Home > Other > PREGNANT BY MY MOTHER’S RAPIST 2 > Page 16

by Niki Jilvontae

  Chapter 10

  “Nooooo, why won’t he die? I’M TIRED OF THIS SHIT!” I yelled as I held Asha tight and sat on the floor while I banged my head on the wall.

  I growled and closed my eyes as I tried to fight through my anguish and Ricardo came over to hug and console me.

  “Baby it’s okay. I’m gonna get this shit handled.” Ricardo said as I looked up and saw the tears in his eyes angry eyes.

  He hissed my head and rubbed Asha’s cheek before he hopped up and ran out of the room. As soon as he was in the hall I heard his voice as he asked everyone where the gift bag had come from

  “Aye yo, who the fuck brought this gift in the house? Who did y’all see bring in this fucking bag?” Ricardo yelled as I heard KJ yell what was going on from inside his room.

  I just continued to sit there and hold Asha as I wondered how that fucker had snuck past again. It was like Kenan was some type of evil ass ghost or shapeshifter or some shit. He was able to slip in and out of my life without being seen and just knowing that had me on edge. I wondered when that shit would end and he would finally be caught and put where he could hurt no one else. The voice in my mind told me that would never happen unless I stopped being a bitch and hit him where it hurt. She told me that in order to kill a psycho you had to go to his root. That’s when it dawned on me that I had to find his family, where he came from. I made a mental note to ask Spicy about that foster lady who had taken Kenan as I pulled myself up off the floor. Once on my feet, I walked out into the hall to find my brother and my man in a heated conversation.

  “So who the fuck was watching the gifts and shit? How the fuck did the bag even get in our room bruh?” Ricardo asked KJ as my brother told him that he didn’t fucking know but he would find out.

  Both Ricardo and KJ got frustrated as fuck fast knowing Kenan had managed to sneak past yet again. I watched from the doorway as my brother punched the wall in the hall so fucking hard his hand went through that bitch up to the elbow. The loud noise his punch made woke up the rest of the house and in seconds, Kam and Ky were both shirtless in the hall, yelling for someone to tell them what had happened.

  “What the fuck KJ bruh? Why everybody going crazy?” Ky asked as he wiped the sleep from his eyes then quickly turned to look at me.

  When he did I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to force a smile, but my heart wouldn’t let me. I was so torn up over our never-ending battle with evil that I was damn near ready to give up. I guess Ky could see the fear and defeat on my face too because as KJ filled him and Kam in, Ky came over to hug me.

  “What’s going on is that muthafucka still lurking, sneaking past, and leaving shit. Somebody brought in this muthafucking bag last night and it ended up in Na’s room.” KJ said as he held up the torn gift bag Ricardo had brought out into the hall and Ky whispered in my ear that it would be okay.

  I still didn’t know if that was true though and the voice in my head told me that it wouldn’t be unless I went along with the plan.

  “So, who brought the fucking bag in? I know somebody saw them.” Kam yelled as KJ said he was about to find out.

  I wondered what he meant by that as I watched him think for a second then suddenly run into the living room. We all followed him inside and my heart raced as I watched him go over to the camera he had set up on top of the entertainment center and cut that bitch on. In seconds a video of the party popped up on the TV and I saw all of us in the exact same room; partying and having a good time. I looked at KJ crazy after spotting myself tipsy and propped up on the wall.

  “Don’t ask me why y’all, but something told me to tape that fucking party last night. No lie, I intended to just post this shit and run my Facebook likes up. Now though, I’m glad that I did because it’s gonna show us just who the bitch is. I know it was a bitch too, because I knew every nigga that was in here last night.” KJ said as he fast forwarded the tape and we all stared at the screen.

  My brother fast forwarded and paused the tape every few seconds so that he could get closer and get a better look. We went through about three hours of the tape, just like that as my brothers fussed and Ricardo paced the floor. After about thirty minutes of that I grew tired so me and Asha walked over to the couch and sat down. As soon as I did KJ yelled out, “Bingo” and zoomed in on a scene where this tall light-skinned chick in a bright blue dressed was placing the bag on the table.

