Nimara: Children of the Gods

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Nimara: Children of the Gods Page 22

by Patricia Halladay

  “She’s gorgeous! Hades you need to ask her to become your female Hellhound! The pups would be amazing!” Tania says watching Talisa play with the souls she’s collecting, to bring them happiness. She’s radiating love, strength, and devotion towards each soul. Hades just hit the jackpot with finding the Hellhound of Rebirth.

  “I agree, I hope she wants to come. Cerberus just mind-linked me, Talia has already been executed. Even he wanted to eat her, and I am not talking sex either.” Hades says looking worried that Talisa won’t agree. The white hound comes prancing over to us, she lays down and rolls onto her back for belly rubs. Hades gives her a rub and her tail starts wagging, he also gets what looks like a foot thump. Her tongue’s flopped out of the side of her mouth in pure enjoyment, looks like this hound loves Hades.

  “Ooh, does that mean I get to “play” with Cerberus too? He seemed pretty playful before he left. What about Charon? I don’t want to be a tease, although I can shift back and forth to play with him.” Talisa says shifting back and wiggles her eyebrows at Hades, to which he just laughs and nods. “Great so when do I start getting my brain fucked out? I could really use some amazing sex! It’s been like 5 years and batteries are getting way too expensive.”

  “Damn girl I did NOT need to hear that!” Ram says covering her face and shaking her head. Hades and Hephaestus are holding their stomachs laughing and Tania’s smiling. I can definitely say she’s going to be the best thing to happen in the Underworld. She’s awesome and I couldn’t be happier for Hades.

  “Well, my dear niece, you need to get rest, and I have a lot of horny male hounds, a boat master and gatekeeper that are eagerly awaiting their new mate! They actually didn’t like Talia and the 3 litters she had, have already been killed by the males. So, I think it best we go by your full name, unless the males ask you if they can shorten it.” Hades says trying not to ruin the happy vibe. Wow never thought they would kill their own children but considering the circumstances I am not against it.

  “All good, like the little one, she ruined that name for me too, and I have been alive longer. I can tell she wasn’t very old and didn’t have the experience not to trick someone else’s mate into loving her. It can cause a lot of unsanctioned deaths. So, Talisa is all good, when do we leave and do I need to bring clothes, because I would just have to go to my car and grab them. I don’t have a lot of stuff.” Talisa says. Wow and I thought I talked a lot; she’s going to talk his ear off!

  “She actually did it on purpose. Her mother was one of the women raped by the crazed Hellhounds 20 years ago. She was looking to get revenge I guess.” Tania says from what she learned from her brother’s earlier conversation.

  “Shit, I remember that night, I actually had to collect some of the souls. They weren’t just women they raped. There were young girls and teenagers, it was the young girls who did not make it. The attacks and rapes were brutal, but I thought they only attacked other supernatural’s. Is her mom human or supernatural like us?” Talisa says looking at Hades.

  “She was human, I was surprised too. And no, you won’t need clothes. I am sorry to say, but your basically just going to be having constant sex for the next little while, until the guys calm down. They will each want to mate to find what you like; you will have plenty of variety.” Hades says smiling at Talisa’s excitement.

  “So how many are we talking about? Like 10 or 20?” She asks, looking really hopeful that she has just won the grand prize.

  “382 reproducing males right now. That doesn’t include the 498 that are retired and are taking mates here on the mortal plain. Tank just retired; he’s Hecate’s chosen mate while she’s here on earth.” Hades says and Talisa’s eyes look like they are about to explode, I think she also just ate a bug. Her mouth’s open, and it just flew right in.

  “HOLY HADES!!! Let’s go, I have a lot of mates to make happy and get some amazing sex too!” Talisa says grabbing Hades by the arm and starts pulling. She’s really excited for this. That poor girl isn’t going to be able to walk or talk for a while. Laughing, Hades and Talisa fade out and she waves bye as they do.

  Chapter 19

  ~ Nimara ~

  “Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-TAA!! Puppy Power!!”

  “Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-TAA!! Puppy Power!!”

