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Black Curiosity - Censored!

Page 14

by Melissa Dubban

  “Oooh, nice and wet. So you’re a very bad girl after all, aren’t you, Sarah?” The middle aged woman was alight with passion; filthy dirty lust for this girl half her age as she pumped her digits between her lips and felt drips of her excitement building between her fingers. The world seemed to spin out of control and fall apart, replaced by a strange alternate universe where every carnal desire was achieved just by taking it. There were no “no’s” in this new world, and if there was it was probably a “yes” in disguise. Sarah did nothing to fight off Carol’s lesbian advances and that meant she was free to enjoy every square inch of her youthful flesh.

  The teenager looked down as Jennifer’s mom disappeared between her legs and then she felt the woman’s tongue flicking along her labia. It made her bounce up on her toes and bang her head against the wall. Carol didn’t stop though. She munched at Sarah like she was a snack, devouring her and tasting her juices. Closing her eyes she simply let this older woman have her way, letting her provide Sarah with this wildly kinky pleasure. The room seemed to spin and time was fluid. She didn’t even remember ending up in the Stanwick’s bedroom, being stripped to nothing but her socks, her arms stuck over her head with her hoodie wrapped around the bending twists of the king size bed’s headboard, restraining her helplessly.

  Carol looked at Sarah’s wriggling form as she licked the dildo, slicking it up with her saliva, prepping it for penetrating the nineteen year old. She slipped it into her tight hole and watched her natural red pubic hair part, accepting the black phallus. Looking up at Sarah’s pouting lips Carol cooed, “Oh that looks so nice. I bet it feels so good too, doesn’t it?”

  Sarah nodded and Carol continued. “Is this what you did while I was out on vacation? Huh? Did you fuck your little pussy really hard watching all my dirty movies? Did your black boyfriends do you right here in my bed? Did it feel nice and big like this? Come on, bad girl. You can tell me all about it. Tell me while I pump you with this fat black toy.”

  Sarah told her everything between her cries of pleasure.


  Carol woke up an hour later next to Sarah’s naked frame. She was curled up in a fetal position, turned away from her lesbian seducer. What an experience! What a moment! The housewife had enjoyed her girl-girl kiss with her old friend Allison years ago and her experience with newlywed Jamie in California was an eye opener. But never had Carol had such lust for a woman until she had Sarah one-on-one, uninterrupted, with no man’s body to distract her (despite how good that distraction might feel). It was so close to when Ben was coming home but Carol was an explorer of Sarah’s flesh, bound and determined to discover all of its secrets and extracting all of its resources.

  Sarah woke up to Jennifer’s mother straddling her face. Looking at the woman’s neatly trimmed pussy hair she could see the moistness already building up on her mound once more. She wanted to crawl out of the bed, but the woman’s weight was pressing down on her arms, her body hot with desire. “Wait. Uhm, Mrs. Stanwick, maybe we should-”

  “Shhhh,” Carol put her finger over her Sarah’s mouth. “No talking. I need you to do something else with that sweet mouth of yours. Now open wide.” Riding this sweet girl’s tongue again is going to feel so good, she delighted. Each motion of the nineteen year old’s mouth made the housewife quiver and inexorably drew their fates together.


  It had been over two weeks of perverse pleasure with Mrs. Stanwick. Sarah hadn’t even gone to school today, missing classes she desperately needed to catch up in. There was an exam next week that she couldn’t afford to fail and yet here she was again with her legs spread wide open and her pussy being licked and sucked on. Mrs. Stanwick was seemingly insatiable and her appetite for Sarah’s juices never-ending. That is until Derrick came over.

  The day after her seduction, Sarah had gone straight home after school and boarded herself up in her room – music blaring, text books spread across her floor, and the door closed and locked. She couldn’t have stated it any clearer that she wanted to be left alone. Her afternoon with Carol Stanwick had put her on edge, like she had gotten into something that she didn’t know how to get out of. It was fun when she was pretending to be Jennifer and having the run of her neighbor’s house. It was even perversely fun watching her ‘bff’ Tiffany being ravished by the three black men Sarah had let into the house. But since then things had gotten weird in a hurry.

  Tiffany was filled with guilt and on the verge of breaking up with her boyfriend and barely spoke to Sarah at school. And Carol’s lesbian seduction? That one came out of nowhere. The woman was attractive and sexy – that much wasn’t under debate. But her forceful nature and hints of blackmail were frightening, and perhaps too alluring.

  “We can keep this a secret, can’t we, Sarah?” Carol told her after enjoying her flesh for hours. “I’m sure you don’t want your mom and brother knowing what we did all day, let alone anything getting back to your father.”

  Sarah nodded in agreement but the words hung in the air. Would Carol actually tell anyone about their sexual escapades? The answer to that would come days later, but she didn’t know it at the time. Sarah simply tried to tune out the memories by immersing herself in her neglected college courses. Her brother was in the living room and her mom was out again; she had been leaving the house for long blocks of time and even spent the night with “a friend” the previous weekend. The time that she did spend at home was locked away in her room on the phone. If Sarah hadn’t been so distracted by the event events she might have taken a greater interest in what was happening in the house.

