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The Growing Years (The Angel Chronicles Book 3)

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by Mary May

  Saving Gideon

  (The Angel Chronicles)

  The Growing Years


  Mary May

  Copyright © 2014 Mary Heath

  All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and for review purposes. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locations are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 1

  Charlie raced to the front door of the estate. “Mommy and daddy are home! Hurry!” Cleo laughed and hurried over to open it before Charlie hurt herself trying to open the massive front door. Sabrina and Devon were just returning from their week-long honeymoon cruise to Hawaii. Cleo opened the door and Charlie raced out screaming like a wild child toward her mother, who had dropped to her knees to receive her child. Charlie crashed into her so hard they both nearly toppled over from the impact.

  “Oh, baby, I have missed you so much! Were you good?”

  Charlie nodded her head. “Uh huh. I was real good, Mama. What did you bring me?”

  Sabrina laughed and got to her feet, while Devon got their bags from the back of his truck.

  “Hey, Charlie girl, don’t I get a hello hug?” Charlie ran over and lifted her arms so Devon could pick her up and hug her tightly.

  “I was real good; so what did you bring me, Daddy?” Devon didn’t think he would ever get tired of hearing Charlie call him daddy. It was an honor he only hoped he could live up to.

  “Well, now, let’s go ask Cleo and make sure just how good you really were first!” he teased.

  Cleo came down the steps hugging Sabrina then Devon. “Oh, she was fine, just fine, except for missing both of you with every breath. It’s good to have you back.”

  They went inside to escape the chilly November wind. “Wow, it’s hard to adjust from Hawaii’s mid-eighties to forty degrees here at home, but I’m too glad to be home to care what the temperature is!” Sabrina exclaimed. “Where is Edgar?”

  Cleo grabbed a suitcase as they headed up the stairs.

  “Oh, he is in his room, been holed up in there all day, doing Lord knows what.” When they got to Sabrina and Devon’s room, Cleo asked her if she had anything that needed to be washed right away.

  “Oh, no, all that can wait until tomorrow, Cleo. Let’s just throw this stuff in a corner and go relax. I have a ton of pictures to show you.”

  Charlie ran down the hall to bang on Edgar’s door. “They are back! Mommy and Daddy are back!”

  Edgar opened his door. “What are you yelling about, Miss Charlie?”

  Charlie bounced up and down. “Mommy is home! Daddy is home! Come see!” Edgar laughed gruffly. “Alright, I’ll be down in a moment. You run along.”

  Charlie streaked off down the hall toward the den. Edgar closed his door and looked at the angel who was looking intently over the blueprints of the estate. Gideon was pointing out weak areas that needed to be watched carefully for any minions that might try to sneak in.

  “How can you guard Charlie when you’re not always in the same room with her?” Edgar questioned. Gideon looked up surprised.

  “What? Oh, I just have to be in near proximity. I have an internal radar, so to speak; if she is in danger, I’ll feel it.”

  Edgar frowned. “What if it happens suddenly?”

  Gideon shrugged. “Fast, slow, it doesn’t matter. I’ll get to her in time.”

  The butler sat down at the table with a look of deep concentration on his face.

  “So, do you protect her from all harm or just life-threatening ones?”

  The big angel looked at Edgar, puzzled.

  “Why are you asking me all of this now? It’s been four years.”

  It was Edgar’s turn to shrug. “I don’t know. I have always wondered; just couldn’t think to ask. There always seemed to be something else going on that was more important.”

  Gideon sat down after rolling up the blueprints carefully. It was obvious there wasn’t going to be any more defense planning tonight. “Ok, this is how it works. Everyone has a certain number of knocks, bruises or injuries they are supposed to sustain. There could be a lesson they are supposed to learn from it or it’s a life experience that will be important later on. Some are just not that serious, so we let nature take its course. I am guilty of protecting Charlie too much. I have stepped in many times when I should have let her fall. But we also both know this isn’t my usual day job, so I’m learning as I go. My primary job is to be there to protect her from anything that would cut her life short or interfere with God’s plan for her life.”

  Charlotte suddenly stepped into the room. “Whew! That was some trip! Hawaii was beautiful, but it’s good to be home. How have things been here? Any problems?”

  Edgar shook his head. “No, it’s been quiet here. How was the honeymoon cruise?”

  Charlotte frowned as she rubbed her stomach. “It was fine except I discovered I don’t have a sailor’s tummy.”

  Edgar smiled then told Gideon about Charlotte’s troubles on the ship. Gideon snorted in laughter, slapping the table.

  “Her, too? Man, I would rather face a pack of minions with my right wing tied down than to ever have to get back on an airplane.”

  Edgar then repeated Gideon’s comment to Charlotte. Her face brightened when she realized that Gideon had travel troubles, too.

  “Why is that, I wonder?” Edgar turned to Gideon and asked.

  “I have no idea, but let me tell you it was a humbling experience for this angel. I had a lot more sympathy for the morning sickness that Sabrina went through with Charlie. No fun at all!”

