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Gods of Yulan: Book 4 of the Coiling Dragon Saga

Page 44

by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

  A life worse than a dog’s!

  Countless battles!

  Their mind always stretched to the point of snapping!

  Not just them; even the Deity-level expert, Dylin, had felt miserable there. To Saints, it was absolute torture.

  But now, within the enormous Gebados Planar Prison, they had been lucky enough to discover a barely noticeable dimensional thinness and managed to force their way out. They had returned. Returned to the mortal realms. Five thousand years of life worse than a dog’s had come to an end. It had only driven them insane.

  What they now wanted was to lord over others, to force others to do their will, to live the life which men were meant to live.

  “Milords, are you saying… that if I give you Dukedoms and a few thousand palace maids and attendants, you’ll dispose of that Saint-level dragon?” Gaffney could scarcely believe it. He felt as though the heavens had dropped a miracle right into his lap.

  “Right. What, are you unwilling?” The bald, thin man frowned.

  “Willing. How could I be unwilling?” Gaffney said hurriedly. “Milords, please don’t worry. Just a few thousand palace maids and attendants? No problem. Even if you want ten thousand, it still wouldn’t be a problem. A Dukedom? Even if you want a Princedom, that would be fine.”

  Good heavens!

  His Rohault Empire had been devoured day by day, and was on the road to destruction. Now two experts had come to serve him. Was there anything Gaffney wouldn’t be willing to give up to employ them?

  How much would it cost for him to give up ten thousand palace maids and attendants, even if he had to go to a slave market to buy them?

  “Excellent.” Both men revealed smiles on their faces.

  “But milords, those three Saint-level dragons are extremely powerful, and behind them, there is an extremely powerful Saint known as Linley.” Gaffney looked carefully at the two men in front of him. He was afraid that these two men wouldn’t be able to defeat Linley’s side.

  After all, Linley’s actions had been simply too amazing, especially his destruction of the Sacred Isle.

  “Linley? What’s a Linley?” the short, golden-haired man said disdainfully.

  “He’s a Saint?” the bald, skinny man asked coldly.

  “Yes, of course. The only human Deities are the War God and the High Priest.” Gaffney wasn’t aware that Cesar had become a Deity.

  “Hmph. Don’t worry. As long as he is a Saint, we can dispose of him,” the other man, the one with short golden hair, said confidently.

  The Gebados Planar Prison was a place of constant war and slaughter. Being able to survive there for five thousand years testified to their strength. In that sort of place, the weak died early on. They were Prime Saints who had constantly gained new insights in the middle of battle.

  Gaffney’s eyes instantly lit up.

  “Then, milords, tonight you can stay in the imperial palace. I will definitely make all the arrangements for you two.” Gaffney’s attitude in front of these two experts was extremely humble.

  “Right.” The two men nodded slightly with satisfaction.

  They very much enjoyed being respected by others. They liked the feeling of being above others. The five thousand years of terrible life they had endured had a tremendous, tremendous impact on them!

  The Baruch Empire’s army was divided into two parts, and had already charged into the inner cities of the Rohault Empire.


  A coiled, serpentine, massive Thunder Wyrm that was over a hundred meters long was floating in the air. His draconic roar shook the world, causing the city below him to echo with the sound. The Thunder Lizard could tell that the enemy garrison was so terrified that they were trembling.

  Beneath the walls of the city, the soldiers of the Baruch Empire all revealed looks of excitement on their smiling faces.

  With the assistance of a Saint-level dragon, attacking and conquering cities became so much easier.

  “Saint-level Thunder Wyrm?” a disdainful, cold voice rang out. A thin, bald man wearing an immaculate golden robe suddenly flew out from the city below. The vicious aura he naturally emanated surrounded him as he stared at the nearby, hovering Saint-level Thunder Lizard.

  “A Saint-level expert appeared?” The Saint-level Thunder Lizard was actually quite surprised. It had been a long time since he had encountered a Saint-level expert, and his wheel-sized eyes stared at the Saint in front of him.

