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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

Page 14

by Sierra Sparks

  When the walked by me to come inside, I made sure our bodies didn’t touch. And staying by the door is a way to keep my distance. I see Whit sigh, visibly frustrated with me. I know they aren’t oblivious to all these little things I’m doing, but Whit’s reactions have been surprising me. Over the past few weeks, he’s been so grumpy. Something I haven’t seen… ever. There have been moments when he’s gotten annoyed, but this is different. I was hoping he and Zane would get over me and move on to other women. We hadn’t even been together that long, and they had been known as players, so it would make sense for them to move on. Or maybe I’m just trying to logic my out of my feelings and there’s no way I can do that. I feel the way I feel and if I want it to stop, I’ll need time. Time is the only real way to get over someone. You can’t just talk your way out of feeling. But for now, I’ve got to get these boys out of my house.

  I cross my arms over my chest and repeat, “What do you want?” I make my face as stern as possible, trying to communicate that they are not welcome here anymore.

  Zane looks at Whit who answers my question, “We wanted to tell you we want to be with you. I know you said you wanted to space, but this cold shoulder thing is… it’s making things hard, Chloe. We can’t give you up that easily. Especially if you won’t even talk to us.”

  “What do you want me to do about it?” I snap, tapping my foot rather rapidly because my nerves are going through the roof. I’m keeping my sentences vague and short because if I don’t I might spill my guts.

  Zane moves towards me and I move in the opposite direction keeping the distance. He notices and stops in his tracks.

  “Just talk to us. Why is that so hard?” he pleads.

  My nails are digging into my arm. There are so many things I want to say, but I can’t. There are so many things I’m going through right now and adding two men to it won’t make any of it better. There’s just so much brewing inside of me and there isn’t a way for me to healthily deal with it. My brain gets more and more confused until I can’t take it anymore.

  “Because we don’t just talk!” I snap. “We’re not capable of it! There’s always going to be these undertones and tension full of sexual energy and I don’t want to deal with it right now! I have too much to deal with right now and I can’t deal with you two! I just can’t!”

  I’m yelling and I’m not yelling because I’m mad at them, I’m yelling because I’m mad at me. Mad for letting things get to this point. Mad for not being smart and letting passion take over. Mad because I feel so stupid! And while I don’t regret the time I’ve spent with them, there are way more consequences than I expected. Consequences that, in hindsight, feel so fucking obvious that I can’t believe I didn’t see them before everything snowballed into this moment.

  I see Zane and Whit give each other concerned looks and they both come towards me. This time I don’t move because I’m crying. I was holding back for as long as I could, but all the emotions I’ve been avoiding for the past few weeks come rushing forward. I put my head in my hands and then feel Zane and Whit’s hands circle me. I lean into their bodies, comforted by their touch.

  “We’re here for you, Chloe. Can’t you see this situation is unfair for all of us,” Whit says.

  He is right, but I can’t do this anymore. If I stay here, my resolve will break and that will solve nothing. I pick up my hands and push them away. They offer very little resistance. I wipe my tears away, sniffling.

  “That’s not the point, I think you two should leave.”

  I try to walk past them to open the door, but I bump into their shoulders and the pregnancy test falls out of my pocket and onto the carpet. I don’t realize it at first, moving past them, still moving towards the door to let them out. When I don’t hear them following me, I turn around and see them staring at the floor.

  “I thought I asked you two to leave!” I snap at them, annoyed.

  They don’t answer me, and I go to see what they’re looking at. As I approach, I realize it’s the test. I touch my pocket and feel it’s not there. My heart starts to beat faster and faster. After a couple minutes, they look up and turn towards me.

  Zane points at the test and asks, “What’s that?”

  I take a deep breath.

  “It’s a pregnancy test,” I whisper. I’ve crossed my arms over my chest, folding into myself. I want to close myself off and disappear, but there’s no way to do that now.

  “We know what it is. I meant – I meant…” Zane seems to be at a loss for words and Whit takes over.

