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Page 10

by Niki Jilvontae

  “Remember what I said now DOCTOR and know that dick ain’t for free. Now, let me go since you said visitation is over and shit.” Uncle Tootie said sarcastically as he turned to me and winked his eye.

  I smiled back at him and nodded my head because I knew he was on an info seeking mission. I knew Uncle Tootie was trying to kill two birds with one stone by pushing up on that old, wrinkly bitch. Not only was he trying to get some of that white hoe’s bread, pussy, and head, but he was also setting the stage for her to tell him what we needed to know. That shit seemed to work too, because quickly all of that harsh shit she was on melted. She smiled brightly as she put the card into the front pocket of her lab coat then turned to look at me.

  “I’m sorry Ms. Wright, but on second thought your visitors can stay. I just didn’t want you to be overstimulated and start being violent again. I see that these visitors calm you though with their humor and love, so they can stay as long as they like.” Dr. Lewis said as I smiled at that hoe then quickly turned my smile into a frown.

  I wanted that hoe to know how fake she was as I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. Uncle Tootie fucked her up too when he laughed and opened the door.

  “Nawl lil mama, I’m gone. I don’t stay nowhere I ain’t wanted. You remember that though when you hit my line cause daddy definitely gonna make you pay for that.” Tootie said before he turned back to me and laughed again then walked out of the door.

  Me and Ricardo laughed too as Dr. Lewis just stood there looking stupid. I cleared my throat and smacked my lips after a few seconds to break that hoe’s daze. When she realized she was standing there stuck on stupid, she quickly excused herself and ran out of the door.

  “Going ass white bitch!” I yelled behind her as the door closed and Ricardo and I continued to laugh.

  He laughed his way all the way back over to my bed before he went over to the counter and took out a new IV line. I watched him as he disconnected the one that was in me filled with that crazy medicine and plugged up a new one. When he was done with that, he unplugged the one filled with medicine and attached the new one to the needle in my arm. He went over to the sink and emptied the liquid out before he got back into the bed beside me. I just sat there looking crazy as I wondered how he knew all that shit. As usual, he read my mind too and quickly answered my question.

  “I’m studying to be a doctor baby. I’m already two years in.” Ricardo said as I congratulated him and fell a little deeper in love.

  We sat there and talked about how he was going to be a surgeon, I was going to be a writer, and our life would be good until my uncle Tootie texted.

  Na, you see the power of the D? I had that white bitch crazy. She going too and I’m gonna take her down through there. She already called me, so I got her number, full name, and address. I’m about to run that info to my nigga before I handle this other business. I’m headed to this spot in Box Town where them niggas hang at. The nigga is Kenan’s brother Ramon and he the muthafucka killed Bear. I’m bodying everything in sight then disappear, so know that I’m good if I don’t call. Regardless I’ll get word to you, so just be looking out for it. I love you Na and I promise…THIS SHIT ALMOST OVER.

  I read uncle Tootie’s message and felt my rage crank up again. I was mad at myself for ever trusting that bastard and putting myself in that situation. Ricardo could see my frustration building so he pulled me in close to him. He rubbed my hair and told me it would be alright until I felt like it would be.

  I fell asleep in Ricardo’s arms with happy thoughts of our life together in my mind and woke up to the sound of my phone ringing off the hook. My heart raced as I peeled back Ricardo’s arms and sat up in my bed. I reached over, grabbed my phone and got excited as fuck. I answered that muthafucka fast as hell and began to squeal before I even said hello.

  “Best friennnddd. Where you at best friend? What’s going on Rah? I been worried as fuck about you.” I said as my heart raced and Rah laughed on the other end.

  “I’m good best friend, but this Bozo the Clown looking bitch ain’t.” Rah said as she laughed and I sighed knowing she had really caught the bitch.

  I was able to relax a little as I sat back on the bed next to Ricardo and listened to my best friend.