  Upon taking a close look at this expert, the Saint-level Thunder Lizard grew cautious.

  The vicious aura naturally emanated from the man caused the Saint-level Thunder Lizard to feel slightly uneasy.

  Five thousand years of being constantly prepared to do battle and to kill at a moment’s notice. After five thousand years, they naturally would emit this sort of vicious aura.

  “Go back and tell Linley that he needs to know his own limits and to be a good boy and call off his armies. Otherwise…” The bald, skinny man’s voice rang out like thunder. Clearly, he didn’t view Linley as worth of respect at all. “Every single Saint you send, I will kill.”

  “Shut your mouth,” the Saint-level Thunder Lizard roared angrily.

  The soldiers of the Baruch Empire were furious as well. In their hearts, Linley was invincible.

  “Hrmph.” The bald, skinny man let out a cold laugh, and then transformed into a streak of lightning, charging at the Thunder Lizard.

  The Saint-level Thunder Lizard, bellowing, also transformed into a streak of blue lightning and charged towards the man. In mid-air, the man and the magical beast, those two Saints, struck against each other. The Saint-level Thunder Lizard’s strongest point was its speed; it was on par with Bebe.

  “Laughable!” A disdainful call.

  The bald, skinny man struck out with his right leg in a massive blow, slamming his leg down viciously like a giant knife against the draconic tail of the Saint-level Thunder Lizard. The sound of bones breaking could be heard. The bones of the Saint-level Thunder Lizard’s tail actually shattered, while the enormous body of the Thunder Lizard was kicked down, smashing into the ground like a meteor.

  “Bang!” The earth shook. The Saint-level Thunder Lizard created a massive crater and cracks in the ground as it smashed into the earth.

  “Die.” The bald skinny man charged down from mid-air.

  “Swoosh!” The Saint-level Thunder Lizard’s body flashed, instantly rising into the air and then fleeing towards the north, blood dripping down from its tail.

  The bald, skinny man landed in the crater, watching as the Saint-level Thunder Lizard fled.

  “Its speed isn’t bad. A pity that it is so weak. It couldn’t even take a single blow from me,” the bald man said disdainfully. How many Saints had he slaughtered in the Gebados Planar Prison? He didn’t pay any attention to the little bit of power the Thunder Lizard had.


  Five Years

  The war between the Baruch Empire and the Rohault Empire entered a paused state.

  “Father, everyone, what do you think we should do?” Within the main hall of Dragonblood Castle, a group of people were gathered, including Cena, Wharton, Gates, Hillman, and Nina. They were discussing how to handle the two new Saints that had just appeared out of nowhere in the Rohault Empire.

  Wharton, Zassler, Gates, and the others had just finished listening to Cena’s explanation.

  They were all extremely shocked.

  “This Rohault Empire… when did it have two such powerful Saints come out of nowhere?” Hillman frowned.

  Now that he was able to train in top tier battle-qi methods, he had reached the eighth rank as a warrior. Although his power was far inferior to that of Wharton, Gates, and the others, his status in Dragonblood Castle was still very high.

  “Father, Uncles, do you have confidence in being able to deal with them?” Cena looked towards Wharton and Gates.

  Wharton muttered, “Although we don’t have a very high level of understanding with reg
ards to the Laws, we have divine artifacts and are Supreme Warriors. If we really were to have a fight with those two Saints, we should still be able to achieve victory.”

  Gates, Ankh, and the others all nodded.

  Zassler let out a soft chuckle. “Wharton, are you planning to go have a tussle with those fellows?”

  “What of it?” Wharton looked at Zassler.

  “Zassler, you think that isn’t an option?” Gates and Ankh all looked at Zassler.

  Zassler let out a chuckle, but the sound of it was so cold and insidious. “First of all, I want to ask you. If I were to ask one of you to fight against the Gold Dragon and the Tyrant Wyrm at the same time, would you be able to easily defeat those two Saint-level magical beasts?”

