Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 3

by Sierra Sparks

  However, when Whit’s eyes are on me, I feel this underlying hunger lurking. He has to want something from me. And whenever we talk, there’s definitely a sexual undertone. There are too many signs for it to all be in my head. He hasn’t even touched me in a platonic way and I’m already all hot and bothered by this man! And tomorrow I have to work with Zane! Maybe he’ll be a little less sexually charged? One can only hope. If not, my poor, poor underwear. I’ll be soaked through every day…

  It’s almost time to go and I’m sitting at my desk, just outside Zane and Whit’s offices, sending out some end of the day emails. I’m doing my best to stay completely focused on my computer screen, but there’s an overwhelming presence behind me and when I look up and twist my head, both Zane and Whit are looking down at me. I have no idea how long they’ve been there and I’m not sure I want to know. I didn’t even hear them walk up to me. My eyes skip between them, but neither is talking.

  “Yes, sir – sirs?”

  Whit cocks an eyebrow and Zane clears his throat. My teeth bite down on my bottom lip as my desire fills me up like I’m a balloon.

  “Whit told me you did a really good job today,” Zane says, his eyes hot and roaming all over my body. “He said that he worked you hard, but you were able to keep up with everything he asked for.”

  Zane’s wording is awkward. It could just be how he talks – it doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual, but I think my brain has some kind of convertor that makes everything that Zane and Whit say into some type of innuendo.

  “I don’t think he asked for too much from me,” I sound like a mouse, my voice is so quiet and tiny – at least I’m not all breathy. Quiet and tiny can be attributed to being nervous. Breathy, now that’s – that connects better to either too much physical activity or sexual arousal and I haven’t been running around a bunch, lately. But regardless, I want to be more assertive and show these guys that I have an ounce of agency, but that currently isn’t in the cards because I’m so turned on I can’t get my head on straight.

  The boys smirk at my comment and this time Whit comments, “Well, then we’ll just have to work you a lot harder next time, won’t we?”

  There’s a fire behind their eyes and I’m so transfixed that I nod at the suggestion of more work for myself. They don’t make it sound like work, they make it sound like sex – and I’d be down for any sexual contact with them. I bring my eyes to the floor, embarrassed that a thought like that crossed my mind while we’re all talking.

  “No need to work overtime – especially, on your first day. We’ll see you tomorrow at nine?” Zane says, shuffling his feet.

  “Yes.” I keep my voice steady this time and I’m proud. Maybe I can fake it till I make it.


  I get home to my place, the guesthouse behind my Dad’s house, and close the door a little too hard behind me. I’m really happy Dad let me live here. It took some convincing, but I told him I was an adult and I needed my privacy. He threw up his hands and told me he understood.

  Walking into my place, I’m so tense, my sexual energy is about to burst from my body. I need to find something to do with my hands. I pull down my skirt and leave it on the living room floor before collapsing on the couch. I tap my foot against the armrest for a few seconds and then realize I need to release all the tension in my body.

  I sit myself up and undo the buttons of my blouse, letting one side fall off my shoulder. I let my fingers graze on my skin before going to my bra. It has a front clasp that I undo, exposing my peaked nipples. They’ve been hard ever since the meeting this morning. The friction between the fabric of my bra and the pebbled buds on my chest was in the back of my mind all day. My breasts were – and are – begging to be touched – and while I know Zane or Whit is who I want, I’ll have to be satisfied with my own hand. I roll one nipple between my fingers, imagining that it’s Whit. In my fantasy, he has me pressed up against his desk, one hand on my breasts, the other tangled in my hair. Whit is whispering into my ear, telling me all the dirty things he’d do to me. And there are so many things I want him to do to me.

  I take my other hand and run it down my body until I reach the hem of my panties. That’s when Zane enters the fantasy. It’s doesn’t feel like a sudden or unwelcome intrusion – it feels right. Zane’s hands are on my shoulders massaging them as Whit moves from rolling my nipple between his fingers, to swirling his tongue around it. He teases and sucks, causing me to shudder. Whit kisses down my body, until he positions himself between my legs. He licks and kisses the insides of my thighs, moving slowly from my knees up. He spreads my legs further, until my bare pussy is exposed to him. Whit groans with pleasure. Tentatively, he touches my folds, tracing my pussy lips and then spreading them apart. My juices drip and he knows I am ready for him. He easily slips his fingers inside of me. I do the same with my own fingers, mimicking my fantasy of Whit.

