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Dark Celebration 17

Page 6

by Christine Feehan

Josh pushed open the kitchen door and ran. «Alex! There's someone here.»

  At the fear in her younger brother's voice and the danger shimmering in the room, Alexandria whirled around with preternatural speed, her body a blur. The high-speed, souped-up mixer was in her hands, still on. Garlic-cheese mashed potatoes splattered onto the walls and ceiling. One glob hit Mikhail squarely on his left cheekbone. Alexandria gasped aloud and stood frozen, holding the mixer upright-sending more potatoes flying around the room. Her horrified gaze remained fixed on the prince.

  For a long moment there was only the sound of the mixer and the potatoes striking surfaces all over the room-and the prince's wide chest. Josh giggled. Josef let out a strangled cough, and both boys grabbed their midsections and doubled over laughing. The sound galvanized Aidan into action. He waved to knock the power out of the mixer, and moved across the room with dizzying speed to remove the appliance from Alexandria's hands, placing himself between his lifemate and his prince.

  For a moment there was only the sound of the boys' laughter. Alexandria twisted her fingers in the back pocket of Aidan's jeans. I cannot believe I did that. Whatever is he going to think of me?

  It was obvious she was trying to hold back her own laughter even though she was mortified.

  Aidan turned slightly to brush his knuckles down the side of her face gently, all the while keeping a wary eye on the prince. It was a small accident, nothing more, he assured her. He could feel his own laughter bubbling up. It was difficult to stand still and keep a straight face with gobs of cheesy garlic potatoes speckling the prince's clothes and his left cheek.

  Mikhail's mouth twitched and he covered his lips with his hand. «It is unnecessary to stand in front of your lifemate as if I might incinerate her on the spot for decorating my clothing, Aidan.»

  «Is that how I look?» Aidan's eyebrow quirked upward.

  Josh nodded, still laughing. «Like you're going to hit someone.»

  Aidan held up the mixer, aiming it toward Josh. «I am thinking about it.»

  «Point it more toward Josef,» Mikhail suggested.

  Alexandria cleared her throat, trying to sound sincere when she really wanted to laugh. «I'm terribly sorry,» she said aloud to Mikhail. «The mixer got away from me.»

  «You look a great deal like your brother,» Mikhail pointed out as he calmly brushed the potatoes from his face and chest. «Fortunately, I am Carpathian and these things are of little consequence-other than to provide amusement for our younger children.» His black eyes narrowed, turned dangerously green-yellow-a wolf's eyes-glowing as his gaze settled on Josef. A low growl rumbled through the room, impossible to tell where it came from-but distinctive all the same.

  Josef swallowed his laughter and straightened up, moving away from Mikhail. The prince kept his face like stone, although amusement welled up, threatening to spill over. How long since he'd heard the sound of young children laughing? He needed to spend more time with Falcon and Sara's adopted children. The young always brought hope and the ability to see with fresh excitement the world around them. He needed another child in his home, clinging to his leg and looking up at him the way Joshua was looking up at Alexandria.

  Mikhail. Skyler wishes to go home. Do you come back to escort her, or should I? Raven's voice interrupted his thoughts. He had much to do, but so did Raven. «I had hoped to speak with you some more, Aidan, but Skyler is in our home and needs escorting back to her home. I will return as soon as I am assured she is safe.»

  «I was about to go over to see Desari,» Alexandria said quickly. «I can get Skyler safely home. I'd like to walk in the fresh air anyway. I'm a poor cook…»

  Joshua snickered. «She's always been bad. Burns everything.»

  Alexandria tugged on one of his curls in retaliation, laughing softly. «Sadly, it's true. I'm a terrible cook, but perhaps you and Aidan can rescue the potatoes.»

  Mikhail's hand stopped in the act of brushing the last of the white globs away. «Me? Cook?»