  “Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-TAA!! Puppy Power!!”

  “Oi do I have to get up? Wait, what the hell? It’s 8:30. Fuck I overslept!” I say flying out of bed to see none of my mates here. I jump into the shower and quickly wash. Then I get out and run to my closet to get dressed when I notice Kai standing there with a breakfast tray.

  “I overslept, I don’t have time for breakfast, I have so much to get ready. I should have gone to bed when we got home from the hot springs. Goddess, the Life Celebration’s going to be delayed, I should have just left it at 7 days, everything was already planned. Kai why didn’t you guys wake me up?” I says frantically grabbing my clothes, I try to put them on, but I fall over from hopping around trying to put my underwear on.

  “Ok just calm down little Firefox, we have already taken care of it. We reset your alarm for you to get rest. You and the fledglings need sleep, good foods, and love. So far the four of you have only gotten emotional stress, eating, and killing. So, we thought the first thing we could do, is I would make breakfast, get the housework done and keep you in bed resting. While the others are making phone calls and getting everything else set up. I am going later to help build the stage, and Scott’s coming home to curl up with you. Then while we make dinner, Onyx is going to rest with you.” Kai says getting me up from the floor. I get back into my p-jays and into bed, Kai then sets my breakfast in front of me.

  “Who’s greeting the Leaders that are coming then?” I ask in between forkfuls of egg.

  “We all will be, they don’t start to arrive until 7 pm tonight for the Opening Welcoming ceremony at 9. Onyx thought it would be a good idea to have the Welcoming ceremony for new members today. They get enjoy the full meaning of this week with having a new family to experience it with. By the way, very cool alarm!” Kai says stealing a piece of bacon and give me a kiss on the forehead. I grab him by the shirt and bring our lips together.

  “Get some rest my goddess, I will bring your ginger up, so breakfast stays down. Then we can curl up downstairs on the cuddle chair and watch movies.” Kai says leaving to get my ginger. I finish breakfast, waiting for Kai. My stomach starts to feel gross, so I get up and head downstairs for my ginger and cuddles. Kai’s in the kitchen on the phone and doesn’t look happy.

  “What’s wrong Kai? You ok?” I say grabbing my ginger and water.

  “That was my mom, King Harold kicked her and Emily out of the palace for his mistress and their son. Only problem he has lost the title with Emily leaving. Mom said he’s hired someone to execute them to regain the crown. The whole gargoyle population’s heading this way as we speak. That’s 1700 gargoyles that will be here in 2 or 3 days. Where are they going to stay? What are we going to do about the hit man after my mom and sister?” Kai asks looking worried and rests his head against my chest, I run my fingers through his hair to help calm him.

  “We can ask Tenelle and her mom. They live in the Great theater of the Gods. It’s kind of like the Ancient Greek Theater at Epidaurus, but it’s completely underground with many entrances and homes built in as well. It can hold like 2 or 3 thousand people. It was used all the time by the gods, and their followers used to live there too. It’s empty now, other than Tenelle and Sue. The entrances are even big enough for dragons to fly into the theater and land safely. I’m sure they can stay there until we can help them get new colonies established. Best part is that it’s on our clan territory!” I say and Kai plants his lips on mine, I return his kiss and smile. I go back upstairs to get dressed. Kai and I will go to my office and call Sue to get it set up for the gargoyles to stay there for a bit.

  Heading over to my office, I notice a lot of things are already done and vendors are already here. Clan members are helping them to get their s
talls ready and weather proofed. This is amazing, less than 24 hours ago this was a war zone. Kids are running around laughing, putting up decorations and pictures of those lost over the years. There are memorials in between the vendors for individual clan members. It looks better than it ever has before. We walk into the clan house and head to my office. To our surprise, Sue and Tenelle are already here along with a tied up man.

  “Wow, the two people I wanted to talk to. How lucky is that?” I say, Kai sighs in relief when he sees them.

