Hexed Hearts

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Hexed Hearts Page 13

by Becca Vincenza

  More wolves.

  Home. A very quiet voice whispered in the back of my head.

  I shook my head, dislodging the thought. Half an hour later we were turning down another road. It was dirt, barely visible among the thick trees. I watched as Hunter pulled next to the truck on his motorcycle. He looked in for a second, as if checking to see I was still there.

  I felt his presence all the way down to my toes. As soon as I got used to the tingling, it began to dissipate. He moved in front of the truck and led us in. I noticed various roads, if they could be called that, split from the road. My eyes followed them until they disappeared in the thick greenery surrounding us.

  It was similar to Michigan, high beautiful trees, woods filled with underbrush, ever growing weeds. I was comforted by it. My tense muscles relaxed a little, but the knots in my stomach remained.

  At this point Billy was practically bouncing up and down in his seat. Jameson’s hands were alternating between clenching the steering wheel white-knuckle, and almost letting go.

  “How long have you guys been gone?” I asked, almost dreading the answer. Hunter hadn’t agreed to me coming with them if they had to leave to pursue a wolf or witch. I didn’t want to be left alone with his pack without him. At least not right away.

  “Almost four months. Bastard had us going in circles for the longest time,” Jameson said, never taking his eyes from the slow clearing of the land.

  The trees were thinning and I could see more houses in the distance. We cleared the tree line and into a grand opening. It was literally a small village within the depths of the forest. There were a couple big houses clustered on the edge of the opening.

  It was gorgeous. Even the parking area was bejeweled with green. Hunter was already unstrapping his helmet and watching the surrounding area.

  I watched the house that was positioned on the edge of the forest in the middle of all the others. I knew immediately who lived there. I could feel his presence much like I could feel Isaac’s. Their Alpha lived there. It was an old Victorian style house with two stories. Vines covered the left side of the house.

  I watched from the truck as a massive man strode out of the house. He had to be over six and a half feet tall. Maybe even taller. And he was built wide. I could see his muscles straining against his shirt all the way from where I sat in the truck. I knew immediately that he was the Alpha. Even at this distance, his power had an effect.

  I didn’t even want leave the car. I was scared of what this imposing werewolf might do to me. The irrational fear that he would be able to smell the witch blood in me surfaced again. I knew it wasn’t likely, since that witch had bound my powers. I had lived with wolves for almost my whole life and they never once caught the scent.

  I bit the inside of my cheek. My breathing came in shallow breaths.

  Billy and Jameson already climbed out of the truck and headed to the equipment trailer. I sat and waited, wishing I could disappear. Jude went to the Alpha and they embraced. I was struck to how similar they looked. They had the same nose, and their height was similar. It was more than that though. They had a strong familial resemblance.

  Jude stepped back from their Alpha. Hunter and his Alpha embraced in front of a lush green background. They pulled away for a moment, looking at each other. Hunter smiled in response to something the Alpha had said.

  I was shocked. I had yet to see a full on smile. And were they hugging?

  Even the most solitary wolf wants the comfort of another pack member. Even my rogue father had. Many humans think it strange, but to a wolf, pack is everything. He might not have been the best wolf out there, but he never failed to be my pack - never failed to hug me when I cried, or pat my head lovingly. Granted he had a temper. His punishments were rash and doled out fast and painful. I still would rest my hands on him when I could. I wanted to syphon as much comfort from him as possible.

  I snapped out of it. The memories had taken me quickly, and deeply inside myself. Now was not the time.

  I broke free from any lingering memories of my fake father. He was something I wanted to keep in my past. I focused on Hunter. Hunter gestured to the truck to his Alpha. The look he gave conveyed that I should be out of the truck already. I should face this head on. Head held high. Fear hidden away. Just like Keith said.

  But instead I hid.

  Hunter started toward me, and that got me started. There was no way in hell I was going to let him get me out of the car. There was no way I would let the wolves here think I was scared and weak.

