Nimara: Children of the Gods

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Nimara: Children of the Gods Page 20

by Patricia Halladay

  “Thank you for the honor of naming one of your daughters after me. May I ask why though?” Talia looks at me with pure curiosity.

  “Tank and Bronx told us what happened, you still did something amazing. You gave a man and gargoyle something that bonds them like nothing else could. A name with purpose and meaning. He’s honored to be called Bronx in both his forms. That’s something no one can ever take from him.” I say, I look to the guys and I see the love and appreciation Bronx has for this young woman. I hope he can look at me like that too, maybe one day.

  “You have nothing to fear. He loves you with all he’s, believe me I know. He spoke of you the day he saved my family. He looked as if he was given the universe when he did. I knew your name before I even knew what I was, though I would not trade you. You have way too much stress in your life! Besides, my family is with me, and helping to raise the pups when I have to come collect souls for Hades. It’s a win-win so to speak.” Talia says and then rolls her eyes. I start to laugh because I can hear Hades demanding her to get her ass back to the Underworld. “Well, that is my cue. I best be going. Stay safe goddess.” Talia says and fades too.

  I am lost in thought about what Talia said. I know he’s proud and honored by me naming one of the girls after his mom, but that is not love and appreciation. I guess I will start having to do more for the guys, instead of letting them do things for me. I have no idea how long I was standing there, but it must have been long enough that Scott comes over and looks worried.

  “You ok? You’re awfully quiet for someone who just beat one of their greatest enemies.” He starts to rub small circles on the back of my neck and works his way down between my shoulders.

  “Yea I am ok. Just thinking about things.” I respond, I am almost ashamed that these thoughts have come into my head and taken root.

  “About what? Is there something I can do to help?” Scott looks even more worried now.

  “I know you guys love me, but Bronx doesn’t look at me like he does Talia. He’s always doing things for me and I wonder if he believes he has too because he’s my mate. You know none of you have to do things for me. I can do things for myself, and I want to start doing things for you guys too.” I say watching his reaction. He sighs when he realizes what I am talking about.

  “Nimara, we do those things for you because we want to. Not because we have too. Yes you are our mate, but that doesn’t mean we love you just because of that. We love you because you are a strong, brilliant, skillful, and gorgeous bad-ass! We are the luckiest men ever chosen to be your mates. Nothing in this world would change that or take it away from you or us. Yes he loves and appreciates Talia. There will always be someone who earns that from us, but it does not mean we love you any less.” Scott says but his explanation doesn’t make me feel any better, it makes me feel worse. I am going to have to compete with other women for love and appreciation from my mates. I guess Talia really does have an easier life than I do.

  “Ok, let’s go get some dinner and rest. I have a lot of work to get done for tomorrow and the arrival of the Leaders for the Life Celebration.” I say walking away from Scott. I know he doesn’t like how this has turned out. I think after dinner I will head over to my office to get an early start on things for tomorrow.

  The clan house is buzzing with life when I walk in, with people getting dinner set up buffet style and others finding as many chairs as possible. Everyone is talking and laughing, they are starting to heal from what happened today. Life can start to heal and grow. I excuse myself and head to my office, I don’t feel right being in there and being depressed. I open my door to find all three of the guys in my office waiting for me. Scott still looks worried and I guess he has told Onyx and Bronx because they look hurt.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you in my office? You need to go get something to eat, and you need to rest. A lot has happened today.” I say trying to go to my desk, but Onyx grabs me and brings his lips to mine softly. Bronx and Scott do the same afterwards. They still haven’t said anything.

  “Nim, we are sorry if you don’t feel that we love and appreciate you. We will do more for you to show you we do. We don’t want to lose you. It scared the living hell out of us when you passed out from Eric throwing you into that tree.” Bronx says making me feel even worse.

