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Good, the Bad, and the Vampire

Page 24

by Sara Humphreys

  “Dakota will no longer be a sentry here in New York,” Emperor Zhao said. His voice was deep and barely audible, but it carried a wallop. “He is relieved of his duties.”

  “As you wish,” Dakota said quietly.

  Trixie’s heart clenched in her chest, and even though Dakota didn’t flinch, she knew how much this hurt him. He loved being a sentry, and part of her wondered if Dakota would see this as a fate even worse than death.

  “You will need to relinquish your sentry dagger.” Zhao flicked his gaze to Dakota’s left arm. “Immediately.”

  Without a word, Dakota removed his hand from Trixie’s grasp and undid the leather straps of the sheath around his forearm. Holding the emperor’s stare, he removed the dagger and sheath before tossing them across the table to Zhao. They landed with a loud thud directly in front of the emperor, who didn’t even glance at them.

  “Was never really mine, anyway,” Dakota murmured. “It was Jonner’s. And in case you were wonderin’, I killed him with it.”

  “Very well.” Zhao made no move to take the dagger. “You’ll have no need for it where you’re going.”

  Panic fired through Trixie’s chest and she hopped to her feet, slamming both hands on the table.

  “You’re an asshole!” she shouted at Zhao.

  “Trixie, stop.” Dakota rose to his feet next to her. “This isn’t gonna do you or me any good.”

  “No. I will not stop.” Anger had taken over and it took all her restraint not to flash her fangs at the emperor. “Dakota was tricked and lied to by Jonner, the same as the gargoyles were. Shit, man. Dakota’s the one who fixed this whole stupid mess. If it weren’t for him, the gargoyles wouldn’t have their gold back and Jonner would still be out there. Not to mention what could have happened to Chelsea and Rebecca. He saved them and he saved me and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you harm one hair on his gorgeous head. He is my bloodmate, and if you kill him, then you kill me. I’ll kick your moldy old ass before I let you hurt him.”

  The emperor said nothing, merely raising his eyebrows at her outburst, which only pissed her off more. She wanted to bite that smug look off his stupid old face.

  “Who said anything about killing him?” Zhao said in a calm, matter-of-fact tone. “All I said was that he would no longer be a sentry here in New York.”

  “Wait…what?” Trixie stilled and looked around the room at the various faces. “You’re not going to execute Dakota?”

  “No, but might I say that you have lived up to your feisty reputation,” Zhao said. “Your youth, exuberance, and love for your mate are…enviable. Nonetheless, you are still incorrect.”

  “Oh…” Trixie let out an awkward giggle and sat down. “Sorry.”

  “Like Queen Alana, I am tired of war and vengeance. I am three thousand years old, Ms. La Roux, and I have seen more death than you could possibly imagine. We have made peace with the werewolves and the Amoveo. There is no reason we can’t include the gargoyles in our dealings. It is the least I can do after the pain that was inflicted upon them by Jonner.”

  “Jumping the gun, as usual.” Olivia rolled her eyes and shot Trixie an annoyed look.

  “What was I supposed to think, Liv?”

  “As I was trying to say,” Zhao continued, “Dakota will not be staying here as a sentry. I am sending him to Texas to serve as a senator and work with the gargoyles. Unlike most senators for the Presidium, he will not report to the local czar but directly to me. There have been several misunderstandings and an abundance of misinformation about their people and ours.

  “Dakota will be a liaison to help us dispel some of the…confusion. Rebecca and Chelsea will be going as well. The child is of some importance to the gargoyle community, and it’s my understanding that she will need to complete training as she grows up. Training that she can only receive from Queen Alana.”

  “Chelsea already knows what we are asking and she has agreed to come. Gatlin still has family there, and this will allow Rebecca to learn about both sides of her heritage,” Alana added. “Chelsea and Rebecca will live within the Dome by day and can learn to navigate the human world by night.” She smiled. “With your help, of course.”

  “Do you accept?” Zhao directed his attention to Dakota. “Will you serve as a senator on behalf of the Presidium?”