  “Yeah girl, I caught that hoe in the lot and beat the fuck out of her. That hoe got kidnapped right at the door and threw in my fucking trunk. Weak ass bitch, she ain’t shit but a snitch cause she started singing like a bird. She the one who told me Kenan had a brother and I called to tell Tootie. Bitch won’t give me his location though, so I guess I gotta cut it out of her. Huh bitch? Is this what the fuck I gotta do?” Rah yelled as I heard a female scream in agony in the background.

  I could hear a dozen different laughs at that moment too as I wondered what Rah had done to the bitch. I wondered, but not for long because Rah quickly put the phone back to her ear.

  “I just gave that bitch a buck fifty across the face. Maybe that will refresh her memory. Anyway sis, I plan to keep my foot on this bitch neck until she give up the info or her body tap out. She gonna be over here looking like Jugg ass in a minute.” Rah said as she laughed and the people in her background laughed too.

  I asked her what she meant and where she was at before she finished laughing and answered.

  “I mean Jugg ass over hear looking like one of them naked cats, except his shit all pink meat. KJ peeled that hoe like an orange last night, doing all that yelling and shit. This hoe fina be the same way if she don’t tell me what the fuck I want to know.” Rah yelled as I heard her smack the bitch with something and she screamed bloody murder.

  Hearing her and Jugg suffer like they had caused me to, brought me happiness but not the closure I needed. That’s why I told her to save the bitch for me just like I had told KJ to do Jugg. Rah was quiet for a second after I said that and I could tell she was thinking about it. After a few seconds, she finally agreed and told me to hurry up.

  “Maine ole violent ass lil girl, you can’t have all the fun. These muthafuckas hurt my best friend and niece too; so I ain’t making no promises. I will say I’ll try Na Na, you just gotta rest and hurry up and come on.” Rah said and I told her I was before I asked to speak to KJ.

  My mind was on my brothers at that moment and I wanted to make sure they were okay.

  “Oh KJ gone and Spicy and Ky gone with him. I think they went to see the lawyer for Kam. You know y’all don’t play about y’all brothers. He getting out soon sis, and soon this all will be over; you just gotta trust that. In the meantime though, rest and bring yourself and that baby home.” Rah said as I told her I would and Ricardo moaned in his sleep next to me.

  He had finally realized I was up out of my spot so he quickly sat up and asked me what was wrong. I told him nothing and to lay back down before I went back to my phone call with Rah. As soon as I got on the phone that bitch was waiting on me and she went in.

  “BIITTTCCCCHHHHH, I know that ain’t who I think it is. Tell me Na, you finally decided to give Ricardo a chance. I know that’s him bitch because he been asking about you in the hood, so you might as well spit it out.” Rah said as I laughed and she took that as he answer. “OHHHHHH, I KNEW IT BITCH. WITH YO HOT PUSSY ASS. JUST SPIT ONE BABY OUT AND YOU ALREADY BOUT TO WORK ON NUMBER TWO!” Rah said as she laughed and I laughed along while I told her she had me fucked up.

  It felt good to laugh with her silly ass, even with all that was going on. We talked about Ricardo and the shit going on for a few more minutes before Rah told me she had to go.

  “Sis I gotta go now because we rotate these houses but I’ll be waiting on you when you get out. Take care of yourself Na and don’t be afraid to have a little happiness. Don’t push that nigga away.” Rah said and I told her I wouldn’t before I hung up.

  When I did hang up Ricardo turned around to me with a huge smile on his face. “Yeah, don’t push me away Na Na, cause I never want to go nowhere.” Ricardo said as I pushed him for being an ear hustler then kissed his forehead.
r />   He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly as he told me that he loved me. I told him that I loved him too before he gently pulled me back down in the bed and kissed me passionately. Our kissed helped to ease my heart more and erase my fear and rage. I was happy and safe in his arms and I remained that way the rest of the day.

  Ricardo had me so drunk in love after that I didn’t even get upset when KJ called right before my visit with Asha and told me they were in fact charging Kam as an adult. Part of me wanted to breakdown though, but I knew that shit wouldn’t serve a purpose. Instead I listened and believed KJ when he said the lawyer felt Kam would get off.