  I knew they were out there, I could sense them waiting on the edge of the forest on all sides. In the houses, curtains moved as other pack members peeked out. Their curious glances had me even more determined to meet their Alpha on my terms. Even if that was just getting out of the truck by myself.

  My hand found the handle. I took a moment before pulling it and pushing the door open. Carefully, I climbed out of the huge truck. Hunter was halfway to the truck when I finally got my feet on the ground. I twisted to look their direction.

  The large Alpha had tawny hair with light brown eyes. They brightened when they landed on me. He looked me up and down. I watched as he pulled in air through his nose. His chest expanded with his breath. I knew he was trying to get my scent. Hunter and I weren’t anywhere near finishing the courting process, but it looked like for a second the Alpha smelled something familiar about me. My heart pounded with fear. My breathing increased and I swallowed hard.

  He knew. He was aware of my heritage, my other heritage. I took a step back and the Alpha’s eyes narrowed, watching me.

  “It seems my son has been keeping secrets from me.”

  His voice was a low rumble. It caressed my skin, much the same as Isaac did. My tense shoulders relaxed, and the tightening in my stomach loosened. This was Alpha. This was pack. He was part of my new home.

  Then his words really hit me. Son? Secrets already, Hunter? I could feel him tense under my gaze.

  “She was a surprise for me as well.”

  The Alpha was silent for a second until he let out a hearty laugh. I flinched, and wondered what was so funny.

  “Mates always are my son,” he turned his attention back to me. “Well I am pleased to meet you. I am Damian Lowe, Alpha.”

  “Damian this is Colette.”

  I noticed he didn’t give my last name. I had taken Keith’s last name years ago, and when he didn’t mention it, he was practically telling his Alpha and any other wondering ears that I was without a pack. That I didn’t belong anywhere. A stab of pain zinged in my heart, but when I looked at him, the possessiveness in his eyes explained everything. He wasn’t doing this to hurt me, he was doing it in hopes that I would soon belong to him. That I would belong to his pack. I felt the familiar dread fill my stomach again. He didn’t even know me, but he claimed me in front of his pack, in front of his father.

  “A lovely name for a beautiful woman.”

  Damian smiled at me. A part of me rebelled against his soothing aura. It wasn’t my wolf, she was content, even happy with where we were. Something else, buried deep in me, was giving me a hint of uneasiness. I tried to ignore it, but it seemed to grow stronger when I didn’t give it the attention it demanded.

  “Well the boys are home from a long trip. I think we should celebrate.”

  Damian put his hand on Hunter’s shoulder. Hunter didn’t look too thrilled. His mouth was set in a firm frown, lips tightening. After that, I stood around and waited for someone to tell me what to do. The boys were unloading the trailer. I went to grab my bag when I saw Billy pull it out.

  “Thanks, Billy.”

  I took the straps from him.

  “What did you pack in there? It’s so light! And why you in a hurry? You sick of me already darlin’? It’s only been a couple days and you want to leave me?”

  He sounded like he was forlorn, my lips twitched upwards. His joking made me feel like I was hanging out with Nick. Just like when he would crack jokes to make me feel b

  “Well I can’t quite stand your flair.”

  I winked. He laughed, flipping his hair.

  “What flair? This ol’ thang?”

  “Wow and you’re modest as well.”

  “Oh darlin’ I think you will find I am anything but modest.” He flashed me a big toothy grin and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  My cheeks reddened. I knew he was joking, but his eyes were heated. I pressed my lips together, ready to tell him off, when Hunter interrupted us.

  “Come, Colette.”

  I looked at Hunter. His eyes were fierce, his hands tightened to fists. I watched his labored breath. I swallowed anxiously. This was really it. I was in Lowe pack for at least the next six months. Hunter and I headed toward the house Damian left. Half way there, Hunter seemed to hesitate. He turned to me. His mouth opened, then he shut it again. I sighed, annoyed he wouldn’t just ask whatever was bothering him.