  “Were you going to tell us?”

  I don’t answer immediately because I honestly don’t know if I was going to tell them. At least for a while.

  “I don’t know. I really don’t know,” I answer.

  They don’t seem satisfied with my answer, but they also don’t push the issue any further.

  “Marry us!” Zane says it with such conviction that I know he isn’t joking.

  I look at Whit to see if he’s on the same page and he’s just waiting for my reply. I laugh because I can’t believe what’s happening right now. We’ve gone from not talking for four weeks and now they want to get married. It’s ridiculous! Our relationship is so new, and I know we’ve all known each other for a long time, we’ve only been this intimate for a fraction of it.

  “Why? Because I’m pregnant?” I do my best from keeping my voice from sounding too aggressive, but the question itself is confrontational. But it’s one I need to ask. If they want to commit to me just because I’m pregnant, I know it wouldn’t work. And I could never be with someone whose main reason for marrying me was because I got knocked up. I would feel like I trapped them, and I don’t want all the guilt. It wouldn’t be healthy for us and it definitely wouldn’t be healthy for any children involved.

  “No. We came here to be with you,” Whit’s voice is on edge like he’s irritated again. Maybe my question set him off. “We came here today because we wanted to get you back and maybe marriage is a leap, but if we’re all ready to raise a child together than we’re ready to be together for the rest of our lives.”

  The way he explains it makes so much sense to me. It makes me understand that they really, really want to be with me. Something I’ve been trying to convince myself wasn’t the truth. I drop my arms and the act. What’s the point of pushing against these two when all they’ve done is try to make me happy. What’s the point of not being with them if it’s making all of us miserable. Yeah, we’ll have a lot of hurdles – hurdles I have no clue how we’re going to jump over – but we can get through this together.

  “How could we get married?” I ask, doubt filling my voice. I’ve heard of open marriages, but I’m pretty sure being married to more than one person is still illegal.

  “We’ll figure it out. As long as we’re together, we can get through anything,” Zane explains.

  I nod. Zane looks deep into my eyes and cups my face tenderly. I place on hands onto of his, tears of joys starting to run down my cheeks.

  “And we know you love us as much we love you. That should count for something,” Zane tenderly whips away one of my tears.

  I take a deep breath at the word love because this is the first time any of us have brought it up. I’ve thought about it – the fact that I might be falling in love with two men at the same time gave me a lot of pause – but I was never ready to fully admit to myself the possibility. And it was easy to push it aside because I could pretend everything we were doing was all in good fun. We were having fun with each other. But hearing Zane admit that they love me makes all the fight and all the arguments I had building inside just float away. I can’t run away from this. I don’t want to run away from this.

  “Okay. You’re right,” I shrug. I squeeze Zane’s hands and look for Whit. “I love you guys and maybe I was scared because everything was happening so fast and I got overwhelmed. But now I know that running away from my feelings isn’t going to solve anything. I’m not going to push you away anymore.”
  Zane and Whit finally relax a little. I reach for Whit and the three of us hug. We all stay like this for a couple minutes, reveling in one another. It’s been so long since we’ve all been together like this and I don’t want to leave this feeling ever again. I look up at my boys and smile. They held on to me, even when I treated them so badly. I’m so happy that they stuck with me because I don’t know what I would do if they ever truly left me.

  I get out of our triple embrace and go take a seat on the couch. Whit and Zane follow and sit on either side of me.

  I lean back so I can look at them and ask, “What do we do now?”

  They look at one another and I see a mischievous glint pass over Whit’s eyes. I know exactly what they want to do and I’m ready for it to happen. It’s been four weeks since they’ve touched me, and I want to feel all our bodies together again. I’ve missed the way they feel inside of me and on top of me.