  There was a rap on the door that startled the redhead. “What!?” she yelled.

  “Carol’s at the door for you!” Brian screamed back.

  “Can you just tell her I’m busy?” she asked as she turned down the volume on her stereo.

  “Tell her yourself. I gotta go meet Crystal. Bye!”

  She heard Brian’s footsteps fading away and him talking to somebody in the house. The front door closing and a moment later the sound of heels on the wooden floor coming toward her room.

  “Sarah, can I come in?” Carol asked from the hallway.

  “Uh, yeah, hold on,” the nineteen year old answered. She reluctantly got off the bed and headed to the door, briefly checking herself in the mirror. If I don’t want this to happen, why am I concerned with how I look? she wondered. Opening the door she looked at Carol who had done a really nice job on her makeup. He body was wrapped in a long heavy green winter jacket that extended down to her knees. Her shoes were definitely not snow boots however. The heels were tall and black and strappy, wrapping her ankles and low on her calves. They weren’t the type of foot wear you wore just anywhere. “Hi, Mrs. Stanwick.”

  “Hi, sweetheart,” Carol greeted her back, leaning over and kissing her delicately on the lips. Sarah instinctively pulled back and the middle aged woman took note of it. “Hey, sweetie, what’s wrong?”

  Sarah shrugged, “I dunno. This just feels weird. Doesn’t it feel weird to you?”

  “You weren’t saying it felt weird yesterday, Sarah. In fact you were saying quite the opposite.”

  “I know but-”

  “But nothing,” Carol stepped into the room and slowly closed the door behind her. “We’re just having some fun, right? Don’t you want to have some fun, Sarah?”

  “You’re my friend’s mom. I mean, you’re like a second mother to me. Isn’t it weird for you being with a girl the same age as your daughter?” Carol stepped forward and Sarah stepped back.

  “It’s terrible, isn’t it? And what about you? How did feel having your sweet little pussy licked by somebody the same age as your mother?”

  She didn’t answer. Instead Sarah backed up until she was stopped by her own bed, and even then she slid up on top of the covers. Carol unbuttoned the coat to reveal a sexy black corset and black stockings. Where her panties should have been there dangled a thick black strap-on dildo that reached over half way down her thi

  “Besides, bad girl, we had an arrangement, remember?”

  Sarah gave a nervous grin as she looked her neighbor up and down. She felt a wicked tingle go through her young body as Mrs. Stanwick fell upon her and kissed her deeply. The text books and papers she had fanned out on the bedspread scattered to the floor as the two women separated by a generation embraced each other again in a forbidden tryst.

  The soft flesh against her own. The forceful woman above her taking charge. The kisses. The sucking. The rubbing. The licking.

  And this is what happened on and off for fourteen days. When her house was occupied, the teenager would stop by Carol’s house for an hour or so. Sarah’s mother and brother were frequently gone and on those days Carol came to the Kinsey house for a teenage bite to eat. Neither woman had any idea things were going to get even wilder.

  Meeting Sarah

  Derrick’s Nissan pulled into the cul-de-sac on the brisk winter afternoon. He hadn’t heard from Jennifer in a week and was figuring that his piece of ass was gone for good. She did mention her parents were coming back from vacation but apparently this white girl was feeling the fever bad enough to risk meeting him in the middle of the day. They talked briefly the previous day about him coming over in the morning.

  “Don’t you got classes?” he asked Jennifer.

  “Well, uh, yeah, but don’t worry about that. Just come on over. Remember to park down the street a bit like last time,” she reminded him. Her voice sounded shaky but he didn’t pick up on it till after the call. Something seemed off about their chat but when he rang her back he got voice mail. He sent a couple texts to her but she didn’t respond until late that night.

  JUST COME OVR ITS COOL. He looked it over cautiously and was ready to cancel but got a call from his friend Dominic. It was enough to distract him and the message never was sent.

  The next day he got up and showered right away, deviating from his typical routine. Originally he was planning on meeting his boys to work out but Derrick’s morning call was obviously more interesting. He ran the soap over his smooth skin, scrubbing himself for his pale princess and tugging at himself just a smidge in the shower. Jennifer’s booty call played out fine for him since work didn’t start till 3pm. That was enough time to get his piece, get another shower, and punch in with time to spare.

  As Derrick drove past the cul-de-sac he saw Jennifer’s car across the court from her house; it was strange enough to put him on the alert as he parked and pulled out his phone to text her.


  There was an immediate response, YES.

  Derrick locked the care and walked around the corner. The lean black man pulled his jacket closed tight and glanced over at the house where Jennifer’s car was at. He noticed somebody peaking through the blinds but with the sunlight shining on the window and the ice reflecting everywhere it was impossible to say who it was or what they looked like.