  Trixie’s throat tightened. They’d mentioned everyone but her. Could she do it? Could she let them all go?

  “I don’t know which is worse,” Dakota drawled. “Dyin’ or bein’ a politician.”

  Trixie gritted her teeth when no one said anything and all eyes went to the emperor, but to everyone’s surprise, Emperor Zhao burst out laughing. His shoulders shook, a deep baritone chuckle rumbling through the room. Finally after a few awkward glances between them, the rest of them joined in.

  “Then it’s a yes?” Alana asked hopefully through a wide smile.

  “Yes for me.” Dakota turned to Trixie and gathered her hand in his once again. “But on one condition.”

  “What’s that?” Zhao arched one dark eyebrow.

  “Trixie comes with me.”

  “Of course.” A flicker of confusion washed over the emperor’s face. “She is your bloodmate. We assumed she would be going with you. I would never deign to come between a bond as special as that.”

  “Cool. Thanks.” Trixie let out a sigh of relief. “Sorry about the asshole thing and the ‘moldy old ass’ comment.”

  “I’ve been called worse,” Zhao said with a small smile. “But I trust you will work on your diplomatic skills.”

  “Me?” She jutted her thumb at her chest. “A diplomat?”

  “I’d like you to train with Isadora. Asmodeus gave her a glowing recommendation. She can help you to learn as much as you can about the witches.” He leaned back in his chair, exuding pure confidence and power. “I’ve already been in communication with her and she is…agreeable.”

  “Okay.” Trixie looked from Olivia and Doug to Dakota. “Will we be able to come back and visit?”

  “I don’t see why not,” Zhao said casually. “This is not a prison sentence. You are free to refuse, but I’m afraid that either way, Dakota will not remain as a sentry.” Emperor Zhao’s expression grew serious. “I’m sure you can understand why.”

  “Yes, sir,” Dakota murmured. “I do.”

  “Well, if our agreements have been met”—Alana rose from her seat with graceful elegance—“I will be on my way. I have much to attend to in my own community.”

  “Of course.” Emperor Zhao stood up and took her hand in his before kissing it regally. “I look forward to building the bridge between our races, and I will see you at the summit next month in Geneva.”

  “I shall see you in Switzerland.” Queen Alana pressed her hands together as if in prayer. As a green light began to emanate from them she whispered, “Until then.”

  The light flashed, filling the room. A split second later, Queen Alana had vanished along with the light.

  “The woman knows how to make an exit,” Doug said. “I’ll give her that.”

  “Now that the gold has been returned to them, so have many of their powers.” Emperor Zhao leaned forward and pressed his fingertips to the table, directing his attention to Dakota and Trixie. “You have two weeks to complete your relocation to Texas. It’s my understanding that you already have a residence there?”

  “Yes, sir.” Dakota nodded and pulled Trixie into the shelter of his body. “I surely do.”

  “Fine, then. On your way. I’ll expect weekly reports from both of you. Suzie will provide you with the proper procedure.” Emperor Zhao sat down and gestured to the door before giving them a sly smile. “We have other business to attend to, and I’m sure you do as well.”

  * * *

  Dakota lay naked on the bed in their cottage, only a thin black sheet covering him to his waist. He st
ared at the closed bathroom door. What the hell was she was doin’ in there that was takin’ so long? He’d heard the shower and then the hair dryer, but so far Trixie hadn’t emerged. It had been a month since they moved down to Texas and so far so good. Trixie’s training sessions with Isadora were going off without a hitch, and by all accounts, Chelsea and Rebecca were like a couple of rock stars in the gargoyle community.

  After a few tense meetings, he’d even begun to develop friendships with the gargoyle guards. They were a bunch of tough sons of bitches and it was a refreshing change to be fighting with them instead of against them.

  He’d even gotten Trixie to start riding horses. A smile played at his lips and he pulled the small gift from beneath his pillow. He’d been working on it ever since they got back and he couldn’t wait to give it to her. When he heard the door click open, he quickly hid the present under the sheet.