  I slip my shirt over my head and let it fall to the ground. I unclasp my bra and I throw it to the side to join my shirt. My nipples are at attention, aware that my two favorite people are here to pleasure me. Zane and Whit watch as I massage my breasts, tweaking my nipples every so often. My hand makes lazy movements moving from my chest to down my stomach to the hem of my pants. I unbutton my pants and slide them off. I slip my hand into my panties, going all the way to my slit. After repositioning myself so the boys can get a better view, I slide a finger between my folds, slightly raising my hips as I swirl my finger around. I add two more, slowly pumping in and out, my nails lightly scraping along my walls. I put my thumb on my clit, applying a light pressure that starts my pussy quivering. I gasp, the sound breathy and high-pitched. I push my head back, digging into the cushion. Whit and Zane’s eyes never leave me, watching my body twist with pleasure. My muscles tighten and then with added pressure on my clit, my body releases, an orgasm slowly rolling out of me. It’s not a very strong or loud orgasm, but it calms some of the fire that’s been in me for the past few weeks.

  When I’m done, I take my hands out of my panties and look at Whit and Zane. They’re looking at me wistfully, their eyes glued to my face. I blush, a little embarrassed that I took such an initiative, but it felt like the thing to do.

  Zane moves first, getting off the couch and kneeling in front of me. He grabs the top of my underwear and pulls them down my leg, taking them off me and throwing them behind him. His hands rub up and down my thighs, squeezing and pinching the flesh. Whit moves behind the couch and rests his hands on my shoulders. He gives me a soft massage. Zane rubs his fingers over my clit, rubbing my already sensitive bud. Whit keeps me from moving too much while Zane teases me, not touching me right where I need it. He traces my lower lips and opens me up with his fingers. He licks up my slit, my hips moving with his head. He moves his hands to my thighs, so he can hold me down and continues to run his tongue along my folds. Sparks fly up my body and I bite my lip to have somewhere to place the growing tension. I put my hands on top of Whit’s, digging my fingernails into his skin. He returns the favor, gripping my shoulders tightly. I bend my left leg, putting my foot on the edge of the couch. This gives Zane more access and his tongue delves deep inside me. The intensity of my grip on Whit’s hands increases. Zane’s mouth goes to my clit and he sucks on it, swirling his tongue around me as well until my body breaks and everything rushes forth. Zane keeps his mouth on me until my trembling subsides. Whit moves my hair aside and kisses the side of my face. I see the half-moon imprints my nails left on his skin. I kiss the hand he left on my shoulder, feeling the dips on the top.

  Zane removes himself from the bottom of the couch and sits beside me, his hands going up and down my body. I cross my legs, the wetness pooling at my center.

  Whit leans over so his mouth is by my ear and asks me, “Is there anything you want to do?”

  I remember I was going to take a shower before I was unceremoniously interrupted. I’ve never taken a shower with anyone before and I love the idea of being dirty and clean at the same time.

  I look up at Whit and nod, saying, “I was going to take a shower before you guys came here. You can join me if you want?”

  Whit chuckles and kisses me before taking his hands off my body. He starts undressing and Zane follows suit. I watch them reveal their bodies to me, drinking in all their muscles and beautiful bits and pieces. I can’t believe that these guys are mine for the foreseeable future. I know I said that I wanted to get married and have kids which would mean I would be marrying a person. But the people who want to marry me are far beyond what I could have ever imagined.

  Once we’re all naked, we head to the bathroom and I turn the water on. When it just the right temperature, I push open the glass door and step inside. The water falls on to my hair and drips down my face. Zane and Whit follow, getting on either side of me. The shower is more than big enough to fit all three of us. I’m facing Zane, so I rest my palms on his chest. I move my arms so they wrap around the back of his neck and I lean forward to kiss him. The kiss is passionate, full of everything that was unsaid for the past four weeks. I feel Whit behind me, lathering my back with soap. I break my kiss with Zane and look over my shoulder at Whit. He puts his arms under mine, supporting me by situating my armpits in the crooks of his elbows. I’m not sure what’s going on, but it seems Zane and Whit are on the same page because Zane lifts my legs.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck.” I follow Whit’s command and bring my arms behind me, interlocking my fingers behind his neck. “I’m going to let go of you for a few seconds,” he tells me. “You’ll need to hold yourself up.”

