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The Growing Years (The Angel Chronicles Book 3)

Page 19

by Mary May

  Baylor finally felt his wrists slip through the bonds and he was free. The demons they had placed inside as guards were not very big, but they were vicious. Heavily muscled in the neck and shoulders with long arms and dagger-like claws, they were not to be taken lightly, and he hadn’t even thought about their mouthful of teeth yet. He faked a coughing fit so he could scoot closer to Anthony. Shifting his right wing as much as he could, he slipped his hand over and started working on his bonds.

  Leia watched Baylor closely. She knew he had broken free. She wondered how she could get him to look up without alerting the guards. Suddenly she knew. She started singing praise songs, any that she could think of that had the words “look up” in them. After the fourth one Anthony finally got the hint and looked up. He got the message to Baylor who got it to Raphael and then Skye.

  Once all four of the male guardians were free, the warriors on the roof came crashing in. Baylor and Anthony protected the women as they freed them, yelling for the warriors to throw them weapons. The battle was intense with everyone fighting with everything they had. Leia and Evie tried to keep their backs to one another as they swung their swords, leveling any demons foolish enough to consider them easy targets. Skye and Raphael used Skye’s hulking frame to their advantage. He would corner the demons and Raphael would swoop in and finish them off. Baylor, Anthony and Donavan took an every-angel-for-himself approach and started swinging. Every skill that Gideon had mercilessly drilled into them came into play time and again. For every attack the enemy would make, he had taught them a counter attack. For every offensive move, a defensive move. It was almost like they knew what moves the demons would try next because of all the practicing.

  Less than thirty minutes later every demon there was either dispatched back to hell or had run. When the angels realized that they were the only ones left standing, they all let out a victory roar and gave praises to God. The warriors complimented the guardians on their sword skills, impressed that even the women had held their own.

  “Gideon drilled us until we couldn’t stand up and then he really got serious about it,” Raphael said with a grimace.

  Zekial and several others laughed. “We feel your pain; trust me, been there done that.”

  They hurried into the room where they had last seen Gideon tied above the vat. All of the guardians stopped and stared in horror at the empty wire shackles. Evie and Leia screamed, turning away, their faces white with shock.

  “Oh, no! Oh, merciful Creator, no! We are too late!” Baylor rushed to the side of the vat, but the heat drove him back. He went to his knees, looking at the others in absolute despair.

  Zekial looked at the guardians in concern. “What? What is wrong? Where was Gideon being kept?”

  None of them said a word. They all just looked up to the empty bloody shackles that swayed above the boiling vat.

  It was a heartbroken and shattered troop that landed back on the roof at Sabrina and Devon’s.

  “So what will happen now? Will Charlie be assigned a new guardian?” Evie asked Zekial. He shook his head, still looking shell-shocked at the news that his commander wouldn’t be returning to them…ever! Once Baylor had told him about the vat and the demon that had been thrown inside, he had felt sick.

  “I honestly don’t know; to my knowledge this has never happened before. I would assume that she would be given a new guardian. It would make sense.”

  “How can this be? Surely you’re mistaken? We are immortal! We cannot die!” The pain in Tomora’s voice was echoed in every heart that heard his anguished cry.

  “I wish I was…I would give anything to be mistaken, but I know what I saw. What we all saw. The demon never regenerated. It was mixed in with the boiling metal.” Donavan lifted sad eyes to the group of warriors.

  “They used to be angels; their body compounds and chemistry is the same as ours. If he didn’t regenerate, then…”

  “Don’t say it! Do not say it! I can’t believe that someone as strong as Gideon can’t come back! I refuse to believe that!” Charlotte broke down in ragged sobs as Skye held her, unable to offer her any words of comfort. Evie and Leia came and took her from him, wrapping their arms and wings around her. Of all the angels there, Charlotte had grown the closest to Gideon, but they all felt his loss deeply and grieved.

