Hexed Hearts

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Hexed Hearts Page 14

by Becca Vincenza

  “You keep telling yourself that, Colette.”

  Hunter inched his face a little closer.

  I thought he was going to kiss me. I was excited. There was no way I was ready to jump head first into mating, but I was willing to give this a shot. And damn those lips. Poets could write about those lips for years.

  “You’re arrogant,” I whispered as he got closer. I could feel his breath fanning across my eyelashes.

  “You never shut up.”

  “Well that is true,” I answered my voice breathy, knowing I had and would get the last word.

  I could feel him right at my lips. I could almost taste him when there was a knock at the door. My eyes that had closed on their own accord now flew open. I took three steps back and watched as Hunter moved in the opposite direction as well. I looked past him at the intruder.

  Oh fucking hell.

  Chapter 13 — Girl Got Sass in her Ass

  Having been here only a few minutes, I could already tell I had my work cut out for me. I have to deal with rival female wolves that probably already started circling Hunter.

  And this. A platinum blonde with a killer body. She had barged in, all toned and fit and looking like she could kick my ass. Sure, I had curves for miles, but she was thin, tall, and it added to her beauty. I looked into her deep dark brown eyes and found exactly what I knew I would find.

  Hatred. It would seem I found my most dangerous rival, and we didn’t even know each other’s names. Her eyes flickered to mine and her lips lifted up to bare her teeth briefly before turning to Hunter and melting.

  There was no doubt in my mind. She was seething. Hiding it well, but still, in her mind he was hers.

  Or so she thought.

  “Hunter,” she purred. I gagged as she sashayed toward him, hips swaying. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lithe frame against him. The wolf who was normally so dormant in my mind raged forward. A growl, barely perceptible, like thunder in the distance, hummed through me. A new sensation burst forth.

  Hunter looked at me for a brief second before his yellow eyes landed back on the she-wolf that watched him with all the adoration I knew I had for Griffin at one point. Well this was starting out splendidly. He even had his own Griffin, but had the gall to pretend my childhood loves were unacceptable?

  “I’m gonna go…”

  I just wasn’t sure where. I headed toward the door when Hunter wrapped his hand around my arm, stopping me. The she-wolf straightened her back, her arms folded under her breasts pushing them out. I didn’t want to see how Hunter would react to that.

  “Where are you going?”

  His voice was back to a growl. He watched me, demanding I answer him. Hunter might claim not to want to be an Alpha of a pack, but he was an Alpha wolf. I turned my head away and showed my neck in submission. It was all sorts of humiliating, especially with platinum blonde over there watching smugly.

  “Anywhere but here.”

  “Fine. I’ll come with you.”

  I looked up at him.

  “No, you have your own business to attend to. Look, I get it. Taste of my own medicine, right? When you needed to walk away, I never tried to force myself on you.”

  I needed out of the room. It was hard to breathe properly. He obviously would rather be with someone else. So, why? Why was he so determined to bring me here? There was no way I was going to be some side-dish.

  Hunter growled at me, well not at, but in my general direction. His hand pulled roughly through his hair. His face furrowed, considering the problem at hand. He paused, his face cleared.

  “Molly, meet my true mate, Colette.”

  Her jaw unhinged, dropping far and fast. She quickly tried to recompose herself.

  “That is impossible. You told me you never wanted a mate.”

  Oh, that was a low blow. It shouldn’t have hurt, but it did. Hit me right in my heart. Still, he had the right to his opinions. If he hadn’t wanted a mate before, there wasn’t much I could do about that. Of course, he was the one who dragged me down here, claiming he wanted me. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe if he had never seen me with Griffin, his jealously wouldn’t have gone into high gear. Either way I could see that this girl was going to be trouble.

  Molly looked at me with disgust. She must have hated that I was the one person that could and would change his mind about mates. Not because I was remarkable. I wasn’t in any way what she would consider a threat. Next to her, I seemed like plain Jane. But I was his, and he was mine. Our souls and wolves would call for each other. Supposedly. It might take us awhile to finally find love. But if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. And that was something he couldn’t change.