  “I gave that nigga the $10,000 we jacked from Jugg’s house and he all but guaranteed Kam would get off with time served. He said the shit a clear case of self-defense, Kam just gotta stay out of shit while he in there. I got him on the fourth floor in the pod with my niggas, so I know he good now. Just stay strong sis and get out of there. I got shit on this side. Tootie working his leads and I got my shit on lock. Soon we’ll have that bitch. It all will be over soon sis. Trust me.” KJ said and I did just what he said.

  I trusted his word that he would handle it and ignored the voice in my head that said he wouldn’t. I ignored that bitch though as I told my brother okay and that I loved him. KJ told me he loved me back before we hung up and I filled Ricardo in. When I finished talking he sat up beside me and told me that he was right.

  “See baby, I told you it all would be okay. You just have to have faith. You have to allow good shit to happen to you Na; you have to allow yourself to be happy.” Ricardo said as he looked in my eyes and I remembered how Rah had said the same thing.

  I knew they were both right too, so I took their advice and just let go. I sat in my bed and talked and laughed with Ricardo until it was time to visit Asha. I didn’t let any of my ill thoughts, the voice in my head, or my fear influence my happiness I just lived in the moment; and what a lovely moment in time it was as I bonded with my daughter and the man I loved.

  By the end of that day I was in pure bliss, a state of mind I had never felt before. I stayed like that my last two weeks in the hospital too and by the time we were discharged, I was ready to let go. I was ready to abandon my plan at that point and just move away with my man. I told Ricardo that too as we packed up my things and he agreed with me.

  “I’m for real baby, why don’t we just pack up and leave. I can forget all about Kenan and what he did if I didn’t have to be here. Being here in Memphis is going to remind me every day that I’m my daddy’s daughter and baby mama. I don’t think I can live with that Ricardo.” I said with tears in my eyes as he stopped packing my bag and pulled me into his arms.

  He held me firmly and kissed the top of my head as he told me he was willing to do whatever he had to in order to keep me safe and happy. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear too but what he said after that made me rethink everything.

  “What about your family though baby. You think they want to go? DO you think KJ, Kam, Ky, and Spicy will be willing to just pick up and leave? I’m with you in whatever you want to do, but I know if will be hard for you to leave them all behind.” Ricardo said as I finally thought about what I would be walking away from.

  I had just gotten the relationship with Spicy I yearned for all of my life, and my brothers needed me more than ever. I knew that wasn’t the right time to do something so drastic; however, the nagging feeling in my heart told me that it was probably best. Something told me that at some point I would have to abandon all I knew and venture out on my own to find my own purpose. I knew that something was right too, but I just didn’t have the strength I needed right then to walk away. Ricardo knew that too, so when I looked up into his eyes and told him maybe we should wait, he smiled and nodded his head with a knowing expression on his face.

  “That’s all I was saying baby. Maybe this isn’t the best time considering all your family going through. I just didn’t want you to make a decision based off of emotions and then regret it later on. I love you Kaniyah and your happiness is my only focus. I will protect you while we’re here and when it’s time to go I wouldn’t object in any way. I just need you to keep your light, optimistic heart and not let this shit change you. Okay?” Ricardo asked as I smiled through my tears and told him that I wouldn’t.

  He leaned down and kissed me softly before he stood back up and smiled.

  “I know you won’t with your sexy ass because I won’t let you. Now get that fat booty over there and finish packing before they bring our princess up.” Ricardo as he reached over and smacked me on the ass and I giggled my way back to my bag.

  Ricardo made me smile and ignore that feeling in my heart that told me to go. By the time they brought Asha upstairs dressed all pretty in her baby Pink tights and t-shirt, I was back optimistic and happy. I skipped over to the nurse and took my baby out of her arms before I laid kisses all over her face.

  Asha cooed and snuggled in my arms as I felt a love so strong it overshadowed my hate and hurt. Looking at my baby all perfect despite how she had come into the world, made me want to abandon it all. I couldn’t help but to look over at Ricardo as he set up the car seat and smile.