  “Who the fuck is that bitch?” I mumbled out loud as I got up to walk back over to the TV and my brothers said they had no idea.

  When I got in front of the screen I leaned in closer so that I could get a good view of her facial features. The woman was in her early to mid-forties, with flawless caramel skin, grey eyes, and long auburn hair. She had facial features a lot like my own and this eerie, familiar glimmer in her eyes. I felt my flesh crawl and the hair on my arms stand up as I wondered who she was.

  “I have no idea who this bitch is but she looks very familiar.” I said out loud as my brothers asked me where I thought I knew her from.

  I searched my mind and my memories as I stood there and Asha began to moan and squirm in my arms. Ricardo was at my side instantly as he took her from me and quickly calmed her down. I continued to think as my brothers asked me if I had figured it out yet.

  “No, I’m trying to remember but I just can’t place her face.” I said as I began to get frustrated then I suddenly heard Spicy clear her throat behind me.

  “I think I have an idea who the bitch is, but Na, you not gonna like it.” Spicy said as I turned around to look at her and the expression on her face said it all.

  My heart raced as she motioned for me to come with her and my brothers demanded to know what was going on.

  “Hell naw Spicy, don’t start that secretive shit. We all affected by this shit so we all deserve to know.” Kam said as he stared at Spicy and Ky and Kam agreed.

  I guess my brother felt like he had lost time out of his life for the shit, so he had to know what was going on. I felt him on that shit too so I turned back and looked at Spicy. I pleaded with her using my eyes, to just tell my brothers something. She caught on to it quickly as she sighed and smacked her lips before she spoke.

  “I need to talk to Na on some personal shit y’all. That’s all. I think the hoe one of Kenan’s sisters though. Which one I have no idea. We fina put these pieces together though. Just give me a little time to talk to Na.” Spicy said as my brothers accepted that answer and she grabbed me by the arm.

  I could hear them still hyping each other up and talking about the bitch as my mother led me to her room. As soon as we were inside, I had sat down on the bed and Spicy had closed the door I asked her what was so important that she needed to talk alone.

  “I just wanted to know how you are baby. You know, mentally. I know you been through a lot these last few months and I know that shit can weigh you down. I don’t want you to go through the battle with depression I went through after that shit happened to me, so baby know that I’m here if you need me. No matter what it is Na, you can always come to me.” My mother said as she sat on the bed next to me and gripped my hand.

  Spicy leaned in and hugged me after that as she rubbed my back and said everything would be okay. I was so tired of hearing people say that shit when in reality nothing was okay. If shit was okay I wouldn’y have a baby by my father and he wouldn’t be stalking my ass. No, my life was far from okay at that moment but I felt like in time I could change that. That’s when I thought about my plan to hurt Kenan at his root. Since Spicy had just said she would help me in any way, I decided to pull her card.

  “Yeah mama, I’m good. This shit hard to deal with, but I’m doing it. I’m just ready for this shit to be over though so my life can be semi normal again. I need it to be normal again Spicy so that I can keep my little bit of sanity.” I said as I looked at my mother and she nodded her head.

  I saw tears well in her eyes as she felt every word that I said. That’s why I continued to tell her how I felt until the
tears ran down her face.

  “I’m tired of all of this Spicy. I just want him gone, which is why I need to ask you some questions.” I said as Spicy suddenly looked shocked and sat up in the bed.

  I could tell she was wondering what I would ask as she wiped away her tears and told me to ask her anything.

  “Who do you think that bitch is that brought the gift in here?” I said to my mother as I saw the guilt in her eyes.

  I knew that Spicy knew more than she pretended to know and I wasn’t going to let her keep holding that shit. I slid closer to her and grabbed her hand like she had grabbed mine while she lied like she didn’t know.