  That was something I couldn’t change.

  I gulped.

  “You know that isn’t how it works, Molly.”

  I wasn’t sure if Hunter was going to say more after Molly scoffed.

  “Fine. Believe that,” she moved past us, a vindictive promise lay behind them. I couldn’t wait.

  I watched as she stalked out of the room.

  “Girl’s got sass coming out her ass. Nice pick. Winner for sure.”

  Hunter’s hands curled into fists.

  “She isn’t a pick. She is a nuisance that won’t go away,” he said, his nostrils flaring. I was tempted to goad him on, but I could hear the frustration in his voice.

  Hunter sighed and turned to me.

  “My room is next to yours. If you need anything before the party let me know. Shower is through there.”

  And that was that, he left.

  I looked around the room again. My hand twitched. I wanted to call home. I wanted to be a coward and call it quits now. But the way Molly looked at Hunter. I remembered the stabbing gut feeling. As uncomfortable as I might be, I would regret going home without giving us a real chance.

  So I started to unpack. I didn’t have many clothes to begin with. I didn’t much care for the style of clothes I wore. Comfort was my aim. Sure, I knew other woman in the pack loved to wear looser fitting things. It was easier to slip out of dresses and skirts. Shifters had even more reason to love it, because they could shift at an instant and take a run.

  I wondered briefly what this packed did for their full moons. My pack had always used it as an excuse to gather at the Alpha’s house. I would help Rose in the kitchen as much as I could. I enjoyed making desserts, even though I didn’t have much of a sweet tooth. Sour-gummy candy put me in heaven. Everything else was just too sweet.

  I didn’t mind the food. Food was the perfect way to a werewolf’s heart. I found a sort of peace baking as well. I didn’t have to think about anything when I baked. Just me and the ingredients.

  I blew into the bangs hanging in front of my face. I finished putting all my clothes in drawers smelling of Hunter. I swallowed hard.

  I hadn’t realized how much his scent already comforted me until right then. My fears of meeting a new pack and my anxieties about being so far away from home didn’t seem so bad now. They were still there, but only in the knots of my stomach.

  I wanted a shower. After sixteen straight hours of driving, who wouldn’t? I wanted to rid myself of any lingering scents from home. It would be easier to transition if I wasn’t constantly reminded of that place. I headed for the door Hunter had sort of pointed to it when he left. I started the water, and waited for it to warm up.

  I looked in the mirror. My pale skin looked drawn. My eyes were drooped, like it was hard to keep them open, too hard to keep looking. My hair was a mess from being put up and down so many times in the car. I had a horrible habit of fiddling with it when I was nervous or uncertain. My unruly locks were a combination of red, but not quite, it was more brown than it was red.

  I pushed my bangs behind my ears, they were getting just a little too long. I would normally have Rose cut them at this length, but with everything that had been going on...I wondered if I should just let them grow out or if I could ask Hunter to point me in the direction of a salon.
/>   But that was a matter for a different day, though. I stuck my tongue out at my reflection and turned away from the mirror.

  I turned the water on, tested it. After undressing, I stepped into the shower and started scrubbing the long journey from my tired body. I used what I found in the bathroom – thankfully it was stocked. The soaps were much like what I had used at home – scentless soaps, much preferred by wolves. There were so many chemicals in the scented bar soaps humans used. I didn’t have senses as keen as most normal wolves, but my nose was still better than that. I stopped using scented soaps when my senses became even more acute. The shampoo and conditioner, however, had a hint something I couldn’t quite pick up.

  I finished up. I toweled my hair, closing all but a few glimmers of light. I treasured that relaxed, peaceful darkness. Then I realized I had forgotten to even lock the door, and I immediately regretted deciding on a shower distracted.