  “This…” Wharton, Gates, and the others all hesitated.

  Against one Saint-level magical beast, it would be fairly simple.

  But against two… they would be able to at most fight them to a standstill.

  “Hrmph, you aren’t able to do so, but you still want to go?” Zassler laughed condescendingly. “Can it be that you have forgotten what Lord Linley said before entering his closed-door training?”

  Wharton and the others suddenly started.

  They now remembered.

  At the time, Linley had strongly and repeatedly instructed them that if they encountered a strange situation, Wharton and the others were strictly forbidden from getting in over their head. In addition, Linley had also said that this war had major dangers hidden within it. This was the reason why Linley had been uneasy.

  “At the time, Lord Linley had said that there are terrifying dangers hidden within this war, dangers which not even Deities could underestimate.” Zassler looked towards Wharton and the others. “You said that you didn’t understand how this seemingly simple war with a fixed outcome could have dangers hidden in it, right? Well, now you know.”

  At the start of the war, not even Linley had known what the dangers were, exactly.

  Only, because of Lord Beirut’s warning, Linley felt uneasy, so he warned Wharton and the others as well.

  Wharton and the others hadn’t understood. They had felt that there shouldn’t be any unexpected occurrences to this war.

  “Mr. Zassler, what do you intend, then?” Cena frowned.

  Wharton, Gates, and the others were all somewhat secretly shocked.

  “You need to use your brains. There’s only a few Saints in the Yulan continent. The likes of Lord Linley and Lord Desri should know about even those who are training in seclusion, right? But both of them said that the Rohault Empire has no top-class Saints. So where did those two Saints come from?” Zassler said.

  “They suddenly appeared, and caused the war to grind to a halt.”

  Zassler laughed coldly. “Clearly, the hidden dangers within this war are already beginning to reveal themselves.”

  “Then right now, we…” Wharton looked towards Zassler. He remembered what Linley had told him; if they encountered any major event, they were to discuss it with the highly experienced Zassler.

  Zassler said calmly, “It is simple. Don’t be in a hurry to go deal with those two Saints. Lord Linley also said that in this war, our goal isn’t necessarily to totally dominate the other empires. It is fine if we take over a bit less land. The most important thing is, we have to protect ourselves.”

  Everyone nodded slightly.

  Wharton said in a low voice, “Fine. For now, let’s watch and see what is hidden within this war.”

  “If we encounter any major, critical circumstances, let’s not get in over our heads. At that time, it’s best if we go ask Lord Linley for help,” Zassler said. “But of course, right now, Lord Linley has only been training for half a year, and the situation isn’t too severe yet. There’s no need for us to go disturb Lord Linley.”

  Time flowed like water. In the blink of an eye, Linley had been in training for five years.

  During these five years, the Yulan continent was secretly in a state of utter chaos. The Baruch Empire, the Yulan Empire, and the O’Brien Empire’s wars had all ground to a halt, and even the Holy Union and Dark Alliance had mysterious experts appear within them.

  These mysterious experts were exceedingly powerful.

  The wars had ground to a halt.

  Yulan calendar, year 10039. Winter. The dark winter night was exceedingly cold. Three middle-aged men dressed in thick cloaks were riding on handsome stallions, hurrying at high speed through the desolate, unpopulated road towards a nearby city.

  “Haha, Bluelion City is up ahead. When we reach Bluelion City, we three brothers need to have a good cup of wine or two to help warm us up.” The leader of the three, a big, burly man, laughed loudly. This business trip they had made had been very profitable, and they were now in an excellent mood.

  The city walls of Bluelion City rose up ahead of them.

  They travelled on horseback through it.

  “Huh, weird. Why is it so quiet?” The three brothers rode past the gates of Bluelion City, but found that the gates were open and unmanned. Not a person could be seen.

  “Although Bluelion City isn’t a large one, it’s still a fairly bustling one. It has a hundred thousand people. Why is it that early in the morning, not a single person can be seen?” The three brothers dismounted, walking the stallions into the city with curiosity.