  “Come on now mama, I know you and I know all your looks. When you said that you thought you knew the hoe while we were in the living room, I saw the same look you have now in your eyes. Just tell me what you think mama, even if you don’t have facts. I think you owe me that much.” I said to Spicy hitting her ass with the guilt trip, and that shit worked.

  I saw more tears began to fall from her eyes as she started to tell me the truth.

  “Baby I don’t know for sure, but that bitch looks like she’s related to Kenan. I think she may be his mother/sister or one of her other offspring. I really don’t know, but this eerie feeling I had since last night is telling me that he is near. I know you feel it too because his hold is so strong.” Spicy said as I shook my head, mad as fuck that Kenan still had the upper hand.

  He was still playing games and toying with us like we were his muthafucking projects. I wasn’t his toy or his bitch though, and I wasn’t going to keep letting me play with on. That’s why after I got my rage to calm a little and my hands to stop shaking, I grabbed my mother’s face and asked her what I really wanted to know.

  “Okay mama, I think we both know that was Kenan’s family and that he’s back to his old tricks. I’m not willing to let him get close to me and my baby again though, so here is what I need to know.” I said as I let go of my mother’s face and grabbed her hand.

  Spicy just sat there with tears in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip and waited on me to ask my question.

  “What the name of that lady again; the one who was Kenan’s foster mother. I think you said Mama Betsy or some shit, but I’m not too certain. I need her name though and her address if possible.” I said as Spicy looked at me suspiciously then began to protest.

  “I know you just figured out why I want this info mama and I don’t need you trying to stop me. The only way I can end this and ensure my baby is safe, is by going to his root. I’m gonna find that old lady, her granddaughter, or one of the other three foster kids that lived there. When I do, I’ll get the information on that sister/mama from them. After that, I can’t say what will happen. I will say though, they gonna feel me. Now, are you gonna help me mama; because I’m running out of options at this point.” I said to Spicy as she nodded her head yes then kissed me on the cheek.

  She kissed me gently just like a loving mama would before she pulled back and told me what I wanted to know. “Her name is Mama Betsy and she lives over on Mount Terrace. The lady may be dead or kicking a 100 in the back by now. I was going to try to stop you, but I see that look in your eyes I had when I rushed to Kenan’s house to get you that night. I know your motherly instincts have kicked in at this point and that protecting your baby at any cost is your only focus. That’s why I won’t stop you baby, but I must ask that you keep me in the loop. When you go to Betsy’s house and find out where his folks at, please call me and let me know. Don’t go there by yourself Na, because that would be like committing suicide. That nigga crazy and his family even crazier, so you need me and your brothers with you. Promise me you will tell us baby before I give you this address.” Spicy said as she gave me that mother look that said my ass had better not lie.

  I didn’t lie either as I told her I would and she gave me the information that would put me one step closer to Kenan. “Her address is 1978 Mount Terrace baby. It’s a big blue house.” Spicy said and I felt my adrenaline start to surge all through me.

  I felt like I could see the end coming closer as I stood up and thanked my mother for the information.

  “Thanks mama. I needed that. I’m about to handle this and get my life back.” I said to my mother before I walked out of the room ready to head home.

  Ricardo met me in the hallway as I made my way towards the door and I quickly told him it was time to go home.

  “We need to go baby. I got something I need to handle and it’s very important.” I said as I walked past Ricardo and he followed me into my room with Asha still in his arms.

  As soon as we were inside he put Asha in her car seat as I packed up her things and he walked over to grab me from behind.

  “Tell me what’s going on baby? What did Spicy want to talk to you about?” Ricardo asked as I turned in his arms and looked him dead in the eyes.

  His eyes looked so sincere and concerned I could do nothing but tell him the truth.

  “Baby she wanted to ask me if I’m alright. I think she believes I’m going crazy or some shit. Sometimes I think I am too.” I said as Ricardo kissed my head and told me that it wasn’t me who was crazy, but rather the rest of the world.

  I wanted to believe him and I wanted to be sane; however, that voice in my head that told me it was far from over made that hard to believe. The more I heard her, the more I felt like I was falling down a rabbit hole on my way to Wonderland. I knew that the only thing that could bring me back to reality was ending it. I had to find Kenan’s family.