  Not that I thought anyone would be rude enough to just barge in. I didn’t even feel comfortable changing my clothes in my big open room back home. Was there even a lock on this door? That thought made me nervous. It took five seconds before I was thinking about the worst things I possibly could.

  On eggshells I crept to the bathroom door, the warm air dissipating quickly as it opened. I peeked my head around. My bags lay across the room, aside from that, there was only motionless furniture.

  Feeling vulnerable, I found myself on tip-toe. I wasn’t sure when someone would come in. Naturally I was cautious. I moved with only a gray towel wrapped around myself. I scrambled at the dressers – in which drawer had I shoved my clothes. There were two, and they both looked the same. I went to the closest one.


  What the hell? Not in here.

  I started to head over to the next dresser. And, for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why a man would need two dressers. I sighed and moved across the floors as quietly as I could. Their hardwood creaked beneath my feet.

  “Colette?” Hunter’s voice was miffed but he sounded worried. I couldn’t answer before the door slammed open.

  I turned to see Hunter standing in the doorway, shirtless, golden eyes alert for danger. My eyes raked his body before I could comprehend what I was doing, what he was doing. His chest wasn’t completely without a masculine dusting of hair, unlike the current trend of bare-chested boys. Black hair further defined his contours. It trailed down his muscled torso, leading naturally to the waistband of his pants and from there…

  Oh boy.

  I would have to address the feelings zinging through my body some other time. I crept back up to his eyes. I took my time, a little nervous to meet his gaze. His shoulders were hunched forward, his knees bent, and his calf muscles strained under his skin.

  He took in the room, scoping out every nook and cranny. That’s when I saw his wolf. So close to the surface. Hunter’s skin was rolling. It was shivering with the threat of a shift. There was no way in hell I wanted to be caught in a towel by Hunter only to have his wolf burst in here with me naked?

  No. No way.

  “Hunter!” I screeched, “Get the hell out!”

  I sounded pissed. I was pissed. Hunter turned toward on me and, suddenly, he was there. Suddenly, he was all man staring back at me, and he really saw me.

  It was quick, but all inclusive. He started from my toes, which I curled under his inspection, then dragged up my body. He lingered on the shortness of the towel. My legs twitched in reflex. I wanted to cross them, rub them, move them in some way.

  His eyes came level with the top of the towel I was holding with both hands. His eyes had darkened considerably. I knew what that meant, though anyone could tell. The hunger was evident. His stance changed dramatically. Gone was the crouched position, the attack-ready stance intended for whoever he thought was in this room with me.

  Instead his shoulders straightened.

  He was planning on moving across the room toward me. His every intention ran through me. The look he gave me was hungry, and held a promise. Thrilled me. Made my body called for him to come to me.

  And then my brain took over. I saw the predator in his eyes. I wanted to run. Or maybe not. My wolf began to stir.

  “Get out, Hunter,” I said, firmer this time. I needed him to leave. Our bodies might recognize each other as fated, even my quiet, stifled wolf recognized that much, but the human side did not. My human side, the one that was desperately begging me to control my urges.

  Hunter grunted and turned to the door. He slammed it shut behind him. I didn’t hear his footsteps. Not unusual. All wolves know how to walk silently. Predator’s instinct.

  “Lock the damn door.”

  His voice made me jump. I thought for sure he had come back in while I was trying to calm myself. I padded across the bedroom loudly, so he knew I was approaching the door. I turned the lock, hearing it click over.

  Then I heard his footsteps noticeable, which he made noticeable, too, so that I knew I was alone. I pressed my forehead against the door and let out a heavy sigh. I felt more exhausted than I did all day. My body was ready to accept Hunter, my wolf, as quiet as she was, called to his own. I could feel her longing.

  This wasn’t easy. I walked away from the door and got dressed. I was left alone with my own thoughts, which were starting to go in a horrible direction. I couldn’t stop thinking about how fierce he had looked. And fear bit at my stomach. Is that how he looked to the witches he hunted? After I finished up I moved to the bed. I sat down and stared blindly at my hands. I thought about when I first arrived here. There was a feeling so foreign to me that pushed against my skin. It was a feeling of both fear and protection. I didn’t understand it. It scared me.