  Zane moves from massaging my shoulders to my breasts, taking Whit’s place. In reality, my other hand massages my breast, mimicking the role of Zane. I imagine him looking deep into my eyes, his gaze fiery and intense. His desire for me apparent in his deep brown eyes. Then he kisses me, long and deep. Our tongues touch and twist around on another. His lips are soft on mine. As we kiss, Whit’s fingers pump my wet pussy, slowly at first but the with increasing speed. My pleasure builds. Zane’s hands explore my body, getting to know me. His fingers graze my stomach lightly, slide down my hips, and then come to rest on my perfect perky ass. He squeezes my ass cheeks tight, slightly spreading me open. I gasp. Zane traces kisses down my neck, and softly nibbles. Whit’s lips move to my folds. He traces my lower lips with his tongue making my pussy even wetter. I groan. Zane leans back and looks me in the eye. His gaze mischievous. He winks at me, and then sucks on one of his own fingers. My eyes open wider. He returns his hand to my ass, pulls apart my cheeks, and teases my ass hole with his wet finger. First, he lightly traces it. Then he slowly applies pressure and slips inside. Both of my holes are being fingered and it feels incredible.

  I throw my head back, pushing it into the couch cushions, looking up at my ceiling. My hips raise from the seat as I begin to move my fingers faster and faster. My lower belly twists into knots and I let out a soft moan, followed by a series of quick gasps. I shut my eyes and drag my finger to my clit, pressing softly. I make a few more circular motions before my limbs loosen and sensations rush through me. Water gushes from my pussy and drips down my fingers. The hand on my breast, I move to my mouth, biting my finger as I orgasm – thoughts of Zane and Whit overtaking my brain. As I come down from my high, I sincerely wish they were here – even if I’ve made a promise to myself to keep my libido in my pants.

  Once my body stops vibrating, I touch my warmed palms to my face. My cheeks are already a little fired up from before i.e. being all horny. I’ll need to cool myself down. The AC is on and my body is mostly unclothed, so I’ll probably be good in a few moments. I close some of the buttons on my shirt and put my head in my hands. I can’t believe I just did that – having a fantasy that intense about Whit and Zane. I know I used to dabble in the two men at once fantasy when I was younger, but it was always just kissing. But this – this is something else. And my body was electrified by the mere thought of Zane and Whit touching me – it wasn’t even a them fucking me fantasy. Dear god, I want to have sex with both of them so badly. I cross my legs, my body already heating up again.

  I really shouldn’t be thinking like this. Zane and Whit work for my Dad. Ugh, my Dad! He would be so ashamed if he knew what was going on in my head. He doesn’t go around acting like I’m some pure princess, but what I seem to want is something far from what my father would like for my future – which is why it could never become a reality. Zane and Whit are like sons to him and if one of them tried anything with me, he’d be mad, let alone two. I shiver at the mere thought of having to have a conversation with him about his two golden boys. I’ll just have to keep satisfying myself after work. The next three months will go by
slowly, but they will go by.

  Chapter Five:


  Getting dressed this morning, I’m not really thinking about what I’m putting on. I just put it on, grab a few things for breakfast, and get into my car to drive to work. I’m on autopilot and this non-thinking status could potentially get me through the day without a hitch.

  I get to work a little early, but Zane and Whit are both already in their offices. First to arrive, last to leave it would seem. No wonder Dad trusts them so much. It would be easy to not engage and that way I can avoid any uncomfortable feelings, but I already know I have to get today’s tasks from Zane, so I knock on his door.

  “Come in!” he calls faintly.

  I slowly turn the knob and push the door open, nervous to start the day. Zane looks up from his desk and smiles at me. It’s comforting, but my heart flutters at his warmth. My shittely constructed walls are already starting to crumble.