  Raphael approached Zekial later that night. Most of the warriors had returned to the heavens, but a few remained behind, mostly those that had fought closely with Gideon and wanted to honor his memory in some way. The other guardians had returned to their humans, so it was just a few left.

  “They told me that Zareck was the one that told you Gideon needed help.”

  Zekial nodded, his head staring out at the stars that filled the night sky. “Yes, he actually risked a great deal coming to me the way he did. I can’t help but think if he had only come to me sooner…” He trailed off gripping his sword in a death grip that clearly showed his deeply-felt emotion.

  “So where is he now?” Raphael asked.

  “Where is who now?” Zekial looked at him blankly, his mind clearly not on their conversation.

  “Where is Zareck? Did they detain him in the heavens?”

  “No. Isn’t he here? Guarding his human?” Zekial demanded.

  “No one has seen him since right after the attack. Charlotte said he showed up and she sent him after us. You were the last one to see him.”

  Zekial got to his feet and called out to Tomora and Cameron. “Zareck is missing. He, too, may have been captured and taken to another location. We need to assemble a search party and…” He broke off as he saw something in the night sky. Raising his arm, he pointed.

  “What is that?” Everyone turned to look and it took a few moments to understand what they were seeing. It was Zareck, and he was having trouble flying. As he drew closer, they saw the reason why…he was carrying Gideon!

  The rooftop filled with shouts of joy and relief as Zareck landed then stumbled to his knees, spilling his precious cargo. Gideon was burned in a few places and his wings had definitely seen better days, but he was alive! Everyone rushed to see him. Charlotte ran over, shoving everyone else aside, and fell to her knees beside him, tears tracking down her face as she looked at him. With trembling hands, she reached out and touched a fingertip to his arm then shoulder and at last cupped his face in her palm.

  “Gideon?” she whispered.

  He smiled weakly, taking her hand into his.

  “I knew it. I told them you couldn’t be gone,” she declared.

  “I almost was. If wasn’t for Zareck, I would have been.” His voice sounded rough like he had swallowed broken glass.

  Everyone looked at Zareck for the story. At Gideon’s nod to go ahead, he told them what had happened.

  “I found the mill but I knew we needed help and a lot of it, so I went and found the warriors. I knew if I told them Gideon needed them, they would come because he inspires that kind of loyalty.” He raised his hand when they all started to protest.

  “I wasn’t saying it to be confrontational; I was saying it because it is true. That’s what makes him a true leader, more so than I ever was. Being here with him and watching him train guardians as if they were warriors and even females showed me what a true commander does. He leads, whatever it is that is given to him to lead.”

  “That’s beautiful, Z, really, but how did you save Gideon?” Skye’s less-than-impressed tone got a chuckle out of everyone.

  “After I left the heavens, I circled back to flank Zekial and the other warriors. I didn’t want them to be ambushed from behind. As I was coming up on the mill, I saw everyone running inside going in every entrance except one. When I looked to see what was behind door number one, I saw Gideon swinging back and forth over the vat. About the time that I figured out what he was trying to do, I saw the wires that were holding him up snap. A few gasps could be heard as they stared at him with wide eyes.

  “How did you get to him in time?” Cameron asked.

  This tim
e Gideon supplied the answer. “By flying faster than I ever thought was possible and knocking me clear of the vat. My wings still got dragged through the top layer of it, but I owe my life to Zareck.”

  He would never forget that moment when he thought all was lost. Hearing the wire snap and feeling his body plummet toward the molten metal wasn’t the most terrifying moment -- it was the thought that came after…that he had failed Charlie. When Zareck’s body had slammed into his and he felt his wings being dragged though the boiling metal, Gideon had thrashed with all his strength. Zareck held on in spite of being splattered with hot metal himself. He didn’t let Gideon fall. The smell of scorched flesh was one he hoped to never smell again. The remaining warriors all stood and as one they brought their arms across their chests and bowed their heads before Zareck, showing their appreciation for what he did. The guardians stood and bowed low, letting the tips of their wings sweep the floor, all except for Charlotte, who simply walked over and hugged him tightly.

