Nimara: Children of the Gods

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Nimara: Children of the Gods Page 21

by Patricia Halladay

  “I know about everything; I know you also need some space. I have to follow the goddess’s command and protect you though. So, let’s go for a run.” Ram says heading down the long driveway. We follow the main road into Brockville. I haven’t gone into town for a while so it will be a nice break. We made it in 20 minutes, we hit Tim Horton’s for coffee and Timbits first, and then to Carter’s Oshkosh to look at baby clothes.

  “This outfit is cute and would be great for a girl when training!” Ram holds up this very cute short and tank top set. She’s right, it would be great for the girls and training. “So, do you want to talk to someone from outside of the mess? I may have knowledge that could help.” She says putting the outfit at the cash.

  “Why would she do that to him? I mean who does that to someone? Uses their love for their mate as a weapon to hurt innocent people. How am I supposed to help fix that? She gave his gargoyle his damn name!” I say starting to cry.

  “Well, here’s the thing, she’s probably doing it because he was happy, like truly happy, and she was able to affect you once you claimed each other. Some Hellhounds are just pure chaos and hurt. It’s bad and they are killed as pups. Hades doesn’t let them grow up. I think her being here on the mortal plain, means there was a birth before her mother was taken to the Underworld for breeding. A pup without its natural family can be a dangerous thing, she should have been raised with other Hellhounds but wasn’t. It might also be that her mom was raped by a Hellhound, and she’s just angry. That’s something you can’t fix, well other than killing her. It’s the only way to end her effect on Bronx. His name was supposed to come from you. It’s why I have only one name, my mate will name my gargoyle, or my human in this case.” Ram says helping me to calmed down, her phone goes off. She answers it and ends the call quickly.

  “Time to head back, Tania’s going bat shit crazy since you have blocked everyone. Also, I put a cloak on us, so no one could find us, and you could have time to think.” She says giving me this mischievous smile, that tells me I will like having her around to disappear when I need to.

  “That’s pretty handy, is it a gift all female gargoyles have or just a special one you have since you're my protector? And how do you know all of this about the Hellhounds?” I ask, Ram’s very knowledgeable on the subject.

  “Because I am your protector. Your mom gave me some pretty sweet gifts. I have been practicing with Simon. Since you know, he’s Dionysus. You will have to wait and see.” Ram says laughing at my pout. We continue to talk all the way back to the clan house; Tania’s sitting outside waiting.

  “I removed Kai’s gargoyle name after I talked to Elder Grendel. He said it was her giving him a name that caused this problem, and she knew that. I talked to the Council of the Gods also; they aren’t happy either. Her actions have caused a significant amount of damage, that all the gods are asking for her death. It’s ultimately Hades decision though since a female Hellhound is only born every 500 years.” Tania says continuing to explain what has happened. Ram then takes us by surprise.

  “Umm so if I told you I know of another female Hellhound, is that a good thing?” Ram asks looking at us.

  “Really? We need to tell Hades about this right now, Talia has been sent to Tartarus. Hades’ pissed about what she did.” Tania says excitedly. Ram and Tania go back inside to talk to Hades, and I head home. I walk into the house, two of the guys are sitting on the couch and one pissed off cat is standing. It looks like Kai has been in a fight, his knuckles are bloody, and his hands swollen.

  “What happened? Are you ok?” I ask grabbing some water and ginger in the kitchen, because the coffee is coming back to haunt me. Then I feel fur wrap around me and a rough tongue lick my neck.

  “His hands are like that because he fought Talia, she tried to attack Tania when she removed the name she gave him. She knew that it would set everything right and he would no longer love her, because she’s not his mate. Hades couldn’t even get her under control, so I helped knock her out. Hellhounds are a lot stronger than bloodlust rogues. But no one does this to my family, or my brothers. You are our Queen, and I will love only you.” Dexter says, I turn in his arms to look at this beautiful animal. He shifts down into Scott, just before he’s completely gone back, I grab Dexter and kiss him. He purrs as I run my tongue over his lips, and then his tongue chases mine back into my mouth. I pull away to see Dexter and Scott both in the same smile.

  “I love you Scott and Dexter, or Dexter and Scott if you like.” I say starting to laugh because Scott is tickling me. We walk back into the living room and I lay across Kai and Onyx.

