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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

Page 81

by Sierra Sparks

  “Yeah, not at all,” joked Franklin, taking another bite of bacon.

  “That’s true,” I smiled. “But sometimes, it’s good to talk, ya know?”

  “Point taken, dear. Point taken,” Franklin assured. “Right now, I feel so good, I can’t imagine a problem.”

  “It’s actually a big relief to me to have the other guys here,” admitted Theo. “I was telling them earlier, I’m good with the grand gestures, but not much else.”

  “I know one thing you’re good at,” I smiled seductively, rubbing his leg under the table with my foot. “You’re doing great, Theo. I’ve loved everything that’s been arranged. I never felt like this. It’s like being treasured. Before, men always treated me more like an object or a commodity, ya know? You guys really make me feel special.”

  “Oh, good,” said Theo, relieved. “I was a little worried that with three of us, you might be overwhelmed.”

  “Definitely not overwhelmed in the bedroom,” joked Miles. “You are like some sexual athlete, Belinda!”

  “I try to stay in shape, but it’s just weird,” I said. “Last night just felt right, ya know. Like this is how it should be. Pushed to the limits and sexually liberated. I never knew what that meant until I experienced it first hand. I just don’t want us to fight, ya know?”

  “I think we have things in order,” said Franklin. “In my business, I like to have weekly meetings. Check in with people. Maybe we can do that.”

  “Seems sensible,” said Theo.

  “Not bad relationship advice, Franklin,” complimented Miles.

  “Yeah, my marriage counselor suggested that too,” admitted Franklin. “Right before I got divorced.”

  “Ha! Funny!” I laughed. “You were joking right?”

  “Yes,” assured Franklin. “My ex wasn’t very honest anyway. I think that’s the key to any relationship. Open and honest.”

  “Here’s to open and honest,” I toasted.

  We clinked glasses. This was going to work.

  Chapter 11 – Miles

  “So,” I said, ready to spring my surprise. “Are you ready for the next part of the adventure?”

  “Yes!” said Belinda.

  Theo and Franklin looked pensive. I hadn’t told them about the next part.

  “I booked us all to go…skydiving!” I announced.

  “Oh, my gosh! Yes!” said Belinda immediately. “I’ve always wanted to do that! Yes-yes!”

  “Count me out,” said Franklin simply. “I was not born to jump out of airplanes.”

  “Perfectly safe,” I assured him.

  “It’s not and I’m not,” said Franklin. “I’ll meet you guys afterwards for lunch.”

  “What about you, Theo?” asked Belinda.

  “Oh, gosh,” said Theo, a little desperate.

  I got the impression, that had Belinda pushed him, Theo might’ve at least gotten in the plane. Probably would’ve never jumped though.

  “No,” he finally said after several minutes of hesitation. “That just sounds awful. I shall meet you for lunch as well.”

  “You guys are going to miss out,” said Belinda, excited. “I’m all about the rush. When do we go?”

  “We should leave right now,” said Miles. “Gentlemen, we’ll see you at lunch.”

  “If you survive,” kidded Franklin. “If you don’t, I promise to get drunk in your name.”

  “Very comforting,” I assured him flatly.

  The hotel valet brought the car around and I began to drive Belinda toward the airfield. It was nice to have someone that shared my interests.

  “Have you done this before?” she asked.

  “Many times,” I replied. “We’ll be jumping in tandem, so we’ll be hooked together.”

  “So do we pull our parachutes together?”

  “No, only one of us pulls the cord. Since I’m the more experienced jumper, you just listen to me, okay?”

  “What’s it like?”

  “Oh, it’s a rush,” I assured her. “You feel the wind in your face. For several hundred feet, you feel like you’re flying and in a sense, you are.”

  “Just flying toward the ground?”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “Oh! Will we get wing suits?!”

  “No, you need a bit more practice before you can wear one of them,” I said. “You sound like you want to be quite the daredevil.”

  “Well, I don’t often do it, but when I can, I love to snowboard,” she said.

  “I love snowboarding!” I admitted. “We have to go! Promise me!”

  “Absolutely!” she assured me. “We’ll do a whole weekend of it. We’ll ditch the other guys in a ski lodge somewhere.”

  We laughed. It was easy to laugh with Belinda around.

  “Belinda, I just have to say,” I said seriously. “You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met before. I’m really falling for you.”

  “I’m falling for you too, Miles,” said Belinda. “And the other guys too. You’re all just so great to me.”

  We got to the airfield just in time to take the beginners course. It was a mandatory training session for a newbie like Belinda. She took to the course quickly, learning all the safety lessons and how to pack your chute. In no time, we were ready to get into the plane with the rest of the class.

  “Are you ready for this?” I asked her as we stood in line on the tarmac for the plane.

  “Yes! It’s so exciting!” she beamed.

  “You’re not scared are you?”

  “Hell no! This is the way to live! Woo-hoo!”

  The plane took us up to the appropriate height and the class got ready to jump. I could tell that Belinda was getting a little nervous. She stumbled as she stood.

  “Are you alright? You sure you’re ready?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “That’s what makes it exciting!”

  We got to the doorway. There was no turning back now.