  In just a few days both Gideon and Zareck were healed of their injuries, at least the physical ones. They still had some personal issues that needed some healing. After putting off the matter, Gideon decided that it was best to get it over with. He found his former commander leaning against the barn wall watching Devon show the boys how to clean their saddles.

  “Zareck? Do you have a moment?” Gideon turned and left the barn, waiting for Zareck to follow him outside.

  He didn’t say anything. He just looked at Gideon, clearly waiting for him to make the first move.

  Running his hands over his face, he paced for a moment, searching for the right words. Finally he said what he felt. “I was wrong, Zareck, and I’m sorry.”

  Folding his arms over his chest, the warrior studied him at length through narrowed eyes before he replied. “Wrong about what…exactly?”

  Gideon shook his head. “You’re not going to make this easy, are you? I was clearly wrong about a lot of things, but in particular I was wrong about the reason you left Devon unprotected.”

  That statement brought Zareck’s arm up and his finger pointing directly into Gideon’s face in a flash. “Let’s get one thing straight -- he was never unprotected. I thought I made that clear! He may not have been watched over by me, but he was in fine hands with you and your crew. I have never left him when he wasn’t.” Zareck’s fierce scowl left no doubt in Gideon’s mind that was the truth. Zareck continued to look at him expectantly, so he knew more was needed.

  “I was also wrong about thinking that you weren’t a team player. In the end you proved to be a valuable asset. If I haven’t said it yet, thank you for saving my hide…literally.” Gideon’s apologies and appreciation went a long way in easing the lines of tension between them.

  Zareck growled under his breath before offering a few of his own. “Look, I meant what I said when I told you we can’t all be like you, Gideon. My path is my own to walk, but that doesn’t mean it won’t get me to the same place yours does. I may have different methods and you don’t have to approve of them, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong. I’m aware of what they say about me, the ‘demoted commander,’ the loose cannon that can’t follow orders.” Gideon opened his mouth to dispute what he was saying, but Zareck held him off with a raised hand.

  “Don’t even try. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not blind, nor deaf, and I’m certainly not stupid. I have had a lot of time to come to terms with some hard facts about myself, most of which I didn’t like, but I’ve accepted them. Did I deserve to lose my position? Yes. Did I do it to myself? Yes. Would I do it again if given the chance? No.”

  At that Gideon couldn’t keep silent any longer. “Why? What has changed that you wouldn’t try to stop the crucifixion?”

  Zareck’s eyes drifted to where Devon was coming out of the barn followed by the boys. He nodded his head toward them. “Because of that right there, the love of a father for his child. I may not feel it personally, but I see it for what it is. A tangible bond that even mankind as messed up as they are can actually get right sometimes. If they can feel it, how much more then does the heavenly Father? Once I understood that, I knew why Calvary had to happen and why what I almost did would have been such a travesty.”

  Gideon wasn’t sure how to respond to that. He was having a hard time admitting how badly he had misjudged Zareck. He was spared having to say anything when Charlotte stepped from behind the barn.

  “I’m glad you understand that at least, but tell me this: Why did you have to be so mean all the time? You fought Gideon over every little thing and in general were a giant pain in the …”

  “Charlotte!” Gideon interjected, quickly putting his hand over her mouth.

  She swatted it away in irritation, rolling her eyes. “Foot, Gideon…I was going to say foot!”

  Gideon eyed her skeptically while Zareck’s lips twitched. Charlotte crossed her arms and glared at both of them, swishing her wings in frustration. “Well, I was!”

  Finally Zareck broke into a full smile, not a mocking smile that was more of a tightening of his lips, but a full-on teeth-showing reached-all-the-way-up-to-his-eyes smile. The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Charlotte stared, completely transfixed as he chuckled.

  “Charlotte, you were right in whatever you were going to say, and to answer your question, I behaved that way because honestly it was expected of me. Gideon can tell you I have never exactly been pleasant company to keep, but I will try to do better. So I ask for your forgiveness as well.”