  “No, that’s not it. You looked at Talia like she was your world! She gave your gargoyle his name. You have never looked at me like that! Making me feel like I haven’t done anything important or special for you. Anyways, it’s fine. Please go get some food and rest, ok?” I keep moving so I don’t look at them, I don’t understand why I am feeling like this, so how can I explain it?

  “We are not leaving. Things are not ok, why would you think that way? And yes I love and appreciate Talia. She gave me my name. That is something special, I can’t and won’t change that.” Bronx says frustrated. I don’t want to fight and try to leave, but Onyx won’t let me.

  “Stop trying to walk away from us please! Talk to us, tell us what is wrong?” Onyx says he’s getting frustrated too.

  “What is it I have to do to earn your love and appreciation? Or am I supposed to be happy that I am special enough to fuck and pop out your pups? You have never done anything with just me, nothing special, nothing for me to earn your love and appreciation. Other than letting you fuck me and get me pregnant. I just wish I were as special as Talia, especially to you Bronx! At least then, I would be wanted for something other than just a breeder. Maybe then you would look at me like I am your world instead of another woman.” I say defeated. The guys don’t say anything, it's like I have slapped them with a cold wet cloth.

  “Oh wow. We are such fucking idiots.” Scott says and runs his hands down his face.

  “What do you mean Scott?” Onyx asks, still frustrated.

  “When was the last time we did anything individually or as a group with Nimara that didn’t involve sex? Hell, when death wasn’t involved either?” Scott says looking at Bronx and Onyx. There goes the light bulb.

  “Shit, that would be never. Fuck we screwed up.” Onyx says. I am pacing, trying to figure out why. Why am I feeling like this? Is it hormones? What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Momma, stop and take a deep breath. Someone is working magic on you again. Get Hecate, she will be able to stop it and make things better.” Jessica says. I mind-link Tania and tell her that someone’s using magic on me again and that Jessica is the one who sensed it. She comes right over and almost busts my office door open. She looks pissed and is glowing purple.

  “I don’t even need to come near you to see it, and I know who it is.” She says bringing her hand up, there is a sudden pop and Sylvia lands on the floor. She starts to stand, but Onyx makes sure her powers are neutralized and cuffs her with iron.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Sylvia asks, looking frantic.

  “We should ask you the same. Want to explain why you are trying to harm Nimara and the cubs after she saved you?” Dexter asks.

  “It’s kind of funny how all of a sudden after Nimara saves you and your family, that problems start within our mating bond.” Onyx says thinking about everything since Sylvia got here.

  “She has been playing both sides, like an inside man, but she didn’t know about our safety measures. You were never meant to save Jenna and Steven. You weren’t supposed to come back home Nimara.” Bronx says looking from Sylvia to me. Then both Jenna and Steven walk in. Steven walks over and presses play on a video. The video shows Sylvia making a deal with Eric. Promising him my clan and to serve him if he lets her go and kills her mate and daughter.

  “So, I take it since your plan backfired, your backup was to cause problems between my mates and I. Making the little unimportant things seem like a big deal. Turning pleasure into a weapon.” I say punching her, causing her to spit up blood.

  “You stupid bitch! You were never deserving of the life you have! I loved Kai! Not your mother! She was nothing more than a worthless Alpha whore! I will take everyt
hing from you!! The goddess Hecate will grant me this!” Sylvia is seething. Wow, I never thought that behind everything, Sylvia was using my Uncle to further herself. It went to shit when I killed him in front of her, but she already knew it wasn’t going to work when both Hunter and Jenna escaped too that night.

  “I, Beta Steven Gardner, hereby reject you Sylvia Thorn as my mate!” Steven looks angrier than hurt. It almost doesn’t affect Sylvia, but you can see some of her power drained with the rejection of her true mate.

  “I, Jenna Gardner, hereby reject and banish you as my mother and teacher. I also in the name of the goddess Hecate, strip you of your powers and memory. Making you human!” Jenna says looking angry enough to kill her mom, but she’s giving her a much kinder fate then I think Hecate would. Sylvia seems to lose even more power with her daughter's rejection and banishment. The look on her face goes white from fear.