  «I can do it,» Josef said. «I've wanted to try out the mixer. Watch this, Josh.» He waved his hand and the bowl of mashed potatoes rose in the air. The bowl jerked awkwardly as it made its way past Aidan toward Josef and Mikhail, almost head level with the prince.

  Aidan caught it before it could get more than halfway across the room. «Alexandria worked hard on this-ah-stuff.»

  «Stuff?» Alexandria echoed. «And it was Josh and Aidan who were supposed to rescue the potatoes.»

  Mikhail stepped back and turned to glare at Josef. «I hope you were not thinking to drop

  that on my head.»

  Joshua erupted into another fit of giggles. «If Alex made it, stuff is a good word to use, Aidan.»

  «Hey now!» Alexandria produced a mock glare. «Pipe down or you'll be doing the cooking.»

  I can escort young Skyler back, Aidan offered.

  I need some peace, Alexandria told him. I love Josh, but the video games, mashed potatoes and Josef are a little much right now. Her mind brushed up against his with love and warmth. I'm perfectly fine. It wasn't altogether true. It was impossible to hide anything from her lifemate, and Aidan was well aware she had faced coming to the Carpathian Mountains with trepidation.

  My only love. I will come with you.

  You will stay and entertain the prince. I really need some alone time. She loved Aidan with all of her heart, every cell in her body-her very soul, but it was sometimes difficult for her to accept that he could know her every thought. It was bad enough that she felt inadequate at times, and very leery of the other Carpathians-it shamed her. She hated that Aidan knew her smallness.

  Not smallness. You have every right to fear for Joshua's safety. Few have been captured by a vampire and survive. Aidan leaned down to press a kiss against the back of her neck. You are my world.

  As you are mine.

  Alexandria flashed a small smile toward the prince. «It's an honor to meet you-even covered with mashed potatoes. Please stay and talk with Aidan. He's been looking forward to some time with you. I'll see that Skyler gets back safely.» Before either man could protest, she smiled brightly at Josh. «Would you like to come with me?» She resisted the urge to send a compulsion against walking with her. She really needed the quiet of the night.

  «Josef and I are playing the new game, Alex,» Josh said. «It's really cool.»

  «I'm so glad you like it! I thought you would.»

  «Alexandria…» Aidan's voice trailed off. He didn't want to further embarrass her by protesting her going alone. It was a short walk to Mikhail's home, and since quite a few Carpathians had returned and were scanning continually for enemies, she should be safe– but… Aidan sighed. He didn't like her out of his sight. «I do not mind walking with you.»

  I just need a little air. I don't know why I'm so nervous around everyone, but I am. I need

  to work things out on my own this time-please, Aidan-understand. Alexandria sent him a flood of reassuring warmth.

  She loved Aidan with all of her heart, but she had always been so independent. In San Francisco, he had seemed more relaxed and easygoing, but since making the trip to his homeland, he'd been on edge. Joshua and Alexandria both were having nightmares, Josh in his sleep, Alexandria just as she was waking. The terrifying dreams were heightening her own fears and that was rousing Aidan's protective instincts, making him try to hold them even closer. She nodded to the prince, blew Aidan a kiss and skirted around the boys, donning her jacket and gloves as she hurried out the door before Aidan could change his mind.

  Alexandria dragged in a lungful of cold, crisp air and turned her face up to the sky. Small snowflakes fluttered down, floating with lazy whirls, turning the sky white and muffling the sounds around them. She held out her hands and opened her mouth to let the flakes drop on her tongue. Life with Aidan was unbelievable. He treated Josh like his own son, and her like a queen. She had no idea why, since coming here, she felt sad and inadequate.

  Even worse than that was her growing fear. It w
as silly and very unlike her, but sometimes she found herself looking into shadows, her heart lurching with dread. It had to be the nightmares, the revulsion she felt whenever she remembered the feel of the vampire's touch, the way his tongue felt rasping on her skin and the pain of his teeth as he tore at her neck. She pressed her hand to the spot burning in her throat. He was dead. Aidan had killed him and he would never be coming back. Not for Josh-and not for her. So why was her throat throbbing in the exact spot the vampire had torn open?