  “Good morning, Chloe. Did you have a good night?” He asks his question like he knows I masturbated to thoughts of him and his best friend last night. I know he has no way of knowing, but I feel like he does which is making me anxious.

  “Yeah. It was pretty quiet. Went home, had dinner, went to bed. There was some tv watching peppered in. Nothing spectacular.” Except the orgasm I had while thinking about you and your best friend’s hands all over my body. I roll my shoulders back and focus on the moment.

  “What do you want me to do today?”

  Zane motions for me to come over to his desk and I hesitantly move forward. I must be moving really slowly because he feels the need to make a comment on it.

  “Come on, Chloe. I don’t bite.”

  Too bad.

  I walk a little faster and stand behind his chair. I can clearly see his screen, but I make sure to keep a good amount of distance between us. I’ve already admitted to myself that more physical space is unlikely to actually work… but it’ll help. Zane narrows his eyes, a smirk on his lips, but he doesn’t say anything about my playing keep away. He opens a spreadsheet.

  “This is a marketing project we’re working on,” he explains. “We want to get our money flow into one document and then we’ll be able to allocate funds to expansion, ads, and maybe even some fun stuff for the staff.” He looks at me to see if I’m following along and everything is making sense so far, so I nod for him to continue. “So, what I need you to do is take the numbers in files I’m going to send you and transfer them here. The totals will all add up at the bottom and when you’re done, you can just send the file back to me, so I can check it. Make sure there aren’t any mistakes. Does that all sound doable?”

  This sounds a little more exciting than filing, but most things sound more fun than filing, so the bar was already set pretty low.

  “Yeah. I know how to do spreadsheets.” I sound a little defensive, but Zane once again ignores my strangeness. He opens up his email and sends me the files.

  “Okay. I’ve sent you the file. You can work on this from your desk. I’ll check on you in a little over an hour?”


  Zane seems satisfied with our interaction and I leave his office. I open up my email and find the files. After downloading them, I start the transfer process, locating the values I need and putting them into the master spreadsheet. Like I suspected, it’s less boring than filing, but I’m still extremely bored. I let my mind wander as I go through pages and pages of numbers. I think about Zane coming out of his office, rushing towards me, telling me how much he wants me, picking me up and putting me on the desk. I didn’t wear pants like I told myself too. And it would be so sexy to have him push up my skirt and rip my panties off, throwing them on the floor all in tatters. He’d kiss his way up my legs, his tongue slipping all over my skin…

  I push myself out of my fantasy and return my thoughts to the task at hand. Surprisingly, I got through a lot of the spreadsheet while wandering through sex land. I try to think about numbers and marketing, but my mind is so unstimulated that it goes right back to my sex daydream. I was at the point where Zane had pulled up my skirt and ripped of my panties and his hands are pinching me and squeezing me and getting me all excited. His hand tangles in my hair and pulls my head back. I’m about to get to the good part when I hear an office door open and I almost fall out of my seat. I forcefully refocus myself, acutely aware that I am sweating, and my panties are soaked. I cross my legs. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Zane coming over to me. I start typing more furiously, wanting to appear like I’ve been working away and totally focusing on this marketing project.

  I’m typing like a madwoman, when Zane’s face appears next to mine, looking over my shoulder. He has one hand on my left shoulder, the light pressure of his palm feeling like a ton. His eyes scan my screen, going up and down the columns and across the rows. I’ve stopped breathing, afraid I’m going to faint if this goes on for any longer.

  “Are you okay, Chloe?” he asks, his voice so close to my ear. “You look ill.”

  This is why I shouldn’t be working here. I just had a full-blown sex fantasy involving my boss and it was so intense it has physically manifested on my person. This isn’t what professionals do!

  “I’m fine. I think I just need some water.”

  I have not moved since he’s made his way over here and I relax into my chair to give the appearance of calm. I don’t know if it’s working, but I feel better that I’m at least trying.

  “Okay,” he says it softly like he doesn’t believe me. Neither of us move.