  The last thing he needed was the po po showing up for breaking and entering so he stepped up his pace as he walked up the path and rang the doorbell instead of just walking in. A couple seconds passed and he glanced over his shoulder. He noticed the blinds in the window of the house across the street shifted again. Obviously somebody noticed him, probably somebody who didn’t like the idea of him being in the neighborhood. Derrick’s head swiveled back and he heard footsteps and then the door opened. He looked up at a middle aged white woman with brown shoulder length hair and a tight body. She was taller than Jennifer by a few inches and had a different face. She also wasn’t as fair as his white princess. This woman was still Caucasian but she was tan and missing the freckles Jennifer had on her nose and chest. Small titties to boot but he could tell from the front that she had a back end that was tight. The jeans she squeezed into clung to her hips and thighs and she was wearing black strappy heels that you would normally see on a girl frequenting the club scene.

  “Can I help you?” she asked. There was a slight smile on her face but Derrick was conflicted between undressing the MILF in front of him and making sure he was at the right house. He looked at the address and the doorway just to make sure. “Can I help you?” she repeated.

  “Uh, yeah, sorry, I was s’posed to meet Jennifer. She here?”

  “She’s at school. Come in.” The woman opened the door wide and gestured to the living room.

  Derrick stood on the porch, “Hey, that’s okay. She told me she was here-”

  “You mean she called you today?”

  “Naw, she texted me.”

  “You mean from this cell phone?” the woman held up Jennifer’s hot pink phone. “No, that was me. Come in, Derrick, we need to talk.”

  “Whoah, wassup here? Is she under eighteen or somethin’ cuz she didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout that.” Derrick took a full step back and was ready to bolt. The last thing he needed was some overly protective mother charging him with statutory rape, especially when the girl was the one that invited him into her bed in the first place.

  The brunette put up her hand, “Derrick, slow down. She’s nineteen and that wasn’t my concern. It would be a lot easier to explain if you just came in.”

  The brown skinned young man assessed the woman’s face carefully then stepped into the house. If she was going to call the police she certainly didn’t look upset. It might have been a trap, he supposed, but why bother? Why not just press charges? It would be the first time some white parent called 5-0 after finding that he slept with their eager daughter, but that was for trespassing. What was this woman’s angle?

  Once in the hallway she introduced herself as Carol Stanwick and Derrick was too quick to point out he recognized her from the picture in the bedroom.

  Carol smiled, “Oh really? Well, while you were in there did you see this picture?” She extended her arm out to hand him a frame from off the wall. The photo was a young girl, High School graduation no doubt from the robe she wore, pretty with dark hair and a smile that looked just like Carol’s.

  “No. Who’s that?”

  “This is my daughter Jennifer.”

  Derrick paused for a long moment then looked up at his mysterious hostess, “What’s that now? This is Jennifer?” He pointed at the picture.

  Carol nodded.

  “Then who’s the other girl that lives here? Her sister?”

  She took him gently by the hand and pushed open the bedroom door. Lying on her back was the girl Derrick knew as Jennifer, her naked frame tied up to the bed with some type of silky material and her mouth gagged with the same. A porn movie was playing on the TV with the volume turned down low; it was the same one he had seen her watching the second night they were together.

  “This is Sarah. She’s my neighbor’s daughter and she lives across the street. She was taking care of my house while I was on vacation for a week. Apparently she was taking care of more than just feeding the cat it seems.”

  So Jenny was actually Sarah? Derrick wondered. I knew something was off about this girl. Too many questions and not enough answers. If it wasn’t for her fleshy body squirming uncomfortably on the bed he would have been out of there for sure. But there was nothing normal about this situation.

  “So wait, why you bringin’ me in here?” he turned his attention back and forth from Carol to the bound teenager on the bed.

  Carol ran her finger down Derrick’s chest seductively. “Come on, Derrick. Sarah told me all about what a great lover you are. I am sure you can figure it out.”


  Derrick erupted in a shower of hot cum, spurting globs of the white sticky mess across Carol’s stomach and tits. He hadn’t brought protection but the horny housewife didn’t seem to mind. Even so, he pulled out at the last moment in a cinematic style that should have placed the twenty-four year old in the running for a pornographic award. She ain’t as tight as Sarah, he thought, but she knows how to move those hips right!

  Unfortunately he hadn’t been able to do a side-by-side comparison like he wanted. Carol wouldn’t let him. H
is fuck-buddy, the Jennifer-imposter, remained tied up to the bed and squirmed in frustration as the older woman lay right next to her and took Derrick’s manhood for the past twenty minutes.

  “Don’t touch her!” she shouted. “Sarah’s been a bad girl and this is her punishment. I get you all to myself today.” Carol insisted on torturing the poor girl by denying her the dark pleasure of her night club lover. Now she was rolling between Sarah’s legs and began lapping at the teenager’s throbbing clit, waving her ass in the air to tempt Derrick back.

  “Come on, big boy, is that all you’ve got?” she broke away from her oral pleasuring of the redhead just long enough to coax Derrick behind her. It worked. He ran his brown hands over her perfect ass and smacked it, giving the housewife a thrill as she sucked the teenage pussy in front of her. He looked into Sarah’s eyes for a solid minute, witnessing her jealousy mix with frustration and pleasure. For a moment he almost considered trying to release the girl from the silken ties, but then thought against it. In he slipped to Carol’s wet tunnel and began again to pump her.


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