  “Tenelle ran into Queen Nyssa and Crown Princess Emily on her way out to deliver their invitation to the Life Celebration. This fucker tried to kill all three of them, not a smart move on his part. Tenelle took his ass out of the sky, shredding his wings.” Sue says looking like she wants to sink her talons into his head for touching her daughter.

  “So, this piece of shit, is the one Harold hired to kill your mom and sister. Well, I can take care of him. Does Tank want another “melting” experience?” I say knowing the Hellhound will be here instantly, and sure enough he is. “The whole gargoyle population is moving this way with their future Queen. Would it be ok to house them in the Great theater and living quarters until we can set up new colonies Sue?” I ask knowing it will be fine.

  “It would be an honor for them to stay with us. I wouldn’t worry about Harold or his mistress. When this one attacked Tenelle, Queen Nyssa and Princess Emily. Tenelle’s friends went at Harold, and from what they said on the phone, a black hound was waiting for them. He helped in their attack. They said they have never seen anything like him.” Sue says.

  “The Hellhound helped because the witch Harold was mating interfered with the Sisters of Fate and the child was never to be born to her. That’s why he helped kill the three of them.” Hades says, it feels funny talking to him without him standing here.

  “Nimara, are you ok?” Tenelle asks, she looks a little worried.

  “Sorry, the Hellhound was there because Queen Nyssa and Princess Emily’s death was unsanctioned. Harold’s however was, and from what the council’s telling me, the child was not to be born. His mistress was a witch, and she was tampering with the Sisters of Fate. That seems to be one thing, everyone does but shouldn’t.” I say looking at everyone.

  “Ok, I just talked to mom and Emily again. They’re about a day and a half out. I told them to come here and we would take them over to the Great theater to stay in until new colonies are set up. Many of the grounders are traveling by large vehicles, bringing supplies and possessions with them. They all want to give thanks for the help, Sue.” Kai says looking relieved his mom and sister are safe.

  “Hey Tank, want to play with the cleaner and “Melt” him?” His eyes just went so big and the flame went to this bright orange color, like pure excitement and life. “Have at it bud, he’s all yours. Come back if you can get any information out of him ok?” I tell him. Tank nods and grabs the rope, lifting the gargoyle off the floor. The smile he has is so huge. As Tank walks out with the gargoyle, Tania walks in and points in Tank’s direction. I laugh and say “Melt” and she just goes “Ooh” and smiles too.

  “Ok everything’s ready, even the stage. Sorry Kai, the kids loved working with the grounders learning to build things. Most of the vendors are here and all the memorial plaques are in place for viewing. We even got ones for our most recent losses. The Elders are here and are prepared for the Welcoming and Mating ceremony tonight and there are roughly 249 new clan members. There are 300 leaving with their mates. I didn’t realize we gained that many with the war going on.” Tania says surprising me with the numbers, but I guess a lot of those came after they were released from the prisons that Eric and Tit put them in.

  “Alright, what’s there left for me to do then?” I ask looking at everyone in my office.

  “Absolutely nothing, you’re supposed to be resting! Kai, carry her ass back home and tie her to the bed. She needs to rest, and to do as she’s told.” Onyx says, giving me a pointed look. Sue starts laughing and shaking her head.

  “Good luck with that Onyx, she’s as bad as her mom and I were. We couldn’t stand to sit still. The goddess Athena clipped my wings so I couldn’t fly. I was pissed but the feathers grew back after I had Tenelle.” Sue says while laughing.

  “So, you’re telling me I need to break her legs?” Onyx asks Sue with horror.

  “Goddess no! Just realize she’s not going to stay still and relax. It’s not in her nature.” Sue says trying not to cry from laughing so much.

  “Ok little Firefox, we got that ordeal handled and a safe place for everyone. The guests start arriving this evening, so let's get some snacks and watch movies until it’s time to get ready.” Kai says putting his arms around my shoulders and resting his head.

  “If Scott and Onyx are finished, maybe they will come home, and we can all curl up together?” I say giving them puppy eyes and a pouty lip. Both of them start laughing and cursing.

  “We have suckers written all over! Let’s go.” Scott says shaking his head and laughs. They can’t say no to that look! Got to teach the kids that, so they can sucker their fathers into anything.