  “No laughing,” Trixie said from behind the closed door. “I mean it, and if you tell me it’s swell, I’m going to deck you.”

  “No promises.” He clapped his hands. “Get your fine-lookin’ fanny out here so I can see what you’re talkin’ about, woman.”

  When she finally opened the door and stepped into the room, Dakota was rendered speechless. Her hair, which was usually one crazy color or another, was now a deep chocolate brown with a few streaks of purple. Instead of sticking up in a hundred directions, it was smooth and sleek; and her lovely face was free of makeup. Hands at her sides, she strode toward the bed. Dressed in a tiny black slip, which only served to highlight her creamy white skin, the woman was a thing of beauty.

  When he didn’t say anything, her hands flew to her head and she grimaced.

  “You hate it, don’t you?”

  “No, baby.” He scrambled off the bed and immediately swept her into his arms, not caring that he was stark-ass naked. “You’re beautiful.” He cradled her face in his hands and urged her to look at him. “I love it no matter how you wear it.”

  “I don’t want to hide anymore,” she whispered. “I-I’m ready for people to see me… I mean really see me. I thought maybe if I toned it down a little…”

  “I see you,” he whispered. Dakota rasped his thumb over her cheek. “I’ve always seen you. I don’t care what color your hair is or how much makeup you wear. I love you, Trix, and I’ll take you any way I can get you.”

  Trixie popped up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. His desire grew swiftly as she pushed her tongue into his mouth, seeking, touching, and tasting. Dakota groaned and slid his hands to her shoulders, hooking his fingers in the straps of her nightie and pushing it off. The flimsy fabric fluttered soundlessly to the ground, and she pressed her soft, curvy body tightly against his.

  He kissed her deeply as their hands eagerly explored each other. Dakota was always amazed how quickly they were ready for each other, how easily and naturally their bodies reacted. With lightning-fast reflexes and the need to be inside her, to touch her in every way possible, Dakota whisked her to the bed. He linked his arm around her waist and spun her so that her ass was nuzzled against his hardening cock. He trailed hot kisses along her throat and she tilted her head, giving him access to the sensitive flesh, but he wanted more.

  She bent over and braced her hands on the bed. Fangs bared, she glanced at him over her shoulder and wiggled her ass before spreading her legs wide. Seeing her open and exposed to him like that was more than he could take. He grabbed her hips and thrust his shaft into her to the hilt. He pumped into her with swift sure strokes, and his climax coiled deep in his gut.

  Trixie knew what he needed without him having to ask.

  With preternatural speed, she flipped over onto her back and pulled him down to the bed with her. Dakota slipped inside her without missing a beat, and as Trixie wrapped her legs around his waist, he unsheathed his fangs. Her hips rose to meet his as he pumped into her wildly. She threaded her hands through his hair, pulling him to her.

  He nuzzled her neck and shouted her name into her mind as his climax began to crest. As thoughts and bodies mingled, their fangs pierced each other’s flesh at the same moment, sending them both over the edge and into the abyss.

  As the powerful blood flowed, and Dakota remained locked inside the warmth of Trixie’s body, he reveled in the sound of their jointly beating hearts.

  Once. Twice. Home.

  They lay naked and wrapped up in a tangle of limbs and bedsheets as the exquisite haze of lust faded. Trixie was curled up on his chest with her arm and leg comfortably thrown over his.

  “I could stay right here forever,” Dakota murmured.

  “Me too.” Trixie sighed. She wiggled and adjusted her position. “But something is poking me in the shoulder. What is that?”

  She pushed herself up and started searching the sheets. A moment later she pulled out the gift that Dakota had made for her. The genuine expression of surprise on her face was all the thanks he needed.

  Trixie held the small wooden horse in her quivering fingers. The rearing mare was smooth and polished. Her head was held high and her tail perked up as she kicked her front hooves in the air and whinnied at the world.

  “Did you make this?” she asked in a shaky whisper. “For me?”

