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Black Curiosity - Censored!

Page 10

by Melissa Dubban

  Angela rolled her eyes, “Not back. BLACK. She’s going black. What, you never heard that? Once you go black you never go back?”

  “No!” Tiffani stared at her friend, horrified. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that black guys are supposedly bigger and better than white guys in bed and you only want to sleep with black men after your first time. You’ve never heard this?” Angela looked at Tiffani as she shook her head, “You really are clueless.”

  The two of them danced for awhile but got a little nervous as the crowd got ‘darker’. Actually Angela seemed fine with it and even joked around saying stuff like “I bet Sarah would like to be out here now” as she pointed out all the black guys that were hanging around with the teenage white girls. Once she started noticing, Tiffani counted four white girls (two of which she went to school with) who were either dancing with black guys or flirting with them. One girl she knew from her junior and senior year was even kissing a Negro! For Angela it was a spectacle, but for Tiff it just made her uncomfortable. Eventually she convinced her friend that they should leave.

  Half Turn

  Once at home and in her warm pajamas, Tiffani sat in bed and waited for Sarah to call. She had promised to check in when she got to wherever she was going but so far she hadn’t heard from Sarah at all. She was conflicted, annoyed that her friend had not called in to check and justified that the only thing that would keep her from calling was something bad happened. Then again, she didn’t want anything to have happened to Sarah and really hoped she had simply forgotten. By a quarter past two, Tiffani broke down and made the call herself. When she heard her friend’s voice she instantly knew that she was fine and not befallen to some grisly crime. “Hey, did you forget something?”

  Sarah responded apologetically, “Hey Tiffani. Sorry I didn’t call.”

  “You had me totally nervous. Are you okay? Is he with you?”

  “Yeah, he’s here. His name is Derrick.” She heard Sarah gasp a little. “I’m okay. I mean, better than okay.”

  “Where are you?”

  “At my house. You know, across from Sarah’s place?”

  “What?” Tiffani thought for a moment. Was she drunk or something? There wasn’t another Sarah that lived across from her. Jenny used to live there before she went off to college and her parents still lived there, but that was all. Then it dawned on the blonde teenager what was happening; she remembered her friend was house-sitting for Jenny Stanwick’s parents and had the key. “Oh my god! You are at Jenny’s place? Are you sure you aren’t going to get caught? When will they be back?”

  “Don’t worry. My parents won’t be back for a couple days. Mmmmmmm…” Tiffani then realized why her redheaded friend sounded so distracted and why she hadn’t checked in. “Are you two like actually having sex?”

  “Not yet… Mmmmm…”

  “You know he’s black, right?” It was a stupid question but it was out of her mouth before she could think twice.

  “Oh I know he is,” Sarah moaned. “Listen, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you tomorrow.” It sounded like Sarah dropped the phone as it clacked against something hard.

  “Sarah? Are you there?” Tiffani listened as Sarah started moaning sexually and then she heard the black guy from the club say something like “You like that, white girl?” Surely she’ll hang up the phone, Tiffani thought. I’ll just wait until she does so I know she’s okay. Any second now she’ll hang up. Come on, Sarah, hang up the phone. She heard a lot of rustling around and some male groans – obviously belonging to the African American. Despite being tired and embarrassed and concerned, the blonde girl pressed the phone to her ear and listened intently. She heard more rustling and then the sound of a zipper.

  “Ohmigod!” she heard Sarah say loudly. “You’re fucking huge!”

  “Not really,” the black stranger answered her friend. “I’m pretty average.”

  “Average for a black man maybe, but that isn’t average for the guys I’ve dated.”

  How big is he? the blonde girl wondered. As their moans began in earnest, she thought about Sarah’s interracial experience and was curious if there was any truth to a girl “going black”. As she listened to their private whispers, groans, screams, and moans, Tiffani felt both horrible for spying on her friend and uncontrollably drawn to the voyeuristic act. The phone must have been on the floor next to the bed because the sound of bed springs was loud over the speaker.

  “Take it deep, girl,” he was whispering to her. “Yeah, take all that in. That’s the way you need it, ain’t that right, Jenny?”

  The sound of bedsprings continued, faster and faster, barely able to compete with the sexual sounds pouring out of the phone. Tiffani turned off her bedroom light, slipped down into her bed, and squeezed her thighs together. She refused to touch herself listening to one of her girlfriends have sex, but there was no denying it was arousing to listen.

  The soft female voice screamed, “More! Right there! FUCK! FUCK! YES! CUMMING!!”

  The deeper manly voice replied, “You liked that, huh?”

  “Yea- let me- wait-”


  Tiffani looked at the clock on her nightstand and realized they had been having sex for awhile. She heard Sarah talking in a sultry tone, “This is my first time with a black guy,” she told him teasingly, “but I hope it won’t be my last time.” Maybe Sarah did go black! she considered, wondering how her friend would ever be able to date a black guy without her mom or dad admonishing her.