  We continued on our way. I looked back at Jameson and Billy who were the closest thing to friends I had here, and that was sad, since my mate stood next to me. I started to feel the hole in my heart that I knew was where Griffin belonged.

  Tears prickled the back of my eyes, but I wasn’t going to cry. If I did, I would show all these wolves that I was weak. I knew I wasn’t ever going to be on top of this pack’s chain, but I would be damned if I let them think I was weak from the very first day.

  I took my mind off of Griffin. For now I would be strong. For as long as those eyes watched.

  “Is Jude Damien’s brother?” I asked watching our surroundings as we moved.

  “He is,” Hunter answered. He looked a little startled by my question. I could smell the family ties between them but I could never tell cousin from brother. Griffin told me that he could tell. We fell silent again, even my small amount to distract myself didn’t work.

  More wolves were coming out from the forest as we walked to the Alpha’s house. I swallowed hard at their curious looks. Hunter moved forward as if he had no cares in the world. His easiness surprised me. I had watched a wolf from my pack years ago who had a mate from a different pack. Even at home he was temperamental and dangerous until they completed their mating. I huffed out a breath making my bangs fly upwards.

  “So…” I waited to see if he would acknowledge me. He finally directed his attention my way. “This is your pack?”

  “No, this is Damian’s pack. I am just part of it.”

  Well I knew there was a story behind that. I kept up with him, intrigued by the tone of his voice. Those ominous words. Maybe they were more for the wolves standing close to the house? He hesitated one more time looking off to the right. I followed his line of sight but I didn’t see anything. I looked back at him.

  “Something out there? A rabbit you wanted to chase?” I asked, trying to lighten his dark mood. It was bad enough that I was internally freaking out, I didn’t need the one person I was supposed to put all my trust into also freaking out, or being shitty, or whatever. I saw the muscle in his jaw twitch.


  Hunter opened the door and we stepped in. In all honesty I expected it to be rather old on the inside, but it was modern. The floors were a dark wood and the furniture looked new and sleek. We were in a foyer with stairs leading up to the second floor. To the left, a hall opened into a living room. I could see oversized black leather couches there in line with the theme of the house. The right wing was closed off, aside from an opening that led to the dining room. But Billy had mentioned earlier they came here often for dinners.

  Hunter started to move up the stairs and I followed after.

  We arrived at a small landing that led up either to hallways to the right and left. On the right I could only see doors, and the left had a couple more. Hunter stopped and breathed in for a moment. He came to sort of a decision. He looked at me with a determined gleam in his eye. I didn’t like the look anymore. It almost reminded me of the look Griffin gave when he wanted me to do something stupid.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I questioned, watching him.

  “We’re going to stay here for this week. Then we move into my cabin.”

  My heart stopped in my chest. And I wasn’t sure it was going to start again.


  Hunter didn’t answer. Instead he took the stairs to the left. I followed. I pulled myself together. I will get through this, I told myself. But I had to stop thinking about it as a chore and enjoy the moments I could. Hunter, if he did truly care, wouldn’t hurt me. Hunter took me to the last room and pushed open the plain dark wood door. I stepped in the room. It was more masculine than I expected. No frills, dark wood furniture, and heavy, dark curtains.

  The spare rooms at Isaac’s house were always soft neutral colors. They were calming, but not personal. This room was all browns and blacks. The floors were hardwood, the furniture was bigger, as if it intended for sustained comfort as opposed to just passing through.

  I watched Hunter.

  Hunter seemed more or less comfortable most places, but I had noticed when we were in Michigan and on our way down here and even in the parking lot, he seemed tense. As he walked around the room I noticed his shoulders were looser. His purposeful stride slowed a little. I looked around the room once more and took in a deep, long breath. I could smell it now. The lingering, undertone scent of home. Of him.