  Edgar again passed along the message. Charlotte giggled, nodding in agreement.

  “So are we going to bring Devon’s guardian in now? He said after the honeymoon we would.” Sighing deeply and feeling very much put upon, Edgar turned to Gideon to relay that question. Gideon was silent as he considered Charlotte’s question. He had made the decision to wait until they got back to have Edgar approach the guardian; he supposed now was as good a time as any. He looked at Edgar, who was already giving him a very unhappy look.

  “Ok, old man. You’re on!”

  Edgar went into the den and greeted Sabrina and Devon all the while he was sweeping the room looking for Devon’s guardian. The big angel wasn’t in the den, so he looked out in the hall and still didn’t see him. Gideon gave him a “Where is he?” look. Edgar shrugged slightly, shaking his head. He walked into the kitchen, passed through into the sunroom, but no guardian. Edgar stopped in the den one more time to look around and to see if anyone needed anything. Then they headed back to his room. Gideon and Charlotte stop short behind Edgar when he suddenly stopped short after he opened the door. He found the missing angel standing in his room. Edgar drew himself to his full height and glared at the intruder.

  “What are you doing in here?” he demanded. The angel crossed his arms and stared down at Edgar, much like Gideon was prone to do, but Gideon never looked at him like that.

  “I was saving
you the trouble of convincing me to come in here. This is much easier, don’t you agree?”

  Edgar looked at Gideon. “He is here already, and apparently he knows I can see him.”

  Gideon frowned fiercely. “Describe him to me.”

  Edgar looked at the angel then back at Gideon. “He looks much like Devon, big with shoulder-length blonde hair and an attitude; oh, and his wings are black, too.”

  Gideon groaned, rolling his eyes toward the heavens. “Zareck? Oh, you have got to be kidding me!”

  Edgar looked quickly back at him. “Why do you say that?” He rubbed the back of his neck wearily.

  “Let’s just say I’m not exactly the first warrior angel to be reassigned. Zareck was the commander over the Lord’s armies before me, but he was demoted after ignoring God’s command and doing things his own way. His bad attitude isn’t exactly a new thing.”

  Edgar looked at him, his eyes resigned. “No, this is not going to be good at all.” Zareck looked at Edgar, his face looking like a thundercloud. “Who are you speaking with, human?”

  The old butler just shook his head ruefully before responding.

  “One of your old friends, actually… Gideon the Mighty!”

  “Gideon is here? In this realm?” Zareck asked.

  Edgar shook his head at the warrior.

  “Gideon is here… in this room. He is young Charlie’s guardian.” The blond angel paced the floor, rubbing his chin with a smug expression.

  “So Gideon, too, has been demoted. That didn’t take nearly as long as I had expected.

  “Hate to break this to you, but Gideon’s reassignment is only temporary; he has to guard Charlie then he has his position back.”

  “What is he saying, Edgar?” Gideon asked.

  Turning back to his friend, Edgar shook his head. “Oh, he didn’t say anything worth repeating.” He then turned and looked back at the other warrior in the room. “He had the wrong impression of your reassignment, but I clarified.”

  “What kind of wrong impression?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “Why can’t you tell me now?”

  “Really, now is not the time.

  “But… I’m standing right here!”

  Edgar turned around frustrated. “Yes, warrior, and so is he. While your life may be immortal mine, on the other hand, is not; and while I may have precious little time left on this earth, I would like to enjoy it in one piece! So, we will discuss this later.” Eyeing Gideon meaningfully, he turned back to the other overbearing warrior in the room. “God, deliver me.” He grumbled. Then he turned his attention back to Zareck.

  “The reason we have contacted you is because of the recent attacks on the estate. I’m sure you are aware of the increase in demonic activity?” Zareck walked back to stand in front him, taking his “warrior” stance with his arms crossed over his broad chest and a snotty look on his face.

  “It has not escaped my attention, but I question what it has to do with me.”

  That was not what Edgar expected him to say at all. “I would think being your human is a part of this household that it has everything to do with you, does it not?”

  “Not especially; my job is to protect Devon and that is all. He has not been bothered.”

  Edgar shook his head in disbelief. “Devon hasn’t been bothered yet…the power word in that sentence was ‘yet.’ If we don’t find out why they are coming here and stop them, every human in the estate is in danger.”

  Zareck smiled mockingly. “So let me guess, old man. Gideon’s plan is to round up all the guardians and play war with the minions?” He laughed loudly at the thought.

  Edgar turned back to Gideon, grabbed his arm and pulled him out into the hallway.

  “What is he saying? Is he concerned about the minion activity?” Gideon asked.

  Edgar looked up at his friend ruefully. “I don’t think concerned is the exact word I would use. He said that his priority is Devon; as long as Devon isn’t being bothered, then he isn’t concerned at all.”

  Charlotte gasped. “How can he not be worried? We have no idea what the dark side is planning, and his human is living here, along with his wife and stepchild. He has to be concerned!”

  Edgar sighed, shaking his head. “I assure you he isn’t.”