  Lying in bed, Tiffani felt very sleepy but couldn’t bring herself to hang up. She herself had become frustrated and horny and wished that her boyfriend Greg was with her so that they could make love. The phone sat glowing on the pillow next to her face and she stared at it jealously, listening to Sarah screaming out in ecstasy once again.

  Tiffani had never enjoyed the pleasure of an orgasm the way her friend was at that moment. She was always so close when she and her boyfriend made love but it never built up to the mind shattering experience her girlfriends talked about and certainly not like anything she was listening to. She told Greg many times that she had climaxed, but in truth she would wait for him to leave then masturbate rubbing her clit when he was gone. Tiff took solace in the fact that she was able to give pleasure to her boyfriend however quick it might be for him to achieve it. It was obvious Greg felt self conscious about their love life and she had to go to great lengths to convince him that a good sex life in a committed relationship took time to develop. That’s what she had read somewhere, anyway.

  If that’s true then why is Sarah screaming like an animal while her Negro one night stand defiles her then? Maybe the problem is me? Maybe the problem is Greg? Her hand was now on her clit and Tiffani was rubbing it quickly. Her fatigued body flashed with all sorts of feelings of guilt and lust and pleasure while she listened to the forbidden interracial intercourse her friend engaged in. Tiff tried to think of Greg sliding his dick into her with the enthusiasm that this Derrick guy had, but her mind kept skipping around as she rubbed her pussy faster and faster, thinking about all the things she saw and heard…

  - The black man kissing his white girlfriend at the restaurant. -

  - A brazenly passionate kiss. -

  - “Duh! Of course it happens, but most of the time it is a black guy and a white girl though.” -

  - “It’s because they have bigger dicks, stupid.” -

  - “Hey would you ever, you know, do it with a black boy?” -

  - “Probably.” -

  - Sarah grinding her tight round ass against Derrick’s bulging crotch as he ran his hands along her waist and hips. -

  - “It means that black guys are supposedly better than white guys in bed and you only want to sleep with black men after your first time. You’ve never heard this?” -

  - Bookworm Hillary Wheeler from High School totally scamming with a black guy on the dance floor. -

  - “Derrick, I can’t believe how hard you
are again!” -

  Tiffani bit her knuckle as she stifled her orgasmic cry in bed. Her pleasure seemed to coincide with one of Sarah’s many climaxes that night which made the whole experience that much more naughty. When she finally calmed down, Tiff pulled her hand out of her pajama bottoms and pressed the END button on her phone. Rolling over, she fell asleep quickly.

  Three Quarter Turn

  The room was illuminated by candlelight and the soft sounds of classical music tickled. The bed was sprinkled with rose petals that puffed and slid along the soft flannel sheets as Greg and Tiffani made love. It was their one year anniversary on Sunday and the well groomed blonde young man wanted this afternoon to be special for him and his beautiful girlfriend. They had been dating since their senior year in High School and their relationship was as smooth as ever. Her body was so long and smooth and her legs were a treasure to lie between. As he gently slipped his condom covered manhood into her vagina, he kissed her delicately on the mouth and neck and pushed in and out of her with even slow strokes. I want to make this last, he reminded himself.

  Tiffani stared up at the ceiling as Greg continued to make love to her. All six inches were now buried inside of her as she held back a yawn and looked at her watch. 3:34pm. She felt his pace pick up and then slow a little more, then pick up again as he got excited. Greg had certainly done a lot to make the day romantic with a home cooked meal and some champagne he had swiped from his parent’s bar. With his little sister and parents gone for the day, the two of them were able to relax and not worry about interruptions. She tried to remember where he said they were going. Was it to her dance recital? Or ice skating? She couldn’t remember.

  3:39pm. Greg was pushing into her faster now and she could feel his excitement growing. Five minutes; it was time for her to wrap her legs around him. As she did he became even more aroused and thrust her speedily.

  “Oh! Oh! I love you, Tiffani! Oh, I love you so much!” he whispered in her ear as he came.

  She started her obligatory moans as well, “Oh me too, Greg. I’m going to orgasm too! Oh you are such a fantastic lover. Oh! Oh!” She probably should have started her moans beforehand but Greg didn’t seem to notice or care that she had faked everything.

  He pulled out of her and pulled the condom from his penis, folded it neatly into a tissue paper, and then discarded it in the brass trash can. “You were wonderful as always,” he told her, rolling over on his back.

  “Thank you,” she replied, putting on her best smile as she snuggled up to him. “You are always the excellent lover, Greg. So romantic too! Look at all this: the candles, the incense, the music, the champagne. It’s too bad you’ll be gone tomorrow.”

  “I know, but I’ve been looking forward to this skiing trip for a month. I told you that you could go.”

  “I know, but I have classes on Monday that I can’t ditch.” She looked down at his flaccid penis and the droplet of cum that had oozed out of the tip. Impulsively she grabbed his dick and tugged at it to try to bring it back to life. Her boyfriend’s moans told her she was doing something he liked. “Greg, do you think we could make love again before your parents come back home?”