  This was Hunter’s childhood room.

  “So, the party tonight, that should be fun.”

  I tried not to sound as terrified as I was feeling. Meeting new people was hard enough, but meeting new werewolves? Impossible. They could smell your fear, and their protectiveness seemed intimidating to most outsiders. It was just in their DNA to protect their home, their territory. If I was full wolf, I don’t think it would be as difficult. Coming into a new pack, I didn’t know how they felt about a halfing. Some packs like the Lupen took those who were like me in, protected us, and loved us. But there were always wolves who only cared about the true-blooded. Throwing me into a party with a bunch of unknown wolves when I wasn’t entirely attached to Hunter seemed like a stupid plan. Hunter didn’t say anything.

  “Damian is your father? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  The words rushed out. I wanted to ask about a million other things. It just showed how little we knew of each other. Now I wished that I had pressed him more for information on the drive here. I was being selfish, though. I knew he would want answers in return, and I didn’t want to give up any myself just quite then. Fear bit at stomach, turning it. Allowing him to know me and my past without the promise of something in return made me vulnerable, and slightly queasy. Opening up to anyone was a difficult task for me.

  “He’s not my biological father. It really doesn’t matter.”

  Hunter was watching me now. He had a weird look in his eye that I was having a hard time placing. My forehead wrinkled at his tone. Then he made a sound of displeasure in the back of his throat, while shaking his head.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  My voice was biting. My hands had tightened into fist. My jaw clenched.

  “I’m not stupid. I will never be Alpha. Sorry to disappoint,” Hunter sneered back.

  “Why would I care if you were Alpha?” I answered back my own voice filled with disgust.

  “I know what she-wolves want. They want the most powerful wolf, the Alpha. That isn’t me. I don’t want to be that kind of wolf,” Hunter snapped back, his voice rising with anger.

  I straightened my back. I was getting really sick and tired of him thinking he knew me. I didn’t like that he made assumptions. I hadn’t left my entire home to be attacked by the man who was supposed to be my mate.

  “Screw you, Hunter. You don’t know anything about me, so stop assuming you do. The last thing in the world I want is to be mated to an Alpha. I am going to have a target on my back as it is.”

  “You won’t have a target on your back. You have nothing to worry about,
I can and will protect you.”

  I scrunched my nose. I raised my eyebrow in surprise even as I half closed the other, snarling. Was he serious?

  “I am not going to look weak in front of a bunch of wolves I don’t know. I can handle myself just fine, thank you very much. What I need is for you to stop assuming you know everything about me.”

  Hunter was moving in my space, forcing me back a step until I realized retreating was not an option. I stood straighter, facing him head on.

  “And I am telling you,” suddenly he was way too close. He took that last step. We were chest to chest. Well sort of. My head tipped up. I looked up at him and said, “I will protect you because you are mine to protect.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “You’re stubborn.”

  I narrowed my eyes, my lips pressing into a tight line.

  “You’re a jackass.”

  He didn’t back down. Instead he smiled, and it was not a good one. I felt shivers in the base of my spine all the way up. That smile looked hungry.

  “You’re ingenious with your words.”

  “You think your big words scare me?” I asked, cocking my hip out defiantly.

  “Apparently it worked.” He said looking down at me his eyes darkening.

  I moved to put my hand on my hip and he was there already. He took that meaty piece of my flesh in his strong hand. I almost gulped. His touch sent my body afire.

  My gaze traveled to his lips back up. I just couldn’t decide which needed my attention the most. I told myself the only reason I was watching those kissable lips because of the irksome words spilling from them.

  “What worked?”

  “My big word scared you. I can hear your heart race.”

  He moved a little closer. His heat pressed against my body. His body perfectly outlined my own. Troublesome jeans. I felt a need to reach out to their button, but I resisted. I was annoyed at my reaction. I most certainly was not turned on.

  “Adrenaline. A good fight always gets the hormones pumpin’.”


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