  “We need to change Talia’s name.” I tell Kai when he looks at me, he’s tired and probably sore from his fight with the Hellhound. “Otherwise, how are you and your gargoyle feeling? You guys ok?”

  “Nimara, I'm sorry for not realizing something was wrong. I didn’t mean to, I promise, I love you and only you for all eternity!” Kai says, bringing his arms around me in a tight hug.

  “Hey, don’t worry about it. When Ram and I went for a run, she told me some interesting things. What she was doing to you, was through the name she gave your gargoyle. Then when we claimed each other, that opened me up to her also. Ram thinks it was either a breeding done here on the mortal plain or it was a rape by a Hellhound male. It doesn’t matter though, we’re both feeling better, and she can’t hurt us anymore. Are you ok now?” I say looking into his dark brown eyes. I rub my nose on his and kiss the tip of it.

  “I am sore, I tried to keep Talia from Tania. I hope Tania’s ok. When you left Tania was so mad she erased that moment in time. Causing Talia to go crazy, Hades even tried to stop her, she was pure evil. I hit her, but wasn’t able to get her down, Dexter had to help Hades and I get her under control. My gargoyle feels different, he actually feels happier without it, like we did before we met her. When we only had you in our heart, like we do now. He said that means we can have our name given to us by the only person who matters, you.” Kai says. I give him another kiss, then move so I am just sitting on Onyx’s lap.

  “Hey, my killer earth troll, you ok?” I ask Onyx. He has been quiet, probably exhausted from all the shit today.

  “Yea I’m good, now that everything’s fixed. Sore but good. Can we go to the hot springs?” Onyx asks, it’s his favorite place to destress.

  “Yea let’s go, the three of you could probably use a good soak. Especially if you were fighting with a Hellhound. I have seen Tank in action, they aren’t easy to take down.” I say. Onyx lifts me and carries me outside; Scott and Kai are walking beside him. A cavern opens up, and Onyx puts me down to walk. Once we’re all in the cavern it closes up and we move down the stairs to the hot springs.

  “Damn this is going to feel amazing!” I say stripping my clothes off and walk into the hot waters. I get back out to help Onyx and Kai get undressed, since they are moving slow. I help Scott too; Kai and Onyx are in immediately and relaxing. Scott carries me back in.

  “So, Ram thinks all those feelings, thoughts and doubts you were having were because of Talia’s hold on Kai?” Onyx says after putting some of the hot water on his face and rubbing it.

  “Yea, because honestly now, I’m hornier than you guys. Before, it was like I hated it, I felt like that is all you wanted me for. I know that’s not true, but that was how Talia was making me feel, I was doubting your love for me. That should NEVER have come into my head! What I am not understanding is why can’t I sense it? I should be able to, right? I am supposed to be a goddess after all.” I say sitting on Scott’s lap.

  “Maybe it’s because you're not use to your powers yet. Once you figure them all out and use them regularly, you’ll be able to feel stuff like that.” Scott says massaging my shoulders. I feel Scott shift under me and slide his cock into my pussy, when I roll my head back and moan, I hear him purr.

  “Nim, I want to play and so does Kai’s gargoyle and Onyx! Lucky guy, he doesn’t have to share you with his other side!” Dexter says, helping guide
my hips as I rotate them riding his cock. Onyx and Kai watch, as Dexter puts me out of the water to keep fucking me. He roars as I swell around him when the heat explodes through my body and I scream in pleasure. He released his seed at the same time. I didn't get the chance to catch my breath, Kai’s gargoyle brings me back into the hot water, and slams into me. He has his hand gently around my throat and keeps sliding in and out of my pussy harder and deeper with each stroke. He’s definitely bigger than Kai, because of his growth spurt. As I am about to orgasm again, I scream the name Evren. He keeps going, until I have climaxed and screamed his name 4 more times. He completely wraps his arms and wings around me and nuzzles into my neck.

  “You have named me during our most intimate time. Thank you my goddess, for not one but two precious gifts.” Evren says.

  “What would those be my love?” I say as his wings open, and I see Onyx and Scott both smiling.