  “I could try. Let me work on getting it back up.”


  It was 10pm and she had just said goodnight to Greg. He was going to bed early so he could be up at 4am the next morning. Tiffani sat by her laptop and scrolled through her Myspace page, looking at some of the comments her friends made about the pictures she had just uploaded. Her mind wandered to the afternoon and the lovemaking session she had at her boyfriend’s parent’s house. Seven minutes? she thought. That is all he could manage? It seems like he should be able to last longer than that. Sarah’s black boy lasted at least an hour and who knows how long they really went for? Maybe there is a cream or a pill or something Greg can use?

  It felt a little weird after listening to the hour long sex call from the night before, but she called Sarah to check up on her anyway. She and Tiffani were supposed to ‘go out’ tonight; at least that was the alibi. Sarah had asked her to cover for her in the event her mom or dad called to talk and she was ‘occupied’. This was something all of them had done many times before with each other when their boyfriends wanted to come by or there was a party, but now Tiffani was actually helping Sarah hook up with this black guy from last night again.

  “So you are at Jenny’s house again?” Tiffani asked her.

  “Yeah I’m just waiting for him to come over,” Sarah told her friend over the phone. She sounded so enthusiastic about the night and there was an energy and confidence about her that she hadn’t heard in her friend’s voice before. Was it this new guy? Was it the fact that he was an exceptional lover? Or the taboo of him being African American? Had Sarah ‘gone black’ as Angela had suggested at the club?

  “Aren’t you worried about your parents finding out?”

  “Yeah, a little, but he said he’s going to park around the corner. They won’t notice anything I hope.”

  “So… Is it true?” Tiffani asked, curious to find out more.

  “Is what true?”

  “You know, about black guys. You seem to have this new experience none of us know anything about. Is it better?”

  “Tiffani, you have no idea. I have no idea how I ever thought Tom was any good in bed. I mean, Derrick is only my first black guy, but if he is average than they are way better than white guys. And bigger too.”

  Tiffani cleared her throat, “Bigger? How much bigger?”

  “Why? Is Greg not doing it for you in the bedroom?

  Tiffani thought about tugging on her boyfriend’s limp penis, trying to get him up again, then eventually giving up and snuggling. “No. I mean yes. Yes, he is. Sex with Greg is really, really nice. He’s very tender.”

  “Oh, how sweet. Well, Derrick was anything but tender. He was rough and powerful and-” Sarah put the phone down for a moment, then picked it up again. “Hey, somebody’s knocking.”

  “Okay, well have a good time,” Tiffani told her. “Call me in the morning.”

  “No, stay on the phone for a sec until I make sure it is him at the door. Hold on.”

  Tiffani sat on the phone the whole time waiting for her friend to come back. Strangely she became a little excited for Sarah as she recalled the Olympic sexual marathon Derrick took her on the night before. She heard them talking in the background and then the rustle of somebody crawling toward the phone again.

  “I’m back, it’s him,” the redhead whispered to Tiffani.

  “Okay,” she responded. “Just be careful, okay? I get worried for you.”

  “Hey Tiff’, wait a second.”


  “Just hold on for a few more minutes, okay?”

  “Why? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything is fine. Just hold on for like three minutes okay?”

  Tiffani heard the television get louder in the background and realized that it was the sounds of sex. A pornographic movie? She was sure it was, but wasn’t sure why Sarah would be watching one when Derrick was right there with her. And why would she want Tiffani to hear it?

  As she sat at her desk, she heard the black boy’s voice, “What are you doin, girl?”

  Sarah responded with something that just floored Tiffani, “Just being a bad little white girl watching all these naughty movies. That big black cock looks so sexy going in and out of that girl, don’t you think, Derrick? Mmm, speaking of big black cocks, I guess you are interested in straightening me out?”

  I can’t believe Sarah would talk like that! And what movie is she watching that has black guys and white girls having sex? Tiffani knew there was a lot of pornography of different types, but it never dawned on her that there would be the kind that involved interracial sex. Her friend was definitely into the guy though, even referring to herself as a “bad little white girl”. The silence of her friend was filled with the faint sound of the porn film playing in the background while Sarah and D
errick did who-knows-what with each other.

  Tiffani’s heart was pounding as she thought about her second voyeuristic call with Sarah. Did her friend know about the first call? Or did she simply forget to hang up again? Tiff wasn’t sure, but was definitely sure she was getting turned on. She listened to her girlfriend talking dirty.

  “Derrick, I just love sucking your big black cock. It’s so much bigger than my old boyfriend’s little white dick. So sexy. So naughty. I can’t wait to feel it deep inside of me. Mmmmm, yes! Lick me. Get it all wet and ready for you to fuck my little white pussy.”

  “Yeah, your pussy tastes damn good, girl,” the black guy responded. “Nice white pussy tastin’ so sweet.”


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