  Alexandria shook her head to clear her mind. This was Christmas and they were going to have a beautiful one. She didn't get snow in San Francisco and Joshua was thrilled with being in the Carpathian Mountains. He'd met so many of the men online and couldn't wait to see them in person. She wasn't going to ruin it for everyone because of silly nightmares.

  Determined, she pushed the too-vivid memories away and began to walk along the faint path leading to the prince's home. She knew the way, had seen it a hundred times in Aidan's head and had memorized every step. He had wanted her to feel comfortable in his homeland and he had shared every memory with her, giving her a virtual map so that she could move around with ease.

  The wind touched her face with gentle fingers, flakes coating her hair. She should have drawn up her hood, but she felt free, excited to be walking in the night surrounded by the thick expanse of forest, breathing in fresh, crisp air, peace stealing into her at last.

  Skyler was waiting impatiently on the porch. «I think it's ridiculous that Gabriel and Lucian don't want me walking around by myself,» she said. «I managed to make it over here all by myself, before anyone noticed I was gone. No one makes Josef wait for an escort.» She wrapped her scarf around her neck and tossed the ends over her shoulders with a small dramatic sniff. «I am so not ever going to have someone telling me what to do all the time.

  Gabriel and Lucian are the worst.»

  Alexandria frowned. «Josef contacted you and teased you about this, didn't he?»

  «He called me a baby. I walked over here by myself and I certainly can walk back by myself.» She dashed her hand across her eyes.

  «Josef can be most annoying, can't he? I think you should make it a priority to ask him to show you how he turns into an owl.»

  Skyler regarded Alexandria with a suddenly thoughtful gaze. «Really? You think I'd enjoy that?»

  Alexandria nodded. «I think it will make your day.»

  A slow smile lit up Skyler's face. «Thanks for the tip. Raven says hello. I think her turkey gravy wasn't coming out the way she wanted.»

  «Neither did my mashed potatoes. At the moment, the prince is wearing them.»

  Skyler halted abruptly and blinked up at Alexandria. «Wearing them? The potatoes? Did you throw them at him?» A slow smile transformed her face. «I wish I could have been there.»

  «I wish I hadn't been there. Josh ran to me frightened and I turned around, forgetting I had a high-speed mixer in my hand, a mixer Josh and Josef had revved up for me. The potatoes splattered all over Mikhail.»

  She met Skyler's gaze and they both burst into laughter. The sound drifted through the forest, rising upward to meet the floating snowflakes. Somewhere an owl hooted, the sound lonely. A wolf answered, the howl long and drawn out, as if he might be calling to a long-gone pack.

  «Alexandria,» Skyler said, and abruptly fell silent.

  Something in her voice caught Alexandria's immediate attention. «What is it?»

  Skyler shrugged, attempting to look casual. «A silly question really. Do you ever hear the earth screaming?»

  «Screaming? The earth?» Alexandria echoed.

  «I know it sounds crazy. I shouldn't have said anything, but sometimes»-she wasn't about to admit how often since she'd been in the Carpathian Mountains-«I hear screaming.»

  Alexandria shook her head. «I've never experienced that. Have you talked to Francesca

  about it?»

  Skyler shrugged. «I'm probably being silly. I do that a lot, sort of a leftover childhood thing.»

  The wolf howled again, and this time another answered it. It sounded like a challenge. Alexandria glanced into the darkened forest interior, a small shiver running down her spine. She began to walk faster.

  «I played your new video game,» Skyler said. «It was awesome. Josh and Josef and I play late at night online. Some of the men join in too. I'm just as fast as Josef. Gabriel thinks it's because he and Francesca gave me their blood, but I think it's because I can focus so well. I have the ability to just go into my mind and it's like I'm in the game. Josh told me you were working on something special for us. Is it finished yet?»