  “Yeah baby she said she was concerned and that she would help me in any way that she can. I called her on that and asked for the name and address of the woman who had raised Kenan. I wanted her demographics so that I could ask questions about where Kenan came from. I don’t know why, but I feel like the woman who was here last night is Kenan’s sister. Both Spicy and I got the same eerie feeling after seeing her on that video, so she felt that the hoe is linked too. I gotta know for sure baby, so please don’t try to stop me. I gotta do this.” I told Ricardo as he said he wouldn’t and promised to be there if I needed him.

  He made me feel safe as he held me in his arms. I soaked up his love for a few minutes before Asha woke up whining and he sprang into action like super dad. As he changed her and went into the kitchen to fix her a bottle, I texted Rah and asked her to take that ride with me.

  Aye Ole Swollen Belly, Fat Face pretty ass hoe. Come take a ride with me. I’m on some real CSI shit and I need your nosey ass. Lol

  I wrote to my friend before I sat my phone down and carried Asha’s bag to the door. By the time I sat it down, Ricardo was back with Asha’s bottle in hand and we quickly got our things and left. On the way out of the house I told KJ what was going on and he made me make him the same promise I had made Spicy.

  “Promise me you won’t go to his Sister/Mom’s house alone sis. Please, promise me. If something else happens to you Na, I’m burning this city the fuck down one block at a time. I mean that.” KJ said with that deadly look in his face and I knew that he was telling the truth.

  I knew my brother was capable of being really vicious when provoked, and fucking with me was a sure fire way to bring out his beast. I didn’t want that though so I made him the same promise I made our mother before we hugged and he walked me out on the porch. As soon as we stepped outside Ky and Kam ran up to hug me while the rest of the boys on the porch who were involved in their dice game moaned and told them to come on.

  “Maine, fuck you niggas. This our muthafucking sister.” Kam yelled as he looked back at them niggas and gave them a crucial ass mean mug.

  That shut their asses up fast as Kam turned back and hugged me again, but Ky didn’t care because he had to put his two cents in it too.

  “Yeah niggas, shut the fuck up. You bitches a lil too impatient to get all yo money took.” Ky said as we all laughed and he hugged me.

  I loved on my brothers as I told them that I would be okay, then I walked to the car wh
ere Ricardo and Asha were waiting as they watched me. KJ had a serious expression on his face as I got in the car and that expression told me he wasn’t happy. I knew my brother was worried something would happen to me out on the streets investigating shit on my own, but I just felt like it was a situation I had created so I had to be the one to fix it. I told Ricardo that as he pulled out of the parking lot and we headed home to his place. He looked at me then back at the rode as I said that it was all my fault and no one else should have to suffer for my sins.

  “That’s bullshit Na, this shit ain’t yo fault. How is it yo fault that you were lied to all of your life and that your father took advantage and intentionally got you pregnant?” Ricardo asked with a little base in his voice that let me know he was serious and slick irritated.

  He hated to hear me be down on myself for a situation someone else had brought on me. I hated it too, but I couldn’t help but to accept my fault in the situation knowing that I could have paid attention to the signs. Ricardo didn’t see it that way though, and he made that clear as he pushed his car a little harder and cleared his throat before he spoke.

  “Fuck that Na, I don’t care what you say this ain’t yo fault. This shit is that nigga’s doing and he gonna pay for this shit. Baby, I ain’t finna try to stop you from doing what you do because I know you have to. I just wished you didn’t want to do it alone.” Ricardo said as he turned and looked at me and I saw the fear in his eyes.

  I knew my man was afraid for me and what could happen if I ran up on Kenan’s crazy ass alone or one of his family members that were crazier than him. I understood that fear and I told him that before I said I wasn’t going alone.

  “I just texted Rah to ride with me to see Mama Betsy baby so I won’t be alone.” I told Ricardo and I saw relief wash over his face before he turned to smile at me.


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