  I nod, and Whit slowly takes his arms out from under my armpits. With the help of Zane, I’m able to keep from falling – even with the water making everything slippery. Whit’s hands go to my ass, supporting me that way. I’m not sure how but they finagle their way into me – these guys must be like acrobats – but soon, it’s just like before. Whit slips his hard cock into my pussy and Zane fills my ass hole with his shaft. Each hole is being stretched, this angle creating feelings that I hadn’t experienced before. Zane rams his dick in and out of my ass, not letting up, while Whit shoves me down onto his own cock. My arms tighten around his neck as everything I’m feeling is distilled to just the three of us. I close my eyes, overwhelmed by the tingling that has taken over my entire body. Zane and Whit’s grunts mix with our wet bodies slapping together. My cries are loud, almost sounding like I’m being hurt, but it’s not pain – it’s so much pleasure. Starting off as a soft circle in my lower belly and extending out to everywhere in my body. Everything gets so tight until I’m so wound up I’m worried I might burst. But then it all comes to a head when the dam breaks and my body releases everything it’s built up.

  “Oh, fuck. I’m coming! I’m coming!” I scream.

  My stomach moves like a wave while my body tries to contain an orgasm almost too strong for it. It violently rips through, threatening to tear me apart. Whit and Zane aren’t too far behind. I feel their dicks spilling into me, their cum filling my holes and dripping out of me. My head falls back, my body and mind spent and exhausted. The water cools the heat on my skin, keeping me from falling asleep.

  Zane and Whit let me down and when my feet touch the ground, Whit supports me with his body. They both clean me up, using the loofas and soap in the shower. Everything is moving with a much lazier pace than earlier, but it still feels nice. They’re both really taking care of me. They finish up, turning off the water and leading me out of the shower. They towel me off and then themselves. We all go to the bedroom and lie down, naked, on top of the sheets. While I’m not sleepy, I don’t really have a desire to move from my bed. Being between my two men is exactly where I want to be right now and for the rest of my life.

  I put a hand on my stomach. I know there is absolutely no way I’d be able to feel a baby in there right now, but it doesn’t stop me from giving it a feel. Whit and Zane put their hands on top of mine and we all contemplate the baby growing inside of me.
In just nine short months, the three of us will be parents. It is a while from now, but it’s also so soon.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to be a mother.” I look at the three hands on my belly and marvel at who is growing inside of me.

  “It’s what you wanted, though. Right?” Whit looks into my eyes and I nod. It’s everything that I wanted. It didn’t pan out exactly how I thought it would, but I would say this version of events is much better.

  “It’s everything and more.” We all lie down, Whit and Zane snuggling up against me. I think about the next day and what I’m going to have to do. I know I can’t lie to my father about any of this. He deserves to know what’s going on. He’s going to be a grandfather for heaven’s sake! But I’m so scared to tell him. What’s he going to think. I’m pretty sure he won’t be mad at the pregnancy, but the who? The who will really get him. Or more like the whos. I don’t want to freak out about this just yet, so I’ll think about all of it in the morning. I’m not wimping out or anything, I plan on telling my Dad everything, but I let Whit and Zane know about intentions when we all wake up that way I don’t get all in my head and talk myself out of telling the truth. I fall asleep with Whit and Zane’s arms around me, feeling whole for the first time since I let them go.

  Chapter Twenty-One:


  I wake up the next morning with my two favorite men. I’d forgotten how much I’d loved this feeling. We all get ready, making sure we all look good for the talk with my Dad. I’m going to go first by myself – I feel that is best – and then Whit and Zane will join me for any questions he may have. That’s like a best cast scenario. I wouldn’t be surprised if my Dad just stormed off, saying he never wanted to speak with me again.


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