  “Thank you Jenna, but I will take my powers back from her. There’s no need for you to be tainted by dark magic, after all I am Hecate.” Tania say glowing purple again showing her true self. “Why would you think I would ever help you hurt my niece Sylvia? You should have known; I have always been watching. I warned you that your obsession would be the end of you. I even gave you a glimpse of the future for you to change what you could, but instead you followed the path right down to the last damn stone.” Hecate says placing her hands on the sides of Sylvia’s head and starts to drain her of all her magic. There is no screaming, there is no shouting, just a blank stare. Then Hecate opens a portal into a living room somewhere and places Sylvia on the couch. The portal closes when Hecate walks back through.

  “I want to tell the four of you something and make sure you listen well. There was nothing said by any of you that wasn’t how you feel. It was all you and your feelings. It’s just things you have buried so you don’t hurt or upset one another. Learn from what was said, and everything will work out fine. Also, know when to back off. Sometimes you need space to breathe and clear your mind before things can get better.” Hecate says, making a point of looking at me. Guess there was even more to that and I need to learn to talk to the guys instead of trying not to hurt them..

  Chapter 17

  ~ Nimara ~

  Tania calms down and lets her goddess side go back in place. Before she leaves though she removes the spell Sylvia was working on me. There is a long and awkward silence in the room, and the guys just keep looking back at me. I have to swallow my pride and apologize. I said some hurtful things that if I had just talked to them about, this would never have happened.

  “I am sorry for my comments. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. Please go get some dinner and rest, you all look drained from everything that has happened today and I imagine your bodies are still adjusting to the changes.” I say, but they don’t move and continue to just look at me.

  “How long have you felt like that?” Bronx says with tears.

  “Does it really matter? It’s something that I can’t change, and you said you wouldn’t change it either. So, it’s not important.” I say honestly wanting to be left alone right now.

  “Yes it does, and Bronx didn’t mean it like that, he didn’t mean it like you have to worry about him not loving you. Please talk to us, we can’t help and fix things if we don’t know something is wrong.” Onyx says looking just as hurt as Bronx.

  “Since Tank told us about how Bronx got his name. He had the same look then thinking about Talia, that he gave her today. You all hid the fact that I was your mate because you didn’t want me to feel forced into loving you. But that is exactly what I feel I am doing to you. Forcing you to love me. If you have feelings for someone else then I don’t see us as mates. We would end up being just like Sylvia and I don’t want that for any of us.” I say looking at each of them, and I see so much hurt in their eyes.

  “I am not leaving you and you are not forcing me to love you. You are the only woman I love; I always have. Hell, I used to tell you all the time I was going to be your mate, and now I am. Nothing is going to change that.” Scott says looking more determined to show he loves me.

  “I agree with Scott, I am here because I want to be, I have loved you since I met you. I can’t speak for Bronx, but his reaction when Scott came home should tell you he loves you as if he has known you his whole life.” Onyx says sitting, he looks like he’s completely drained.

  “I am not leaving you Nimara. Nor would I ever, you’re the most amazing person I have ever met. I am sorry for not showing you the true love and endless appreciation I have for you. I am to blame for this mess, not you. I can see why you would think I would want to leave. I basically said you weren’t good enough. When in truth you are the center of my universe, my reason for living.” Bronx says giving me a hug and a gentle kiss. “Please don’t let it build up like that again. We’re all learning how this works, but I don’t want us to end because of something easily fixed. Tell us when something is wrong, we will get over it.”

  “Ok is everything out and in the open, because right now we all need to eat. Mac’s yelling at the top of her lungs through mind-link to get our asses in the dining hall and get food. She sounds pissed.” Onyx says looking at me. “That means you too, you can’t skip meals while carrying our family. You and the pups are our world. So, come on let’s get some dinner.” Standing up Onyx doesn’t give me the chance to say no. He takes one hand and Bronx takes the other, pulling me out the door. Scott leads the way, and we walk back to the dining hall. Mac meets us when we walk in the door and slugs Bronx.