  “My family, including all our future fledglings and my name!” Evren says sinking his teeth into my neck. My claws digging into the rock as Evren marks me and I moan. When he releases me, he places me down on Onyx’s lap, sliding his cock in my pussy at the same time and I start to ride him. As he moans, I pant and beg for more. Onyx isn’t long before he releases into me and I orgasm from him hitting the right spot with his cum. This goes on for another 3 hours, each of them taking their turns fucking me. I suck their cocks while being fucked, I am definitely enjoying tonight.

  Wonder how Ram is doing with Hades?

  Chapter 18

  ~ Ram ~ Nimara ~

  Tania and I walk back into the clan house into the front meeting room. Hades is pacing back and forth. Tank and 2 other men stand there talking.

  “What about her pups? How many litters did she have? Can we keep them?” The one man says, and it sounded like he had three different voices.

  “No Cerberus we can’t keep them. From what I found out from her mother. She was raped by one of the Hellhounds that we killed off about 20 years ago. You know the 30 or more that went slightly crazy with not having a female hound. We missed a pup, and that’s how Talia came into this world. So, all the pups would go like her. Shit, that means all of you will have to be retired until another female is born. For fuck sakes!” Hades says slamming his fist down in frustration.

  “Sorry to interrupt Hades, Charon and Cerberus, but did you know that there are 2 female hounds this time not one?” Tania says causing Hades to spin so fast he almost looked like a toy spinner.

  “What? Since when? Where is she?” Cerberus says as a smile starts to form.

  “How’s that possible? I thought only one was born at a time.” Tank says with a look of suspicion.

  “Ram, you know where she is, so you tell him.” Tania says looking at Ram and again she has that playful smirk.

  “Ok well, my best friend’s not like your Hellhounds. Instead of being black with red flamed eyes, she’s white with blue flamed eyes. I don’t know if that makes a difference, but I do know she would love a mate. She has been all over the world and hasn’t found one. So maybe she’s mated to your hounds?” I says looking at the four men.

  “That makes her extremely rare, and even more sought after. Hades get your ass in gear! You need her, not only can the Hellhounds reproduce with her, but so can Cerberus and I!” Charon says and I pull out my phone, dialing Talisa’s number and puts it on speaker as it rings.

  “Hey Rammy, what is up girlie?” Talisa says when she picks up.

  “Hey Chickie, not much. Where are you right now?” I asks.

  “Just heading out of Manotick towards Brockville. I have to hit the Silver Shadow Clan. They have some souls I need to collect and carry for a bit. Why what’s up?” Talisa asks.

  “Well, I’m already at the Silver Shadow clan, they’re my blood kin, but I have some very interested men, who would really like to meet you….” I says but she cuts off.

  “No more asshats please! The last one your cousin set me up with was a nightmare.” Talisa says.

  “No goddess no, Hades, Charon and Cerberus are here. Nimara is Hades’ niece. There’s been problems caused by a female Hellhound and he’s looking for a replacement. Can you ping me and come as soon as possible. It would mean getting your brains fucked out constantly, having a lot of puppies and …. Yep I knew that’s all I had to say, and you’d be here instantly.” I say laughing, I end the call looking at her that. “Lord Hades, this is Tali. She was found with me when I was a baby, she was guarding me. Not that there was much a 3 week old Hellhound pup could do though.” I says looking at everyone.

  “Wow, she’s gorgeous! Hades please can we keep her? Yes please Hades?” Cerberus says staring at the young woman.

  “Thank you, I am guessing you’re Cerberus. As long as you play nice, I think it could be arranged.” Talisa says and winks at him.

  “Damn Hades you need to keep her! I am hard already.” Charon says adjusting himself. Hades clears his throat.

  “Ram says you're a white Hellhound, the souls you collect, they are to be reborn and live multiple lives aren’t they?” Hades asks getting right to the point and looking extremely happy.

  “Yes sir, I’m the Hellhound of Rebirth. I’m even more rare than a female Hellhound in general. But that’s because we live way longer, even when under your service and reproducing like rabbits. Which we do every 4 months, so 3 litters a year and minimum size of a litter depends on how long the males keep fucking me during my 3 day heat. It could mean 5 to 18 pups each time.” Talisa says eyeing Charon and Cerberus, both already wanting to fuck her good and hard.

  “Hades, Charon and I need to leave, to escort that little bitch to her death. Her punishment has been voted on. Her eternal soul is to fuel the Hell fires.” Cerberus says looking at Hades.