  That foreign feeling had surged to the forefront in the presence of wolves who were known witch killers. The feeling had to have been my magic. Logically I knew my powers were bound. They weren’t going to burst forth without reason. And yet, the fear was creeping back into my blood. I looked down at my hands. I would have to hope the spell worked correctly.

  Tonight would be the ultimate test. If the power surged forward and warned me against these wolves, they might smell the magic in my blood. And that might be it for me. I pushed those thoughts away. I had to, otherwise I would drive myself insane.

  I sat unsure of what I should be doing. If I were at home, I would grab a book or even watch some TV, but I felt so out of place here. I couldn’t get comfortable enough to read my e-book, nor could I find a TV. I paced around my room and kept sneaking glances at the phone lying on my bed.

  I wanted it. I wanted to call Griffin or Keith or someone from home. Someone that would offer the comfort I needed.

  One firm knock sounded after my resolve was almost spent. I went to the door and opened it.

  Hunter stood in the doorway. He had changed clothes. The ragged old jeans that had tears in the knees were replaced by a flattering pair of black jeans. Weirdly enough, I missed the old jeans. These seemed stiff on him and unnatural. He wore a button up dark gray shirt. He shifted and I stifled a giggle. It was a relief to see him off-kilter. His arms crossed and he leaned to the right a little.

  “You look nice.”

  I was trying to make the effort. As much as we might butt heads now, I honestly did want to give this a chance. I couldn’t stop thinking about how this was my chance. It seemed this was his as well.

  Which made me think of lost chances. Of Keith. Of his lost his love.

  He had told me so much about the woman he had loved, even if their time was brief. Hunter was closed off, but he also seemed uncomfortable with my little perusal of him. He shifted his weight and kept his gaze averted. He seemed nervous.

  “Dinner will start in about ten minutes. We should head down.”

  Hunter moved so he was no longer blocking the doorway. I edged past him, my skin brushing his as I passed. I could feel him behind me, in step but a pace behind. His hand passed invisibly through the distance to press against the small of my back
, reassuringly.

  I looked over my shoulder at him and gave him an encouraging smile. He was all I really had here. I liked the twins and I felt comfortable with them, but I had no idea where they were. I was going to hold on tight to the only other ally I had. We started forward.

  “So what should I expect at this dinner?” I asked. Hunter’s hand flexed against my back.

  “The pack gets together a lot to have dinners and baroques. I rarely go to them, but Damian likes to keep things as causal as possible,” Hunter explained. We were approaching the stairway. Once we reached the top, I was sure he would clam up. It was obvious he wasn’t very comfortable with the pack. And I wasn’t ready from him to close off to me.

  “Why don’t you go to these dinners often?” I asked.

  “Don’t want to.”

  Hunter’s hand left my back and his tone turned a little steely when we reached the stairway. I straightened my spine. I was prepared to do this alone. For a male who had been determined to have me as his own on my pack land, he was reluctant here in his home.

  I could hear pack members chatting. Mostly it was white noise. There were no distinct conversations that interested me. My only hope was to make it through this dinner without making a complete ass out of myself. Or get into it with Molly. At that thought I felt my wolf stirring. She didn’t like that at all. I didn’t like the surge of jealousy that ran through my blood like toxic poison. It burned and left a bad taste in my mouth.

  At the bottom of the stairs pack members were milling around the entry room, watching us closely. Hunter’s hand had long left me and I was on my own. I looked to him and hoped he would at least take lead. Instead he looked as uncomfortable as I did.

  “Well are you two made of stone?” an older woman asked.

  Older, but extraordinarily beautiful. Her hair was glowing silver, and her brown eyes twinkled with mischief. I swallowed hard. I knew she was one to watch. Between wolves, a scent and a look were enough to size up anyone. From her look: she was the one who would shepherd us together.


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