  The rest of the day flew by, Tenelle, Sue and Tania came with us and we all watched movies while the guys did everything for us. Tank joined after his fun, I made him shower and laughed because I realized what I smell like when I use the mixture on someone. He told us what he was able to get out of the guy. He was a rogue gargoyle from Dartmouth. Other than that, he didn’t have useful information, but Tank told us everything just in case. At 5 pm my stomach wanted food again, even though that’s all I did today was eat. The guys were amazing and did everything. They have worked out a schedule, so that each spends time with me and helps get the little things done too.

  Kai made Chicken and waffles for dinner! I ate 3 helping and I probably would have had another if Scott hadn’t pulled me away and taken me up to get ready to welcome our guests. After my shower and change of clothes, the guys did the same. They were looking amazing in their suits. Scott had a charcoal gray suit on, it was fitted nicely, it hugged his body but was not so tight he couldn’t move comfortably. Onyx had a light gray suit on, it’s the suit his dad used to wear all the time when doing business. It looked amazing on Onyx and again it was fitted just right. Kai was in his dress uniform from the Military. He looked brilliant, we will need to get him a different suit, so he can have this one for special occasions. I wore a light blue strapless dress that went down to the middle of my shins. It was light material and flowed easily.

  As many of the Leaders arrived, many of their members arrived too. The clan had flowers and cards for everyone that came. This is something we do every year, and many of the children gave handmade gifts, like pop-sickle picture frames, ornaments, or drawings. The number for the Welcoming ceremony dwindled as more of the newcomers found their mates with our visitors. I am happy that many of them are gaining a loving mate and family. This is truly going to be a happier ending than I could have hoped for.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Silver Shadow Clan and thank you for coming to join us in the Life Celebration of our many family that have left us for the heavens. This week is to honor the lives of our family of the past. I was requested by the Council of the God’s to give you all their blessings and best wishes for a happier and healthier future. Both my mom, Luna Jessica and my dad, Alpha Kai, send their love to all from the heavens. We have many of the same activities we do every year, and we have new ones. Please take your time and visit both the Memorial Caverns. With recent events, we decided to create a second cavern for those who chose to fight for what was right and gave the ultimate gift to that fight, their lives. They too from this day forward will be remembered and honored. So, with that said let’s start with the Welcoming ritual and the Mating Ceremony. Elder Theodore and Elder Merlin would you please do the honors?” I say and bowing to the Elders as they take center stage.

  The first to be welcomed were Scott and Kai.

cott and Kai, do you hereby promise to protect, love, heal and care for The Silver Shadow Clan?” Elder Theodore asked.

  “I do.” Scott answered first and then Kai … “I do also.”

  “Do you give freely of your strength, wisdom, and honor to better the clan and it’s future?” Elder Merlin asked.

  “I do.” They answered in unison.

  “Do you hear by take the responsibility of Father to the clan members, to teach and lead by example? To own the choices you make and learn from them to better not only the clan but yourself also?” Elder Merlin and Elder Theodore asked.

  “I do.” The guys answered together again.

  “Nimara and Onyx please come forth also. Place your hands over the sacred bowl, when cut, unite your hands to be bound together.” Elder Theodore says. Onyx and I walked over, all four of us placed both hands over the bowl, palms up. A blade appeared and sliced across them, blood started to drip from our cuts into the bowl and swirl with a mixture of oils and the clan’s blood. We then held each other's hands forming a circle.

  “Nimara, please repeat after me.” Elder Theodore says,

  “I, Nimara Simon, Daughter of the goddess Gaia and god Chronos. Here by claim you Onyx Winterclaw, Scott Bennett and Kai Grafton as my mates, my equals, my Alphas and as my balance in this life and in the heavens.” I repeat the oath and then each of the guys do as well. There’s a sudden explosion of energy surrounding all of us. The guy’s eyes start to glow again, Scott’s are yellow, Onyx are a bright green and Kai’s are white. A few seconds later the energy fades and the power of Alpha has been given to the guys.


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