  “Alright, you best get going then. Make sure the other problem is taken care of too.” Hades says watching his Gate keeper and Boat Master walk over to Talisa.

  “Hopefully, we will see you very soon, my gorgeous little Hellhound. Yes very soon. Please and thank you!” Cerberus says running his nose from Talisa’s shoulder up her neck, to her ear and nips it.

  “Y-yes that would be great. Holy fuck.” Talisa says panting, as not only does Cerberus tease her so does Charon, by slipping two fingers between her legs, rubbing her clit.

  “Gentlemen, she needs to be of sound mind to agree. You know the rules, no influence. Go and take the Hellhound to the fires. Now please!” Hades says, he already knows she would say yes without Charon and Cerberus arousing her.

  “Due to her name, we might want to talk to Nimara. Or if you don’t mind changing your name that would be great too.” Tania says looking hopeful, but it is short lived.

  “I’ve been around for 93 years, there’s no way in hell I am changing my name. Why is it a problem?” Talisa asks.

  “The female Hellhound that caused the problem with Nimara and her mates is named Talia or Tali for short. Believe me, you don’t want to piss off the next Mother Earth.” I says, looking at Talisa, who’s in a state of shock now.

  “You mean she pissed off THE DAUGHTER OF GAIA? Is she fucking stupid? Damn that’s like standing in front of an AKA 47 and shouting fire! You don’t walk away from that.” Talisa says looking concerned. “Well, if it helps Tali is short for Talisa. I can go by my full name.”

  “I think we should still run it by Nimara, hopefully her, Onyx, Scott and Bronx are all feeling better. They took a beating to...” Tania doesn’t finish what she was saying.

  “It’s Kai or Evren now. Nimara named his gargoyle during some very heated makeup sex, and that completes their bond. As for the little bitch, I voted for artistic torture then death. I was thinking of making living casts, you know like on the House of Wax? Great horror film, you should watch it.” Hephaestus says starting eating an apple.

  “Damn, note to self. Never and I mean NEVER piss off Nimara!” Talisa says looking nervous. “Oh, I got to go out to the new cavern to collect the souls, would you like to come and see my

  “Yes please, that would be amazing.” Hades says smiling.

  “It’s still a good idea for you to meet Nimara as well. She might like you and the name may not be a problem.” Hephaestus adds finishing the apple and getting up to go out with them.

  “Nim, are you still awake?” Tania sends a cautious mind-link.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Yea, we just got back from the hot springs. The guys were super sore from helping Hades control that little bitch. Are you ok?” I replies.

  “Yes I am fine, the guys took most of her attack. Anyways can you come outside for a minute. We have someone for you to meet.” Again, she’s being cautious, what’s going on. I walk outside to see Tania, Hades, Ram, Hephaestus, and another woman. She looks nice, I wonder if she’s the other Hellhound Ram was talking about.

  “Nimara, this is Talisa. She’s the Hellhound of Rebirth.” Tania says.

  “Momma I like her name. That other Tali ruined my name. Ask if it’s alright for me to have the same name as her!! PLEASE MOMMA!!”

  “It is nice to meet you Talisa. Thank you for coming to collect those souls. They were good people that just had shitty luck this time around.” I say putting my hand out to shake hers.

  “Momma! Please?”

  “Would it be alright to give your name to one of my daughters? She was to be named after the other one, but my daughter prefers your name, she said the other Tali ruined that name for her. So, would it be ok?” I ask, I know my little one won’t stop asking.

  “Oh, that would be awesome, can I meet the little one?” She replies as we shake hands.

  “Not yet, give her 14 weeks, when I give birth. Then you can meet her.” I say laughing, the look on this poor girl's face is priceless.

  “You can already talk to them? Wow, it’s said that only Mother Earth can talk to her children before they are born. That’s pretty wicked!” She says with a look of pure excitement. She’s pretty cool. Then she looks past me and starts to radiate happy energy, she drops her bag and strips. Shifting immediately, she takes off. She looks like a streak of lightning moving from tree to rock and then jumping out from behind a bush. As she moves, all these orbs of light start floating to her, and then they go into her. This must be how she collects the souls that are to be reborn, she must carry and protect them until it’s their time to come back.


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