  “One, two, three…jump!” I said.

  Belinda squealed in delight as we fell out of the plane. We started falling. The wind was rushing in our hair.

  “Oh, my God! This is amazing!” she shouted. “Should we be naked? I almost feel like we should’ve done this naked!”

  “People do skydive naked,” I laughed. “I’m surprised you want to try it already!”

  “Well that’s just it!” she yelled over the wind. “If you’re going to jump out of an airplane, you’re already crazy. Being naked just completes the craziness of it! You might as well go crazy all the way, I say!”

  “Look at this view!” I said. “Have you ever seen anything so wonderful?!”

  “It’s incredible! Where’s our hotel?!”

  “I think it’s over there near those buildings!”

  “This is like seeing the world on a plane ride!”

  “Only without the plane!”

  “Can I pull the ripcord?” she asked.

  “Make sure you have the right one,” I instructed.

  “This one?!”

  “Yes! Pull it!”

  “One! Two! Three! Wheeeeeee!”

  She pulled the cord and immediately our descent slowed. We were now slowly descending via parachute. I steered us left and right.

  “Watch, we can get the whole view now,” I said.

  I turned us all the way around.

  “This is so amazing! Thanks for helping me do my bucket list, Miles!”

  “Thanks for sharing the experience,” I said. “As you can see, not everyone is into it.”

  We glided around, admiring the scenery around the airport. Eventually, we started to get closer to the ground.

  “Oh, my God!” exclaimed Belinda. “The ground is coming up so fast! I’m just imagining what would happen if we hadn’t pulled the chute!”

  “Get ready, we’re going to land! Remember what the instructor said! Bend your knees a bit!”

  With the canopies on parachutes these days, it’s pretty easy to have a nice soft landing. We did and it all went p
erfect. Belinda was perfect. All I kept thinking was how lucky I could be to have her in my life.

  I didn’t care what anyone said. I didn’t care if our relationship choice was weird to people. I was going to do everything I could to stay with Belinda and deep in my heart, I knew she felt the same way.

  Chapter 12 – Franklin

  I went down to the hotel to meet Belinda and Miles for lunch. Theo got a business call and stayed back in the room. The hotel restaurant had a great selection. I thought of arranging another buffet in the room, but this time I wanted to be in public. I wanted to see how far Belinda would let herself go.

  Miles and Belinda entered and they look pretty wind swept. I kissed Belinda and she sat in between me and Miles.

  “Where’s Theo?” she asked.

  “He got a call,” I said. “Should be down in a little bit. How was skydiving?”

  “Amazing!” said Miles. “You really should try it.”

  “Not for me, thanks,” I assured him.

  “I could totally go again.” said Miles.

  “I loved it,” agreed Belinda. “But I need a few days to process, I think.”

  “See that? That’s why it’s better there’s more of us,” I assured her. “Miles can go skydiving with or without you whenever he wants and there’s always someone to take up the slack of the relationship.”

  “I’m starting to see that,” she conceded.

  “Let’s order some lunch,” I suggested. “What are you hungry for? I know what I’m hungry for.”

  Belinda blushed and bit her lower lip. She was sexy as hell when she did that.

  “I might have some big sausages,” she teased. “Do you know where I can get some? They have to be big and meaty.”

  “You can’t get enough sausages,” I teased back.

  Miles broke out in laughter. It was all in good fun.

  “Personally, I’m a fan of tacos,” I said. “One taco in particular.”

  “Yeah, you like that taco?” she teased.

  “Love it,” I assured her. “Could eat it all night.”

  “I’ll bet you could,” she said seductively.

  I was starting to get a boner under the table. It was going to be embarrassing if I suddenly had to stand up for some reason. Fortunately, the waiter came over and interrupted.

  “What can I get you folks today?” he asked.

  “I’ll have the fish tacos,” I said with a straight face.

  Belinda was sipping her water and nearly did a spit take. She blushed and laughed, but the waiter had no idea what was so funny.

  “What did you want Belinda? You said, big meaty sausage, I think,” I teased.

  “And balls,” joked Miles.

  The waiter looked at him curiously.

  “Do you have meatballs?” he asked.

  The waiter looked more confused.

  “Stop it, you guys!” Belinda said in faux embarrassment. “Could you give us a minute, we’re really not ready to order yet.”

  “Of course,” said the waiter gracefully.

  “You guys are being crazy,” laughed Belinda. “I like it, but we’re never gonna get lunch this way.”

  “We’ll get food eventually, but I’m more interested in something else,” I said, touching her knee.

  “You’re so randy in public!” laughed Belinda. “My gosh, if you had come skydiving, you would’ve gotten all this excitement out of your system.”

  “My excitement is more of a sexual nature,” I assured her. “What’s your sexual fantasy, Belinda?”



  “Beyond last night, I have to think of something,” she admitted. “What’s yours babe?”

  “I want to finger you. Right here, right now.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Yes, I’m serious,” I said, my hand creeping up her leg. “I want you to try and hold back, but I also want you to know it’s me doing it.”

  “But there are people here,” she whispered, looking around.