  The wide streets didn’t have a single person in them.

  Utter stillness!

  It was roughly seven or eight in the morning now. Logically speaking, the streets should be extremely noisy and bustling right now.

  “The hell is this?” The three experienced travelers couldn’t help but feel their hearts quiver.

  This bizarre scene caused them to feel rather uneasy.

  “Look up ahead. What’s that?!” One of the men pointed up ahead in shock. Nearby, there were two people lying on the street. The three middle-aged men immediately ran over to take a close look.

  But as soon as they drew near…

  “They are dead!” The three middle-aged men’s faces changed. The two people lying on the ground were bleeding from all orifices, and their blood stained the ground, creating a large, dark violet pool around them.

  The cold winter wind blew through, causing the three middle-aged men to suddenly shudder.

  “Ahhhhh!” A terrified scream from far away.

  The three middle-aged men immediately turned their head. They saw that in the distance, there was a woman with unbound hair running in terror.

  “Why are you running? What’s going on?” the leader of the middle-aged men immediately shouted. They, too, were travelers who roamed the lands. They often saw death, and dead people weren’t enough to frighten them. What made them uneasy was… this utterly still environment.

  “Dead. All dead. They are all dead.” The woman looked at the three-middle-aged men, her eyes round and trembling.

  “What do you mean, they are all dead?” A hint of fear awoke in the hearts of the three men.

  “All the people in the city are dead. Every single person is dead. Every single one of them!” the woman said in a somewhat deranged manner.

  The three middle-aged men were instantly stupefied with terror.

  Everyone in the city was dead?

  “All dead, all dead!” The deranged woman ran around wildly.

  In a single night, the City of Bluelion, with a population of a hundred thousand, now had only a few dozen lucky survivors. The rest had all died. Those few dozen lucky survivors, at daybreak, ran to the city gates in terror, fleeing from this terrifying city.

  A city of death!

  The news regarding this event quickly spread to the imperial capital, and to Emperor Cena.

  The furious Cena immediately sent people to investigate why and how Bluelion City had turned into a city of the dead in but a single night. At the same time, he sent people to find and ask those few dozen lucky survivors what exactly had happened.

  Upon the completion of the investi
gation, Cena, feeling things were taking a turn for the worse, immediately hurried to Dragonblood Castle.

  Within Dragonblood Castle.

  There were many people gathered within the castle. Not just Wharton and Gates; even Nina, Rebecca, Leena, and the others had come as well. Everyone felt that this was a thorny problem, and all of them had come together to discuss how this problem should be resolved.

  “The situation is extremely strange. The nearly hundred thousand people of that city all died with blood flowing from every orifice, and there wasn’t a hint of a wound on their bodies. From the youngest of infants to the warriors of the seventh rank… it was all the same,” Cena said.

  In a short night, an entire city’s worth of people had died in such a bizarre manner.

  Even experts like Wharton and the others had a hint of a cold feeling in their hearts.

  “From what I know, this isn’t even the first time that an entire city’s worth of people died like this,” Cena said solemnly.

  “Oh?” Wharton looked at Cena.

  Cena continued, “Based on what I know, roughly a month ago, at the borders of the O’Brien Empire, something like this happened to them as well. In a single night, virtually all the people in a city died. However, because it wasn’t within our empire’s borders, I didn’t pay too much attention to it.”

  Housekeeper Hiri frowned. “This event is very strange. For example, what happened to those hundred thousand people in Bluelion City, and why were there a few dozen survivors?”

  “Right. Why were there a few dozen survivors?” Zassler also felt that this was very suspicious.

  If an extremely powerful expert had used some sort of unknown forbidden-level spell to kill them, everyone within the range of the spell should have died. Even if there were a few lucky survivors, the survivors should all be extremely powerful experts themselves. But the lucky survivors were all ordinary commoners.

  “In addition, there was no damage done to the buildings at all,” Cena continued.

  Everyone in the hall was confused.


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