  Alexandria pressed a hand to her burning throat. The nonexistent wound throbbed as if it was still raw and the cold affected it. «Almost. I was hoping to give it to Josh for Christmas, but I wanted to tweak it a little bit. The graphics are almost too real. I think I may tone them down a bit. Do you play with others beside Carpathians on the internet?» She knew Joshua wanted to, but she didn't allow him the contact with anyone on the internet other than the Carpathians Aidan knew.

  «Josef does. He plays all sorts of games with people from all over the world. He has a really high ranking. He's really good on a computer too. He can hack into anything-at least he says he can. Once he hacked into some Russian site he swore was a message center for a group of assassins for hire.»

  Alexandria frowned. «Is he telling these stories to Josh?»

  «Probably. Josh really looks up to him because he's so good at video games.»

  «Great. That's my fault.»

  Leaves rustled and branches hit together with a muffled clack. The sound sent a shiver down Alexandria's spine. The path to the house where Gabriel and Francesca were staying was little used and much more overgrown than the trail leading to the home of the prince. Alexandria tried to watch the forest, but there were rocks and long stems from wild bushes making the ground uneven and treacherous. If Skyler hadn't been with her, she would have taken to the air and returned home.

  «Josef is going to get himself into trouble. Hackers can be traced.»

  «I told him that.» Skyler deliberately stepped on several small puddles so that the thin ice crunched beneath her feet and cracks veined out toward the expanse of snow-covered ground. For good measure she jumped onto the next one, splattering ice and dirt out onto the snow. «He thinks because he's Carpathian he's invincible.»

  «Well, he isn't.» Alexandria tried not to look at the spreading mud over the pristine snow. It looked too much like the long shadowed arm reaching for her-reaching for victims-in her nightmares. She took a deep breath, trying to push down the familiar dread building. Movement caught her eye and she glanced once more toward the forest. She was sure she saw a large wolf slinking along parallel to them.

  «What is it?» Skyler asked. She had gone suddenly silent as well, her gaze sweeping the forest as if she too sensed an enemy.

  «I don't know, honey, but take my hand.»

  Skyler swallowed hard, staring at the gloved hand. «I'm sorry. I can't. I never touch people. I feel everything they're feeling and I overload.»

  Alexandria dropped her arm to her side. «I'm the one who is sorry. Don't look so distressed. I should have remembered that about you. Just stay closer to me. Has Gabriel or Francesca ever flown with you before?»

  «Of course. I'm not afraid of it. I like to fly. Did you see something?»

  «I'm not certain, but if I did, I want to be able to get into the air fast.»

  Skyler took a careful look around. «I don't see anything.»

  «Neither do I-now? Aidan. I'm a little uneasy. I thought I saw a wolf, but I don't know for certain. I'm going to get Skyler to safety, but meet me at Gabriel's house. I don't want to come home alone. I will be there. Aidan's voice was warm, reassuring. Do not take chances, Alexandria. Gabriel or Lucian will be coming to meet you.

  I don't know them. She sent her preternatural senses out into the region around her, trying to ferret out anything that m
ight be the scent of an enemy. Wolves were abundant in the forest, but stayed away from the Carpathians. Many of the men had a preference for shifting into wolves. Seeing one shouldn't be enough to trigger her alarm system, but it was shrieking at her.

  «We challenged the males to a paintball game,» Skyler said, continuing walking toward the cabin. «It was Josef's idea and should be fun, but Josh and I can't shapeshift and neither can the other children. I told Francesca we need rules. Like no shifting and no communication between the males; otherwise, they have too big of an advantage, don't you think so?»

  Leaves rustled again, just a whisper of sound. A twig broke. Alexandria turned her head toward the sound. «There's no wind. Something or someone is moving in the trees just to our left, Skyler. I think we should take to the air. I thought I glimpsed a wolf again through the trees. He was quite large, and moving at our pace, but it could have been my imagination.»


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