  “You either man up and keep your former lovers away from Nimara, or I am going to squeeze the fucking life out of her. Just because she’s a Hellhound doesn’t mean I can’t and won’t kill her. If your mate doesn’t come first then get the fuck out!” Mac yells at him.

  “Who told you?” Bronx asks looking shocked, but relieved too.

  “No one, I have fucking eyes! I saw the way you looked at her. Fuck up again and she isn’t the only one Hades will collect. Your ass will be going too.” Mac threatens, making Onyx and Scott gulp nervously. I’m not surprised, she fought hard for her mate. Her parents weren’t the most accepting of him, since he was human and had a ton of women trying to break them up. We all sit to eat, and Marie brings over a bowl of broth for me. It has mint and ginger in it, she says it will help with the heart burn and the nausea. When I go to get up, Bronx grabs my hand.

  “Little Firefox please let us take care of you. You had the same day we did.” He says. He’s trying to make up for our discussion earlier. I sit back down, and he gets up and grabs the food, Scott comes back with drinks, Onyx comes back with fresh veggie and soup. We start eating when Bronx comes back. I take a little from all the plates and the guys just keep giving me anything I ask for afterwards. After dinner’s done, I get up to move the plates, again Bronx grabs my hand.

  “I’ll clean up, it’s only fair. You got the meal, sit, relax and enjoy.” I say giving him a smile, and he lets go. I know he still wants to fix things, but this is something that can’t be fixed. He loves someone else when he’s supposed to love and be with me. When I walk into the kitchen, Tank and Mac look like they are about to beat each other.

  “What’s going on? Mac do you want for a run?” I ask. She gives me a “don’t even” look.

  “She’s angry that I told you about Bronx, and that I asked for one of the pups to be given her name. This doesn’t make sense; I have known Bronx for a long time. He always had that look talking about you Nimara, no one else. Something isn’t right.” Tank say looking just as pissed, it gets worse when Hades and Talia arrive.

  “You need to leave, especially if you want to continue breathing.” Mac threatens Talia.

  “That’s why we are here. She knowingly caused this and upset the balance. She will have to pay for her actions.” Hades says, he’s pissed too and hands me a dagger.

  “What is going on?” Bronx, Scott, and Onyx walk in looking back and forth between Hades, Talia, and me.
  “Why are you giving me this? Does she pay with her life? I am sorry but no, my mate already loves her. I don’t need or want to add his hatred for killing her to that list. Remember I have to spend eternity with this man.” I say shaking my head and turn to leave.

  “I said I was sorry Nimara! Please believe me!” Bronx says hurt, “Take the damn name back. I don’t want it. It’s hurt the most important person in my life.”

  “Nimara, it’s not his doing. Talia has done this to him, it’s why females are rare. Hellhounds can turn a person’s love into a weapon, they will kill to prove their love. When he told her about you, seeing how much he loved you, she used it. She has always known she’s a Hellhound, she’s not innocent in this.” Hades says, ready to rip Talia’s throat out. I’m shaking I’m so angry. Why would she want him to kill innocent people? My head’s pounding trying to think things through. I need space and to get away for a few minutes. So, I turn and leave. When I make it out of the clan house, the cool air feels wonderful on my heated skin.

  “Hey, can you take care of the stuff with the celebration for a bit. This shit with Talia using Bronx as a weapon is fucked up, I need some space to think.” I mind-link Draven.

  “Yea I already did, Tilly and Mac filled me in. I’m in the kitchen now trying to keep Tank and Mac from killing Talia. Tania’s angry, she’s going to kill someone for sure.” Draven sends back.

  “I took her advice, we talked and now I need space. So, I am going for a run. I am closing off, so don’t bother trying to connect to me through mind-link. I will see you in the morning. Thanks for the help” I say closing off my connections to everyone, that is when I see Ram walk up.


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