  Looking at him with as much doubt as he looked at her earlier, Charlotte nodded. “Ok, but you don’t mind if I wait until after the risk-free ninety-day trial run to send my check, do you?”

  Smiling slightly at her TV infomercial reference, Zareck shook his head. “Not at all.”

  Chapter 14

  Two years later…

  Charlie bounced along in her truck singing at the top of her lungs some random Christmas carol as she drove to the local feed store for horse feed. School was out on break and once more she was relaxed in knowing for the next couple of weeks she was free to do whatever.

  Gideon sat beside her with what he was sure was a pained expression. Charlie Blakely had some skills and talents that were noteworthy. However, singing was not one of them. The girl couldn’t carry a tune with both hands and a bucket, and the truly sad part was she loved to sing. She had a good memory for lyrics and could hear a song only once or twice and have it memorized but was as tone deaf as a rock. He sent up a prayer of gratitude when he saw the feed store up ahead.

  Pulling into the parking lot, she grabbed her wallet and cell phone then jumped out of the truck, hitting the lock button on the key remote. She patted the fender of “Mac-daddy” fondly. Once she and the giant truck had worked some things out, they got along rather well.

  Stepping inside, she breathed deeply the smell of leather and sweet feed and old store. It was her favorite place to shop. Take her to the mall and she was miserable; take her to the feed store or the local county co-op and she was in heaven. She had accepted her weirdness a long time ago. Walking quickly, she hit her favorite aisle, the tack aisle. Looking at her phone, she gave herself twenty minutes to window shop before she had to get back home. After a few minutes she spotted a gorgeous bridle that would look so pretty on Stormy, and wouldn’t it figure it was hung on the top peg! Stretching high up on her tiptoes, she tried to reach it, but her fingers just barely brushed the leather.

  “Shoot! Sometimes, I wish Devon were my real daddy! I bet I wouldn’t be so short!” she muttered as she tried again. This time a long arm attached to a tan hand reached over her head and easily lifted the bridle down, bringing it down to eye level for her. Startled, Charlie stepped back and right onto someone’s boots!

  “Oh, my gosh! I’m sorry! Are you ok?” She looked up into a pair of amused hazel eyes framed by long dark lashes that had no business being on a guy.

  “I think I’ll survive. Is this what you were reaching for?”
Realizing he was still holding the bridle out for her, Charlie grabbed it.

  “Yes! Thank you, I was cursed with a short DNA strand.” Those hazel eyes drifted down her frame then back up to her eyes.

  “I wouldn’t say you were short, feminine and petit, perhaps, but never short.” Tipping his Stetson at her, he smiled. “I’m Logan. Do you live around here?”

  “Hi, I’m Charlie Blakely, and yes, I do. We have a small farm a few miles south of town.”

  “Charlie, is it? That’s an interesting name for a girl,” Logan teased.

  “Oh, it’s a nickname, short for Charlotte. Thanks for getting the bridle for me.” Charlie slipped the bridle over her shoulder and started to walk away when Logan spoke once more.

  “So, maybe I will see you again sometime?” He gave her what he thought was an irresistible smile, but then it was followed by a frown when Charlie looked at him unfazed.

  “I guess so. I’m usually here a couple of times a week. Thanks again.” Then she waved and walked off, leaving him standing there. Gideon couldn’t help but chuckle at the poor guy’s bewildered expression. It really wasn’t his fault. He had no way of knowing that the beautiful young lady he had just hit on with all his best moves didn’t see anyone that wasn’t Nate Jackson…

  Later that week she joined Lakyn at their favorite burger joint downtown. Charlie went for the better-than-anything double chocolate shakes; Lakyn went to boy watch.

  “Come on, Charlie! He is so cute! Give me one reason why you wouldn’t go out with him! Just one!” Lakyn looked at her like she was seven different kinds of crazy, and Charlie was starting to think maybe she was. The guy she had pointed out was definitely cute, but then again so were puppies.


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