  “I surely did.” He settled his hand on her lower back and trailed his fingers along the soft velvety skin. “Ever since I first set eyes on you, the one image that came to mind was a wild horse. Unbroken. Spirited. Feisty. Free. I dunno… When I saw the way you reacted to little Emily’s horse…I figured I should make you one of your own.”

  “Thank you.” Her eyes filled and she blinked, sending one big fat tear down her cheek. “No one ever made me a present before… I love it.”

  “Girl, you and I are gonna have plenty firsts and never befores.” He dragged her back into his arms and pulled her next to him. He pressed a kiss to her cheek as she fiddled with the horse. “I know you miss the girls back in the city. If you want I could whittle you a little coven, maybe a wooden Olivia and Doug? Shane is pretty stiff, so he’d be real easy to carve.”

  “Boy, you are too much.” Trixie shook her head and laughed as she reached over and placed the horse on the nightstand. She rolled onto her side so that they were face-to-face, her arms curled between them and her leg hooked over his. “But what else should I expect from a vampire who eats human candy. Speaking of which, where are your lollipops? Aren’t you going through some kind of withdrawal? You usually have one dangling from that gorgeous mouth of yours. You said that they made you feel human or something, right? I haven’t seen you with one in a while.”

  “That’s true.” His brow knit together and he let out a short laugh as his gaze skittered over her face. “I hadn’t really had the urge for one lately,” he said quietly.


  Dakota cradled her cheek and rested his forehead against hers. His gruff voice settled in her mind. Because I have you.

  Order Sara Humphreys's first book

  in the Dead in the City series

  Tall, Dark, and Vampire

  On sale now

  In case you missed it, read on for an excerpt from Tall, Dark, and Vampire, the first book in the Dead in the City series

  The tantalizing scent filled her head the moment she slipped the key into the front door of her club.


  The sweet, cinnamon flavor titillated her heightened senses. Olivia’s head snapped up sharply as fangs burst in her mouth. She closed her emerald green eyes and stilled as she breathed deeply and listened to the comforting noises of the night that blanketed her. The chatter of humans passing her on the city streets, cars idling, and horns honking filled her head.

  Olivia sharpened her focus on the sounds within her club—her home. What the hell was going on in there? She remained motionless as the sound of light, feminine giggling came from deep within the building.

  Her fangs r
etracted, and she swore with frustration. “Maya, you incredible asshole,” she hissed.

  Olivia threw the lock and pushed open the enormous mahogany doors, slamming them shut behind her with ease as she threw the main house lights on. She stood in the cavernous foyer of the old church with her hands on her hips, while she delivered a withering stare to the young vampire. Instead of looking contrite for being caught, Maya looked rather pleased with herself. As a human, Maya had been a giggling fool who delighted in toying with men, and now, as a vampire, she was in her glory.

  She sat demurely on top of a human male, who was currently on all fours, acting as her makeshift throne. Maya’s long blond hair washed over creamy, bare shoulders as her hands remained folded in her lap and her legs crossed sweetly at the ankles. The innocent pose was a stark contrast to the black leather bustier and miniskirt she wore.

  She blinked her large blue eyes and laughed again, while the human grunted helplessly beneath her. Based on the look of him, if he weren’t under her spell, he would never submit like this for a woman—ever. He was an enormous muscle-head who likely spent most of his waking hours at a gym in a desperate attempt to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  At the moment, he was doing a great impersonation of a bench.

  “How many times have I told you? Never play with your food in the club.” She let out a sigh and softened her tone, reminding herself that Maya was still young. “It’s not safe to do things like this, Maya. We don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves, remember?”

  Olivia pushed her thick, curly red hair out of her face and shrugged her long black coat off her slim shoulders. She knew that reprimanding Maya was useless, but felt the need to remind her of the rules. She’d only been turned a few years ago and was still in the defiant adolescent phase. Since Olivia was her sire, Maya was her responsibility for the first century of her immortality, but at the rate she was going—it was going to be longer than that.

  “Maya?” Olivia folded her arms as her green eyes flashed with impatience at her uncooperative offspring. “Please get him out, and don’t leave any loose ends.”


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