  “Baby, I think we can make it on our own; just the three of us. I want our lives to be happy and filled with love and I’m tired of the nightmares and voices. I think we really need to consider this Ricardo, because something inside of me is telling me that we may not have another chance to leave.” I told him as he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me.

  I guess the look in my eyes told him I was serious because he could do nothing but nod his head. He sighed as he walked over to me and Asha, kissed me on the lips, and then took her into his arms. I watched him as he kissed her cheeks and promised to always love and protect her before he walked back over to the bed and put her in her car seat. The entire time I stood there with happy tears in my ears, waiting for his answer. Once he had our baby strapped in all snug and safe he turned back to me with a smile on his face.

  “It’s whatever you want my queen. We can start the arrangements as soon as we get home. I can transfer to a school anywhere, so where would you like to go? California? Colorado? Or do you prefer somewhere tropical like Hawaii? I’m willing to willing to walk through Russia during the winter with flip flops on if that’s what I have to do to see you smile. Just tell me where you wanna go baby and I’ll make it happen.” Ricardo said as he walked over and snatched me up in his arms.

  I thought about what he said as I giggled and he laid little small kisses all over my neck. He made me feel giddy like a little girl as he tickled me and asked me again where I wanted to go.

  “What’s it going to be soon-to-be married woman? Where shall we make our home?” Ricardo asked me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his eyes.

  I saw my life flash in his eyes, in the warm sandy beaches of Florida. I felt happy as I saw myself carefree and away from my parents sins. That was enough to convince me that was where I was supposed to be so I quickly told the man who had promised me forever.

  “Florida baby, I think we should move to Florida. Anywhere but here.” I said as I smiled and Ricardo smiled back, showing all of his pretty white teeth.

  He kissed me on the neck as he giggled then paused like he was in deep thought. After a few minutes of him just standing there and holding me with this sly ass grin on his face, I took my hands from around his neck and shook his shoulders instead.

  “Uhhh excise me sir, but what has you in such deep thought?” I asked him as he snapped out of it and looked at me smiling.

  The look on his face told me that he was up to no good, so I pressured him to tell me his thoughts. I tickled his sides as he tried to squirm away and I asked him again what he was thinking.

  “I was thinking about how fat I know that ass gonna be in a bathing suit. Girrllll, I can’t wait to get you alone on them sandy beaches and make baby number two. You ready for that baby? Cause I don’t thin
k you can take all this love.” Ricardo said as he kissed my neck and I giggled again like a school girl.

  Ricardo and I both laughed and kissed until Asha started to fuss in her car seat. It was like she was telling us to stop talking about it and get her the hell out of there. We did that too as Ricardo ran over and grabbed the bags, then grabbed up her car seat. I laughed as he told the queen he was at her beck and call. She seemed to giggle too as she smiled brightly and I opened the door to the room. Once they walked out I took one look back at the place that had changed my life again. I felt happy and content as I followed my family out into the hall and to the elevators. I pushed the button then leaned over to kiss my man and baby just as a short, light skinned nurse came running.

  “Ms. Wright, Ms. Wright wait.” She yelled as I turned around and saw her coming with a big box in her hand. She was out of breath when she finally made it to me and plopped the box into my hand. I looked at her up side her head as she caught her breath enough to talk. When she did though, I wished she had never said shit.

  “This package came for you this morning. Congratulations again.” She said box before she smiled again and walked away.

  I stood there puzzled with the box in my hand as Ricardo asked me who it was from.

  “I don’t know.” I told him although in my heart I knew. I felt my body began to shake as the elevator doors opened and we stepped inside.

  As soon as we were in Ricardo sat Asha’s seat on to the floor and took the box without pushing the button. I watched him as he ripped that bitch open and when he suddenly stopped and gasped I knew.

  “This nigga gotta die; For real, for real. And I’m gonna make sure of that.” Ricardo said with a look on his face that told me he was dead serious.

  Whatever was in that box had fucked him up and I didn’t know if I wanted to see it. I couldn’t stop my curiosity though so I stepped over to peer inside. When I did I saw a picture of a pregnant girl with Asha’s picture glued in the place of the face. Kenan had left a note too that only said three word.


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