absence. He won’t have to worry about a single thing with the two of us in charge. We’re not only damn good lawyers, but we know how to keep the office running nice and smoothly. With us in charge, there’s nothing to worry about.

  But three months alone with the firm, also means three months alone with Chloe. I see a shadow pass over Zane’s face and I know he’s just had the same thought. It’d be one thing if Jack was leaving us to take care of the firm and just the firm – that would be a breeze. Zane and I used to work summers here and right after college, we immediately came back and transitioned into full-time employment. And Jack didn’t give us preferential treatment – we had to start with entry-level positions and work our way up. We know the practice, the people, basically everything. The ins and outs of this firm are imprinted in our brains but adding Chloe to the mix… that changes things exponentially. You would think she’s just another girl – like the ones Zane and I sleep with every weekend – but something feels different here. Yeah, we just saw her for the first time in like three years and our interaction was crazy short, but that doesn’t change the simple fact that I am very drawn to her – and so is Zane.

  “Three months,” Zane echoes. “You know what that means…”

  “I do. Not to be that guy, but Chloe is so hot. And I don’t mean every day, run of the mill hot. I mean, fucking bonkers hot.” I’m hoping Zane will disagree – it would make my life so much easier – but I saw the way he looked at her.

  “Dammit, you’re right! What are we going to do?” he asks.

  I’m a little irritated that Zane feels the same way, but at least I have someone who fully understands what I’m going through. I only hope it doesn’t become a dick swinging contest. Whenever the two of us get into a… friendly competition it always turns not-so-friendly. Zane throws the stress ball at me and I catch it. I hold it in my hand, squeezing and unsuccessfully relieving any stress.

  “Well, I’m going to call dibs, just to put myself on the safe side of this whole thing.” I mainly say this to annoy Zane. It’s stupid and childish, but this whole situation feels stupid and childish.

  “You can’t call dibs with a woman – that’s not how it works,” Zane complains. “That’s not how any of it works. And neither one of us can have her. She’s Jack’s daughter. What would Jack think? I don’t want to imagine what he would do to either one of us if he found out that we were even thinking about Chloe like that.”

  I throw the ball back at Zane who has no trouble grabbing it out of the air.

  “I know that. I’m not stupid,” I snap. “I just wish there was some kind of quick fix for this. We have to work with her for three months. Can you keep it in your pants for three months?”

  I know he wants to say yes, but he knows damn well he can’t – not without significant effort. We’re both going to want to at least try, we owe it, not only to Jack, but to each other not to turn this whole thing into some kind of competition. It’s just that when it comes to Zane and me, we can get a little overly competitive with one another. And it has oftentimes gotten out of hand.

  “I can try,” he shrugs. At least he’s being honest.

  “I can try, too then.”

  Chole walks in. Zane jumps off his desk and I stand up, so we’re side by side. Chloe gives us a weird look and I’m not sure if she heard what we were just talking about. We’re all back to staring at one another in silence, just like we did when we were all in Jack’s office.

  I will say that she is no longer our boss’s little girl. I watch her standing by the door and think about getting her on her knees to suck my dick or setting her on the desk and eating her out. Her skirt would be easy to push up and I could pull her forward, so her ass was hanging right on the edge, her legs draped over my shoulders, her body trembling… Fuck! Nope! Not the time, not the time… Jack said we’re supposed to start working with her today and if I’m compiling fantasies of her naked body then we’ll never get a single thing done. I look over at Zane and he looks like he is fucking enchanted. If this is any indication of how the next three months will go, we are royally screwed. I kick Zane’s leg to get him refocused. He jumps a little, but it does the job. Thankfully, our legs are hidden by the desk, so Chloe can’t see the kick.

  I need to focus myself. We’ll need to get actual work done. We should start by finding out what Chloe’s skills are. That way we can figure out what to do with her.

  “So, what are some things you can do around an office?” I ask, calmly.

  “Typing, faxing, spreadsheets, filing, transcribing, directing calls.” Her voice has this robotic quality like she’s applying for a job she doesn’t want.

  Zane and I nod.

  “That’s an impressive list. You should be able to pick up on what goes on around the firm fairly easily.”

  Chloe looks pleased, but not excited by that news. I make a mental not to potentially bring this up with her later.

  “I’m going to agree with Zane on that one. You seem to have all the skills you’ll need to work in an office like ours. Why don’t you start off by working with me today and you’ll be with Zane tomorrow.”

  It’s a little underhanded of me to take Chloe for the day without discussing it with Zane first. I know we just got finished talking about our no hands-on Chloe policy – and I’m going to do my damnedest to follow through – but I can look, right?

  Zane gives me a dirty look, but there isn’t much he can do without coming across as weirdly possessive. I pat him on the back and try to communicate through my face that all is fair. Not sure if he got the message, but I slip around him before we get too out of hand. Chloe hasn’t said much of anything and when I walk over to her, she looks at me with suspicion. I hope Zane and I aren’t being too obvious.

  “Ready for your first day?”

  She nods, and I motion for her to go ahead of me. We exit Zane’s office and I make quick work of getting her to mine.

  Chapter Four:


  When Whit told me that I’d be with him for today, I saw Zane get annoyed. Maybe they were arguing about who gets to have me first? I’m probably turning molehills into mountains, but I like the idea of both of them wanting me. It’s thrilling in a perverse kind of way. Probably a bit narcissistic. When my Dad said I’d be spending most of my time with Zane and Whit, I was kind of thrilled – and this was before I even knew how hot they had gotten.

  We get to Whit’s office and he has me filing. It’s uneventful work, but it keeps me on my toes. Basically, I’m just organizing everything alphabetically by last name. So easy. It’s so easy, a kindergartener can do it. It’s so easy, I’m about to just turn my brain off. While getting all the files put away, I realize the sheer amount of them there are. I’m amazed at how many clients the firm has. I knew my Dad did a lot, but I never really knew how many. Either way, it’s dull work.

  I’m reaching up and down sticking documents into files and files into shelves. Because of all this moving around, I’m pretty sure every tim
e I bend over, Whit is taking a good, long look at my ass. I know my skirt is long enough to keep him from seeing my underwear. I do have a great ass – I won’t deny what I like about my body – but it doesn’t make me any less self-conscious. While I may be unable to avoid the stares, I vow to wear pants every day from now on. And maybe if I keep my clothes baggy, it’ll leave it all up to their imagination – that way we can all be in the same boat of unfulfilled fantasies


  Whit makes me file all day. I try and keep a chipper attitude, smiling whenever he looks at me, but I’m shit at faking non-boredom. I start thinking I could just quit the internship. I’m just here because my Dad wants me here. Even this morning, getting ready for my first day of work, there was a small sense of dread. Nothing too crazy or depressing, more of a ‘why am I doing this?’ But I know if I leave, Dad will be so disappointed. When we spoke about me working at Bingham Law Offices, he was so excited. He really wants me to transition into working at the firm once he’s retired. I could probably do this for the summer, but as my all the time career? I don’t think I can fake it for that long.

  But also, if I quit now, I won’t be able to get to know Zane and Whit better. There’s no other reason for me to spend so much time around them – this is basically it. I know that shouldn’t be my driving force for working here, but it’s at least something to look forward to. Their faces and raw sexual energy are worth getting excited over. It’s a dangerous thought. I mean, it’s not like Whit or Zane have outright done anything to make me feel this way – they’ve been so god damn polite that from an outside prospective, no one would think either one was coming on to me. So, it could all just be in my head…


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