  I’m worried that if Zane stays in this position for too long, I’m going to jump all over his face and fuck him on this desk. His hand hasn’t moved from my shoulder and I start to tremble, no longer able to keep my desire in. I’ve managed to keep my mouth shut, but my body will always give me away. He has to feel the small tremors emanating from my center. He leans in closer, so now if I turned my face, I’d be mere inches from his. His breath skirts over my cheek. His lips brush against the curve of my ear.

  “You made a mistake in column seven. The decimal is in the wrong place.” His voice is deep and low and reverberates throughout my entire body. It takes me a second to internalize what he’s said and even then, I need him to repeat it because I wasn’t really listening.


  He uses the hand not on my shoulder and points to the screen.

  “There’s a mistake in column seven.” He turns his head, so he’s facing me, and I can see him looking into my eyes – the ones I’m trying to keep glued to the spreadsheet. “The decimal is the wrong place.”

  I look at where he’s pointed and see where I went wrong. I’m surprised that’s the only mistake I made. I was barely paying attention while I was typing in numbers. That’s particularly good results for that level of effort and concentration.

  “Oh,” I whisper.

  I had taken my hands from the keyboard, worried that he’d see them shaking, but now I bring them back up. The tremble hasn’t subsided, and I silently tell myself to calm the fuck down and just make the change. I can easily fix the mistake and then Zane will leave me alone. I get one hand on the mouse and the other one the keyboard. I’m highlighting what I need to change and just when I think I’ve got it, my hand slips and I end up deleting half the sheet.


  That comes out a lot louder than I wanted it to and I turn to Zane to gage his reaction. He chuckles quietly and takes his arms on either side of my shoulders, so he can use the mouse and keyboard. He makes like three keystrokes and restores the sheet. I know how to do that, but I’m so fucking frazzled, I’ve forgotten myself.

  Zane takes his hands from the keyboard and mouse and puts them back on my shoulders.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem nervous. Are you nervous?” he asks. The undertone of his question is him asking if he’s making me nervous – which he is. I’m not sure what he’s going to do next and what freaks me out even more is that I don’t know what I’m going to d
o. I’m nervous because I’ve never felt so out of control of my own desires before. This power he’s exuding over me is thrilling because if he asked me to do something, anything… I think I would do it.

  I turn my face away from him as I try and think of an answer. The truth is out of the question. I’m obviously nervous, so I can just lie about why I’m nervous.

  “Yeah. I am nervous.” I sound hella anxious. My breathing is short, and I know there’s a light sheen of sweat on my skin. I feel everything about me tightening into a ball of lust that is manifesting as stress. His hands are no longer still, lightly pressing into me with a lazy rhythm.

  “Why are you nervous?”

  I take a deep breath and do my best to sound convincing. I look Zane directly in the eyes, hoping this will sell the lie even more.

  “I’m worried I’m going to disappoint my father. He really wants me to do well.”

  Something in Zane deflates, but I’m not sure if it’s discontent. At the very least the mood in the room shifts and I’m able to stop trembling.

  Zane stands up, taking his hands off of me. He keeps them by his side as he looks down at me, a sweet smile on his face. “Trust me, your father isn’t going to be disappointed in you. He always talks about how proud he is of everything you’ve done.”

  “Thanks. That’s really nice of you to say.” I’m genuinely touched by what Zane says.

  He gives a curt nod and goes back to his office. I face my computer, but I don’t restart on the spreadsheet. Instead, I think about what just happened. The lie probably worked because there was some truth behind it – I don’t want to disappoint my Dad, but that isn’t even close to the reason why I was so affected. I’m happy with the results – or I think I am. Because even though Zane has gone back to his office and I’m the one who got him to go back, there is a sense of loss on my end. Something inside of me liked his overwhelming presence behind me. I want to explore that feeling, but I know it’s not a good idea. It felt like every time he spoke, there was an underlying steam in his words. He wanted to get me off. I’m sure of it. But if that’s true, what the fuck do I do with that fact? Go to his office and demand he put his dick in me? It’s a catch-22 that I currently have no solution for.


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