  Gideon wasn’t surprised in the least at his former commander’s attitude. He actually would have been more surprised if he were concerned. He paced the hallway, pinching the bridge of his nose, wishing for the millionth time that he could see the other angels. Suddenly he heard the voice of the Lord speak to him.

  “Ask me.”

  Gideon stood still in surprise. “Ask you what, my Lord?”

  “Ask me for what it is that you have need of.” Hardly believing his ears, Gideon spoke what he had just been thinking.

  “My Lord, I feel that I would be better able to protect the child and this family if I were able to see and communicate with the other angels. I have no need to see every angel, only the ones that hold a guardianship over this family. I understand the reason why this is usually not permitted; however, I feel this situation may be unique.”

  The Lord responded, “I agree.”

  Suddenly Gideon felt a tingling in his eyes. He rubbed them for a minute. When he looked up, he saw Edgar and a female angel that had to be Charlotte. Charlotte was rubbing her eyes, too, and gasped as Gideon appeared before her.

  “What happened? I can see you! Can you see me?” she whispered, holding her arms and hands out like she might disappear. She walked up to Gideon and gently touched his arm.

  “You’re real!” Tears of joy filled her eyes as she bowed her head.

  Gideon looked up toward heaven and thanked God for giving them this gift. Then he turned to Edgar and Charlotte, explaining what had happened. Edgar looked skeptical at first then relieved.

  “Thank God! Now you can speak to them for yourself. I may actually get some rest at night.”

  Gideon smiled, but then he sobered. “Yes, and if you will both excuse me, the very first angel I would like to speak to myself is standing in the other room.” With a determined look in his eyes he walked back into Edgar’s room.

  Zareck was standing with his back turned staring out of the window. Gideon saw him rubbing his eyes as well. He couldn’t stop the small smirk that crossed his face knowing he was really about to throw the former commander for a loop.

  “Zareck, I need to speak with you.” The other warrior visibly started at the sound of Gideon’s deep voice. He whirled around with his hand on the handle of his sword.

  “How can this be? How is it that I can see you?”

  Gideon walked over and, taking the pose that Zareck favored, he looked at him. “Because I asked the Most High for this favor, and He granted it to me.”

  Zareck’s eyes narrowed. “Why would he grant this to you? Why was your request approved?”

  Gideon cocked his head slightly. “I would imagine it was because He could see the situation warranted it. Now I need to make sure that you and I understand one another. The safety of everyone in this house is at serious risk. You and I are the only guardians with any kind of combat training, although Charlotte is surprisingly skilled as well. We have to teach the other guardians.”

  Zareck laughed with contempt. “We? The last order I was issued was to guard one human. One. The rest are none of my concern. I believe I was clear when I told the old man that earlier.”

  Gideon felt his jaw muscle start to tic. “Edgar. You know his name is Edgar. You will address him with respect. Your assignment was to protect Devon, and by protecting the rest of the household, you will be doing exactly that.”

  “I think you forget we are not in the heavens any longer. I think you forget that you are no longer commander over anything but one small child. I think you forget yourself, Gideon the Mighty.” The two warriors squared off at each other, neither backing down.

  “I forget nothing, Zareck. I have not forgotten that my assignment
was to protect Charlie, and by protecting the rest of the family I am following my orders. I also have not forgotten that the very reason you are here and not leading the heavenly warriors any longer is because you failed to follow orders. Repeatedly. Have you not learned from your mistakes?”

  The blonde warrior sneered. “I did not make a mistake! Had I followed my orders, we all would have been defeated and the battle lost. My decision was a sound one. I still stand by it.”

  Gideon shook his head in disbelief. “Do you not remember that I was there? I was your second in command. I knew exactly what the stakes were, and I knew what our assignment was that day! You going off on your own was the very reason…”

  “Are you two going to circle each other like bulls in a pasture all night? If so, take it elsewhere; this is still my room and I’m tired.”

  Gideon looked at Edgar and nodded. “Yes, I’m all done here. We can talk in the morning.”

  Zareck stalked out without another word, very nearly trampling Charlotte who had to move quickly to keep from being run over.

  “Wow, has he always been in such a bad mood?” she asked.

  Gideon nodded. “As long as I’ve known him, which has been forever.”

  Edgar shook his head. “I thought you angels were all supposed to be… I don’t know…angelic? From what I have seen, none of you exactly fit the classic mold.”

  Charlotte looked at him, frowning. “I beg your pardon! I feel that I fit the mold very well, thank you!”

  Edgar didn’t reply. He just gave a pointed look to her bare feet.

  “Oh… so I don’t like to wear shoes. That doesn’t make me less of an angel, does it?”

  Edgar instantly regretted the sad look he had placed on the pretty angel’s face. “Not at all. I just meant that we, and by we I mean us humans, have been given a certain…expectation of what angels should be like. Now we could have been given false information and, to be honest, I like that each of you is different, with your own personalities and quirks. But I still felt that you would all have a set of behaviors and standards that just come standard issue with the wings. That’s really what I was referring to, dear Charlotte. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way.”


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