  “I know,” I smiled. “That’s the point. Being in public.”

  Belinda thought for a moment, looked around and then smiled.

  “Okay,” she said. “Do it.”

  I slid my hand underneath her skirt. I started to play with her pussy outside her panties. It was mostly tickling at first, she didn’t flinch.

  “What are you ordering for lunch, Miles?” she said routinely.

  “I’m thinking of having a hamburger,” he said. “But the seafood here was pretty good.”

  “What about you, Franklin?” she asked.

  I started to move my fingers underneath her panties. I was touching her pussy lips and gently rubbing them. She squirmed a little, but her face didn’t change.

  “I’m thinking the steak salad,” I said casually. “No carbs. Probably pretty healthy.”

  Belinda’s lip quivered a little and she was becoming distracted. The waiter returned and I slipped a finger into her moist, tight hole.

  “Mmm,” she said, pretending it was about the food. “I think I’m ready…to order.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” said the waiter. “What would you like?”

  I got my finger inside her and twirled it around. She kept it together up top, but down below she was gushing a little.

  “I-I-I like it--- The burger. For me,” she stammered.

  “And how would you like that done?” he asked.

  I pushed in as far as I could without revealing to the waiter what I was doing. Belinda was having trouble keeping it together.

  “The meat? Yes. I’d like it done. Really done. You know. Okay?” she said incoherently.

  “Well done, you mean?” he asked.

  “Yes!” she said a little too loud. “It is--- I want it. Well done!”

  “And you, sir?” he asked me.

  Miles leaned in to Belinda. I pretended to be unable to find what I was looking for on the menu.

  “Don’t cum yet,” Miles whispered to her. “You have to hold it.”

  “Oh, there it is,” I said to the waiter. “Steak salad. I like my meat nice and pink.”

  I looked into Belinda’s eyes.

  “Nothing I like better than chowing down on something pink,” I smiled.

  Belinda forgot herself and brought her hand down on the table a little hard. She was starting to lose it. I slowed and started, teasing her. It was driving her crazy. The waiter just looked confused.

  “We need to go back to our room, I think,” said Belinda, a little shaky. “I think I forgot to do someone--- Something! I forgot to do something!”

  “Bring me a medium rare burger and could we get that food delivered to the penthouse suite please?” asked Miles politely.

  We got up and rushed to the elevator.

  Chapter 13 – Belinda

  The public fingering had me turned on like never before. Just the thought of getting caught and the whole time, the waiter had no idea. Franklin was a madman. I could hardly wait to get out of the elevator.

  When we got up to the room, Theo had just finished his call.

  “Oh, hey guys,” I was just about to come down.

  I undid Franklin’s pants and pulled it down with his underwear. I dropped to my knees and started sucking his already erect cock. Miles started taking off his clothes.

  “Or forget lunch,” said Theo getting the message and standing up. “Glad we got more condoms. Definitely going to need them.”

  “Oh, fuck,” said Franklin in pleasure. “Did you like me fingering you at the table?”

  “It was so hot!” I said looking up at him with his dick across my mouth. “My pussy’s just dripping for you!”

  Miles was now completely naked and I immediately started sucking him while hand cranking Franklin.

  “Yes, that’s it! You suck me,” said Miles. “Feels so great!”

  “Theo, get over here,” I ordered.

  Theo walked over, already half undressed. I pulled his pants down roughly
and started sucking his cock.

  “God, you’re savage,” he said, aghast.

  “You like it?” I asked. “Do you like a beast to suck your cock?”

  “Yes,” he gasped. “I love it! Don’t stop!”

  I alternated between the three of them, sucking one while rubbing the other two with my hands. I licked their balls and teased them with my tongue. There was no place I wouldn’t put my tongue for them. Nothing I wouldn’t do to stimulate them. They were mine and I wanted them to know I would do anything for them.

  “Okay, okay,” Franklin said a little breathlessly. “Let’s move into the bedroom, huh? I need to cool off for a few seconds anyway.”

  We moved back into the bedroom. The boys were mostly naked. I started stripping off my clothes as fast as I could this time. I was already raring to go! Franklin poured everyone a drink. I grabbed the first glass of whiskey, downed the whole thing and hurled the glass across the room. It smashed to pieces somewhere near the fireplace.

  I jumped on the bed. I felt energized. Like a tiger!

  “Get over here, Miles,” I commanded. “I want you inside me.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said smiling.

  Miles got onto the bed. The only thing he was wearing was a condom. I lowered myself onto him.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned. “Now that’s being hooked together in tandem.”

  I turned around and did reverse cowgirl. I could feel Miles’s cock against a different side of my pussy.

  “Oh-oh!” I moaned. “That’s good. Theo, why aren’t you here?”

  Theo finished getting his clothes off and moved over. I grabbed him by his dick and pulled him near.

  “Young man,” I pretended to scold. “I understand you took a business call on our vacation. That’s very naughty. I think I should punish you…by sucking your cock.”

  “You’re tough, but fair,” quipped Miles.

  I went down on Theo. He moaned in pleasure.

  “I don’t know what they served you for lunch,” said Theo. “But I can’t wait to order it.”


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